


Web Journal Wednesday 28th March 2007

Affect \Af*fect"\ ([a^]f*f[e^]kt"), n. [L. affectus.]
1. Affection; inclination; passion; feeling; disposition.
[Obs.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Psychotherapy) The emotional complex associated with an
idea or mental state. In hysteria, the affect is sometimes
entirely dissociated, sometimes transferred to another
than the original idea.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

-- From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48

Wed Mar 28 10:08:57 BST 2007: "Obviously psychotic," said Lt Harry Bird revealing shallow affect. He then says "Potty as hell. He's come," just after I wrote this attacking me personally with false, vulgar and crude allegations further reflecting an infantile use of language for name calling reinforced with an obscenity for emphasis followed by a false sexual allegation to create a double bind situation for me while attracting further attention to himself. While I write this, his mouth runs nonstop reflecting his orally projected anal aggression. BS verbally joins in with him. He's a schlemiel game player trying to create as big a mess as possible for which he seeks forgiveness when caught, otherwise he will continue to "mess about." He repeats the syndrome endlessly. (See Eric Berne's Games People Play, Grove Press New York, p 114.)

Wed Mar 28 10:21:23 BST 2007: "Why do you say he's psychotic?" asks a male whose voice is coming from the kitchen window direction. BS starts making moan groan protesting verbal noises. This leads to an endless discussion with the sound of the voices from Lt Harry Bird and BS going on and on until there emerges once again:

Wed Mar 28 10:29:58 BST 2007: "Psychotic as hell," repeats Lt Harry Bird. His arguments are tautological.

Tautology \Tau*tol"o*gy\, n. [L. tautologia, Gr. ?: cf. F.
tautologie.] (Rhet.)
A repetition of the same meaning in different words; needless
repetition of an idea in different words or phrases; a
representation of anything as the cause, condition, or
consequence of itself, as in the following lines:

The dawn is overcast, the morning lowers,
And heavily in clouds brings on the day. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Repetition.

Usage: {Tautology}, {Repetition}. There may be frequent
repetitions (as in legal instruments) which are
warranted either by necessity or convenience; but
tautology is always a fault, being a sameness of
expression which adds nothing to the sense or the
[1913 Webster]

-- From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48

Lt Harry Bird and BS do not even have the ability to use different words and just repeat the same thing over and over apparently believing that such "psychic driving" will eventually be accepted as fact with enough repetition. They rely upon other people's ignorance seeking to take advantage of others by this false incitement based upon the underlying fear of psychosis. Tautology, i.e., repetition, "is always a fault" as noted.

It's primary purpose here is verbal abuse torture (inhuman, cruel and degrading) which goes on endlessly to create an adverse reaction in the target (me) which would then hopefully support this false assertion so crudely made without substance. It is an attempt to induce a "psychotic" reaction or one that could be claimed to be "psychotic" whatever that might mean. Surveillance technology is not being used for investigation but for fabrication by means of continuous abuse hoping to create mental illness. This will work in many instances, but it has failed totally during the past eight years and seven months of 24/7 abuse against me.

Wed Mar 28 11:00:09 BST 2007: "He's awfully sick," said a male sounding like Lt Harry Bird coming from the kitchen window direction. This is just one word forming a part of such general, nonspecific terms intended to convey emotive content only to incite others emotionally. There never is anything specific. It is intended to be personally abusive hoping to also cause some kind of inappropriate reaction from me. I can do nothing except ignore, document and report what is occurring as abuse. There is a conditioning process at work where the target is anticipated to break down eventually and cave in to these false allegations admitting to being "sick." It's torture by means of surveillance technology.

1. I want to continue from yesterday's web journal entry which dealt with the serial killer Aileen Wuornos and her psychological profile which had points of concurrence with those carrying out this surveillance technology abuse against me. There is another book which goes into this aspect explicitly: The Female Homicide Offender: Serial Murder and the Case of Aileen Wuornos, Stacey L Shipley and Bruce A Arrigo, Prentice Hall's Women in Criminal Justice Series, Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2004. I am subjected to extensive abuse up to an including attempted murder from two people who are present 24/7 and have been for years in addition to the participation in this activity by numerous others at various times around the clock. These two people are a male and a female partnership who are engaged in extensive criminal activity continuously and thereby qualify for study in this context.

Chapter four of this book deals with "Understanding Antisocial Personality Disorder and Psychopathy." I have recently dealt with the issue of these people being allowed to act out their psychopathic personalities. I want to delve deeper into the specifics of their behaviour as it relates to the specific characteristics which are considered as part of Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) and psychopathic behaviour. The importance of this relates to the fact that numerous medical professionals are involved in this activity who are participating directly with these people yet are not only failing to recognise this behaviour for what it is but are supporting, sustaining and allowing it to flourish which has had an adverse impact on this environment and the community. It's not just a question of getting it wrong. This is a problem where those in government are deliberately carrying out ASPD and psychopathic behaviour.

On page 44 of this book the DSM-IV criteria for ASPD are reprinted as follows:

301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder

I. There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since the age of 15 years, as indicated by three (or more) of the following:

1. failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviours indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest.

2. deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure.

3. impulsivity or failure to plan ahead.

4. irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults.

5. reckless disregard for safety of self or others.

6. consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behaviour or honour financial obligations.

7. lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalising having hurt, mistreated, or or stolen from another.

(Stacey L Shipley and Bruce A Arrigo, The Female Homicide Offender: Serial Murder and the Case of Aileen Wuornos, Prentice Hall's Women in Criminal Justice Series, Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2004, p. 44)

I submit that Lt Harry Bird, BS and others have violated all seven of the above criteria relating to the rights of others. I believe that this is important given the fact that antisocial behaviour is a critically important issue at present plaguing many people throughout the UK, and my experience reflects the fact that the government itself is carrying out antisocial behaviour which qualifies as a diagnosis for a serious mental illness while also indicating that criminal activity is being accomplished. Therefore, those participating in this abuse of surveillance technology are suffering from Antisocial Personality Disorder and its psychopathy.

Psychopathy \Psy*chop"a*thy\, n. [Psycho- + Gr. ?, ?.] (Med.)
Mental disease. See {Psychosis}, 2. -- {Psy`cho*path"ic}, a.
-- {Psy*chop"a*thist}, n.
[1913 Webster]

-- From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48

Psychosis \Psy*cho"sis\, n. [NL. See {Psycho-}.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Any vital action or activity. --Mivart.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Med.) A disease of the mind; especially, a functional
mental disorder, that is, one unattended with evident
organic changes.
[1913 Webster]

-- From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48

2. In order to avoid nonspecific generalities with respect to mental health disorders as are bandied about carelessly and emotively by those using the surveillance technology who seek to damage and destroy I now further offer elements which comprise psychopathy provided by Shipley and Arrigo on page 43 of their book cited above. The following table was taken by them from R D Hare, The Hare psychopathy checklist--revised, Toronto, Canada: Multi-Health Systems, 1991.

This is called the Psychopathy Checklist -- Revised (PCL-R) which provides the foundation for a scoring methodology. Like all scoring methods there is much room for critical analysis and dispute about its validity, but most importantly here are some areas of behaviour which need to be considered and evaluated in some manner. The scoring provides a somewhat objective way to do this, but one always wonders about the weighting individual factors should have. I'm not a big fan of scoring, yet it has its uses. In this instance as explained by Shipley and Arrigo the 20 categories have a point system of 0 (does not apply), 1 (somewhat applies) and 2 (definitely applies). Thus, the score can range between 0 and 40 with a score of 30 or above indicative of psychopathy as described in S D Hart & R D Hare "Psychopathy: Assessment and association with criminal conduct." In D M Stoff, J Breiling & J D Maser (Eds.), Handbook of antisocial behaviour (pps 22-35.), New York: Wiley.

Wed Mar 28 14:27:24 BST 2007: "He's lying," says Lt Harry Bird voice direction from the kitchen window. Again, note the general personal attack when he sees me doing something he does not like. It is again a general, nonspecific attack of verbal abuse against the person. This is characteristic of his behaviour. Before this BS was making rude, crude and false allegations about sexual activity that did not exist in order to divert attention away from what I am doing and disrupt my activity as much as possible. To the extent that I paused to make this note that was achieved.

Wed Mar 28 14:30:26 BST 2007: "Oh, he killed his mother," yells BS from the kitchen window direction reflecting another false allegation without any substance whatsoever otherwise they would not be carrying out this intense abuse with surveillance technology all these years 24/7 making this presumption of guilt. Once again, however, she has succeeded in disrupting and distracting me for a short period from doing what she does not want me to do, i.e., write the following table:

Items on the Psychopathy Checklist -- Revised (PCL-R)

Factor 1 -- Interpersonal/Affective

Glibness or superficial charm
Grandiose sense of self
Pathological lying
Conning or manipulative quality
Lack of remorse or guilt
Shallow affect
Callousness or lack of empathy
Failure to accept responsibilty for one's own actions

Factor 2 -- Social Deviance

Need for stimulation
Proneness to boredom
Parasitic lifestyle
Poor behavioural controls
Early behavioural problems
Lack of realistic, long-term goals
Juvenile delinquency
Revocation of conditional release

Additional Items

Promiscuous sexual behaviour
Many short-term relationships
Criminal versatility

Now it is possible to deal in some degree of specificity with regard to observable behaviour as it relates to mental illness. The interesting aspect of this exercise involves the false allegations against me including that of "lying" the latter of which is intended to smokescreen by projecting onto me as a scapegoat their own activity in order to escape detection for what they are really doing. This is double duplicitous behaviour and raises the question about the weighting of these factors mentioned above. Is pathological lying given more weight when it is far more convoluted and deceptive by lying about an allegation of lying? Or, is lying just lying?

If I were to evaluate the behaviour of Lt Harry Bird and BS on the basis of the scoring system for the table above, I would wind up with a 31 point score meaning that they are psychopathic. With respect to Factor 1 all of these apply with the possible exception of the first: glibness or superficial charm. Neither one of these could possibly be considered as having any charm whatsoever. However, they might be considered glib. Thus, Factor I gets seven two point scores and one one point equaling 15.

In the second group for Factor 2 I would find proneness to boredom as somewhat difficult to determine along with early behavioural problems. Anyone who repeats something continuously 24/7 for years on end is not displaying boredom. However, in contrast, Lt Harry Bird changes into a new torture by saying "Do you want to have some fun?" before he launches into a sadisitic attack of some sort. Is he trying to alleviate boredom by this? Or, is this just a need for stimulation from sadism? Juvenile deliquency and revocation of conditional release are unknown. However, early behavioural problems could be assumed to be present somewhat given the years of extremely violent behaviour. Therefore, there are six categories rated as two and two categories rated as one for a total of 14.

In the third group one stands out as a definite: criminal versatility. Once again I have to resort to a dictionary definition for starters in this matter to get this correct. (See below) The changeable criminal character of Lt Harry Bird and BS is beyond any doubt and displayed frequently. I have called Lt Harry Bird "Shifty Two Shoes" (SHITS) meaning that he is capable of jamming both feet two shoes and all entirely into his mouth in his efforts to shift deceptively back and forth. There is no doubt he is versatile. Therefore, they both are most definitely criminally versatile. Sexual promiscuity cannot be determined, but many short term relationships have been noted somewhatin BS' behaviour if the abusive on again/off again relationships she has displayed are any bearing to this. Regardless of the first two items, the criminal versatility provides two points and gives them a grand total of 31 points for a score th
at puts them into the psychopathic character category.

Versatility \Ver`sa*til"i*ty\, n. [Cf. F. versatilit['e].]
The quality or state of being versatile; versatileness.
[1913 Webster]

-- From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48

Versatile \Ver"sa*tile\, a. [L. versatilis, fr. versare to turn
around, v. freq. of vertere: cf. F. versatile. See {Verse}.]
1. Capable of being turned round. --Harte.
[1913 Webster]

2. Liable to be turned in opinion; changeable; variable;
unsteady; inconstant; as, a versatile disposition.
[1913 Webster]

3. Turning with ease from one thing to another; readily
applied to a new task, or to various subjects; many-sided;
as, versatile genius; a versatile politician.
[1913 Webster]

Conspicuous among the youths of high promise . . .
was the quick and versatile [Charles] Montagu.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Nat. Hist.) Capable of turning; freely movable; as, a
versatile anther, which is fixed at one point to the
filament, and hence is very easily turned around; a
versatile toe of a bird.
[1913 Webster] -- {Ver"sa*tile*ly}, adv. -- --
{Ver"sa*tile*ness}, n.
[1913 Webster]

-- From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48

I will be discussing each of these individual areas which have provided the point scores for Lt Harry Bird and BS from time to time in the future. I've presented these here to provide a concrete foundation for my conclusion with respect to Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) and Psychopathy for these two instead of the vague, nonspecific name calling in which these two engage with their personal attacks against me. These are bullies using the surveillance technology. They are trying to pick a fight by using emotive language. They are not communicating any useful information that other people should accept as valid to rely upon. Their behaviour indicates a serious mental health problem that the mental health professionals who have been working with them for years have "missed." Instead, they have allowed them to act out their psychopathy. Everyone else has joined in knowing they were doing wrong but thinking they could get away with it because of the use of surveillance technology as a weapon behind which they could hide.

"Shifty Two Shoes" Lt Harry Bird tries to be clever and gets caught outright from time to time with both feet shoes and all jammed entirely into his mouth. A memorable event occurred in early December 2006 when he was caught trying to create a problem of some sort. It was obvious what he did, and he made every effort to back out of shedding responsibility for what he'd done by claiming it was an "accident" as he does frequently. "Accident" is a much used word in his activity referring to different things at different times. He went on in his pleading yelling "Give me one more chance!" Evidently, this was accorded to him since he goes on with his clever by half behaviour. This goes back to the first paragraph of this web journal entry to complete the circle by reflecting his "schlemiel" game playing where he deliberately makes a mess and then begs forgiveness.

A critically important aspect of all this revolves around the question about why those in authority think they can come into an Estate environment and do anything they please completely disregarding the democratic rule of law and fundamental standards which are essential for the proper functioning of society thus reinforcing and creating antisocial and criminal standards of behaviour. None of this phases these people in the least. They all carry on as if nothing has happened with a complete callousness that beggars belief.

3. BS claimed recently that she was "cured." Of what? She is still carrying out extremely abusively violent behaviour in the most obsessive manner using the surveillance technology 24/7 from which she will not be removed. She becomes hysterical and throws extreme fits at any attempt to remove her. This was suggested today. She rebelled. One morning early about 4:30 am in 2001 she had to be sedated by a doctor called in to do so because she had collapsed from an hysterical fit accompanying a refusal to go away. Paul Winston tried to physically remove her, but she resisted so strongly that he concluded she was "psychotic." He did not return for three days after that experience. A group of police officers also tried this once with the same results. They couldn't budge her.

The police repeatedly tried to get her to depart and go "home" (she has no home) from the road outside where she spent the night carrying out stalking and harassment against me fixated as if mainlining on her "drug:" surveillance technology. She would promise to leave to get rid of the police and then fail do so. She would use every devious means to pretend that she would leave but never did. The police would come back later in the night in the wee hours and find her still here. Paul Winston suggested ways for her to find a home. Evidently she never followed these up.

He suggested that she stay with her biological father, but she defiantly refused raising suspicions in my mind as to why she made such a vehemently negative response. However, she did not mind spending nights in his van outside carrying out the surveillance stalking and harassment. On one occasion she gave away his name by calling him when he was away from the van talking with the police I believe. He was upset about that when he came back to the van and noted on the surveillance monitoring technology that I had written down his name in my notebook computer. When he demanded if she had given out his name, she denied it immediately a couple times. She denies one minute what she did the previous minute. She speaks to suit her purpose of the moment. Both she and Lt Harry Bird speak for effect.

She's hardly cured of anything if she continues with her violence 24/7 without any break whatsoever. She has no life other than this complete obsession with stalking and harassing me using surveillance technology which she has been carrying out since August 1998. She admitted this recently stating that she did take a day and a half off to give birth at one point. She is not a suitable mother. This is a form of complete self destruction. It is a "psychic death" and is truly abnormal behaviour in the extreme which is condoned and sustained by those in authority especially the medical profession for their own corrupt self interest. She is being exploited by them.

She switched from violently and verbally abusing children who are defenceless to doing the same against me by making me defenceless with the surveillance technology. She cannot stop. She is driven by a rage that causes her to explode at frequent intervals. She needs an object for this abuse. She is not cured whatever that might mean. Was she arrested by the police for loitering outside in the road all night each and every night? Her's and Lt Harry Bird's behaviour constitute offences which make them subject to arrest. In fact, Paul Winston "arrested" Lt Harry Bird twice in 2001 and took his gun away from him on another occasion for threatening to use it against me. He had to be restrained by others from coming up here to shoot me. BS carried on with her own agenda disrupting others which made them want to get rid of her.

Her verbalisations and destructive behaviour all around have kept me fully informed about everything since August 1998 24/7 and enabled me to determine exactly what was happening. When they could not get rid of her, she was able to stay and become a part of the surveillance activity taking over operational control along with Lt Harry Bird 24/7. At one point during this time, he really slugged her very hard because she would not do what he told her to do. He would order her to write things down continuously. Often she would refuse.

This continuous destructive activity has been logged by me completely along with everything else. And, I've been blamed for this violence from these people when I've never done anything except to report their behaviour. Fortunately, her and Lt Harry Bird's big mouths have kept me fully informed. Consequently, I am in an excellent position to make an objective and substantive evaluation based upon the criteria described above. This behaviour on their part has been witnessed by others.

Since at least 2001 she has claimed my flat as her "house." This has been supported since then by Paul Winston in her endavour to obtain this flat for her own when I am removed by whatever means they can bring about including death. In 2001 she threatened "I'm going to get a bomb and blow him out of there" as one means to do so. A couple months later she said "I want him dead." BS has two objectives: to destroy my life and to obtain this flat for herself. She has remained obsessively committed to these objectives by whatever means possible using the surveillance technology second-by-second 24/7 for all these years.

She feels compelled to know every single thing I do no matter what it is while she attacks all human activity no matter what it is with verbal abuse and false allegations. She has been knowingly permitted and supported in the carrying out of this activity for it suits the purposes of others in positions of authority who are now so deeply implicated in these crimes that they cannot do anything else except support this extremely destructive behaviour. Thus, a scapegoat is born by these people and supported by those in authority. It's the witch hunting and execution syndrome all over again with all the same elements only updated to the current technology with the clergy replaced by the medical profession who have come out into the community following and supporting the hysterically screaming false accusers.

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