


Web Journal Tuesday 29th August 2006

Watch BBC Four tonight for the ongoing British Spies Season including the last of four episodes about the infamous Cambridge Spies (Maclean, Burgess, Philby and Blunt) at 2300 preceded by an hour's documentary Spy Stories: British Espionage in Fact and Fiction concerning fact and fiction in the intelligence community with commentary from Dame Stella Rimington, John le Carre and David Shayler among others. There's a funny comment in Dame Stella Rimington's novel At Risk where one of the characters has ordered fifty David Shayler masks for that particular MI5 section's Christmas party. The joke is to be pulled on the head of the section when he's confronted by fifty David Shayler lookalikes since Shayler is held in such disrepute there. The ironic funny bit is when the guy who has ordered these masks says that he has to keep it a secret until the day of the party and tell no one since it is impossible for a secret to be maintained in the office, and the surprise would be ruined.

It's also interesting to note that Dame Stella Rimington's novel Secret Asset has, as one of its main plot lines, a mole in MI5. The Security Service is always at risk from penetration. The question arises, however, with respect to such security in light of the fact of the surveillance technology being used against me which has been going on for many years including the collapse of the democratic rule of law in the UK with those using this surveillance technology able to carry out its usage without any restraint whatsover. The implications for continuous penetration by use of this surveillance technology against any intelligence service, the government or any of its departments boggles the mind. By allowing such abuse to occur as I've experienced for the past five and one-half years, the implications for such abuse being carried out against the any organisation or person in the UK are quite profound indeed. We are living in an entirely different world now with respect to intelligence, security, counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism. Nothing from the past is relevant any more, but it is still interesting as a character study.

Key characteristics of the violence syndrome

1. Defenceless victim (women; children; prisoners; mental and medical patients; those in care; surveillance targets)

2. Blame the victim (deserves it; asked for it; wants it; mentally ill; false allegations; abusive bigoted name calling)

3. Apology syndrome (violence perpetrator apologises repeatedly to continue violence)

Think about the history of various forms of violence (child abuse; domestic violence; institutionalised ritual abuse sadism) and just how long these problems have been addressed without success. They are still serious problems which come to the public's attention with dramatic incidents that are only the tip of the problem. Now, it is necessary to add surveillance technology abuse to this list of violence in society. I've experienced this abuse for eight years 24/7 carried out by those for whom I reported with respect to their child abuse, domestic violence and outside, public violence, yet these people have been given surveillance technology to continue this violence syndrome against me fully supported by the institutions of government.

At least scores and I believe hundreds of people have participated throughout these eight years including government institions such as the various tenant management organisations, the police, NHS, social services, local and central government and the general public. Only one thing is clear: violence of any kind cannot be permitted under any circumstances where there is not a clear and immediate danger from someone with a weapon posing a direct threat. However, society has such a large number of psychologically demented people that these are found throughout all organisations but especially in those organistion which have power over other people. This gives the violently inclined sadistic personality an opportunity to act out their emotional disturbance. They tend to gyrate toward those organisations where power over others exists which can be abused.

And, most importantly, there are environments were the violent and sadistic personalities accumulate and try to dominate and control such as the environment where I live. They are given this opportunity by tenant management which has turned out to be a mistake of the worst kind which should have been recognised at the very beginning and never allowed to be instituted by local government.

If many governmental organisations have problems with sadistic violence and the extremes of abuse such as the police, military, mental health and medical hospitals, adult and child care and prisons just to name a few, then an environment where the violent and sadistic personalities are collected in society such as the Lancaster West Estate can be expected to produce a greater proportion of sadistic, abusive and violent personalties than would be normally expected even in those organisations which tend to attract such personalities. Even these organisations such as the police and military have a difficult job excluding the aberrant personality especially when the need for violence is part of the job.

Creating tenant management in such an environment as the Lancaster West Estate is tantamount to turning over the sanitarium or prison to the inmates. It just won't work as has been my direct experience for the past ten years including the past eight years of 24/7 surveillance technology driven violent abuse where those whom I reported for crimes and antisocial behaviour have dominated and controlled the surveillance technology allowing all those with a vested interest and inclination to sadistic destruction of human activity to participate.

Image management's objective is to stop the reporting of crimes, antisocial behaviour and other problems which suit the image manager of tenant management. Abusive and malignant personalities tend to rise in any organistion because they thrive on fear. The decent people are thus driven away or into silence. If this happens in organisations with a more normal distribution of personality types, it will be a far more prevalent and difficult problem in tenant management in an environment such as this one. The problem with this misdirected image management strategy is that eventually the dominant, festering violent personality succeeds in destroying the environment. The ultimate results is exactly the opposite of what was originally intended: criminal and antisocial behaviour become the standard. This is how everyone behaves with those who try to counter this behaviour either driven out or silenced.

Tue Aug 29 10:21:22 BST 2006: "Wrong," says BS after I finished and published the above as part of the work in progress for this day's web journal entry. BS is the mother of the abused children. I reported this abuse in May 1998. She has had access to the surveillance technology since August 1998 and has lead the campaign of mob sadistic abuse against me all these years 24/7. She has operational control of the surveillance technology for the past several years working with SR (Lt Harry Bird). This is an excellent example of using the surveillance technology to counter whatever I am documenting and reporting as I am in the process of writing. This is usually accompanied by argument and moan groan protest which sometimes lead to apologies as occurred last night. This verbal denial occurred while I was preparing food following the sound of a siren arriving outside.

Tue Aug 29 10:29:16 BST 2006: "Potty," says SR attempting to discredit what I've started to write above with a personal abuse attack using this infantile name calling. It is a word which has bigotry at its core and only reflects the emotional content of hatred intended to abuse and incite others with a similar personality inclination. This is typical of the verbal abuse behaviour which goes on continuously against me implying a mental health problem because neither BS nor SR can deal with the facts of the situation rationally, reasonably and objectively. They are not engaged in any legitimate activity but instead seek to crush and destroy human activity. Their use of the surveillance technology has nothing to do with an investigation but instead has everything to do with fabrication and destruction. This is the violent abuse of surveillance technology used as a weapon and reflects these three key characteristics of the violent personality as noted above. They just did this confirming once again as always that what I write about their behaviour is accurate.

Tue Aug 29 10:49:47 BST 2006: "Arrest him," said SR followed by "Potty as hell." That's the same thing as saying "Lynch him . . . he's a nigger." It has all the same trappings of violent bigotry with the intent to destroy. "Potty" has now become the acceptable bigot's word of hate replacing the likes of the unacceptable words of hatred and extreme verbal abuse. It has to be assumed that BS and SR are with the police as the siren noted earlier indicated. This is also typical of my daily experience. The police are either present or summoned and incited based upon some silly nonsense like this to carry out an arrest. The whole thing could be a performance without any police presence whatsoever. It doesn't matter since it constitutes an abuse of the surveillance technology to carry out criminal harassment, i.e., fear of violence, whether the police are present or not. In either case the police are being abused and used as part of criminal harassment.

Just before this destructive incitement to arrest, SR said "It isn't funny" followed by BS who said "I know." Evidently, whoever else is present found something amusing in all of this. I would say that the amusement was sadistic pleasure on the part of the observer who continues to witness a crime of incitement and does not do anything about it. If the police are present, then it is a sorry situation but one consistent with my eight years of experience 24/7. It has to be noted that SR goes directly to the destructive incitement out of frustration and inability to be rational and reasonable. He seeks to destroy to wipe out my ability to defend myself and seeks to destroy the exculpatory evidence base to protect himelf and BS. This is a further attempt to pervert the course of justice and has no legitimate foundation for making an incitement to "arrest." There is a witness to this, and to all appearances that witness seems to be the police.

Whoever is present doesn't matter since this is an ongoing performance reflecting the violent use of the surveillance technology. If there was any legitimate use of it, I would not hear anything at all and would be doing something completely different from documenting and reporting it as I am doing here. If the police are not present, they are pretending to be the police with powers of arrest which is an offence. If the police are present, they are witnessing criminal activity and doing nothing about it. In what meaningful context and to what meaningful purpose could surveillance technology be used against anyone for eight years 24/7 with scores of people participating and dominated by the same few people 24/7 who are always present and are never anywhere else? What does this say on its own about the activity being carried out?

Tue Aug 29 13:29:20 BST 2006: "I'll have to shoot him," said SR as a prolonged discussion has been going on after I wrote and published the above. SR is not getting his way, and like many times in the past when this happens, he threatens to kill me. Earlier he declared "He's a prisoner." He does and says whatever suits his purpose to manipulate people to obtain his corrupt self interest objectives. He is in the process of killing me with the surveillance technology anyway, so it's useless to threaten to shoot me. However, this causes others to be afraid of him which postpones any action on their part, and SR gets to continue with the surveillance technology terror, torture interrogation and experimentation. I am being held as a hostage with the surveillance technology used as a means of imprisonment. Anyone who tries to stop SR from using the surveillance technology is met with a threat to kill the hostage (me), and s/he backs off.

The sovereignty of the UK is now in the hands of the US government whose agents/contractors operate at will imprisoning, torturing and carrying out medical experimentation on anyone they please without the UK government stopping what amounts to the most extreme criminal behaviour imaginable. There is no longer any democratic rule of law or democratic institutions. The UK is a tyranny. Democracy has been destroyed, and the terrorists have won thanks to the actions of the US government on British soil. Forget about Rendition. It is no longer needed. Tyranny is now the form of government in the UK. The portable concentration camp is exactly what this surveillance technology is all about, and the UK government is complicit in its operation. They are all hoping for what appears to be a natural death so that they can all cover up the reality of what I am documenting and reporting. Shooting me would create a far bigger mess than even exists at present after eight solid years of abuse which would never go away unless these vigilante rogues can silence any such assassination by covering it up too. That's why they are faking the mental health problem but so far that, too, has been quite unsuccessful.

Tue Aug 29 14:38:20 BST 2006: "That's an order," yells a male sounding like it might be SR. "Oh! Fuck off!" replies a male yelling so loud and clear that it came from the kitchen window acoustically. Before this a male had asked "How does he know that?" I went on to describe briefly with some examples about how SR and BS have fully informed me about the surveillance technology, and how I was able to verify the fact that they could read thoughts and images accurately. Sounded like it might have been SR given what has been happening and what I've been writing who was then ordering people around to carry out some kind of destruction which met with this resistance. BS and SR are now screeching and bellowing away including false allegations. All of this just occurred after I finished the the first two paragraphs at the top which were added as events and my writing unfolded today.

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