


Web Journal Monday 16th April 2007
Monday 16.04.2007 fly tipped recycle Blue Bins bag and debris at end Starting the week off right as everyone returns to work and school following the two-week Easter holiday break with fly tipped rubbish on and by the recycle Blue Bins out front as described at length yesterday and the day before left over from yesterday's recycle Blue Bin emptying with one bag added afterwards. The pump was primed.

1. The Mental Health Bill comes up for debate in the House of Commons today with respect to its revisions that would incarcerate someone without any offence having been committed. The abuse to which I've been subjected for eight years and eight months 24/7 based upon false allegations by those who are genuinely disturbed is an example of how this proposed revision of the Mental Health Act can be abused and the failures of everyone most especially the mental health professionals to get it right. The result is a society turned upside down with antisocial and criminal behaviour elevated to the acceptable standard. My Email to BBC News and the National Director for Mental Health follow after the BBC News article.

BBC News Monday, 16 April 2007, 13:41 GMT 14:41 UK

Mental health bill 'too punitive'

Mental health patient
The bill calls for people with severe personality disorders to be held

Ministers face a fight to get controversial new laws on detaining mentally ill people through Parliament.

The bill, which will allow people to be held against their will even if they have not committed a crime, has been attacked by the Tories as "punitive".

They joined forces with the Lib Dems and mental health experts to condemn the plan which they said would prevent sufferers from seeking help.

Ministers say the proposals will help keep the public safe.

The Mental Health Bill is to be debated in the Commons later on Monday, when the government is expected to argue that amendments passed in the Lords in February should be overturned.

Shadow health minister Tim Loughton predicted that the controversial legislation could "ping pong" between the two chambers.

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Subject: Supervised Community Treatment. You have no idea what actually goes on when mental health professionals are given unrestrained power.
Date: Monday 16 April 2007 17:53
From: Gary D Chance

Professor Louis Appleby CBE
National Director for Mental Health
University of Manchester
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL

Dear Professor Appleby

You have to realise that the abuse of power by mental health professionals is as serious a problem as the threat from those with personality disorders.

Such legislation as proposed will incarcerate people who have done nothing by such means which result simply from refusing to be abused by those whose power has gone to their heads with respect to supervised community treatment.

There is a big problem overall with the sadistic personality attracted to professions that provide power over other people. (See Erich Fromm The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness) This is the essence of the sadistic personality to have such power "over" others.

The medical profession is one such problem area attracting these people with sadistic personalities and mental health care is a particular serious problem area within the medical profession for the sadistic personality to function unrestrained.

I have been experiencing such abuse for many years in a situation that is so unbelievable that it is not stopped thus proving my point.

There must be a balance which will permit the individual to redress grievances promptly and at the very beginning before any such abuse of power can start doing damage such as I've sustained for many years since the end of 1999.

This does not exist at present, and the revision of the current mental health act does not provide for this balance to protect against the innocent being scooped up by such a law. The revised mental health act will make it easier for the sadistic personality under the guise of helping through the medical profession to carry out abuse.

Enclosed is an Email I sent to BBC News24 just before I saw the interview with you for your information.

Yours sincerely

Gary D Chance


---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Subject: Scare mongering around the revised mental health bill proposal is not extreme. It is well founded. Date: Monday 16 April 2007 17:15
From: Gary D Chance

"People are locked up because they are a risk to others," said your interviewee.

I have been subjected to surveillance technology for the past eight years and eight months 24/7. The NHS has rolled out into the community becoming part of this activity starting in late 1999 following my letter to the Prime Minister in late September 1999 and have been participants ever since.

I have never harmed anyone. I've never threatened anyone. I am not a threat to myself or anyone else and never have been nor will I ever be. Quite the opposite. I have sought to protect people from domestic violence including abuse against children by reporting serious incidents and situations to the authorities.

It was these violent abusers, a family group, who put together a campaign against me based upon false allegations that apparently enabled them to get access to surveillance technology installed apparently at their instigation in August 1998 over which they have had operational control for many years 24/7. I had reported their child abuse in May 1998.

This is a situation where those with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) were given surveillance technology to use as a weapon against the person who sought the proper intervention by the authorities with respect to their child abuse. I have been subjected to this violence from them ever since August 1998 24/7.

If this could happen in this situation where I have never done anything in my life with the NHS mental health profession rolling itself out into the community to participate in surveillance technology imprisonment, torture, surreptitious medication and medical experimentation completely outside the law, then there is most certainly a reason to be quite concerned about this revision to the mental health act which will provide more power to be abused in this manner.

The revised law will make it easier to do this. It it is already going on, it will get worse.

What this means to me is that any bully gang can make false allegations against someone they do not like for reporting their antisocial and criminal behaviour and succeed in getting that person who has never done anything locked up.

If this can happen to me under the existing laws where those in positions of authority feel no compunction against acting outside the law and in accordance with their own corrupt self interest, then this revision to the mental health act makes that all the easier.

This is an anti-complainant's charter made into law in order to squelch and crush dissent and anyone who reports the truth about failures as they relate to addressing antisocial and criminal behaviour in the community.

They will bang up the messenger and pretend that nothing has happened with respect to their own behaviour while allowing the antisocial types and criminals to carry on as usual without any constraints and as part of a new found social order standard.

This revision of the mental health act not only will put the community at risk by discouraging people to seek help as described by your presenters and interviewees, but it will also enable those who really do need help to flourish by attacking anyone who would bring their violent behaviour to the attention of the authorities.

Child abusers are the most vicious and malicious people you would ever have the the unfortunate experience to encounter. That goes logically with the fact that if they are so devoid of feeling that they would abuse children, they will certainly do the same to anyone who reports their activity.

They are cunning and deceptive in the extreme which makes them especially dangerous and in need of help, but the mental health professionals fail to recognise this as they have done in this very situation.

What they (Lt Harry Bird and BS, the mother of the abused children) are doing right now while reading what I am writing is to attack me personally hoping to carry out the destruction of human activity and life by the use of surveillance technology to protect themselves and their standard of antisocial and criminal behaviour.

With such a revision of the mental health act passed into law, they would seek as they do now to have me sectioned with forced medicated without my having done anything at all except to peacefully and nonviolently protect myself, others and property where it is put at risk in this environment. They are seeking to stop me from documenting and reporting what they are doing.

They are a threat to themselves and others. They have been violent to each other and others while continuing to threaten violence against me frequently and carrying it out by using the surveillance technology as a weapon.

These are the violent people of this world who have been given surveillance technology to sustain their violence, and the mental health professionals participate allowing them to act out their psychopathic personalities.

No law will change this. As one of your interviewees said: it will take medical health professionals and resources not laws and a paper shuffle. These mental health professionals need proper training and to be screened themselves to ensure that they are free of the problems with which they seek to deal.

*****End of the Email******

2. The BBC News article above was changed as the day progressed probably after the Secretary for Health, Patricia Hewitt, spoke in the House of Commons. These changes were significant enough to warrant another URL. She claims that the revised Mental Health Bill will be "balanced" but seems to be meeting disagreement already from a House of Lords vote and currenlty from the Conservative's Shadow Health Secretary and the Liberal Democrats health spokesman. I agree with the latter group as I outlined above. The great problem is that the medical profession is vastly ignorant and are the first to acknowledge their ignorance.

This is especially true in the mental health field. While there are serious problems with respect for many people involving mental health, it is all too easy for many to use it as a weapon when there is a disagreement of opinion or negative criticism. We just do not know very much at all, yet Ms Hewitt believes that modern medicine needs to have this ability to compel people to comply with its dictates. This is quite false as the Conservative's Shadow Health Secretary points out below.

Some might even consider mental health as not a true science in the sense of knowledge as we use the word and expect to a reasonable degree from a medical practioner. Too much of mental health is opinion, subjective and not fact but instead has a social orientation that can vary widely while avoiding an individual foundation in reality. People can fake allegations of violence or threat especially about the future which have no corroboration or verification and thereby abuse others. Many use such false allegations to gain by damaging others as turns up all too frequently when wealth or some material objective is at stake.

BBC News Monday, 16 April 2007, 21:29 GMT 22:29 UK

Mental Health Bill 'has balance'

Mental health patient
The bill calls for people with severe personality disorders to be held

The government's Mental Health Bill strikes the "right balance" between patient safeguards and protecting the public, the health secretary has said.

Patricia Hewitt told the Commons it was "essential" to ensure discharged patients continued taking medication.

The bill, which will allow people to be held against their will even if they have not committed a crime, has been attacked by the Tories as "punitive".

They and the Lib Dems say the plan would stop sufferers seeking help.


Ministers want to allow people with severe or violent personality disorders to be confined if they are judged to be a threat to themselves or others.

Ms Hewitt told the Commons: "Modern medicine and clinical practice has shifted the whole focus of care into the community and the law needs to follow.

. . .

Ms Hewitt also said: "I believe this bill strikes the right balance ... between modernising the legislation in line with the development of clinical practice, improving patient safeguards and protecting more people from harm."

. . .

Peers voted against the idea of compulsion, saying treatment should be given only if it was likely to help the patient.

Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley said the government's argument that it was trying to balance the "rights of patients and the protection of the public" was a "false dichotomy".

"They want to force the argument in the direction they want to go," he said, adding: "Compulsion is not the only route to treatment.

"Thousands of patients will access services without compulsion."

Liberal Democrat Norman Lamb Mr Lamb said: "We want to see core principles set out on the face of this bill.

"Those facing compulsion should have a right to an independent mental health advocate and they should be made aware of that right."

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