


Web Journal Tuesday 31st October 2006

1. The ultimate irony: the Home Secretary likens the development of technology against terrorism to the same development which was necessary against the Third Reich. The irony here is that the Home Office, Home Secretary, and so on are engaged in the same activity which the Third Reich carried out commencing in March 1933 when the Nazis took power.

I've been experiencing this for over eight years 24/7 with torture abuse interrogation carried out by this new surveillance technology since February 2001 including experimentation R&D seven months before 9/11. The two and one-half years before that consisted of the softening up period by torture from scores of people using not-so-sophisticated surveillance technology brought along by Colonel Vine and Lt Harry Bird in February 2001. The psychological disposition to imprisonment, torture and medical experimentation has been the same all these years and is exactly what the Nazis carried out.

John Reid is currently the equivalent of Himmler, Chief of the Gestapo. I'm delighted that he notes the comparison. John Reid was also previously Secretary of State for Health and notified by me about the medical experimentation being carried out. Then he became the Secretary of State for Defence. He has now amalgamated his various experiences into the key role as the equivalent of the Chief of the Gestapo in the UK. The development of the new technology to which John Reid refers is that which can bring about mass population control.

BBC News Tuesday, 31 October 2006, 13:53 GMT

Reid makes Nazi terror comparison

Home Secretary John Reid
The Home Secretary believes businesses can help combat terror

The attempt to foil terror plots by creating effective security measures has been compared to the battle against the Nazis by Home Secretary John Reid.

In a speech to UK industrialists, he said the technological race to stay ahead of extremists recalls "innovators of the past", notably in World War II.

Mr Reid said some 387 people in the UK have been charged with terrorism offences since September 2001.

Among those, 214 have been convicted and 98 are still due to go on trial.

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