


Web Journal Sunday 2nd December 2007
  • A typically British police state is an issue raised by Humphrey Hawksley's book The History Book. My comments about this issue after recently reading The History Book.

1. MI5 warns over China spy threat. The US is a greater spy threat in the UK than China if my experience is any indication. US government agents/contractors like Colonel Vine and Lt Harry Bird are operating freely and completely outside the law in the UK with the blessing of the UK government. They are law enforcement, the judicial system and the democratic rule of law all rolled into one and are allowed to operate as vigilantes in this manner by various departments of government.

I recently finished reading Humphrey Hawksley's book The History Book and posted an entry on his blog a copy of which can be found below. The issue is whether or not the UK is a police state. This is not an issue. Carrying out indefinite, totally invasive surveillance technology abuse against me as has been done since mid-August 1998 without any benefit of the protection of the law or access to the judicial system while the police participate with great sadistic pleasure in this 24/7 abuse can have only one conclusion.

BBC News Sunday, 2 December 2007, 17:26 GMT

MI5 warns over China spy threat

Computer keyboard
China says it has also been attacked by computer hackers

Leading British firms and government agencies have been warned Chinese state organisations may be spying on them.

UK intelligence network MI5 has contacted 300 chief executives and security experts at banks and financial institutions to raise the concerns.

It is alleged that UK organisations may suffer a concerted cyber attack to gain commercially-sensitive data.

Zhao Shangse, an official from the Chinese embassy in London, has denied the allegations.

Recently, the head of MI5, Jonathan Evans, said that Britain faces a threat from digital espionage.

MI5 warns over China spy threat

2. A typically British police state. I recommend reading The History Book by Humphrey Hawskley for an enjoyable read about technology and espionage against a background of fast moving corporate and government deceit, imprisonment and assassination. After I finished reading it recently, I wanted to look at comments about it at Humphrey Hawksley's blog which just had a recent post concerning whether or not Britain was a police state. My reply is as follows. To see the bit proceeding it please click on the following link:

Humphrey Hawksley Blog: a typically British police state.

Simon Jenkins is just flat wrong. It never ceases to amaze me that there is so much apparent ignorance from those in significant positions who make public statements like this despite many years of evidence to the contrary. His comment is worse than propaganda of the most despicable kind when we all need the truth to be publicly known. London is very much a police state and has been in my direct experience 24/7 as a target of continuous totally invasive and abusive surveillance technology for over nine years.

I've just finished reading The History Book and found it a fascinating and thoroughly enjoyable read. Those carrying out the surveillance read it right along with me as they do with every single thing I do no matter where I am located. Over four decades ago I worked in communications intelligence (Comint) for several years (1961 - 1964). At that time no one had a clue about NSA (No Such Agency), GCHQ, etc and the complete global coverage of military activity by the USSR and others. If I had tried to say anything at that time (which I would have never done), no one would have believed me. What was happening was super secret and totally unknown until the late 1970s.

If I tell you what is going on today and has been going on for years in London including prior to 9/11, you will not believe me, but just like with Sigint (Comint and Elint) you will eventually learn at some point. Since I am a target of extreme abuse from surveillance technology, I have no legal constraints about reporting what is being done to me. The real question is how is it that I know all this information? It's in the character and abuse of the surveillance technology exposed by the personality deficiencies of those using it. Having been an intelligence analyst even though over four decades ago helps too.

The essence of The History Book for me is the psychology of what is being done reflected in the actions of the various characters on all sides. The disposition to behave in certain ways by various character types reflects the reality of our era. The technology and counter technology utilisation was fascinating in the book along with the vehicle tracking and identification including the security zones and efforts to totally monitor human activity.

It's all quite real today along with the assassination and imprisonment of people who are deemed objectionable to corporate or government power interests. The use of the US Marines in a police capacity is quite revealing. All of this totally ignores human and civil rights and the democratic rule of law. Democratic institutions simply do not exist. There is no sovereignty in any nation state.

This is what The History Book "reveals" in fiction for me based upon reality. Let me take that a step further and describe what actually exists: brain wave monitoring and tracking including feedback. There is no more privacy for human thoughts and behaviour. No one can hide. Just like autos can be tracked by satellite, every person can be likewise tracked by means of their brainwave electromagnetic radiation halo surrounding the head. This is the real biometric identity tool which will be used in the future I believe.

This can be decoded to monitor all the senses (eyesight, hearing, feeling, muscle movement, smells, thoughts (images and words). I haven't verified taste as yet. The reverse can be accomplished for feedback purposes with regard to hearing, feeling (pain), muscle movement and thoughts (images and words). Surreptitious medication can be administered as well to incapacitate and debilitate. All of these have been done to me second-by-second 24/7 for the past six and one-half years.

All of this can be used to imprison, carry out torture interrogation and track a person wherever they are located carrying out all the activities described above through the use of brainwave surveillance technology. Thoughts can be read in response to interrogation. Once mapped a person can be so identified and tracked by satellite by anyone located anywhere in this world who can sit in a room and know all that a person is doing while also using that person as a surveillance instrument with respect to all the other people encountered.

This started against me in February 2001 shortly after the inauguration of George Bush for the first time and seven months before 9/11. Two US Marines whom I believe to be retired, Colonel Vine and Lt Harry Bird, arrived and started in with with their electronically transmitted verbiage early one morning while I was in the bath.

Although intended to spook me, it did not since I was already used to 2.5 years of 24/7 surveillance technology abuse using the more well known methods of surveillance (radar imaging, ultra sound photography, Tempest, microphone and camera) which were superseded. I knew there had to be a logical and physical explanation for what was happening. As I had already been doing, I just kept patiently taking copious notes about all that was happening.

I soon had it all verified after about six months of continuous verbal abuse which gave away and confirmed for me what was being done and how it was being done. I was also acquainted with an effort to kidnap me with reference to another kidnapping all of which was eventually revealed as rendition. After 9/11 and the successful invasion of Afghanistan, Colonel Vine went there to carry out this kind of work.

Later at the time of the Tsunami, he went to Sri Lanki in the same capacity. In fact, he was often globe trotting while Lt Harry Bird remained here 24/7 with his surveillance technology including the locals who used it with him. These included Metropolitan Special Branch Police Officers (Paul Winston and Mike) and local members of the general public the most significant of whom was the mother of the abused children whom I had reported for child abuse in May 1998.

In reality the US Marines acting as either US government agents/contractors perform a role far beyond that of armed police and strong arm types. They have actually carried out all of the activities in a most sadistic and abusive manner. As I read The History Book, I couldn't help thinking about what would Kat do to guard her private thoughts. The security zones are no longer necessary when every human being can be tracked from a satellite like GPS in an auto.

Humphrey Hawksley is absolutely on the right track in the direction he's leading the world with this fiction that's not really fiction. He just has to go a little further. The great problem with the reality of this surveillance technology is that it's purpose is to control which can stop anything anyone might want to do. Terrorism will cause this to be rolled out on a mass basis I believe. I'm just a non consenting human guinea pig for R&D and medical experimentation.

It's going to be interesting to see how writers deal with this reality in their fiction in the future, but for now there is most definitely a police state in operation in London which has been carrying out totally invasive surveillance technology abuse 24/7 since mid-August 1998 in my direct experience against a completely innocent person for control purposes and research development. This experience has been reported by others in the world for a long time. The age of implants is long gone. It's time to wake up to the reality of what is actually happening before it is too late.

3. Electromagnetic radiation connection to control any computer. Every effort is made to stop me from doing anything. I key objective is to stop me from collecting, analysing and reporting the facts of the actions taken against me by those using the surveillance technology. Every device in a computer can be accessed by means of its electromagnetic radiation "halo." This has been part of a Sigint intercept effort during the past year which has been called Tempest.

This effort is accompanied by demands to "stop him," "jam him up" or "keep him busy." This has been happening 24/7 for many years. It is possible to operate a computer remotely by an electromagnetic radiation connection only. Software to facilitate this is loaded by such a transmission at boot. There is no need for a computer to have any connection whatsoever.

One of the ways to slow me down occurred today while I was listening to audio recording of harassment activity which occurred during the night. Frequently, the sound volume is turned down or muted. I have to go into Control Panel and either turn off mute or restore the volume in the .wav file adjustment. Listening had grown faint today, so I found that the .wav file adjustment had been turned down. Just as I did so, a male said "See, he knows about it." This is just one of hundreds and hundreds of such confirmations of the interference which happen along with my efforts to counter them.

Another interference activity which I suspect is carried out by this interference method occurred once again today. A system of mine using SuSE Linux 10.2 slows down and locks from time to time by what I believe to be an induced memory leak. While this can be associated with individual programme bugs, in this case it happens sporadically and coincident with my important activity. The computer can run for weeks at a time then start slowing down and locking frequently.

This was also done frequently years ago when I was using Windows 98 which was accompanied by continuous verbal representations about what was happening. I gone through this whole process many,many times where I am forced to reboot a computer. This slows me down and is also accompanied by a great deal of verbal abuse attacking me as if I was responsible for this when I am only operating the computer in a normal way.

The effort is part of an overall pattern of such abuse which is intended to create the illusion of incompetence. My ability to hear what those using the surveillance technology are saying is intentional and part of the capabilities of the surveillance technology. It is done when observers are present so that they can "witness" what is happening. When they are gone, nothing happens. There is a great deal of information I've documented associated with this kind of interference.

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