


Web Journal Thursday 3rd January 2008
  • Stomach bug sweeping the country. Those using the surveillance technology 24/7 against me make every effort to interfere with and disrupt my life to stop me from gathering evidence and reporting problems they create. Here is an excellent example of one such effort among many. These efforts go 24/7 nonstop second-by-second continuously attacking disregarding any objectivity and validity of what they report.

1. Stomach bug sweeping the country. I've just heard about this stomach bug, norovirus, today with this article and reports about it on BBC News24. However, I've been subjected to verbal abuse for days if not weeks about being infected with references to "washing hands," "personal hygiene" and "He'll have to start vomiting first." Now, I learn to what the latest abuse referred.

I did not have the foggiest idea about what they were talking, but this did fall into a continuous pattern of such false allegations and false negative characterisations which are used to create something that does not exist about me. Lt Harry Bird, BS and others draw upon the latest news to exploit a credibility potential to try to stir up other people to take some action which directly interfere in my life. Here is what this one (among many such nonsensical and farcical allegations) is all about. These are the people who never stop crying wolf.

BBC News Thursday, 3 January 2008, 10:24 GMT

Stomach bug sweeping the country

Norovirus particles
Norovirus causes sudden vomiting and diarrhoea

People struck down by a stomach bug sweeping the UK have been urged not to go back to work.

Doctors estimate more than 100,000 people a week are catching norovirus, which causes diarrhoea and vomiting.

Workers need to remain at home for 48 hours after the symptoms have gone and stay away from surgeries and hospitals, the Royal College of GPs warned.

The Health Protection Agency confirmed the number of cases this year is the highest since 2002.

Norovirus - also known as winter vomiting disease - is the most common cause of infectious gastroenteritis in the UK.

Stomach bug sweeping the country

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Subject: Norovirus: an excellence example of the kind of verbal abuse carried out by those using the surveillance technology to fabricate a problem derived from the news.
Date: Thursday 03 January 2008 15:28
From: Gary D Chance

"Doctors estimate more than 100,000 people a week are catching norovirus, which causes diarrhoea and vomiting."

Until you reported this information today about the norovirus epidemic for it cannot be described in any other way, I had not heard about it.

However, those carrying out the surveillance technology abuse grab these kinds of public problems to falsely accuse me of having this while stirring up the NHS people and others who spend time with them and the surveillance technology 24/7. They exploit these events to further their harassment/torture abuse.

This all started recently with Lt Harry Bird repeatedly stating "He's infected." There's nothing unusual about that since he's been doing it for years about anything he thinks he can use to mislead and incite others to a state of alarm.

This shifted in recent days to include such statements as he needs to "wash his hands." This was then followed recently by a statement that there was a "personal hygiene" problem along with a male who stated "He has to start vomiting." At one point a male said "I'm concerned about . . ."

All these statements were made by others who sounded like they were associated with the NHS while "He's infected" was repeated by Lt Harry Bird.

There have also been references to "Hospital" said usually in the context of "He should be in hospital" along with "We need a stretcher" from Lt Harry Bird.

Now that I've heard your on air reports and seen the BBC News article, I note that these comments fit into the situation of the norovirus.

I can only conclude that Lt Harry Bird and BS are trying to stir up others by falsely stating that I am infected with the norovirus. I haven't had anything related to a stomach virus. In fact, I haven't had any illness at all, but this does not deter these people from continuously making false allegations about my health to cause alarm and bring a response from others.

This is used to constantly abuse me verbally through the use of the surveillance technology along with any number of other similarly false allegations and false negative characterisations.

The reference to "personal hygiene" and "He needs to wash his hands" have struck me as quite strange especially when used in conjunction with "He has to start vomiting."

This activity which I view as all nonsense and mock accordingly whenever it comes up while making a complete record of what is being done by these people as well as my reaction is used to create the sense that I am about to be pounced upon by the emergency services in relation to an infection, etc.

I just ignore it all. When I read the advice given to stay in and "not to go to the GP" or the hospital as well as stay away from work 48 hours after the symptoms disappear, I find what these people are trying to do incredulous but for me risible as they never stop faking it and making a hash of it like this.

If I had such an infection as norovirus, what they are trying to do is exactly opposite of what should be done.

If I get a stomach bug which is very, very infrequently (last one at the end of March 2001), I stay home and take care of myself since these things go away themselves.

I must admit that in March 2001 when it did persist for several days, I went to the St Mary's Emergency department because my GP was not available. I learned something amazing at that time: starve the bug by fasting for 24 hours. The doctor said that I was feeding the bug by eating and should stop. I did so, and it went away. [Somehow I think that this must have been a bacterial infection of the gut rather than a viral infection.]

This provides an example of how these people misuse the surveillance technology to fabricate allegations about something that does not even exist yet is prevalent in the news when they can expect to be believed by those whom they wish to manipulate by bringing others into the stalking and harassment/torture process.

What is this about NHS costs and health care? They don't pay attention to that part of the news.

*****End of the Email*****

Thu Jan 3 16:14:04 GMT 2008: "He should be in hospital," said Lt Harry Bird just now as I finished the above. Why? To stop my reporting the truth about what is going on?

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