


". . . The ideal of rationality in turn requires the ideal of freedom, the right to be an individual. The rational person is not merely one who has good habits or right principles, but one who knows what he believes and assumes the intellectual and moral responsibilities of his beliefs; and first he must be free to think for himself, make up his own mind. Although non-rational behaviour may exhibit admirable qualities, such as the loyalty, fortitude, and daring found in barbarians, or even in the animal world, these qualities are not wholly admirable, or trustworthy, unless they are conscious, responsible choices. The only possible virtue in being a civilized man instead of a barbarian, an ignoramus, or a moron is in being a free, responsible individual with a mind of one's own." Herbert J Muller "The Uses of the Past," Mentor Books, 1954, New York, page 74. First published by Oxford University Press 1953.) I'm an Irish citizen who has lived in London for the past 15 years. For the past seven years and five months since August 1998, I've been subjected to totally invasive surveillance technology.When the first 2.5 years was not enough, two retired US Marines, Colonel Vine and Lt Harry Bird, arrived in February 2001 just after Bush was initially inaugurated and seven months before 9/11.They joined in the existing surveillance activity bringing their technology. This amounted to the portable concentration camp with imprisonment and torture interrogation carried out 24/7 indefinitely. It continues as of this writing.I got a preview of what was to follow in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib. Because  of my own experience I was not surprised to learn about this abuse and understood that this was worldwide but in a different form. They used more conventional means in Iraq and Cuba because of a language problem which, I am sure, they are overcoming.Electromagnetic radiation is being used to imprison and interrogate by means of tracking the brain wave unique to each human surrounding the head. Satellite communication is used, and no implants are required anymore. Eyesight, hearing, feeling (pain and muscle movement) and smell are all accurately monitored along with thoughts including words and images.At the same time feedback occurs with regard to hearing and thoughts as well as feelings (pain and muscle movement). For the unsuspecting target/victim thoughts can be induced to produce mental activity which is then monitored. In my case hearing has been used extensively to terrorise and torture hoping to produce revealing thoughts or provoke a desired reaction which can be used against me. Dreams can be induced along with memory probing at night. The point is to aggravate as much as possible to produce a desired reaction. Mental illness allegations are used as a weapon to discredit the torture victim's account of what is actually happening.The whole process is intended to "shut down" human activity in order to  "break down" the human being. This is the Guantanamo and other such prisons torture methodology only using electromagnetic radiation brain wave monitoring and feedback instead of actual physical torture.However, this is lethal, and it can simulate personal injury such as broken bones and heart attacks. These have been done to me along with poisoning. I am subjected to continuous threats of violence and death including recently "You will die first" from Lt Harry Bird meaning that he will kill me before he stops.The descriptions of extensive computers in rooms next to the interrogation rooms match this activity. I believe that they are using actual physical violence, humiliation and degradation to stimulate thought activity about what they want which is monitored and recorded unknown to the victim.I am a human guinea pig in this surveillance technology R&D and medical experimentation which also includes surreptitious medication by means of brain wave feedback administration. Part of the torture and terror is to let me know all that is happening and then attack me viciously when I describe it as I am doing here.The US Gulag is far, far worse than anyone has imagined, and it's necessary for everyone to realise that this surveillance technology exists and is being used in a most malevolent way. The visible US Gulag is fast developing the technology which I am experiencing. "The idea of holding terrorists outside the U.S. legal system was not under consideration before Sept. 11, 2001, not even for Osama bin Laden, according to former government officials. The plan was to bring bin Laden and his top associates into the U.S. justice system for trial or to send them to foreigncountries where they would be tried. " "The issue of detaining and interrogating people was never, ever  discussed," said a former senior intelligence officer who worked in the CIA's Counterterrorist Center, or CTC, during that period. "It was against the culture and they believed information was best gleaned by other means." "From "CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons: Debate Is Growing Within Agency About Legality and Morality of Overseas System Set Up After 9/11" By Dana Priest, Washington Post Staff Writer, Wednesday, November 2, 2005; Page A01. I was imprisoned by US Government agents, DoD contractors I believe named above, seven months before 9/11.  The imprisonment and torture interrogation programme then was "experimental" and still is.  There is no escaping from this tracking and abuse system.  I've been so treated now as a prisoner completely outside any legal justice system based upon a presumption of guilt and punished in the extreme by an execution being carried with very slow drips of torture experimentation 24/7 for almost five years s now. The black incarceration sites are a stop gap measure.  The future will be my experience with those carrying it out able to track, imprison and torture interrogate anyone anywhere in the world via satellites.  Why do you think Congress was asked for $10 billion for yesterday's satellite technologyagainst which Jay Rockefeller protested so vehemently?  Why do you think Bush has consolidated intelligence under one person with the former director of NSA as his deputy?  This surveillance technology combines SIGINT and HUMINT and will be run by the DoD.  The CIA is out of the loop.  They have always been a cover organisation for what is really going on in intelligence.Bush and the White House have been cited as the authority for what is being done to me from the beginning until now.  References are frequently made to the Prime Minister as well.  That is where this originates as noted by the speedy arrival of Vine and Bird after Bush was inaugurated.  This was a programme started well before 9/11, and Bush has taken it in hand for his own corrupt self interest.It is now imperative everyone listen carefully to the victims of what will become the portable concentration camps of the future if you want to learn about and understand what is really happening in this world out of sight of everyone.  It can be used widely without any targetsknowing about its use.  It's all quite real, and it all works incredibly well. For a taste of what was being carried out 24/7 before 9/11 see the archives for July and August 2001. Sixty straight days of these diary/logs were sent daily to a distribution list including UK Cabinet Secretaries of State, my MP, the NHS hospitals involved and impacted by the personal injuries I sustained and the media. Such detailed information about continuous torture before 9/11 had no effect. As a result, I started a web site in November 2001. As you can see here, I'm still communicating about what goes on which has not been stopped. It is, indeed, indefinite imprisonment and torture completely outside the democratic rule of law.

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