


Web Journal Friday 27th October 2006

1. Below are copies of two Emails I sent to tenant management and the police in the middle of the night and later today after reviewing the evidence collected as described. This reflects exceptional reporting in exceptional circumstances about extreme abuse which continues without abatement. Those so engaged evidently feel that they can carry on with impunity and no restraint from anyone regarding fundamental standards. The first Email is a copy of the one I sent to the police at 0600 which contains a copy of the Email I had sent to tenant management shortly before 0500. I did not want call out the emergency services as explained and felt that this was the best way to deal with this ongoing problem.

The seriousness and character of the events which occurred between 0330 and 0345 from below my bedroom including comments about "He's up" as noted and the ongoing surveillance technology verbal abuse caused me to send the first Email to tenant management at the time these events were occurring while fresh in my mind. Between 0500 and 0530 there were continuous noises on the floor above which again caused me to send an Email to the police with a copy of my earlier Email to tenant management.

Later in the day after reviewing the evidence as described below, I sent a third Email about this situation within an overview context to reinforce once again what was going on and some of what had been reported during all these eight plus years of unlawful and criminal harassment using surveillance technology as a lethal weapon in the hands of the tenants, tenant management and others.

This evening while I was in the bathroom, I heard a male from the Walkway talking with a female close by. He said that everything was all right; he would get back to her; and that "He's broken down." This indicated to me as it does frequently by these kinds of public discussions which occur in the proximity of my front door and bathroom window, that the vigilante activity and smear and fear campaign being carried out by those using the surveillance technology is disseminated publicly throughout the environment. This too is well documented with a significant number of examples.

Those using the surveillance technology as occurred last night and as occurs every night in a similar manner are making every effort to "break him down" as has been frequently stated by them for many years. They have been using the surveillance technology 24/7 for over eight years in order to break down and destroy a human being. This has not worked. For years they have been making claims that "he's breaking down" or "he's broken down" when these are preposterously false and remain so. I document these statements which try to create a misrepresentation in other people's minds and mislead them into a state of fear based upon these false negative characterisations. At the same time they are using the surveillance technology in every manner possible to bring about this state of destruction which they falsely claim exists.

I was entirely justified in sending the Emails noted below as they accurately reflected what is being done. Further, I have no privacy or confidentiality and cannot deal with anyone in a confidential manner. All that I do no matter what is subjected to very close scrutiny and abuse. This is confirmed by the spread of this false information ('rumours') throughout this environment by those using the surveillance technology as I hear continuously. This is also done intentionally as an adjunct to the direct abuse from the surveillance technology.

As a result of this lack of privacy and confientiality and the public dissemination of all this information by those using the surveillance technology, I make these Emails and their contents public to describe this situaion and what I am doing to address these problems within the context of what has been going on since 11th May 1998 when a public declaration of revenge and retaliation was made for my having reported the child abuse in the flat below. This was followed by the installation of the surveillance technology along with those so reported for the child abuse having been granted access to the surveilance technology since mid-August 1998 for the purpose of revenge and retaliation. It goes on as of this writing being in the hands of the mother of the abused children to continue to carry out her revenge and retaliation all these eight years plus 24/7.

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Subject: Apparent Collusion & Conspiracy Between Surveillance Technology Abuse and Local Harassment
Date: Friday 27 October 2006 06:00
From: Gary D Chance
To: [Inspector], [PC]

Inspector *******************
PC ***************
Metropolitan Police
Notting Dale Sector
Notting Hill Police Station
101 Ladbroke Road
London W11 3PL

Dear Inspector ************* and PC *************

I'm sending you a copy of this Email since there is an apparent significant collusion occurring between those using the surveillance technology, Lt Harry Bird, *********** and others, and those residents in the adjacent flats.

This appears to be used in an effort to fabricate allegations against me derived from a collusion and conspiracy among these people. There was a direct reference made to my activity as there has been in the past by those local people who are carrying out this harassment in the middle of the night indicating that they are informed by or have access to surveillance technology.

The abuse from those using the surveillance technology has been continuous since the below described incident occurred at 0330 this morning resulting in my being kept awake. It continues as of this writing some two and one-half hours later with reference made just now to what I am doing.

Gary D Chance


---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Subject: Excessive Noises Between 0330 and 0345
Date: Friday 27 October 2006 04:51
From: Gary D Chance
To: "Damian Donnelly"

Damian Donnelly
Area Manager TMO/EMB
Lancaster West Estate
Grenfell Tower

Dear Mr Donnelly

I was woken at about 0330 by excessive furniture scraping noises and loud voices which went on for at least 15 minutes. These sounded like they came from below.

Mostly there was a female voice(s) with the sound of a child's voice at one point. During the entire period something was moved back and forth like a piece of furniture creating a loud and continuous scraping noise.

I got up in the middle of this to go to the bathroom pausing at the front door. The loud female voice continued and could be heard coming through the front door from the Walkway. She was talking, laughing and said "He's up."

After 0345 the abuse from Linda and Lt Harry Bird started which kept me awake and continues while I write this. Since I was wide awake, I wanted to send this as close to this incident as possible.

I have three separate sources of media recordings for all that happened clearly proving exactly what happened with respect to me. There are a continuous sound level meter recording, continuous video recording with sound and verbal notes made on a digital recorder of what happened as it occurred which is also recorded on these two continuous recording media. Everything that happened leading up to this incident while I was asleep is also so recorded on video and sound independent of each other.

Also, throughout last evening there was stomping from above which went on for hours until midnight when I went to bed.

This type of activity has been going on for several weeks about which I've collected evidence as described above. However, this is the most blatant and obviously deliberate incident of this nature to occur which has provided evidence about what happened and is consistent with numerous other such incidents so documented.

Those with the surveillance technology take advantage of this kind of harassment to carry on with their own abuse and try to blame me for what occurred. I can prove that this did not occur.

Further, it is clear to me as has occurred at other times that those making these kinds of noises know exactly what I am doing indicating that they are informed by or have access to surveillance technology. There is obvious collusion based upon this event and others.

Yours sincerely

Gary D Chance

*****End of the Email*****

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Subject: Initial Review of Evidence Confirms Unlawful and Criminal Harassment Last Night as Already Described
Date: Friday 27 October 2006 13:41
From: Gary D Chance
To: "Damian Donnelly"; [Inspector], [PC]

Damian Donnelly
Area Manager TMO/EMB
Lancaster West Estate
Grenfell Tower

Inspector **********************
PC ***************
Metropolitan Police
Notting Dale Sector
Notting Hill Police Station
101 Ladbroke Road
London W11 3PL


I have done an initial review of the following evidence collected last night:

1. Digital voice recorded notes at the time each one was made;

2. Sound level meter continuous recording to a digital recorder; and

3. Continuous video camcorder with sound.

I've been using a HDD camcorder with sound to film my entire night's sleep each night since June for four months so far. These are stored on DVD-R recordings as they are reviewed and copied each day for a permanent, unalterable record.

These independent methods of verifying what I do throughout the night along with the external disturbances to which I am subjected confirm what I described in my earlier Emails. It has been necessary for me to go to these lengths and expense of evidence collection in order to counter the impact of this surveillance technology driven unlawful and criminal harassment which has been going on like this 24/7 for over eight years since August 1998 with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm that has occurred and the intent to kill.

While I was carrying out this preliminary review this morning, Lt Harry Bird and ************ engaged in verbal abuse attacks against me personally in the hopes of discrediting the validity of what could be seen and heard quite objectively on the video and sound recordings which confirmed what I reported.

This is a gross abuse of power involving the surveillance technology in the hands of various people or who have access to it by some means who then continuously make false allegations against me about activities they carry out themselves in their attempts to effect a set up.

This is clearly a matter for the police to investigate and bring to a halt by proper intervention. Tenant management is also responsible for having allowed this to have occurred despite repeated observations from various sources at various times that the allegations were false when made. Tenant management is also allowing this to continue at present.

The target for this surveillance activity for all these eight years plus 24/7 has been misdirected against me as a result of the very intense bullying and hysterical behaviour on a vigilante basis by those involved who have an intense need to hide their original and ongoing criminal behaviour. They believe that they can do this with a smear and fear campaign by means of their false allegations and the abuse of the surveillance technology. This constitutes a concerted effort to pervert the course of justice.

This cannot under any circumstances be allowed to continue, otherwise the intended lethal use of this surveillance technology will result in my death.

It must be recognised that these people associated with flat ****** below have abused the police and other emergency services so severely throughout these years by calling out the police and others thousands of times day and night based upon false allegations to such an extent that it has had the effect of preventing me from calling the police since I did not want to add to the problem causing more confusion and futility.

I do not want to ever distract the police from doing their job with regard to the most important problems in this environment and have given the police credit for being able to accurately comprehend what is occurring and dealing with it appropriately. Therefore, I have only called the police where there is an immediate threat to life or property which occurs frequently enough as it is in this environment.

The police have had to demand that these nuisance calls from those associated with flat ****** below to them be stopped on more than one occasion. As always, they resume after a brief period. What happens is that these people create the disturbances themselves then point the finger of blame at me in a most hysterical and bullying manner not tolerating anyone who disagrees with them. I have documented this completely throughout these eight plus years 24/7. I have sent complete 24/7 diary/logs for months in the first half of 2000 to which Damien Donnelly responded claiming that he could not verify what I had reported.

By way of dealing with this situation as it is being carried out against me, I've resorted to written communications such as these Emails last night and today since this goes on 24/7 and can be easily investigated and exposed by the proper use of surveillance technology or even by just proper police and Estate security work.

I have always believed that such written correspondence would give those in authority time to reflect upon and review the situation carefully in order to deal with it appropriately and effectively rather than for me to make continuous emergency calls for nuisance behaviour about those creating a disturbance. It is these very people who then call the police making false claims about activities which are done by those associated with flat ******. Through this harassment behaviour they preempt my calling the police and put me in a position of reporting what I hear after the police have been summoned.

These are bullies who seek a confrontation and a fight hoping to out yell as a large group of people who seek to attack just one person. They also use the surveillance technology to inform themselves about all that I do to be able to counter my documentation and reporting of what actually goes on. In effect, they make me defenceless by this abuse of surveillance technology.

They have been using the emergency services as a pawn in this confrontational harassment effort for over eight years in which I will not participate since I will not be provoked into behaviour that is like theirs. I carry out a calm and well documented approach to dealing with the issues relying upon the integrity, objectivity and competence of those in authority.

So far this has not been successful, and those who recognise the surveillance technology abuse being carried out have been driven away or departed voluntarily apparently without anything being done to bring the abuse to a halt. Those who remain willingly and knowingly participate in extensive unlawful and criminal activity.

Therefore, I continue to report these most severe occurrences as took place last night from surrounding flats who were aided by and under the protection of the surveillance technology users. Last night these disturbances kept me awake for three hours between 0330 and 0630 which I reported at the time in the manner as I've done backed up with solid and indisputable evidence which was still attacked by Lt Harry Bird and ********* using the surveillance technology as a weapon to do so while I reviewed it this morning.

Until the totally unjustified surveillance activity is stopped, these unlawful and criminal acts will continue on a large scale. Lt Harry Bird, ********* and others threaten violence if they are stopped. These should be recognised for the violent threats that they are by ending their activity as provided by law immediately.

Yours sincerely

Gary D Chance

*****End of the Email*****

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