


Web Journal Tuesday 29th May 2007

1. More fly tipped rubbish appears by the recycle Blue Bins dumped there sometime during the past 24 hours. Once this is started, it grows from other people following suit.

Tue 29.05.2007 0929 more tipped rubbish by the recycle bins Taken at 0929 this morning this photograph reflects the addition of more fly tipped rubbish in the past 24 hours. There appears to be a cardboard box and what looks like the same kind of tiles which are on my balcony all stacked up. These are not recyclables from this appearance, and I wonder how and why they got here? I suspect it's just part of the general fly tipping that gets started once someone primes the pump as I described yesterday.

These are the 84 balcony tiles in the photograph below which were removed from my balcony nine years ago during the first week of June 1998. Despite having scaffolding in place for five weeks last October, a half baked balcony repair was carried out after over eight years of a deliberately created and sustained balcony disrepair which denied me its use. The disrepair was created by outside access as agreed.

Once the deliberate disrepair was created, harassment demands for an inspection with inside access were repeatedly made despite an agreement to fully repair from outside access. The Estate Management Board has its own agenda. Attempted access was made without an appointment. The following appointment resulted in the surveyor not showing up. Finally, he arrived in late June 1998, and the situation's problem was described to him.

Tue 29.05.2007 1454 84 balcony tiles removed nine years remain to be replaced

This was not sufficient for the EMB who ignored/blocked any Council/TMO repairs throughout the summer of 1998 and began demanding more inspections itself commencing in the middle of September 1998. By this time such demands for inspections constituted harassment which were made in the context of the installation of the surveillance technology in mid-August 1998 when access to it was made avaliable to those in surrounding flats. All inspections and repair from the end of June 1998 forward could be made from outside access at anytime but were not until last June 2006.

Several months later the scaffolding was erected and this half baked job was undertaken in the autumn of 2006. The balcony tiles were not replaced to their original state enabling balcony usage. Instead, they were left leaning against the wall as seen in this photograph when the scaffolding was removed. I consider this to be an incomplete balcony repair which denies me use of my balcony that has "persisted" for nine years as part of an overall harassment effort by tenant management.

Those using the surveillance technology rage verbally against this balcony repair wanting to deny me its use as well hoping to shut down any and all other aspects of my existence with direct harassment and false allegations.

Tue 29.05.2009 1456 inline skate take-off board remains on the security cage by the narrow Estate entrance/exit The inline skate jumping take-off board remains atop the security cage at the Estate entrance/exit. There is a bit of sunshine now, but more rain and storm activity is expected shortly for Wednesday.

Tue May 29 15:04:51 BST 2007: "Security . . . He's violent," manufactured Lt Harry Bird a moment ago while I was working on these photographs above. He and BS are attacking ferociously to stop me from documenting and publishing these problems. They manufacture these extreme and alleations which have no foundation in fact whatsoever. They are trying to incite others to violence themselves.

Tue May 29 15:19:38 BST 2007: "Persistent," said Lt Harry Bird. "I know," said BS as I continued with the above production process. He means this in a derogatory sense, yet it is they who are totally obsessive and "persistent" in their destructive efforts using surveillance technology as a weapon 24/7 for all these eight and three quarter years. I am address their activity and the failures of tenant management each of which "persists." One must go to the source of the problems to get the truth.

Lt Harry Bird and BS are making every effort to smokescreen the source while attacking me since they are the source. I could be catatonic and do nothing, but then that is what they are trying to create by hoping to shut down all human activity and destroy life itself.

The definition of "catatonia" below fits Lt Harry Bird and BS in their "purposeless excitement" and "negativism" which is a constant characteristic of their behaviour. The muscular rigidity is manifest in the extreme humourlessness and intensity which often invokes others to say "loosen up" to Lt Harry Bird. He is as uptight as you will ever find anyone. The monotony of their language reflected as they repeat the same thing continuously reflects a kind of stupor that is masked by this apparent verbal activity "full of sound and fury signifying nothing."

Tue May 29 15:38:32 BST 2007: "It's my job," says Lt Harry Bird trying to justify the accurate description of this behaviour in the above paragraph. No one who is normal would behave like this. Anyone who had any ability to do anything would never engage in this kind of activity for six and one quarter years 24/7 since February 2001 as he has done. He is clinging to this activity because he cannot do anything else. This requires no ability whatsoever which is why BS is also involved. They carry it out 24/7 to hide the fact that they are faking everything. When challenged, they frequently use "It's my job" as justification for their behaviour.

This kind of behaviour reflects the essence of the character of the person and his hopelessness in that he does not chuck it and find something that is not so "stupefying" as this behaviour that only suits a catatonic personality. He is rigidly sitting in a corner figuratively pounding his head against the wall by his behaviour. No one who is normal would every engage in this kind of activity. It reflects the most mind numbing nonsense anyone could possibly do and only those who have no ability and no hope of doing anything else would engage in it. This is reflected by other characteristic of his and BS' behaviour .

They need to attack me here as I publish these ongoing failures to manage properly hoping to keep me from doing so. These are devastating comments and evidence about the failure of all concerned in this endeavour.


catatonic \cat`a*ton"ic\ adj.
1. of or pertaining to catatonia; suffering from catatonia.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. appearing mentally stupefied, unresponsive, and
motionless, or almost so; seemingly unaware of one's
environment. [Colloq.]

-- From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48


catatonia \cat`a*ton"ia\ n. [Gr. katatonos, stretching down,
depressed, fr. kata` down + to`nos stretching, straining,
tone (sound). --Stedman.] (Psychiatry)

an abnormal behavioural syndrome characterized by stupor,
negativism, and muscular rigidity, sometimes alternating with
purposeless excitement, and seen most frequently in
schizophrenia; called also {catatonic schizophrenia}.

-- From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48

Tue May 29 15:24:55 BST 2007: "It's a joke," said Lt Harry Bird. Then after a bit, someone perhaps he, added "Reality." They are trying to foist their delusion on others by "psychic driving" repeating one thing so many times that people begin to believe that it is a fact of reality. Reality is something with which Lt Harry Bird and BS are not connected. It's necessary to examine the facts underneath what they say in general terms and to make these kinds of characterisations. Facts and evidence are not part of their activity. If they were, these two would not be carrying out this activity as they are.

Tue May 29 15:31:41 BST 2007: Loud thumping bass music starts from below. It's matches Oskar and his drum. (See Gunter Grass' The Tin Drum for it's full blown representation of expression. This loud thumping bass music stops shortly after it begins reflecting its protesting/harassment character.

2. Tony Blair continues to junket and behave as if he will be Prime Minister after 27th June. When he announced his resignation, he should have departed forthwith. This is a constitutional crises in the making given all that is currently happening. Tony Blair is not acting in the interest of the UK but in his own corrupt self interest as are those who have supported him but will not participate in a Gordon Brown government.

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Subject: All Blair's Current Travels at Taxpayer's Expense: what's the benefit?
Date: Tuesday 29 May 2007 11:30
From: Gary D Chance

While Tony Blair junkets the world at the taxpayer's expense, the bickering erupts in a most serious way among cabinet ministers with a media onslaught sent out daily to dominate the news.

Meanwhile, the country is left rudderless at the mercy of these blowing gales.

This is just one more series of problems and upsets which will take time and effort to straighten out. However, the mark of uncertainty about the government will remain adding to what has gone on before.

This appears to be deliberate destructiveness and vindicative behaviour on the part of those departing government to leave a legacy of control and perhaps protection for themselves.

This is why a transition like this should never be constitutionally allowed to occur. Those departing should not set the agenda for those arriving who have to live with the consequences of words and deeds for which they are not responsible.

*****End of the Email*****

BBC News Tuesday, 29 May 2007, 09:46 GMT 10:46 UK

Blair in Libya on farewell tour

Tony Blair
Mr Blair wants to put the focus on Africa

Tony Blair is to visit Libya at the start of a week-long tour of Africa seen as highlighting what he believes to have been foreign policy successes.

The prime minister will also visit Sierra Leone and South Africa in his last big tour before stepping down.

Ahead of his trip Downing St said BP would be announcing a return to Libya - showing "the benefit of re-engagement".

Mr Blair is thought to want to focus attention on Africa and climate change ahead of the forthcoming G8 summit.

Blair in Libya on farewell tour

3. Here's another extreme measure from this government which it rolls out frequently now. I am concerned about the extensive harassment abuse from those in the flat below who would qualify for such an exclusion from their home after the past year of extreme antisocial behaviour and the total of nine years of abuse with the use of surveillance technology.

If a group of people carry on as they have done during the past year, they create an impossible living environment which spills over into everyone's life in the environment either through similar activity or by having to put up with this extreme antisocial behaviour.

The big problem here is that surveillance technology has been in use for eight and three quarter years without being able to get it right. If they cannot do this with this technology, there is little confidence to be placed in their applying the proposal described below properly. The bullies can gang up on the person who reports the problem and have that person removed based upon false allegations and vigilante mob behaviour.

Once again the great problem I have with such proposed legislation rests with its abuse such as that I've been experiencing for nine years 24/7. If they can turn those in authority in the manner that they have done in all these years, they might succeed in wiping out any defense against their behaviour by such a pre-emptory move.

After I published the information above, there was an intense "discussion" taking place among those using the surveillance technology. This was oriented around getting me out of my home as quickly as possible as is always the case. This time one of the arguments made by Lt Harry Bird for such precipitous actions was a statement which sounded like "She's already got planning permission." This raises some interesting questions.

Has BS gotten planning permission with respect to my home in order to carry out alterations when I am removed and she occupies the premises? Does this planning permission apply to converting this flat and the one below (her mother's) into a duplex? Although that seems a bit far fetched, it is conceivable. Of course, there might be other alterations under consideration.

This came up in the context of my describing fully once again what occurred with respect to the balcony repair problem during 1998 a bit of which is mentioned above. A male had said "He's not objective." I took exception to that and made as complete a statement as possible for the video and audio recordings. I told the full story indicating the objectivity of my behaviour and the fabrications with which I had to deal. This is addressed elsewhere. I'll reference it when I find it.

After this there appeared to be the typical attack from Lt Harry Bird and BS inciting some to carry out an act of forced removal of me from my home. A male said "I couldn't possibly do it." This could refer to other procedures being demanded based upon false allegations, but the one at the top of the list is to "Pull him out." This refusal by the other male came after I had described the events of the summer of 1998 thoroughly.

After this refusal there came a series of arguments to get him to change his mind which included the statement "She's already got planning permission." I'll have to investigate this one and see where it leads. Of course, they could just be winding me up.

BBC News Tuesday, 29 May 2007, 11:55 GMT 12:55 UK

Rowdy residents 'to be shut out'

Home Office minister Vernon Coaker with police officer
Vernon Coaker said anti-social behaviour costs £3.4bn a year

Nuisance neighbours could face being shut out of their homes under proposed new powers, the Home Office has said.

The Criminal Justice Bill would allow police and councils to seal off persistent offenders' properties for up to 12 weeks, as a last resort.

The move follows consultation with police, local authorities, housing trusts and community groups.

The Home Office said it was aimed at tackling excessive noise, rowdy behaviour and frequent drunken parties.

Rowdy residents 'to be shut out'

4. Mr "Junket" aka Tony Blair is off travelling abroad while Gordon Brown is not yet in "office." This hostage crisis hit today with no one at the helm of the ship of fools making it rudderless with the large gash below the waterline. Four Britons have been kidnapped in Iraq by a massive kidnap mob who impressed everyone as officials apparently leading off these four security guards and the person they were protecting. Imagine their surprise when they learned that the police who were apparently helping them were actually capturing them. Meanwhile, the cabinet goes on squabbling while extreme measures continue to be trotted out in an effort to rule be fear.

BBC News Tuesday, 29 May 2007, 17:00 GMT 18:00 UK

Five Britons abducted in Baghdad

The street outside Iraq's finance ministry
Witnesses said police units sealed off the street outside the ministry

Five Britons have been kidnapped from Iraq's finance ministry in Baghdad, the British government has confirmed.

They included four bodyguards and a finance expert. Earlier reports said the expert was German.

Witnesses and sources told the BBC that the kidnappers wore police uniforms and arrived in up to 40 police vehicles.

The British foreign office said it was "in urgent contact with Iraqi authorities to establish facts and to try to secure a swift resolution".

The British government convened an emergency meeting of its Cobra crisis management committee on Tuesday afternoon.

Also on Tuesday, Baghdad was shaken by a bus explosion which killed at least 23 people and injured about 55, and a car bomb which killed at least 17 people, hurt at least 36 and destroyed a Shia mosque.

Five Britons abducted in Baghdad

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