


Web Journal Tuesday 26th September 2006

Never ask why it is impossible for me to do anything other than address the source of this problem which I am describing in this web journal. It is easy to see why I had to cancel the medical examination appointment for tomorrow under these circumstances as I described yesterday and today. This activity cannot be permitted to be carried out against any human being under any circumstances in a so-called civilised society, yet it has been done to me for over eight years 24/7 without a minute's reprieve or moment of respite by scores of people and multiple departments of government. The intention often stated and carried out by those same people and others using the surveillance technology was and is the destruction of human life. They then try to justify this brutality by blaming the target victim. This is state sponsored murder whose authority for which goes to the very top of government including every point in between.

1. Law abiding citizens must be protected," said Tony Blair in his final Labour Party Conference speech today while I was preparing this diary/log (see below) of torture and chronic sleep deprivation which started over eight years ago in August 1998. Is this how he means to do it? He has known about this situation for seven years from my first letter sent to him by fax and post about this most incredible treatment by those for whom I had reported their child abuse. That fax went out on Thursday, 23rd September 1999. Look at his record in the meantime despite continuous correspondence about this extensive criminal activity against the one who reported the crimes. His so-called leadership has led to an escalation of torture abuse on an unheard of and unprecedented scale by the use of surveillance technology as a weapon 24/7 nonstop.

BBC News Tuesday, 26 September 2006, 16:32 GMT 17:32 UK

It's hard to let go, admits Blair

Tony Blair
Tony Blair has said he will stand down in next year

Tony Blair admitted "it's hard to let go" as he used his last Labour conference speech as leader to urge the party to unite and win a fourth term.

He won a long standing ovation, telling an emotional Labour gathering: "You're the future now, make the most of it."

Winning the next election was the only legacy he had ever wanted, he said.

He praised Gordon Brown and laughed off his wife's alleged criticism: "At least I don't have to worry about her running off with the bloke next door."

Mr Brown offered an olive branch to Mr Blair in his conference speech on Monday when he said it had been a privilege to serve under his premiership.

But that carefully-crafted attempt at reconciliation was marred by reports that Cherie Blair had called the comment a lie - something she has denied.

Here's a brief synopsis of the diary/log for last night's sleep from about 0110 to 0836. There are seven separate sleep segments totally 5.25 hours the longest of which is 1.5 hours. This reflects those using the surveillance technology keeping me awake with continuous verbal abuse during the night after waking me. I am also woken by deliberate hits nearby which are recorded.

[1. 0.25 hours sleep then kept awake for 0.75 hours as follows:]

Tue 26.09.2006 01:38:30 Woken by a tapping which was obviously intentionally done to wake me after about ten minutes of sleep. This was part of a consistent and well documented pattern of deliberate sleep disturbance activity. Each time I wake up at night I make a verbal note of what is happening on the tape recorder. This is also recorded on two other sources which run continuously throughout the night to record disturbances while I am asleep and to show that I am not making any noise. I can prove that I was sound asleep for this period and that I was disturbed from a sound sleep by such an external noise.

Despite making continuous efforts to get back to sleep, I was then kept awake by the verbal abuse from Lt Harry Bird, BS and others until about 0230. I made verbal notes on the tape recorder of this abuse which was also recorded on two other continuous recording media sources. A continuous effort is made to disrupt me as much as possible while witnesses are present in the hopes of provoking something which will lead to a response from me against which they can point a finger to support their false allegations and negative characterisations.

All I have ever done and do is completely document everything throughout the night to prove that these allegations and negative characterisations are false. This has been going on 24/7 for over eight years without ever granting me a minute of peace and quiet that is either free from disturbance or the anticipation of a disturbance to be made shortly which never fails to occur. Think about the kind of personality that someone must have to be completely obsessed to such an extent that they watch everything that another person does continuously 24/7 for many years in order to keep attacking. This stalking and harassing has been going on for all these years in this totally obsessive manner with the use of surveillance technology.

Tue 26.09.2006 01:58:57 BS is continuing non stop verbal activity as I rolled over onto my right side and made this verbal note on the tape recorder. I was making every effort to get back to sleep while being subjected to this verbal abuse. This is only a sample.

02:07:10 "They are going to keep me awake all night . . . nonstop talking." "It's a privilege," said a male among other comments from these vigilantes.

02:11:26 "Door slam."

02:13:51 "Yeah, terrific . . ."

02:15:54 Loud voices coming into the Walkway can be heard in my bedroom. A couple males were making excessive noise. I got up and went to the front door where I heard a loud door slam down the Walkway. Most likely this would not have disturbed and attracted my attention if I had not already been awake. This is unusual activity for this time of the night especially during the week. Naturally, those with the surveillance technology should be able to identify and report such activity, but they are doing the opposite by trying to destroy the person who reports this kind of activity if it is serious and warrants attention. People feel free to behave like this because they know that they are being protected by those using the surveillance technology.

02:25:01 "Chatter"

[2. 1.25 hours sleep for a total of 1.5 hours so far.]

03:35:38 Woken, rolled over and made a verbal note about what was happening.

[3. 1.5 hours sleep for a total of 3.0 hours so far.]

05:05:49 Woken. Rolled over. Dream description.

[4. 0.25 hours sleep for a total of 3.25 hours so far then kept awake for 0.5 hours as follows:]

05:25:23 Rolled over and making verbal notes. Go back and get details on this one. I was on the phone when this one started.

05:28:51 Up to the bathroom and to get a new audio tape. The one I was using was almost at its end.

05:33:00 Back onto the bed.

05:37:04 "I think a nervous breakdown," said a male. Commented about this in a humorous mode which is used for this kind of nonsense.

05:38:55 "He's come," screeches BS. Again treated as risible.

05:40:28 "He's untouchable," says a male. Added some more humour to this one as well putting all three of these together: breakdown, ejaculation and untouchable. This is the British caste system at work.

This is torture abuse in that it is cruel, inhuman and degrading. It is this kind of abuse which goes on continuously 24/7 along with false allegations and negative characterisations of many kinds intended as a smear and fear campaign. They are used in a progression of extremes to further incite others to hatred and anger when the first verbal blows don't have the desired effect.

05:43:00 Noted thumping noises from nearby which added further humour to the above abuse.

05:45:09 Voices coming in bedroom window from nearby. Extensive comment here.

05:48:03 ". . . loud . . ." extensive comment.

05:49:49 "Talking"

05:55:44 Tape 1888B ran out as anticipated and changed to Tape 1889A following more notes and comments. I happened to check the tape here and noted that it had just run out as I finished my note/comment. Yes, that's right. I started Tape Number 1,889. I've been using the audio tape recorder for over five years due to the escalation which occurred in 2001 with the arrival of Lt Harry Bird and Colonel Vine. I record at half speed (2.4) which provides three hours per audio tape.

05:57:20 "Don't you recognise the . . . or I'll kill ya," said a male. Now, it's death threat time once again.

06:22:20 Sound of a thud which does not disturb me.

[5. 1.0 hour's sleep for a total of 4.25 hours so far then kept awake for 0.25 hours.]

06:55:18 Woken. BS screams. Described dream.

07:02:25 More verbal notes.

07:12:58 Tapping heard clearly on the continuous audio disturbs me, and I made a verbal note of it. About five taps in quick succession in a row followed by my making a verbal note. I was perfectly still and trying to get to sleep. By its sound it was obviously from a nearby location and not in the bedroom.

07:30:37 Loud thud but did not disturb me.

[6. 0.75 hours sleep for a total of 5.0 hours so far.

07:52:55 Woken. Described dream. Child yelling in Walkway can be heard clearly. This is normal. Kids off to school although it shows just how excessive noises in the middle of the night come right through.

08:07:25 Very loud truck goes by but does not disturb me.

[7. 0.25 hours sleep for a total of 5.25 hours sleep tonight after spending 7.5 hours in bed.]

This sleep was in seven separate segments caused by external noises and the abuse of surveillance technology against me. This is the kind of night I can expect each and every night which has been going on for over eight years despite extensive communication to those in positions of authority including 24/7 logs like this covering many months in 2000 and 2001 to bring this criminal activity against me to a halt. So far it has not been stopped. Carrying out this activity as has occurred is nothing short of attempted murder.

08:21:07 Woken. Made verbal notes about the nights activity as best as I could recall for summary purposes.

08:34:20 "He's potty as hell," says BS. On this note I got up realising that any further effort to sleep would be futile. I would have to do with the slightly over five hours of quite fragmented sleep.

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