


Web Journal Sunday 30th September 2007
  • Excessive Noise Nuisance from the Walkway: for well over four hours during the afternoon children screaming while playing in the Walkway outside my front door destroys prevents rest, sleep or quiet enjoyment.
  • Scapegoat Psychology: those using the surveillance technology make every effort to create an "enemy" against whom they can blame everything thereby sustaining antisocial and criminal behaviour overall.

1. I got four hours and 56 minutes sleep last night in six segments as described in the transcribed verbal log entries below.


PR 02:34:33 Into the bedroom with the PR and the DR everything is closed and checkout in the kitchen. Batteries have been changed in the battery chargers. They just came to an end. They were within a few minutes so I just ended them. Really doing well here. Everything is turned off in the living room. Boy, what a day. Wait until later today. I think that, that's it. I like this very much. Here we go. Now, I'm heading off into the bedroom, getting there. Everybody's getting there. All right. The vigilante mobsters were talking away. Lt Harry Bird said it was "too cold." Cold at night. Lilly livered, snivelling little craven coward who's afraid of the cold. He's gotta blame something, you know, gotta find something to blame for whatever. He said this the other night: "It's too cold." Yeah. That little coward who shot Mr Howard in the back.

PR 02:36:13 Into the bedroom.


PR 02:37:06 Night One: Sunday, 30.09.2007. Camcorder functioning, PR and HC functioning. In great shape here, and now moving onto the Tableau Rase. Yeah, we'll get 'em going here. Gonna go after everybody here. Gonna show 'em what they're all about. Yup.

PR 02:38:59 On my left side now. Time for sleep. Let's see how much they can dish out. What a spectacular day. Now everybody's quiet because they're reading it. That's it. They're gonna study this one.

PR 02:39:46 "Drop[ped] the ball," said a male. They could put a "you" in front of that. Probably talking of Lt Harry Bird and BS. They're going to fight all night long.

PR 02:41:58 Shovelling kind of hit noises from below. Here we go.

PR 02:48:42 Very solid rattling vibrating in the bedroom now. It's not the tube. It's gone to sleep for the night. What's going on.

PR 02:50:23 "Treacherous." Uh, huh, that's what we all thought. That's what Lt Harry Bird and BS are all about. I'm glad it's recognised now. OK, onto my right side here.

A. To sleep for 25 minutes


PR 03:15:34 OK, woke up there on a breathing note. Then I woke up a little further in the area. Woken up. A little loud rustle there in the background. There we go. A little loud rustle.

B. To sleep for 39 minutes


PR 03:54:32 Woke up on my right side there by a slight yammering going on from; oh, I don't know. . . . on what you want to call it: below or somewhere, somebody close by. Yammering. Could be the vigilante activity, but anyway BS started screeching as soon as I rolled over onto my back as soon as I started that process. I had a dream where there were people who were trying to exert complete over others, and I was shooting an elephant on a table. It was a game. [went on to describe dream]

PR 03:56:11 "The facts of the case," said a male. There are no fact in this case. There's no case. It's all a hoax. Every bit of it.

C. To sleep for one hour and 14 minutes [I actually woke at 0510 as described]


PR 05:15:18 "F****** idiot," said Lt Harry Bird. Before this he said "Hold on." I'm in the living room now. I just finished resetting the time [on the PR after changing its batteries]. It wasn't off that far. It's was only off 0503. Must have gone off just before I woke up about 0510. About five minutes ago. Whatever. All right, now getting another pair of batteries for the DR. Of course, as things go, that's five. I think I'll just leave 'em right here. Yeah, we'll force trips.

PR 05:16:12 Time here. OK, back into the bedroom. Here we go stopping by the bathroom first. . . . [Screech from BS] "Yeeeeeeooooh, he'll kill me." Who would be interested? Who would care?

[Who would be bothered to do such a thing?]

BS is trying to attract attention.

[She's trying to create a problem where none exists. She trying to make it appear as if someone would be interested in doing such a thing, but no one really cares enough to be bothered. She has no impact. She's just a screeching, hysterical, emotionally disturbed personality that people ignore. She tries to structure her life this way since she wouldn't get any attention otherwise. She doesn't have a life. She has spent all of the past nine years and one month 24/7 since mid-August 1998 stalking and harassing me with the use of surveillance technology. She reverses the allegations to make it appear as if she has the problem which she is actually carrying out against me. In reality she's projecting what's inside herself onto an external object. This is commonly called "crying wolf." She is a sociopath.]

I noticed it's not over. I can still hear her screeching. "Yeeeeeeeeooooh, he'll kill me." This is all phoney baloney nonsense. . . . into the bedroom.

PR 05:18:16 Into the bedroom.


PR 05:18:23 OK, onto the bed. All right, here we go. That's it. OK, we'll let's see. Oh, BS's screeching. 0230 to 0430 some three [sic] hours [two actually; but it's approaching three hours since I went to bed]. She yelled "Now."

PR 05:19:09 OK, we got up about 0510, and the exact time of course can be determined on the video. I noted when the PR was dead, batteries gone, so I scruffled around to go into the living room to change them. All right. I had to. Actually, I changed them here, then I realised I didn't know how long it had been off. So, I had to go into the living room to reset the time. Time's very important in this. Every time I start s new file I want to know what time it is. I woke from a dream. That dream was being required to sign or fill in and sign this form; checked [ticked] the little bits and pieces. [described the dream]

Now, the moment I woke up a male said "As of now, it's over." We'll that's hardly true because Lt Harry Bird and BS have been going at it. And, they wouldn't make that announcement. Just shut it down and go. Got a siren there in the distance [which can be heard faintly on the recording]. So, all of this is just phoney baloney nonsense that it's always been jerking me back and forth and around, upside down, a yo-yo you know. All right, so now, I'm going to go back to sleep on my left side.

PR 05:22:07 To sleep on my left side all things being permitted by those using the surveillance technology.

D. To sleep for one hour and 18 minutes


PR 06:40:52 Awake again slightly on my left side, and . . . there was a dream about recruiting for the armed services. [described dream]

OK, I woke up then at that point, and I was still wiped out. So, I rested some more on my back, and I moved initially to my left side, rolled back onto my back or whatever. So, . . . no vigilante mobster cackles, crackles or pops so far.

"Victim," said Lt Harry Bird. But, I'll have a go. He couldn't keep his mouth shut.

PR 06:43:43 All right on my right side. Lt Harry Bird said "Victim." Back to sleep maybe. [described some more of the dream]

PR 06:45:17 "I'm going to go down with every single gadget," said a male. . . . On my right side and back to sleep.

E. To sleep for 27 minutes


PR 07:12:56 OK, sprottleburgers, on my left side for a little Poughkeepsie slip. Yeah, that's right. Time to go to slip. OK, now, [described some of the dream] What's that squeaking sound? I'll check it out on the recording. [more dream description]

F. To sleep for 53 minutes


DR 08:05:05 OK, well, more of the same dreams. Can't exactly remember this one. Maybe it'll come back. Well, it's time to roll up and roll out here. Getting some sleep as it's turning out. OK, up and away here. Right. That's it.

DR 08:05:48 Up, up and away.

2. The excessively loud noise nuisance from the children playing in the Walkway outside my front door went on for hours in the afternoon. The screeching was so loud I could hear it in my living room which was separated from it by two closed doors and the hall's dead air space. This started before 1623 and went on after 2031. This span of time covered by these sample recordings is four hours.

This is extremely important in light of the fact that I was woken throughout the night by those using the surveillance technology as part of their chronic sleep deprivation efforts. This excessive noise nuisance outside my front door makes it impossible for me to use the bedroom for rest or sleep during the day should I wish to make up for the sleep deprivation deliberately caused by Lt Harry Bird, BS and others throughout the night as logged above.

Listen very carefully to what the children are saying in the B clip which reveals the antisocial attitude reflecting parent's attitude and bad parenting which this overall antisocial behaviour also reveals on an ongoing basis. This kind of behaviour in the Walkway persits despite efforts to bring this to the attention of those in responsible positions of authority.

The C clip reveals the presence and comments by an adult as do the D and E clips while the excessive noise nuisance continues from the children.

A. Screeching children playing outside my front door in the Walkway below. Sunday, 30th September 2007, 1623: duration: 01:23.

B. Screeching children playing outside my front door in the Walkway below. Sunday, 30th September 2007, 1751: duration: 01:08.

C. Screeching children playing in Walkway with adult coming from nearby flat. Sunday, 30th September 2007, 1919: duration: 01:10.

D. Screeching children playing in the Walkway in and out of a flat opposite with adult standing it its door. Sunday, 30th September 2007, 2001: duration 01:40.

E. Screeching children playing in the Walkway again in and out of a flat opposite. Sunday, 30th September 2007, 2031: duration 01:20.

3. Those using the surveillance technology practise scapegoat psychology with false allegations and false negative characterisations in order to create an enemy which will permit the standards of antisocial and criminal behaviour to be maintained. Their attempts to discredit whatever I report about their activity and the other antisocial behaviour as is reflected here reflect efforts to cover up their own and others antisocial and criminal behaviour. They seek to dominate and control the environment which such abusive behaviour carried out with the use of surveillance technology against the person who reports the problems.

They want a scapegoat. They want to blame their problems and why they aren't getting anything done on a scapegoat. That's tenant management. Those using the surveillance technology provide a convenient excuse for tenant management's maladministration and gross mismanagement. It's worth noting that the screeching frequently heard from BS sounds like that of the children from the Walkway. The words and phrases from the children and the adults in the Walkway also reflect the verbal abuse and attitude from those using the surveillance technology.

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