


Web Journal Saturday 21st August 1999

Appendix C:
Son of BS Chokes Another Child
Evident Ability to See Me and Computer Monitor Screen

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 17:26:59 Hard, loud door slam below;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 17:46:56 Repeated stomping on the floor above.

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 17:56:41 Crouched into the bathroom for a pit stop; the kids were playing ball in the Walkway yelling and screaming quite loudly; the name “[Son of BS]” was called two or three times; one child said “[Son of BS], you were choking”; I made not a bit of noise; went over to the peephole to look out; saw one child below as they played ball; one child said “wicked, wicked”; crouched back into the kitchen to rinse the tuna sand plate and dish in noiseless hot water; crouched back into the living room;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 18:01:10 Back into the chair; update;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 18:07:04 Dog barking below coming thru the earphones and loud music; loud hit in the rear of the kitchen;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 18:43:31 Loud hit below under the living room;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 18:44:13 Dog barking below;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 18:44:57 Door slam below;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 18:46:34 Loud yells from the Walkway with the name “[Son of BS]” yelled twice; one said “Oh, [Son of BS], no” and another just yelled “[Son of BS]”.

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 18:47:12 Dog is barking away below.

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 18:49:04 Dog is out on the balcony barking and barking making a general nuisance of itself that is exceptionally disturbing.

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 18:51:26 “[Son of BS]” is yelled again in Walkway;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 18:53:46 Door slam below with double hit.

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 18:54:21 The Screamer [aka BS] is outside talking to a guy; might be under the kitchen window;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 18:55:05 Someone out front asks “Where’s [Son of BS]?” The Screamer [aka BS] outside the kitchen window says “see ya lata” to the guy she was talking with as the diesel engine valves knock away out there; sounds like the vehicle he might be associated with;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 18:56:49 Very hard, loud door slam below with double hit;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 19:16:02 Dog is barking again below on the balcony;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 19:20:43 Dog barking away again on the balcony below;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 19:47:34 Motorbike outside and pounding above followed by hard, loud door slam below;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 20:14:32 Very heavy and hard pounding directly overhead;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 20:32:01 The pounding above is continuing;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 20:38:46 They are still screaming and hollering in the Walkway; has been going for hours.

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 20:47:12 Dog barks below again;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 20:47:25 Hit on the floor overhead;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 20:48:12 Noises on the balcony below; gufaffs of laughter from outside including comments; [Sounded like she said: “I thought he was going to bed” followed by laughter as I had made a U-turn to come back to the chair]

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 20:48:47 Crouched into the bathroom for a pit stop; looked out the peephole first; the kids were playing ball still directly in front of the flat in the Walkway; I saw them and the ball being kicked around; they were making extensive and loud noises yelling and screaming which I can still hear while sit in here writing; there is also pounding still going on at the moment as I write; I made not a sound in the bathroom; crouched back into the living room;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 20:51:46 Back into the chair; update

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 21:09:00 Dog is barking away below;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 21:09:13 Hard, loud door slam below with double hit; screams [from children playing] continue in the Walkway;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 21:17:43 Door slam below.

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 21:27:58 Really loud screams from the kids in the Walkway

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 21:29:08 Back from a quick crouch into the hall to look out the peephole; the kids are still playing ball directly in front of the flat;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 21:39:18 Door slam below;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 21:47:16 El Rollo directly overhead [El Rollo: rolling something with wheels on the floor that makes an intentionally loud noise]

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 22:07:45 A huge, loud and shaking hit in the kitchen as I was looking at the screen and setting up Zoe [Zoe is a nude female used to verify surveillance as it did here perfectly]; for them to look at;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 22:09:45 A very hard and solid thud against the back wall of the living room that sounds like it came from below; their monitor down there is showing Zoe, and they are mad ;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 22:17:24 Solid thud directly below the chair that vibrated it followed by a second one

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 22:34:22 The kids have been released onto the balcony below; one just yelled “Hi” as loud as he could; the others are talking and giggling [perhaps they were out front on the footpath; see next entry]

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 22:35:55 They must have walked around; they are below the kitchen window now; sounds like Son of BS could have a learning disability; they apparently are all getting into a vehicle; whoever that kid is he cannot speak properly, and I cannot understand him;

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 22:39:27 Looks like a vehicle drove away with tail lights in the top of the window going the other way with the kid’s voice disappearing at the same time as if he were in that auto; now all is silent except for some auto or vehicle door noise below the kitchen window; but the noise of the kid is gone.

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