


Web Journal Tuesday 13th February 2008
  • Agencies 'failed' murdered baby. Jessica Randall had broken ribs and a fractured skull in her short 54-day life, but no one suspected child abuse. There were visits by 30 health care professionals.
  • Infant not noted at risk. Jessica Randall: didn't notice she was at risk and didn't respond to a history of schizophrenia in the mother. Maybe they should have given the parents surveillance technology to use for abuse against others as has occurred to me by those whom I reported for their child abuse.
  • Bomb kills top Hezbollah leader. "When the state says kill, killing becomes an act of Christian love." e e cummings, i six non-lectures, atheneum, new york, 1961 (his Charles Eliot Norton Lectures at Harvard University).

1. Mental health nurses face attacks.

BBC News Wednesday, 13 February 2008, 06:00 GMT

Mental health nurses face attacks

Nurses reported the highest levels of attacks

More than half of nurses on mental health wards have been physically attacked, a survey suggests.

Nurses working with older people are the most likely to be assaulted, the joint Healthcare Commission and Royal College of Psychiatrists report said.

The study of 69 NHS trusts and private hospitals in England and Wales said patients had also been attacked and more had to be done to stop violence.

Health bosses said the situation was taken "very seriously".

And it comes as the Health Service Journal reports that mental health staff are still waiting for violence training promised following the death of schizophrenia patient David Bennett in 1998.

He died after being restrained by staff at the Norvic Clinic in Norwich.

The audit covered eight in 10 of the organisations providing in-patient care for the 30,000 mental health patients in England and Wales.

Mental health nurses face attacks

2. Brutality originates from the mental health professionals.

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Subject: "Mental health nurses face attacks" The brutality originates from the mental health professionals themselves in my direct experience.
Date: Wednesday 13 February 2008 11:33
From: Gary D Chance

"More than half of nurses on mental health wards have been physically attacked, a survey suggests.

"Nurses working with older people are the most likely to be assaulted, the joint Healthcare Commission and Royal College of Psychiatrists report said.

"The study of 69 NHS trusts and private hospitals in England and Wales said patients had also been attacked and more had to be done to stop violence.

"Health bosses said the situation was taken "very seriously"."

Treatment of mental health patients has been brutal in the extreme by those charged with mental health care. The worst brutality against me has been the assumption that I am mentally ill when dealing with antisocial and criminal problems by reporting them including direct, hard evidence when available.

It is easy for me to understand why people, especially those who are mentally ill, respond with violence against mental health professionals as a result of the way they are treated.

I have been subjected to deliberate provocative behaviour including mental health professionals and will never respond in kind under any circumstances. I also believe that many of the reports of violence are fabricated as I see efforts to do this to me occur while I witness the violence of those who are trying to provoke me. I have concluded that these mental health professionals are deliberately perverse.

Numerous mental health professionals have participated in the surveillance technology abuse against me carried out in the community. Their involvement has gone on for over eight years and has involved directly provoking others in various ways to be violent and threatening.

On the last Friday in July 2001, Richard Evans, MD, from St Charles Hospital incited a mob of people into a frenzy outside my front window to shouting "Psychotic" at least 70 times as documented by me.

A male, whom I know by voice and association, standing next to him threatened to kill me with a knife. This is the behaviour Richard Evans, MD, was intent upon provoking. I documented and reported it to the Council's legal department as a result of then recent legal proceedings initiated by me in the High Court. This had no effect.

On one evening all three mental health professionals (two psychiatrists (Richard Evans and Mo Zoha and a nurse) with whom I met in early 2000 were in the flat below and out on its balcony below my front window performing before a collection of a large number of people outside on the benches under my front window.

All of them could be heard at various times, and it sounded like they had a monitor, perhaps a notebook computer, pointed in the direction of those outside enabling them to see me in my own home by means of the surveillance technology which I had been thoroughly documenting 24/7.

I have photographed similar activity being carried out on two different occasions with groups of people gathered on the benches outside my front window huddled around a notebook computer with a long cable running back to the left to a building area. On the second time I photographed this activity the people were warned away by noting what I was doing, and they scattered.

On one evening Richard Evans, MD, approached my front door with others prowling there at 2330. On numerous occasions he participated conspicuously from the flat below in the use of the surveillance technology against me commenting on my activity. He was present out front in the road early in the mornings making comments and describing his activity in response to questions.

At one point Richard Evans told those in the flat below that he wanted to bring his girlfriend to see where he had spent so much of his time. This waste of resources and gross professional misconduct should be of grave concern to the Healthcare Commission and the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

Various health professionals have been involved in this surveillance activity with its surreptitious medication administered continuously throughout all these years with numerous episodes of abuse described as they occurred. One of these involved a simulated heart attack on two consecutive nights.

Those with the surveillance technology have been carrying out false activity constituting a massive hoax which is best characterised as Munchausen By Proxy Syndrome (MBPS) against an adult by those whom I reported for their child abuse.

These are mean, vicious and violent people, and it is no wonder that people without normal restraint such as the mentally ill react against them. The problem is that they have the power to blame others for what they are doing and get away with it.

I do not believe that this report of attacks on mental health professionals can accurately described what is actually happening when I, just one person, has directly witnessed so much violence carried out by these mental health professionals because they can get away with it.

I have suffered grievous bodily harm as a result of the abuse from the surveillance technology used while these NHS health professionals were present and continued to be used after diagnosis and pending treatment at another NHS hospital.

They have engaged in surreptitious medication and medical experimentation outside a hospital environment without my consent in violation of the law and everything for which the practice of medicine stands.

I also want to point out that recently a health professional refused to continue to participate in this activity on ethical grounds. He was characterised as a "medical student." This was noted a couple times after his departure during the ongoing abuse from those using the surveillance technology against me.

Yesterday morning another one of these participants said "This is [sort/kind] of fun" by way of describing the sadistic abuse carried out against me.

Here's a copy of my Email sent yesterday on the most recent direct abuse I experienced a month ago on 4th January 2008. I would not open the door to them for fear of what they might do and what they might fabricate in order to do what they wanted.

I'm still waiting a reply from the Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust about my complaint which I should have received within a month.

I did not receive a reply to my original complaint in early 2000. Such is the power and arrogance of these people who think they can abuse out in the community and get away with it never mind inside hospital environments.

Every effort is being made to bury and cover up what has taken place in this community environment outside a hospital by blaming me for what is being done to me. They cannot succeed for I have done nothing except report accurately what is taking place as it occurs.

Yours sincerely

Gary D Chance

cc Healthcare Commission
Royal College of Psychiatrists


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Subject: Abuse from those who are supposed to be addressing mental health problems comes out into the community creating disruption as if their mental health wards were not enough for violence and abuse.
Date: Tuesday 12 February 2008 19:25
From: Gary D Chance

Mental health wards are violent places which increase the problems. It's so bad that the mental health professionals not satisfied with churning up abusive hospital environments have to come out into the community to shout verbal abuse outside my door along with the police.

Here's a copy of an Email I sent today about a complaint I've made early last month about this incident including what was said. The fallout from this abuse has been to stir up these people who are carrying out this abuse locally all the more which I have documented and been able to obtain hard evidence concerning their abuse.

Note below what was said by the police and the NHS nurse which I recorded and sent along to the local mental health trust as a complaint about their behaviour. I have still not received the determination with respect to my complaint which was due me within a month. This is just further abuse permitting more of it in the community.

The NHS mental health care people are not content with creating environments in hospitals where there is violence. They have to come out into the community and do the same.

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Subject: RE: Friday, 04.01.2008, at 1400: Complaint to Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust Concerning Demand for Access to the Premises
Date: Tuesday 12 February 2008 15:45
From: Gary D Chance

Dear Ms xxxxxxxxx

Please accept my apologise for communicating through you once again by Email about this matter. Will you please forward this Email to Ms Tracey? Thanks in advance for your patience, time and consideration in this matter.

Jacent Tracey
The Complaints Manager
Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust
Greater London House
Hampstead Road

Dear Ms Tracey

I have not received an official response to my original complaint as noted in the subject above other than an acknowledgement of its receipt.


I believe that this was due within one month during which time the quite excessive externally generate abuse continued 24/7.

I have been able to document this activity extensively with hard evidence as before to prove beyond any doubt that the Emails I sent are most certainly necessary with respect to the incidents and the larger social context.

The police officer involved stated that there was concern about my sending Emails which he stated had raised an issue of paranoia with them.

Further, your nurse upon leaving stated "We know your kind, and we'll be back" making the resolution of this complaint quite important given the fact that he blatantly further stated an ongoing intention to carry out persecution.

These statements were recorded at the time they were made by this police officer and your nurse which were included as part of the complaint.

I would greatly appreciate hearing from you with regard to this matter at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely

Gary D Chance

3. Agencies 'failed' murdered baby.

BBC News Wednesday, 13 February 2008, 12:14 GMT

Agencies 'failed' murdered baby

Andrew Randall
Andrew Randall admitted murder and causing grievous bodily harm

An inquiry into the murder of a 53-day-old baby from Northamptonshire has concluded that agencies failed to identify her as being at risk.

Jessica Randall died in November 2005. Her father, Andrew Randall, who had sexually abused her and then killed her, was jailed for life last March.

Following the death of Jessica, the Safeguarding Children Board for Northamptonshire launched a review.

County council and health agencies have promised to act on the report.

The report says that, as early as 12 October 2005, "there were grounds for a referral to Children and Young People's Service (CYPC) due to her mother's previous history of mental health problems.

. . .

"We, along with our partners, acknowledge all of the mistakes which were made and we have already taken action to address the key findings of this report to ensure that our services for children are improved as proposed."

In March 2007, Jessica's father Ian Randall, 33, of Havelock Street, in Kettering, was jailed for life after admitting murder, causing grievous bodily harm and four counts of sexually abusing his baby daughter.

Agencies 'failed' murdered baby

4. BBC News24 reporter says it's difficult to spot abuse.

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Subject: What do you mean that it's very difficult for health workers to spot abuse? Come on let's get it right, OK?
Date: Wednesday 13 February 2008 14:03
From: Gary D Chance

A baby who died after 56 [54] days was subjected to the most horrendous abuse by her father, and you try to justify the failure of the health professionals to pick this up?

Read on about this continuing decade long "deliberate" failure to recognise reality by health professionals and many others including yourselves. No wonder child abuse goes on and on despite Lord Manning's inquiry into the death of Victoria Climbie.

I've brought child abuse to the attention of the authorities. The so-called health workers and everyone one else have supported the child abusers in every conceivable way to carry out a campaign for almost a decade against me in which they have extensively participated.

Let's have no excuses for health workers or others please. They deliberately get it wrong by ignoring abuse when it occurs, and then support adult abuse while the child abuse continues.

Eeee, gads! How can you possibly make such comments after the death of Victoria Climbie and the inquiry which followed? I was dealing with so-called health workers when Victoria Climbie died in February 2000.

I had written a long letter to the Prime Minister in September 1999 with specific examples set forth in five exhibits [see below] by means of diary/logs made while the abuse and activities against me were taking place during the summer of 1999. The result of this letter was an escalation of the abuse against me constituting a further cover up of the child abuse and is fallout in this environment.

[Appendix A to PM's 23.09.1999 Letter: Apparently Abused [Son of BS] Taken Away Crying
Appendix B to PM's 23.09.1999 Letter: Screaming Infant Possibly Slapped and Hit
Appendix C to PM's 23.09.2007 Letter: Son of BS Chokes Another Child. Evident Ability to See Me and Computer Monitor Screen.
Appendix D to PM's 23.09.1999 Letter: Extreme Verbal Abuse Against Son of BS Who Hits, Kicks and Chokes Other Children
Appendix E to PM's 23.09.1999 Letter: Various Incidents of Extensive Abuse and Recognition of "You Are Spying On Him."]

That abuse continues as I write this Email. When are you going to wake up to reality that abuse comes from within the NHS, social services, police and other departments of government to cover up the problems while trying to blame a likely scapegoat such as I've directly experienced?

Those people whom I reported for their child abuse by a fax to the Council's Chief Executive on Tuesday, 5th May 1998, declared revenge and retaliation against me in public the following week on Monday and Wednesday, 11th and 13th May 1998 out front among a large group of people. This followed after the police intervention occurred on Friday, 8th May 1998, after the Social Services elected to notify the police.

The second public declaration of revenge and retaliation occurred nine and three-quarter years ago today. These people were able to get surveillance technology installed to which they had access to be used against me for abusive reasons nine and one-half years ago in mid-August 1998.

This surveillance technology was escalated further after my letter to the Prime Minister faxed on Thursday, 23rd September 1999. They watched me write all of it including the organisation of the five exhibits [see above]. They were able to launch a pre-emptive strike against me as a result, and my letter to the Prime Minister turned up on the St Charles Hospital file that was displayed to me by Richard Evans, MD, at the end of January 2000 shortly before Victoria Climbie actually died.

This is still going on. The so-called health workers cannot recognise reality when it is displayed right in front of them because they do not want to recognise it and prefer to fabricate a situation which suits themselves to preserve and protect their own image.

These people are still at it after all these years amounting to almost a decade with the involvement of hundreds of people throughout this period many of whom have seen it for exactly what it was. I now call this Munchausen By Proxy Syndrome (MBPS) against an adult [made vulnerable by surveillance technology], but in this case I believe that those so-called health professionals and others are active participants in this deceit to pervert the course of justice in order to protect themselves.

5. Infant not noted at risk. Jessica Randall: didn't notice she was at risk and didn't respond to a history of schizophrenia in the mother. Thirty people visited here including noting a fractured skull and broken ribs but did not see a child at risk. How can they get something so blatant wrong? I do not believe this was an oversight. I believe it is part of an unwillingness to confront a child abuser with a preference for letting it go. In this case the infant did not live very long.

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Subject: Jessica Randall: didn't notice she was at risk and didn't respond to a history of schizophrenia in the mother.
Date: Wednesday 13 February 2008 16:34
From: Gary D Chance

I'm still amazed at this situation and maintain that there are no excuses for those in positions of authority and professional responsibility.

After I reported child abuse in the flat below in early May 1998, it continued. The police did not find anything, i.e., evidence, but the social services failed to ensure that a child at risk was properly protected.

There was also an infant in the flat below in addition to the young boy who had borne the brunt of the abuse for the prior two years which escalated to the point of his being choked on several occasions.

In late July/early August 1998 the infant was hit very hard twice. I heard this distinctly coming from the flat below. The mother was answering her mobile phone while the child was crying She yelled loudly for the child to keep quiet hitting the infant very hard twice when this did not occur.

I could hear the sickening dull thuds of the child being hit hard twice at an interval between each. The infant screamed and screamed after being hit each time. There was no doubt about what happened.

Naturally, each time the child was hit the screaming got worse. Hitting a child to end its screaming is beyond comprehension. After all my futile experience with the initial reporting of the child abuse three months earlier that brought no results and left the children at this kind of risk, I sent a letter to the Social Services about what had just occurred.

A couple days later this family group was discussing their trip to the hospital where nothing was discovered to verify that the child had been hit. Naturally, the mother of the infant was denying vehemently having hit the child as is usual. There was no doubt about what had happened, but evidently this could not be verified by medical professionals at the hospital. I haven't much confidence in their ability.

As it turned out, shortly after this surveillance technology was installed against me which these people then used against me to thwart the reporting of the problems about themselves that they continued.

Here was a situation where a history of family violence had been reported, child abuse had been reported, the social services and police intervened and then the child abuse went on against an infant. When that was reported, I was targeted with surveillance technology as the one reporting the problem rather than those who were the problem.

Since this goes on as of this writing, I have no trust or confidence that the same "deliberate" failures which continue today are being addressed these cases of child abuse.

The abuse goes on against me still in an effort to cover up the real problems by those who were and are a dysfunctional and viciously violent family group as well as those in authority trying to hide the reality of what they have done by giving the child abuser surveillance technology to use against the person who reported the child abuse.

6. Bomb kills top Hezbollah leader.

BBC News Wednesday, 13 February 2008, 11:43 GMT

Bomb kills top Hezbollah leader

Undated photograph of Imad Mughniyeh released by Hezbollah
Mughniyeh was wanted in connection with a series of attacks

Lebanese group Hezbollah says one of its top leaders, Imad Mughniyeh, has died in a bombing in Damascus, and has blamed Israel for assassinating him.

Mughniyeh is widely believed to be behind a wave of Western hostage-taking in Lebanon in the 1980s.

Correspondents say he had been in hiding for years and was high on US and Israeli wanted lists.

Israel has neither confirmed nor denied a role in the killing but some Israeli politicians welcomed news of his death.

Mughniyeh, in his late 40s, is variously described as special operations or intelligence chief of Hezbollah's secretive military wing.

Correspondents say his death is a significant blow to Hezbollah, which battled Israel in the 2006 Lebanon war, and its Iranian and Syrian backers.

Bomb kills top Hezbollah leader

7. A good day for democracies when car bomb kills foe.

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Subject: How can it be a good day for democracies everywhere to celebrate murder by a car bomb? Date: Wednesday 13 February 2008 17:57
From: Gary D Chance

The Israeli whom you just interviewed (and will be on Hard Talk tonight [see this on the BBC News24 Internet broadcast (URS to the right) tonight at 2330 GMT]) made this statement claiming that the terrorist killed with a car bomb was a murderer while you went into the allegations of violence against him during the decades.

This outright celebration of murder has no place in any democracy. The US and Israeli celebration of a murder by car bomb makes them terrorist states.

It is easy to see the other side which we condemn when there are car bombings against the Western democracies. Any terrorist can claim someone is a murderer and deserves to die to justify killing.

Or, as e e cummings has said "when the state says kill, killing becomes an act of Christian love." ("i six non-lectures," atheneum, new york, 1961 (Harvard's Charles Eliot Norton lectures delivered by him)).

There can be no celebration for any car bombing or murder by anyone without due process of law and a determination of capital punishment.

All this act will create is more terrorist attacks.

Where's the other side of this story? Are you celebrating terrorism as OK when it's carried out for what we want?

"You bomb me, bad. I bomb you, good," is another quote by e e cummings from the same source.

Hooray for our side.

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