


Web Journal Monday 10th December 2007
  • Time up for Kosovo status talks. What will happen in this most complex of situations where the EU is taking over from the UN with Cypress dissenting and aligned with Russia against Kosovo independence?
  • Antisocial behaviour continues. Skateboard jumping onto a fence then out into the road is highly dangerous for all concerned. Surveillance technology abuse perpetuates this standard of behaviour.

Alt Harry Bird brings the police into disrepute and creates a danger for them. His actions make a mockery of law enforcement causing others to view the police as a joke not to be taken seriously.

Mon Dec 10 11:41:31 GMT 2007: "Welcome back," said Alt Harry Bird a couple minutes ago. He then said "Probation." This must mean that whoever was suspended for negligence has returned "on probation" to continue to carry out extensive crimes with the use of the surveillance technology guided and misled by Alt Harry Bird and BS.

1. Time up for Kosovo status talks. This extremely complicated situation with grave implications for the region and the world approaches today's deadline.

BBC News Monday, 10 December 2007, 10:28 GMT

Time up for Kosovo status talks

K-For soldiers patrol the ethnic Serb Zakonice monastery in Kosovo
Nato troops are stationed around Kosovo to protect Serb enclaves

A UN deadline for agreement on the future of Kosovo is set to expire after months of talks failed to break deadlock over the fate of the region.

Kosovo is still a province of Serbia, but ethnic Albanian leaders there have threatened to declare independence unilaterally after the deadline passes.

Nato - fearing a violent Serb reaction - has said it will keep 16,000 troops in Kosovo to deter any clashes.

EU diplomats say they are close to reaching a unified position on Kosovo.

Time up for Kosovo status talks

BBC News Monday, 10 December 2007, 23:34 GMT

'Early independence' for Kosovo

KFOR soldiers patrol the ethnic Serb Zakonice monastery in Kosovo
Nato troops are stationed around Kosovo to protect Serbian enclaves

Kosovo will declare independence from Serbia "much earlier" than the expected month of May, a spokesman says.

EU nations failed to adopt a joint stance on whether to recognise independence at talks on Monday.

Serbia's president says he wants an international court to decide if the move to independence would be legal.

Boris Tadic said he wanted the UN Security Council to ask the International Court of Justice to examine the case.

Serbia has previously pledged to use all peaceful means to prevent Kosovo declaring independence - and it now seems the legal side of that campaign has begun, says the BBC's Nick Hawton in Belgrade.

'Early independence' for Kosovo.

2. Antisocial behaviour continues.

Skateboard jumping onto/over the fence at the narrow Estate entrance into the road while being filmed by another on a skateboard on Monday, 10.12.2007, at 1434.

This is highly dangerous for these guys jumping onto the fence with a landing in the road as can be seen with these jumps over a 20 minute period.

One guy is following the jumper riding on a skateboard with a camera. At the beginning they both noted the camcorder in my kitchen window filming them. They did not look pleased but went on anyway ignoring it.

This is also a pedestrian crossing by default in this area because there is no pavement on this side of the road. The Estate property line comes to the kerb. There is a guy walking across with a cane and others. Not shown are women crossing here with push chairs.

Please note the jumping at times when traffic is passing especially from right to left. There are a couple of these where the vehicles go by just after this guy jumped with one appearing to have stopped then accelerating after he was walking back.

It is also damaging to the fence, and they make a lot of noise with this activity. That's what caught my attention. Why aren't these guys in school? The sounds of children playing are from a primary school across the street.

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