


Web Journal Sunday 4th March 2007

The following is a work in progress which will be updated periodically due to the fact that I am subjected to extensive abuse by those using surveillance technology who interfere as much as possible with my collection, organising, documenting and reporting all this activity some of which is described including hard evidence below. I will do as much as I can time permitting while the continuous abuse from the surveillance technology and other sources goes on. This activity is documented as much as is possible as it goes on to create a total picture of everything that is happening. Only when I am free from the continuous torture and harassment will I be able to concentrate on getting this documented and produced in a thorough manner. In the meantime it will always be a work in progress because there is no end to the abuse from Lt Harry Bird, BS and others from multiple sources including the surveillance technology.

1. During the past week the extensive antisocial and harassment activity continued from the flat below. Given its context I associate this directly with the abuse of the surveillance technology by Lt Harry Bird and BS the daughter of the tenant in the flat below. Each of these constitutes two events which under the Protection From Harassment Act of 1997 create yet another legal basis for a claim of harassment. This activity is carried out in order to "set up" false allegations against me which are reinforced by those using the surveillance technology. This is just a small fraction of my defence and counterclaim against these false allegations and false negative characterisations. This is criminal harassment as well as unlawful harassment because all these actions create a fear of violence.

In this situation these all together form a pattern of such unlawful and criminal harassment and are substantiated by direct evidence. At the very least this displays a general disregard and disrespect for others carried out by those associated with the flat below who evidently feel protected by the use and abuse of the surveillance technology in order to carry out whatever unlawful and criminal acts they chose. There is no doubt that this is deliberately carried out against me given the use of the surveillance technology abuse and the overall pattern of abuse which has been going on for an extended period of time starting in August 1998 by the same people who are currently present.

All of this activity comes from those associated with the flat below who create all of these activities and then try to blame me for what they are doing to effect a "set up" by means of these acts and explosive hysterical behaviour hoping to bully and incite others by this emotional upheaval with excessively loud verbal noises. This is a constant pattern of activity which continues extensively carried out by those using the surveillance technology for hours on end 24/7 without any cessation whatsoever for eight and one-half years.

I am addressing specific problems some of which are described and documented below. This is in contrast to the general abuse carried out against me personally which does not seek to address any specific problem that has been communicated to me at any time during the past decade. All of my activity regardless of its nature is attacked indiscriminately by the use of the surveillance technology. This activity is carried out against me for reporting serious criminal and antisocial behaviour for over a decade some of which is directly from those in the flat below which continues as is noted as follows:

A. Rubbish bags outside flat door.

Rubbish bags were left outside the door to flat below on two separate days on Wednesday evening and Friday morning. This reflects a general attitude of disregard and disrespect for others which has been occurring like this for many years and has been reported with hard evidence to tenant management, yet it still goes on. This is a direct violation of one of the explicit tenancy agreement covenants.

B. Excessively loud noise nuisance.

There was loud thumping bass music from the flat below for an hour or more on two separate days on Thursday after 1700 and on Saturday from just before 1200 onwards. This very loud thumping bass music permeates the flat in all its rooms vibrating the floor causing a disruption and disturbance to my activity. In conjunction with the chronic sleep deprivation carried out by the other activities this would prevent the quiet enjoyment of the premises depriving me at these and other possible times of additional rest and sleep that I need during the day to make up for the lost sleep at night. The potential for this disturbance hangs over me continuously as does the continuous actual disturbance from the abuse of the surveillance technology.

C. Deliberately loud and extensive noises from under my bedroom while trying to sleep.

There were two consecutive mornings of excessive noises from below including thuds, thumps, hits and very loud furniture scrapings that woke me, kept me awake and drove me out of bed. One of these began before 0700, and each of them continued after 0700 until those below apparently accompanied by very loud door slamming, bar grate clanking and verbal abuse reflecting the same verbal abuse carried out by Lt Harry Bird and BS using the surveillance technology.

D. Deliberately loud door slamming from below.

There was excessive door slamming from the the flat below including bar grate clanking. The bar grate clanking and its evidence confirms that this excessive noise nuisance comes from the flat below. On one of these days this occurred twice about 15 minutes apart. This reflects a deliberate pattern of activity intended to disturb which has been occurring for the better part of a year. On one such occasion in recent months these door slammings and bar grate clankings occurred in four consecutive times interspersed with a loud, hard hit thud on the wall under the head of my bed while I was trying to sleep in the morning. It sounded like someone, a child most likely, was slamming the door and bar grate then running back into the flat below to hit the wall as hard as possible. This was done four times in rapid succession leaving no doubt that it was intentional and directly connected with the deliberate effort to disturb my rest and sleep which goes on every night all night.

E. Verbal abuse in the public Walkway apparently by those exiting from the flat below.

On two consecutive mornings the person or persons exiting from the flat below associated with these door slammings said "He's sick." On another occasion a voice from the Walkway at the same time as similar door slammings occurred asked "He's come. Did you hear?" These comments and others of a similar character are heard continuously from both those using the surveillance technology and others making these same comments from the public area of the Walkway outside my front door, hall, bedroom and bathroom.

2. The above activity feeds into a general antisocial and criminal behaviour by others in this environment. The central source for such a standard in this environment comes from the sustained abuse by those using the surveillance technology and the obvious flaunting of any basically accepted standard and decency by those associated with the flat below.

A. Rubbish on the floor under the rubbish chute doors.

B. Personal possessions left permanently in the Walkway.

C. Fly tipping outside around the recycle bins.

D. Flourishing vermin population.

E. Inline skate jumping and fence top sliding.

3. While this "debate" goes on about control orders including their restriction of liberty, this government carries out surveillance technology driven imprisonment and torture interrogation as well as R&D and medical experimentation on a nonconsenting human guinea pig indefinitely 24/7 which no one wants to acknowledge actually exists. This as been going on 24/7 for eight and one-half years against me accomplished by scores if not hundreds of people. I have never participated in any legal proceedings with respect to this extreme abuse of the surveillance technology of a most sophisticated kind which goes far beyond any "close supervision."

In fact, my efforts to bring this into the High Court six years ago this month for protection under the Protection From Harassment Act of 1997 coincident with personal injuries so sustained were destroyed by those using the surveillance technology so that they could continue to operate unobstructed by and completely outside the law. Those in Parliament who are most concerned with this problem involving control orders ignore the reality of what this government is actually doing outside the law and, even worse, ignore the communications I have been making about this incredible situation for years.

It would be useful for the Joint Committee on Human Rights to hold hearings on this abuse and debate the usage of this most sophisticated surveillance technology by this government whose use destroys all human rights. I am free to testify at such hearings before this committee to answer any and all questions to the best of my ability at any time. Until such time as this occurs, nothing meaningful can be accomplished, and control orders will remain a red herring used to distract from what is actually being carried out by this government in this country with respect to indefinite "house arrest," torture and interrogation including the complete tracking of the surveillance target anywhere at anytime.

BBC News Sunday, 4 March 2007, 04:06 GMT

Control order debate criticised

An armed police officer outside Parliament
Control orders have to be renewed every year
Laws allowing suspected terrorists to be kept under close supervision have been criticised by MPs and peers.

The Joint Committee on Human Rights accused ministers of failing to give Parliament a proper chance to debate the use of control orders.

Although the orders have to be renewed every year, the committee says there is not enough chance for discussion.

Critics say the orders, which came into force in March 2005, amount to a form of house arrest.

. . .

The High Court and the Court of Appeal have quashed seven control orders on the grounds that they amounted to deprivations of liberty.

The committee said the government could do more to make it easier to secure a criminal prosecution, mainly by allowing the use of intercepting material such as phone taps to be used in court.

4. Health Minister Rosie Winterton has done it again today by appearing on BBC News24 for an interview with respect to what she called "preventive medicine." One idea was to provide air conditioners to those with a chronic lung disease which required multiple hospitalisations during summer months. This would help these people have an easier summer out of hospital and at home. Another idea was to prescribe swimming lessons for those who are overweight to enable them to get exercise. A third idea was anger management classes for the mentally ill who had a problem with violent behaviour as a result of their emotional disturbance. After hearing this interview, I sent the following Email to BBC News24:

This government must have a sucker list of ministers upon whom they want to dump. They take a normal and probabaly reasonable human being to force them to support daft policies which are intended to create an image of the government in action rather than actually get something meaningful done. Many of these schemes are never heard about again. It looks like they put these hapless ministers on the lower rungs of government striving to get higher up to a possible secretary of state position by making them jump through hoops. They have to get out and support nonsense like this. It really makes one wonder about this government, but then we see the sad results of the last ten years in the likes of the "dysfunctional" and "not fit for purpose" Home Office. Imagine being a minister there.

This will lead to people having nothing to do with the NHS, but even that will provide no escape for the NHS will move into the community as can be seen in my experience after bringing to the attention of those in authority the problems which were not being addressed properly following my May 1998 reporting of the child abuse in the flat below. After these NHS professionals (so-called because they make money at what they do not because of their expertise) come out into the community as an alternative police force based up someone's unfounded complaint or dislike of a complaint, there is no escaping them. This government is opting for complete control and domination over the lives of everyone by one means or another. Ultimately, everyone will be subjected to this surveillance technology. Anyone who expresses themselves in a way that is not liked by those in power risks being subjected to the kind of experience I've had. The fear alone will most certainly silence many.

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Subject: Nanny State Interview With Health Minister Rosie Winterton: what happens when the government causes the problems?
Date: Sunday 04 March 2007 18:35
From: Gary D Chance

Prevention? What prevention? Read this and think about preventive medicine.

The government is causing the problems with its 24/7 surveillance technology abuse carried out for eight and one-half years.

I. Cataracts, Diplopia, Lymph Oedema and Skin Cancer Recurrence Risk Caused by Surveillance Technology

I've already had cataract surgery as a result; diagnosed in December 2000 with surgery in June and July 2003.

I am at risk from skin cancer which is being tracked from time to time. Last malignant biopsy was in June 1998 just before the surveillance technology abuse started.

I have a lymph oedema problem in my right forearm and hand which like the cataracts is a direct result of the surveillance technology. This started immediately with the surveillance technology installation in August 1998.

Will the government look at my forearm and hand and try to prevent this with swimming lessons?

II. NHS Medical Professionals Have Been Rolled Out Into the Community Drumming Up Business for Themselves While Milking the Massive Funds Inflow

Instead of stopping its own abusive activity carried out by any number of NHS health professionals treating me surreptitiously without my consent in my own home for nonexisting conditions, the government has supported and helped carry out chronic sleep deprivation 24/7 for eight and one-half years by means of surveillance technology used as a weapon in the hands of those whom I reported for their child abuse in May 1998.

Any and all overtime payments to these medical health professionals who have participated in this activity all these years must be investigated to determine the propriety of such earnings in the community 24/7.

III. Overweight Due to Chronic Sleep Deprivation With Risk of Peripheral Organ Collapse and Age Onset Disease, i.e., Diabetes

The chronic sleep deprivation deliberately created by those using the surveillance technology has led to my being over weight because the uptake of nutrition is inhibited (see The Lancet end of October 1999).

There are other physiological problems as a result. The most acute of which are the huge risk to a collapse of peripheral organ systems: cardiovascular, liver, kidney, etc.

Such overweight and chronic sleep deprivation can lead to age onset diseases such as diabetes.

IV. Surreptitious Medication Intended to Debilitate and Incapacitate Eliminates Exercise, Assists Verbal Abuse and Creates Organ Failure Risk

I have been subjected to surreptitious medication inside my home and elsewhere intended to incapacitate and debilitate me. The result is the inability to exercise. I bought a bicycle four years ago but could not ride it due to the debilitating impact of the surreptitious medication. I keep it ready for the day when this "forced" medication against a nonconsenting adult is stopped, and I can start riding it daily.

Such "drugging" has been carried out in the most brutal manner possible continuously 24/7 no matter where I am located based upon the verbal abuse false allegations and false negative characterisations by those using the surveillance technology. It is also used in conjunction with carrying out verbal abuse after it has been administered surreptitiously.

Side effects such as a diuretic impact from surreptitious medication administered unlawfully without consent outside a hospital environment can lead to kidney failure. Other muscles such as the heart are impacted as is the skeletal system which is supported by the muscle system.

V. Anger management

I'm calm and relaxed and have never behaved in an angry manner that would cause anyone alarm. My behaviour has always been appropriate although those using the surveillance technology have continuously been as provocative as possible.

However, I have witnessed continuous anger and rage from those using the surveillance technology including violent acts by Lt Harry Bird who flew out of control on two occasions attacking two different women working with him. One of these was BS whom he slugged as hard as possible one night.

Lt Harry Bird also had to be restrained because he was going to come up here and shoot me with his gun which was taken away from him the next day.

Threats of violence and death from these people using the surveillance technology and others have been a continuous part of my life for all these years.

What about those who were given access to and then operational control of surveillance technology to use as a bullying weapon against me driven by their anger, rage, hatred and bitterness after I reported their violence against children and a road rage incident outside my kitchen window?

How will the government put these people into anger management or given parental orders?

VI. Heal Thyself Government and Stop Blaming Your Victims

Will the government try to force me to have swimming lessons when my muscles are debilitated or will it provide me with an air conditioner so I can lose weight and sleep better at night? Who's going to pay for the electricity for the air conditioner?

This government needs to stop its own policies of abuse resulting from its nanny state intervention that it has gotten completely wrong before interfering further in people's lives after they have gotten it wrong while getting it further wrong.

Remember the joke about the Boy Scout who helped the old lady across the street who didn't want to cross the street?

The government is trying to hide its mistakes by further mistakes. Give the NHS health professionals an opportunity to make more money for themselves, and they will create the problems.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Did that Boy Scout help the little old lady back across the street?

*****End of the Email*****

5. Violence sponsored by the government as I describe above, in this web journal and have experienced for eight and one-half years results in an increase in the violence throughout the community. Here are two very sad examples. The first is a man killed with a gun not far north of here near the area of one of the flats where the terrorists on trial for the 7/21 dud bombing congregated at one point. There is no connection between these as far as I know, but this violence in the community is not far from here. The shooting of a police officer is a terrible thing meaning that the public is all the more at risk if those who are so disposed to violence feel no restraint about shooting the police. This occurred in the now well known violent Peckham, London, and exactly what happened is unclear since the article indicates that the police officer was unhurt.

BBC News Sunday, 4 March 2007, 19:29 GMT

Shot man is found dead in London

A man was found dead with gunshot wounds in north-west London, it has emerged.

Officers were called to reports of a shooting in Scrubs Lane at 1615 GMT on Sunday afternoon.

The victim, a 21-year-old man, was pronounced dead at the scene. A post-mortem examination is due to take place on Monday.

Police said they have informed next-of-kin. No-one has been arrested and no weapon recovered.

BBC News Sunday, 4 March 2007, 12:26 GMT

Police officer is shot by youth

A police officer has been shot in south London, the Metropolitan Police has confirmed.

The officer, from Southwark, was unhurt in the shooting in Beaton Close, Peckham, in the early hours of Sunday.

No-one has been arrested but armed officers were brought in and a house in the area was searched.

The officer was shot by a youth who was part of a group that appeared while the policeman was talking to another group of youngsters about a moped.

A police spokesman would not say what type of firearm was used, but said no weapon had been recovered at the scene.

Officers from the Met's Operation Trident unit, which investigates gun crimes involving members of the capital's black community, are investigating.

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