


Web Journal Saturday 19th May 2007

1. Inline skate jumping started about 1140 this morning under my kitchen window once again. As of this writing at 1340 it has been going on for two hours creating a threat to those who do it and those who are in the proximity of it as I have shown with photographs in the past. There is a new board present once again after earlier boards were removed by tenant management. Each time they are removed another comes along like this. These boards have constituted a safety hazard in the past when left on top of the of the "cage" next to this jumping area. The fence will eventually collapse since it is not made for this kind of activity, and this is a noise nuisance. I picked it up as soon as it started and have been listening to it all along.

This also feeds other antisocial behaviour. Before 1300 repeated door slamming occurred from what sounded like the flat below. At one point I went into the hall, and heard some kids talking from the Walkway. One of them counted to ten then slammed a door a couple times. In the past this has been accompanied by loud playing in the Walkway and blasting thumping bass music from below. If is is not one thing, it's another. This time it was the repeated door slamming.

Not to be left out, Lt Harry Bird and BS have been engaging in extensive verbal abuse and incitement throughout this activity. Just as I was setting up the camcorder in the window at the start of this activity about 1140, a loud siren sounding like the police came up to the area. Since then those using the surveillance technology have been engaged in this intense abuse and incitement. They take advantage of everything.

The great problem with this inline skate jumping is that it is a safety threat all around and a nuisance, yet no one does anything about it despite all that I have communicated to the police and the continuous 24/7 abuse from the surveillance technology. It is obviously being used to support and protect antisocial and criminal behaviour as has occurred during the past couple hours while the inline skate jumping has been allowed to go on unabated while I've been viciously and continuously attacked by the use of this surveillance technology.

Sat 19.05.2007 1140+ black shirt/white border aborts run turning around on board This jumper (1/4) apparently aborts jump turning 180 on new board (black shirt/white trim).
Sat 19.05.2007 1140+ white shirt jumping Second out of four jumpers taking off (white shirt).
Sat 19.05.2007 1140+ sleeveless shirt jumping Third out of four jumpers taking off (sleeveless shirt)
Sat 19.05.2007 1140+ no helmet jumping Fourth out of four jumpers taking off (no helmet although they all were without helmets)
Sat 19.05.2007 1140+ parking warden passes by jumper looking back Parking Warden walks by on the kerb while one of the jumpers returning looks back over his shoulder at him. I would think that such people should be able to call the appropriate number to have such antisocial behaviour properly addressed. Where are the Community Service Officers when they are needed?
Sat 19.05.2007 1140+ sometimes pedestrians get through Some pedestrians do manage to get through the melee.
30.04.2007 narrow entrance to Estate to pavement by road This shows how narrow this entrance is with no pavement alongside the road where the fence extends a considerable distance down the road. Anyone wanting to avoid this skate jumping menace would have to go across or out into the street.
30.04.2007 narrow entrance to Estate (closer). This is a little closer picture of the narrow entrance where the inline skate jumping takes place. They jump onto the top of the fence as shown above and slide along its top to the end where they jump off. There's not much room here for anything creating a further hazard for all.

Inline Skate Jumping board placed on top of the cage afterwards

I took the above photograph on Sunday, 20th May 2007, at 1210, but it is the same board which was being used above. Here the same old problem continues without any effective action being taken to stop it. This board placed here constitutes a hazard because it blows off in a high wind which happened January last. The wind can get right under it through the gaps in the bars and lift it up throwing it off onto the ground below. This is just one of the hazards resulting from this irresponsible activity and the behaviour of those involved. The guy described in the next paragraph who went out and challenged them with a threat to call the police did not do anything except cause a further problem. Here they just put the board up to come back another day and went off without this problem being addressed properly by those in authority.

2. The activity continued after I published the above shortly before 1400. There was a male who apparently went outside (following a door slam nearby/below). He threatened to call the police and evidently stopped the inline skate jumping/sliding outside. This was followed by noises which sounded like the board being moved. It was placed on the "cage" as described and photographed above.

This kind of confrontation does not work and only serves to make the problem worse. These kids need to be dealt with fairly, honestly and nicely about their activity. There needs to be a way to find an outlet for this inline skate jumping activity. This is a great area of London. There are two excellent parks and two excellent sports facilities all within easy walking distance. Surely, something can be accomplished to get this kind of activity into a supervised area where these kids can have their fun safely for themselves and others. In the process they can learn responsibility.

Where is the coordination from tenant management, the police, the community service officers and the antisocial behaviour unit? All of this decade of government has failed completely to deal effectively with this kind of problem. Nice paper work, image and cost but no results. Instead, a massive effort of surveillance destruction is carried out against me because I report these problems claiming falsely "He's psychotic" in an effort to control antisocial behaviour "until we get rid of him." What does it take? Someone to get killed first by debris such as this board in a high wind?

Who put surveillance technology at the disposal of the antisocial criminals in August 1998 which has been used 24/7 during all these years to sustain this standard at the expense and risk of everyone else? There is no secret about where the key source of the antisocial behaviour originates.

Then after another door slam (nearby/below), a woman's voice coming in the kitchen window too who sounded like the Cackler was yelling "He's up there" evidently referring to the fact of my publishing the web journal entry which was evidence of my presence. They all know about it thanks to the surveillance technology abuse, but no one acts until the information is made public.

Then while I was watching the FA Cup Final between Chelsea and Manchester United, the door slamming started below and continued for awhile. After this there was the sound of a child's voice saying "wooo, wooo" coming in the front window. And, not to be left out, the verbal abuse continued to come from Lt Harry Bird and BS courtesy of the surveillance technology throughout the afternoon. Chelsea won 1-0 after almost 120 minutes of play at the end of the second period of extra time for the first game in the new Wembley Stadium after seven years. It was an historical event.

I believe the door slamming and "wooo" verbal noises described above came from the Son of BS. I also believe that he is the one who stomps away in the mornings, pounds the walls and slams the door below then makes the verbal false allegation noises in the Walkway. I believe he was the one counting to ten before the door slam below described above. All of the above comments, inline skate jumping and door slamming noises from 1100 to 1700 are recorded on the sound track of the video DVD which was left on recording my activity and verbal notes throughout the day. The voices coming in the kitchen window are recorded quite clearly along with each door slam and the inline skate jumping sliding sounds. That's a six hour video of all that I did along with all the acoustic sounds that I hear and note in the background. The Son of BS has turned into a tearaway.

3. Around 1830 a male told Lt Harry Bird "It's not your Estate." He thinks it is. He also thinks that he is the sovereign of this county. On numerous occasions others have said to him "This is my country" as he ran roughshod over everything and everybody. Then after a minute, this same male exclaimed "He'll escape!" Lt Harry Bird contradicts himself constantly as he spews forth nonsense against every argument made about his actions. He goes on endlessly with incitements "Take/Bring/Get him out" then when apparently confronted with anything that would limit or stop his activity, he loops into a contradiction like this one indicating that I would escape.

Escape from where, to where and with what? How could anyone possibly escape this surveillance technology? Is he referring to the possibility that I might escape from his imprisonment? No wonder this guy was astounded and made that exclamation. Here he endlessly demands, orders, commands and incites people to remove me from my home by force, but then switches when it suits his purpose to play on fears that I might escape in order to justify his 24/7 presence. Hold on! Isn't that what he wants when I refuse to budge in the face of extensive criminal activity carried out against me? He contradicts himself from minute to minute as does BS. Lt Harry Bird and BS seek to dominate and control everything and every person which they have done for nine years 24/7. These are Labour government thugs who have taken over.

4. Loud thumping music blasts away from below about 2000 and 2040 for short periods of time each thus making it impossible to call out the noise nuisance service even if it worked properly. Then again at 0015 the loud thumping bass music came through for a short period again. This time it cut off while I was making the second recording moving toward the bedroom. This was enough to blast away and disturb my activity with these short bursts. It creates the uncertainty of never knowing when the next blast will occur thus contributing to the tension and pressure that Lt Harry Bird and BS often state they want to maintain.

A. Saturday, 19th May 2007, at 20:01:44 to 20:02:48. Loud, thumping music from below in the living room.

B. Saturday, 19th May 2007, at 20:04:50 to 20:06:36. Loud thumping music from below from the living room into the hall, bathroom, front door and bedroom at 20:05:43; window sill.

C. Saturday, 19th May 2007, at 20:37:30 to 20:38:31. Loud thumping music from below in the living room.

D. Saturday, 19th May 2007, at 20:38:38 to 20:40:30. Loud thumping music from below from the living room into the hall, bathroom, front door and bedroom at 20:39:35; window sill.

E. Sunday, 20th May 2007, at 00:15:30 to 00:17:06. Loud thumping music from below in the living room.

F. Sunday, 20th May 2007, at 00:17:14 to 00:19:01. Loud thumping music from below from the living room into the hall, bedroom, front door and bedroom at 00:18:14; music stopped; window sill.

5. I was watching the Blair Witch Project (Film Four) for the first time when this after midnight burst of loud thumping music occurred. I had never seen this film before and was curious. It turned out to be a splendid ghost story, but one with overtones of trying to "spook" someone which has been going on from those using the surveillance technology against me for 8.75 years 24/7 trying to create fear. On top of that the name "Blair" had a very special connection with regard to this "project" carried out by the government to destroy human activity and life with the use of surveillance technology. Spooky indeed only this one is quite real. I've now taken great delight in nicknaming the surveillance technology abuse against me The Blair Witch Project upon which I've been elaborating since.

Today I received an acknowledgement of receipt of my letter to the Prime Minister from the communications unit at Number Ten. On Thursday, 10th May 2007, I faxed the Prime Minister my comments about this surveillance activity once again and posted a copy to him on Saturday, 12th May 2007. I do not believe that this communication like all the others since September 1998 will have any effect to stop the torture. After seeing the Blair Witch Project film tonight, I'm going to refer to this as "The Other Blair Witch Project."

17.05.2007 PM Comms Ofc acknowledges receipt of 10.05.2007 ltr

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