


Web Journal Sunday 4th July 1999

Appendix D
Extreme Verbal Abuse Against [Son of BS]
[Son of BS]’s Repressed Rage Expressed as Kicking, Hitting, Choking Other Children
(He is behaving in the way he has been treated himself)

Sunday, 4th July 1999

Sun, 4 Jul 1999 - 19:18:25 Screamer (aka BS) is screaming; “he’s fighting” and telling them/him “get in” at the top of her most ferocious voice; a child answers: “he done it” and she screams again “get in”; sounds like she is outside and the kids on the balcony.

Sun, 4 Jul 1999 - 19:20:07 She is now really cursing him in the worst possible language and telling him he is “the worst fucking . . .”; the kid starts to cry; she goes on to say “I’ll throw you out” or something like that and reinforces it with something like “I’ll do it”;

Sun, 4 Jul 1999 - 19:21:29 Quiet now on the balcony and out front; with treatment like that no wonder the kid is violent; he has to strike out against something with his repressed rage and does so by “fighting”. For this he just gets more abuse which makes it worse.

Friday, 21st August 1999

Sat, 21 Aug 1999 - 17:56:41 Crouched into the bathroom for a pit stop; the kids were playing ball in the Walkway yelling and screaming quite loudly; the name “[Son of BS]” was called two or three times; one child said “[Son of BS], you were choking”; I made not a bit of noise; went over to the peephole to look out; saw one child below as they played ball; one child said “wicked, wicked”; crouched back into the kitchen to rinse the tuna sand plate and dish in noiseless hot water; crouched back into the living room;

NB I have repeated the above entry from Appendix C for emphasis as it fits in this progression of events reflecting the way he is treated violently and his hitting, kicking and choking responses directed to other children. He is disturbed, but that is because he is surrounded by disturbed adults who create the situation.

Friday, 27th August 1999

Fri, 27 Aug 1999 - 19:17:58 Crouched into the hall to see what was going on; the kids let out a blast of screaming and yelling that sounded ominous; when I got into the hall one of the said “He hit me over . . .”; there was a very hard door slam directly below; a parent came out and called in one child leaving the two boys out there who continued to play directly in front of the door; I went into the bathroom for a pit stop; another female (or maybe the same one) came out and said “If you don’t behave yourself . . .” and one of the boys yelled “He did it”; they went back to playing with the name “[Son of BS]” being called out; another door slam below; the dog was barking in its dungeon;

Friday, 30th July 1999

Fri, 30 Jul 1999 - 15:40:54 “[Son of BS], stop [kicking]” screams a woman in the Walkway;

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