


Web Journal Saturday 24th February 2007

From my Funk & Wagnalls dictionary:

illusion: 1. A false, misleading or overly optomistic idea . . . 2. A general impression not consistent with fact . . . 3. Psychol. A sensory impression that results in misinterpretation of the true character of an actual object . . .

delusion: 1. The act of deluding. 2. The state of being deluded or led astray. 3. A false belief, especially when persistent. 4. Psychiatry A false, fixed belief, held in spite of evidence to the contrary.

delude: 1. To mislead the mind or judgment of; deceive.

1. Often during the continuous abuse from those using the surveillance technology malignantly, I recognise the difference between knowledge and belief. BS has the propensity to always say "I know" about her allegations which are untrue. She cannot produce any evidence, so that these must be considered to be beliefs. She is equivocating on the use of the word knowledge which people rely upon from those in authority to make meaningful communications. Here, it is abused in the extreme by using surveillance technology to claim knowledge of something that does not exist. Those who have no ability, background of any kind (education, training, experience) or desire to obtain objective and valid observations engage in a deliberate pattern of deception hoping to mislead others into believing that they have knowledge when there is no evidence at all. Thus, the terms illusion and delusion come into play, and it is important to define each to make their usage clear.

I frequently make notes about historical delusions which involved maintaining that the earth is flat or that the earth is the centre of the universe. These are extremely important historical situations where those in power have maintained their delusions despite evidence to the contrary for their own corrupt self interest. Copernicus, Galileo and the Catholic Church are excellent examples of this with respect to the earth being the centre of the universe. This was a conflict between Church dogma and scientific evidence. The Church with its power forced Galileo to recant and deny the validity of his evidence under penalty of death. A few days ago (perhaps on 20th February his birthday) I was reviewing these delusions and recounted for my own notes the story of the meeting of Joshua Slocum with Oom Paul Kruger in Transvaal (South Africa) which is described in Joshua Slocum's own book Sailing Alone Around the World, Collier Books, New York, 1962 and 1970.

Joshua Slocum was the first person to sail single handed alone around the world in his 37 foot sloop (named maintained despite conversion to a Yawl rig) Spray between 1895 and 1898. In early 1898 as he was completing his three-year round-the-world journey, he arrived in Cape Town, South Africa. A friend of his took him to Pretoria to meet the President of Transvaal, Oom Paul Kruger, who believed that the earth was flat. Unfortunately, his friend, Judge Beyers, introduced him as making a voyage around the world. Oom Paul erupted at this point telling them that the world was flat and that he was making a journey "in the world" declaring that a journey around the world was "impossible." This ended the meeting since Oom Paul Kruger had nothing further to say to his visitors. He thus deprived himself by his own ignorance and bigotry of a learning experience by first hand experience from an adventurer who had sailed for three years the oceans of the world alone circumnavigating the globe. (page 223).

I was thumbing through the subsequent pages of this remarkable book when I re-discovered another extraordinary experience Joshua Slocum had off the coast of Tobago after crossing the Atlantic for the third time. Initially, he had sailed across to the Azores from North America only to learn from the British Navy in Gibraltar about pirates in the Red Sea and reversed his direction and whole journey's plan by sailing back across the Atlantic to carry on with this journey east to west. When he was off the coast of Tobago in heavy seas, strong currents and winds, he noted flashes of light atop the waves which he took to be the waves breaking on a reef. He sailed against the winds and current to try to avoid what he thought was a reef and possibly several others.

He had lost his charts to a goat who ate them and couldn't recall any reefs in this area although he had not sailed these waters since a boy. Even his recollections of the fictional Robinson Crusoe's wreck provided no information. Nothing in his memory indicated that reefs should be here. As he drew nearer and nearer to what he thought were waves breaking on a reef, a huge wave lifted him to a height where he could look over the tops of all the waves, and he saw the lighthouse in the distance on Trinidad. It's powerful beam was flashing regularly on the tops of the waves making them appear to be breaking from his low position on the deck of the Spray. What was an illusion of danger turned out to be the reality of beacon to provide safety for sailors (pages 237- .

I found this to be a remarkable anecdote and one quite analogous to my situation from the point of view of those on the outside looking in who are subject to being mislead by those using the surveillance technology. Joshua Slocum saw an illusion and made every effort to find evidential substantiation for this illusion but could not until he was thrown up high for a perspective view of reality which showed him the truth of the reflection he was seeing on top of the waves that looked like breaking waves. While those using the surveillance technology deliberately seeking to mislead (delude) by misrepresenting and mischaracterising me as a danger and threat, the reality of the situation is the fact that I am a beacon constituting a warning who keeps flashing a light to all those outside so that they will not run afoul of the real danger.

The two of these anecdotes from Joshua Slocum portray and contrast delusion and illusion. Oom Paul Kruger was deluded in his belief that the world was flat and refused to recognise the evidence of direct personal experience when it appeared before him represented by Joshua Slocum. When Joshua Slocum was at sea in his small sloop after sailing for 42 days across the Atlantic for the third time alone, he saw what appeared to him to be waves breaking on a reef. He could not find any evidence of a reef in that location although this looked all too real to him, so he tried to take all precautions possible because his life depended upon it. Finally, he was given the perspective of a view on high to determine objectively that the source of his "illusion" was a lighthouse reflecting its powerful beam on the tops of the waves near him from 30 miles away on the island of Trinidad.

In this situation there are many who for their own corrupt self interest prefer to maintain an illusion and delude others by continuously claiming as facts their own beliefs which have no foundation in reality. They go further by faking events themselves then blaming me for what they have done themselves. Those who see this reality objectively are bullied and driven away. Thus, the misrepresentations and fabrications are maintained in the face of evidence to the contrary. I, also, can prove that the allegations being made are false, yet the ferocity of the bullying by those using the surveillance technology and its very use itself precludes this evidence from being considered. There are those in positions of power who wish to maintain their delusions and impose them on others to create a false image about their management achievements. They seek to exploit ignorance and superstition especially in this environment where it is most important to do exactly the opposite especially by those in a position of authority.

There is also another beacon in the distance which, at the moment, is turned off. It is not illuminating the real danger and continues to allow darkness to cover reality. That beacon is the nearby BBC. Therefore, illusions and delusions continue to sustain the real danger while efforts to get the truth out are being discredited at least to the extent of allowing the destructive use of the surveillance technology to continue as it has done 24/7 for the past eight and one-half years. This morning I sent the following Email to BBC's News24 and Newswatch programme which had been discussing complaints from viewers about the recent BBC documentary concerning the conspiracy theories surrounding the 9/11 terrorist attack.

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Subject: "God's Truth All Over the World" God doesn't exist. Puts paid to the 9/11 conspiracy theories doesn't it?
Date: Saturday 24 February 2007 08:33
From: Gary D Chance

I thought the conspiracy theory programme well done and did justice to the facts with its "primary research" that the conspiracy theorists do not. They live in the projections of their imaginations. Some people do have a paranoid complex.

I especially liked the poster of Jesus captioned with "Employee of the Month."

The same "conspiracy" was maintained by the Pearl Harbour "revisionists."

It's most likely in these situations that human failings led to a massive cock up. Those carrying out these attacks succeeded as a result. Look at the London bombings in July 2005. Fortunately, the second group's bombs did not explode, and all that information about them has been collected along with the bombers.

I thought the programme valuable in that it was able to investigate these theories thoroughly to put them in their proper perspective: belief and not knowledge. Knowledge means evidence that can be shared with others.

People are free to believe whatever they want: flat earth; earth the centre of the universe; the moon is made of green cheese; anon. There have been conspiracies to maintain ignorance for personal power reasons throughout the ages. I hope that we are slowly moving into an evidence based knowledge world and away from superstition.

The collapse of the towers was especially well done including building number 7.

Now, I have a beef:

While you spend an enormous amount of money on this programme which is entirely justified, why are you not spending a very small amount of money to venture into your backyard to determine the state-of-the-art of surveillance technology activity which is a far greater threat to freedom, democracy and evidence based knowledge undermining civilisation as we know it?

Is there a tacit realisation or something greater on your part that such surveillance technology I've been experiencing 24/7 for years is a reality and too threatening to reveal to the general public?

Are you being misguided into silence thereby assisting the malignant abuse of this surveillance technology instead of its beneficent use?

You are not dealing with this most important issue at all. Therein lies another failure in which you are complicit. Hold up a mirror to yourselves, BBC, and take a good, long look. What do you see?

Are you going to do anything about it like go out and talk with primary sources like me who have directly experienced the abuse of this surveillance technology as its target?

Are you going to seek out and interview the hundreds of people who have participated in the use of this surveillance technology to verify its usage and capacities?

When will you do this, and why haven't you reported this phenomenon yet?

I now look forward to watching tomorrow night the conspiracy theories surrounding the death of Dr David Kelly which touched the BBC directly and whose fallout has changed the BBC radically.

Is the BBC corporately afraid to report the real truth anymore, e.g., the current state-of-the-art of surveillance technology and its abuse?.

Is the truth that frightening?

*****End of the Email*****

Joshua Slocum sailing Spray off the coast of Australia.
Joshua Slocum Sailing Spray off Australia
The New York Times, 12th January 1975, page 1, section 4

2. In bed for just over seven hours last night with just over six hours sleep in six segments. The abuse was considerable. Initially, I was kept awake for 40 minutes from the abuse. Usually, I go right to sleep. In fact, at one point I was when woken as described. The abuse was quite telling with a couple comments noted in the title for this web journal entry above. The police were identified as present and participating. Usually Lt Harry Bird and/or BS are trying to incite them to carry out a crime on their behalf which usually sounds like what I heard when they are referred to by their rank implying that they have the ability to carry out the incited crime, i.e., my violent and forced removal from my home. The dreams are also quite revealing as unconscious manifestations about what is happening.

00:36:07 "I'm hammering him," said Lt Harry Bird. Into the bedroom. PR. Lt Harry Bird is hammering himself, and he knows it. Look, he's wasted his whole life here. Destroyed his 40s. Now, he's in his 50s, and boy is he gonna have one hell of a problem. Wheeew, wooooooow. Nobody's gonna hire this jerk. He's got nothing, absolutely nothing. . . . All is quiet for the moment. This is not an environment of decent people. It's ruled by the criminals. That's what tenant management's made up of. . . . OK, we'll make that the headline tomorrow, today actually. . . .

"Glad I met you," said a male talking to the vigilante mobsters. Yeah, right. He's gonna be happy about it when he's in court in the dock. 'I'm glad I met him.' Yeah, now he gets to spent time in prison because of 'em.

"Bloody hell," said Lt Harry Bird. BS says "I know." There going to have to push all the way to the end, and the British are going to watch everything that's going on: the sadistic, bully British.

That's right. Indecent bullies. Really crude. Listen to how crude she is. You see how crude she is. Yeah. OK, here I am in the bedroom.

00:39:47 Onto the bed.

00:40:13 On my left side for sleep maybe. Let's see whatever Lt Harry Bird does.

00:41:42 ". . . a right to respect." Yeah, well, let's start using it. Let's demonstrate it.

00:43:02 "Don't feel sorry for him," said Lt Harry Bird. Yeah, that's right join in the sadistic mob destruction gang's effort to destroy. Harden yourself like Lt Harry Bird. It's OK to kill this one. This is the designated target for destruction. [Laughter] He's a real jerk this guy. He's a meathead in the extreme.

00:44:23 Now we got heels out on the front footpath. Oh, this is Friday night. People are entitled to go and come at the wee hours. I think this is somebody coming back. Take that back. There's a vehicle door slam out there. Maybe their leaving. As I've gone to bed, everybody's going to depart like last night. They stay here watching until I go to bed. Then they go.

00:45:19 Multiple vehicle door slams in the road, and a male's voice chattering away. Other voices too.

00:48:48 "I don't believe it," screeched BS. Before this I was thinking "I want you out of my life completely." I think she got the message. Now, OK, gonna turn over onto my right side. Yep, she's gonna have to do . . . put her away in prison to make sure that happens. That's what's gonna happen to her. Watch this space. OK.

00:49:30 On my right side now for a bit of a sleep attempt.

00:50:53 "You're a detective," sounded like Lt Harry Bird. And, before this "It's embarrassing" probably BS. The crudest, rudest, most filthy mouthed person anyone could ever want to meet. And, these people love it. They eat it up. They found a dirty woman: talks dirty, behaves dirty. They love it. They want to be around her.

00:53:04 "I didn't do it," said BS. But, a male says "You just stay away from him." Or, "You just stay away from it." She thinks she can con everybody. She's faking everything, and she's not going to go anywhere. She's gonna stay here and abuse. She's a viciously violent sadistic killer. The sooner you realise that the better off you're going to be.

00:54:21 Someone's stomping up the floor, stairs outside and hit a railing in the process.

00:59:29 I was asleep, falling asleep, male said "Jolly good" waking me up. I was beginning a dream sequence of some activities I can't recall because I was actually dozing off to sleep.

It's a pleasure enjoy it. These people try to shut down pleasure so that they can make other people like then embittered angry rage driven bigots full of hatred that they are. You see, that's what they're trying to do. So, let 'em go at it, and I'll just document everything that they do and publish it. Every bit of it. Plus, I will describe what they are doing and why they are doing it. BS says "Family." She should have thought of that before she started all of this. She's not concerned about any family. She never was. She's not concerned about her son. She totally neglected him. Abused him in the extreme.

01:02:12 And, now it's all coming back to haunt her all of these years. [She thought she could get away with all this abuse against me by hiding behind surveillance technology.] OK, on my other side, on my left side. Might need a "sleeping pill" tonight.

01:03:11 Sounded like a male just said "Get him a hair dresser." You see how low life abusers they are. Nobody cares about anything like that. They think it matters.

01:06:05 Lt Harry Bird just said "Principle." He doesn't know what 'principle' is. The only principle that concerns him is his ability to kill. That's all he cares about. That's his 'principle.' He's tries to manipulate everybody with language that he makes himself look like the utter fool that he is. OK, I've just put the batteries in the charger with ten hours to go. Good. That's means I'll have eight hours this ends with the 9V battery. OK, I just put fully charged batteries in the PR. Put the charger back into the the wall socket. Good shape now. Great.

01:07:03 Into the bedroom. . . . new batteries now. . . . into the bathroom. Urinating.

BS screeching away. A male says "It's not over till he comes." Something like that. Very, very faint. Difficulty hearing it. . . . All right. They just picked on the wrong person that's all. I told 'em that a long time ago. Out of the bathroom now into the bedroom. Look at this.

01:08:33 Back into the bedroom onto the bed.

01:08:59 "What was that?" asks a male. That's what it sounded like, yeah. Oh, it was nothing. A little ice. On my left side to go to sleep here. Yeah. That's right. These people try to destroy pleasure. See what they do. Going to sleep now.

01:09:46 Uh, oh, got a slight noise here. Tapping noises. There we go. Starting up now. Coming from the wall right by the balcony at the head of the bed.

01:14:30 "I'm asking you: leave or go to jail," said a male. People who are innocent, honest and decent aren't confronted with decisions like that. That applies to these people using the surveillance technology. Doesn't apply to me at all. Screw 'em. This brutality will be known throughout this country. It'll be part of the mainstream press for years to come. Oh, look at the clock. It turned. How about that? Didn't notice that. Glad I caught it. Oh, yes, swung onto my right side.

01:15:29 Right side for a little more pleasure. Sleep is a pleasure. These people are brutalising themselves. Stick around. I'll die some day. We all have to die. Some time it'll be my turn. And, then, nothing will make any difference to me any more.

1. To sleep for 1 hour and 54 minutes.

03:09:46 Into the bathroom. OK. . . . urinating. OK out of the bathroom. . . . In the bedroom now. OK . . .

03:12:21 Back into the bedroom. Now, we got birds twittering outside.

03:12:56 These are the three am birds. To sleep on my left side.

03:14:04 A male starts laughing and yelling outside. Comes through the bedroom window acoustically.

2. To sleep for 50 minutes.

04:04:51 Onto my right side. Just had a dream about working with this research group. Yeah. And, it seems as though there was also a woman involved who was seeing a number of people all unknown to each of them. Well, anyway, as it turned out, there were these two who professors of whatever in their activity and myself. I was catching a ride with them back to this other place other town or wherever it was. . . . to go back there. What happened in the dream was that as we were going back, there was this young lady whom we knew who was somehow taken ill or something, and we had left and started talking about her. She was there. When we got in the vehicle, all of a sudden it turned out there was enough room for us to take her. She could sort of stretch out in the back seat next to me, and it would be all right. So, we went back to get her and asked if she wanted a ride back. We knew she was from where we were working and staying or whatever permanently, and she accepted.

Also, another strange . . . there was this dream scene shifted somehow. I can't remember what the transition was or how it worked, but something came up where we were going to stay, or she was going to in. She was very nice, young Oriental woman, and something happened. That is the shift in scenery of the dream. But, somehow we stayed, and one of the guys, a pre-eminent professor Dr whatever, was going to make a speech. He went down to do it, and somehow we went along with him. That's about all I can recall on that one. We were going sort of down in this building to go along with him to make this speech. Now, what happened to this Oriental gal or gal of Oriental descent I don't know. Anyway, maybe there was another scene or another small story. I wish I could remember more detail of it. I remember that there was something interesting about that.

Intermixed in all of this there was a young woman who was actually seeing maybe tow or all three of us unknown to each other, but I think it became known at this point somehow. She either showed up or said hello, and the subject came up. We all realised that we were in the process of taking her out. Oh, well, anyway I woke up.

04:09:53 There was a very slight thud from on high above while I was recounting that dream. Just a little cool in here. To sleep on my right side. That's it. Wish I could remember more of this dream. It was interesting, but I do remember when I was waking up recalling in my own experience with someone whom I was dating I suggested that she date other people. She needed the experience. She needed to know more people, date other people, and she did. Interesting. Of course, our relationship was coming apart, and it wasn't what it should be. And, that's why she needed more experience. Interesting, yes. OK, anyway, I was in school and had to study all the time, so I couldn't spend a great deal of time with her. Yep, that's the way it was. Somehow the dream blended into that activity as well.

04:11:46 Trying again right side to sleep.

04:13:16 "Evil," said Lt Harry Bird. Poor ole Lt Harry Bird. He's lost. Doesn't have the foggiest idea what to do or where to go. All he can do is crank out names. He needs more experience. He's obviously not getting it here. The opposite is happening. He's becoming so ingrown that it's destroyed him. He has nothing else. No perspective. No other activity. Totally dedicated 24/7 in a most obsessive way to one single thing. That's very destructive of himself.

3. To sleep for 36 minutes.

04:49:52 That was a nice wedding present wasn't it? We're all involved with somebody else the night of the wedding. That was a good one. Well, it could have been. It wasn't me that sorted it out. On my left side. Yeah. Sleep. Right.

4. To sleep for 55 minutes.

05:44:52 Woke up from a dream a moment ago. I think I remember rolling over from my right side. Yeah, today's Saturday. Now, let me see. What was this dream all about? The dream involved these people going out after somebody on a criminal basis, but . . . capture them because they really didn't do anything. It was something for the ejaculation police, the criminal police. It was too much for them. And, so there was a . . . at the end of the dream. Yeah, absolutely. The ejaculation police arrested this guy . . . he didn't do anything. Well, they captured him on an old statute forbidding ejaculations. They're bringing the laws up to date in this country. . . . They had a problem. Lt Harry Bird and BS share that problem big time.

5. To sleep for 1 hour and 10 minutes.

06:54:00 Just woke up. Now, there seems to be. Oh, yeah, this little snippet of a dream at the end I was filing a claim for the government to stop sending to me all this junk mail especially all the stuff about surveillance. Right. Here we go. Into the bathroom once again.

06:54:36 Up off the bed. . . . urinating . . . Male said "Put a strain on him." BS made a verbal noise. . . . All right, out of the bathroom. . . . Here we are back into the bedroom.

06:57:23 Onto the bed.

06:57:49 Onto my left side. Yes, a male just said while I was in the bathroom "Put a strain on him." Oh, yeah, but they're out to kill. That's right. They want kidney failure. That's right. Exactly right. Oh, boy! Oh, what that dream was about the government selling surveillance services and surveillance technology. Yeah, they're making money you see. All right, sleep time left side.

6. To sleep for 44 minutes.

07:41:11 Bar grate noises below wake me up. Sleeping on my left side had this dream. Was wearing this kind of a uniform. There was a conglomeration of things, and this guy in the crowd saw shoulder badges and asked "Have you been to see you dad?" And, I walked over toward him and said "What do you mean?" I said "He's buried in Arlington." And, he sort of raised his head nodding, and I just turned and walked away. Now, this was part of other dream activity, but it's . . . the other's gone. Maybe I'll get it back. Yeah, we'll see. Seem to be losing these dreams about this time. Wonder why? Onto my right side.

07:42:23 They could be quiet with the bar grate below. Let me sleep. Onto my right side. Sounded like BS just said "Potty." She's driving herself crazy. She's getting worse and worse acting out her psychopathic behaviour. She's going to turn into a potty soon.

07:45:27 BS is making verbal noises in a complaining tone.

07:46:23 "Be ready to move," said Lt Harry Bird. Don't forget the casket. 'Tisket a tasket/A red and yellow casket'. Red for Communist. Yellow for coward. Symbols of the Lt Harry Bird totalitarian tyrant and surveillance coward. Yes, Lt Harry Bird is a closet communist.

07:47:53 "Smile at him. Smile at him. Smile." Was that "Smile at him. Smile. Smile."? Think it was the latter. Must have been my imagination. Here come the fast flashes. Driven out of bed again.

07:50:46 "He's a very strong Reardon." OK, let's go into the living room and do an upload.

07:51:12 Up, out, into the living room. If it wasn't for the bar grate clanking, I'd still be asleep. Boy, oh boy.

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