


Web Journal Sunday 29th April 2007

Once again today's entry provides a full circle of problems feeding upon one another from antisocial behaviour, surveillance technology abuse, fly tipped rubbish feeding vermin and useless, expensive pest control for which the tenants pay through a service charge that has no proper budgetary control standard. Read on about how these various problems intertwine and reinforce each other due to gross mismanagement. Those carrying out the work are not responsible for these problems. They do the best they can under the circumstances. It is those in charge who are failing to manage properly. And, note the abuse from the surveillance technology trying to keep me from documenting and reporting these problems as they exist as I have done here.

1. Thumping loud bass music came on just after midnight this morning for a short period then came on again about 0030. This double action appears to be deliberate and intended to cause aggravation especially after about seven hours of on and off again virtually continuous thumping bass music from below yesterday from about 1200 to about 1900. This is a variation on the Chinese water torture theme.

Antisocial behaviour in conjunction with surveillance technology abuse goes on nonstop. Carrying out this noise nuisance bass music thumping after midnight a couple times before I go to bed sets the expectation for the unknown with a possible disturbance at any time. It's one of the reasons why it is impossible for me to go to bed earlier than I do since these disturbances from the flat below at these times mean that I would be woken. It's the reason I expect to be able to sleep a couple hours later in the morning undisturbed which does not occur. Consequently, chronic sleep deprivation occurs.

This has been going on 24/7 for eight months and eight years since August 1998 with the same people using the surveillance technology who are totally obsessed with the destruction of human life. They are allowed to continue by those in various positions of authority who have full knowledge about their activity but have not stopped these extensive criminal acts.

2. I went to bed about 0109 with wake ups at 0307, 0426, 0543, 0622, 0729 and finally 0748 after which I got up a few minutes later after being kept awake by the surveillance technology abusers Lt Harry Bird, Linda and others. This were a some six hours and eight minutes sleep in six segments. The abuse with the surveillance technology destroyed the essential benefit of the four-hour initial deep sleep. There were two wake ups during this period last night after about two hours and then slightly over three hours of sleep.

The abuse during the night from the surveillance technology was notable with its side effects (cranial fluid seepage blocking the downhill nasal passage and tinnitus which dramatically stopped at one point after a wake up when I noted it) from memory probing and dream inducement with verbal activity concerning what was discovered. I was also simultaneously wiped out by the surveillance technology surreptitious medication which is used to try to keep me asleep during the memory probing activity.

This "tying me down" while engaging in torture interrogation doesn't work very well since I wake anyway, but at one point I was so wiped out by it that I woke so exhausted I felt pinned down and could not move. This activity last night is contrasted against recent nights when absent without any side effects. It's obvious when it's being done and when not. The difference comes from who is present with Lt Harry Bird and Linda. Some watch what they do carefully and forbid their excessively intrusive behaviour, and others do not. Whenever they can, they engaged in the most abuse possible which is ultimately lethal. In fact, a couple nights ago I felt that there was a deliberate attempt to murder.

A. To bed.

01:09:13 Onto the bed. Today is Sunday, 29.04.2007. OK, I got a couple things to do here.

01:10:06 DR on the duvet, put the plugs on the floor and on my left side. Time to go to sleep while these people do all these activities to try to pull off a crime blame me for what they're doing. I can prove the opposite. They're livid, terrified. They're about to pop a cork. I have never in my life seen such a group of really dumb people. They are scared shitless.

01:13:10 I'm picking up the lowest thumping bass music possible without being/going unheard. Someone hit from below. Tapping. OK. this is very, very low. Let's see if it has any impact on me as I try to get to sleep here.

01:14:23 "I have no attraction for you," said a male [apparently] talking to BS. Well . . . [why does he feel the need to say this?]

01:15:44 "I love it," said BS. You see, she has a problem exhibiting her sadism, her sadistic character. All I did was get up to check out the camcorder just to make sure it's running. Can't have it go all night without running. It's running very nicely. I can't see these things unless I'm right up there next to it given where it is sitting.

(1) To sleep for one hour and 52 minutes.

03:07:14 "Gangster," said BS just now. Oh, she found out the truth. My God, what am I going to do? Shrivel up and turn into a bucket maybe? Yes, . . . turn it upside down on the ground and stomp on it. Boy oh boy, she made a major discovery there. Danger, yes. Oh, yeah, . . . I joined the Navy to see the world, I did. Well . . . [Fell asleep instantly while talking here while PR still running I was so exhausted although woken despite this very sound sleep by the abuse from the surveillance technology associated with BS whom I mock for making an idiotic statement just as I woke.] . . . Falling asleep again here.

03:08:27 . . . PR tipped a little bit [it was resting on my arm while I was recording]; woke me up. OK, onto my right side turning this off. BS screech roared. Oooooh, my goodness [I exclaimed in mock fright].

(2) To sleep for one hour and 18 minutes

04:26:41 "Lying," said Lt Harry Bird just now. Poor ole Lt Harry Bird. The unconscious doesn't lie. He's got the truth meter right in his hand. He moves his hand back and forth. He's going to spout truth in a moment. Yes, BS is going to screech "He's come," and the two of them together will mop it up. Right. You should see the mopping up operation. The next one is: this dream. I didn't describe it. [Described dream here. Once again I fell asleep while doing so I was so wiped out having been woken from a sound sleep once again by those using the surveillance technology.] . . . OK, falling asleep again. It's uh . . .

04:29:44 On my left side back to sleep.

(3) To sleep for one hour and fifteen minutes

05:44:07 Now, I think I'm wiped out completely. I can't even move. And, I have been woken . . . Yeah, I'm absolutely frozen in place. Must by the surreptitious medication from Lt Harry Bird and BS. My left nostril is totally blocked. Tinnitus is loud. And, I'm having this dream that's extraordinary. So they're really using the surveillance technology to super medicate me. They did that yesterday morning -- wiped me out completely. Doing it again this morning and engaged in this memory probing stuff. Yep.

So it's like tying somebody up and torturing them. That's right. . . . force me awake with the memory probing anyway, and then incapacitate me completely with the surreptitious medication. Incredible, really incredible. Well, so, well this dream I can't remember it now. Of course, it was perfectly clear just a second ago. Now it seems as though it's interrogation of somebody; this whole group.

There goes BS "Kidnap [somebody]," "Kidnapping," "Kidnap me" something. Real jerk. Yeah, she doesn't understand how insignificant she is, and I couldn't completely care less about her at all. Trying to make herself important by pretending to be the victim, and I'm a danger and a threat which of course is silly nonsense. That's the way it goes. . . . It's just now; amazing.

So they're really out to -- this is the killer stuff. Of course, it goes on. It's going to go on indefinitely There's nothing there. They misinterpret everything to suit themselves. They have no idea what they're doing. They're also engaged in implanting memory as well. Oh, yeah, can judge just how wiped out I was by the two previous wake ups or two of the wake ups tonight I fell asleep immediately in the middle of talking. Zapped out. BS' activity both times within a few minutes I was awake again, and I turned off the PR.

05:50:35 "Release him," said a male. Oh, boy, it's just nonsense that goes back and forth all the time. Doesn't mean anything. OK, on my left side again. Sleep time.

05:55:53 "This doesn't sound good," says a male. All I was thinking to myself was . . . [and explained what I had been thinking which was apparently distorted as reflected by this male's comment]. That set them off. Doesn't take much to get these people going, does it? You see, we have another little verification of activity thank you very much. Yes, well done.

"Hospital," says Lt Harry Bird. Ah, they're going to keep me awake are they? Well, what's new. They deprive me of beneficial sleep by wiping it out with their activity, and then they keep me awake with their nonsense -- silly infantile killers who haven't a clue. Yeah, put me in hospital see what happens. That'll be enjoyable. Free bed, three meals a day. All the work done by everybody else. I won't lift a finger. I will not cooperate with anybody about anything. You want to see stubborn? Force me to do something that's totally wrong. See what happens. Called a sit down strike.

(4) To sleep for 25 minutes.

06:22:43 Right side here. Lower back pain. Kidney damage from this activity from Lt Harry Bird and BS.

"He broke her nose," said Lt Harry Bird. No, that's what Lt Harry Bird did when he slugged BS. Really slugged the hell out of her. She's a punching bag. Everybody slugs her. Her partner does. Her partner did. Lots of violence going on here. All from those using the surveillance technology carrying out violence against me. They've got to try to deflect attention away from that. Left side. Left nostril still completely blocked. Tinnitus just died down. . . . like that somebody just turning it off down to low.

06:27:43 "You know who it tis?" Poor ole Lt Harry Bird trying to cover up his criminal activities and vicious violence here. He's attacked two women working with him: BS (slugged the hell out of her) and the other one he threw away from the control panel so he could crash an Email I was trying to send. That's what he's all about. He can't control himself. He's violent. So full of hatred and rage. He explodes.

(5) To sleep for one hour and two minutes.

07:29:52 Yeah, here we go. Tinnitus is very loud. My left nostril is still completely blocked. Lower back pain kidney area which is up a bit. OK, now, I had this dream working in this high pressure environment trying to get reports and things done. [Described dream which symbolised the sabotage carried out by Lt Harry Bird and BS]

07:32:24 Back to sleep maybe on my left side for a bit there.

(6) To sleep for 16 minutes.

07:48:07 "An apple," said Lt Harry Bird. Oh, they're eating apples are they? OK, onto my right side. Well, the killers are eating apples. They could lace an apple with cyanide, and they could leave it around for me to eat. All their problems could be solved. They did this to Alan Turing. Didn't like him so they killed him long time ago so the suspicion goes. Oh, yeah, right side. Tinnitus is loud. Well, my left nostril is beginning to clear a little bit.

07:52:56 "Why didn't you call us up?" asked a male. Call who? Huh? So, Lt Harry Bird and BS didn't call them. That's too bad. Who cares, you know? So, they've got a convenient scapegoat, and they turned this place into a total mess. It was Alan Turing who died of cyanide poisoning from his apple that he used to eat every night before he went to sleep. Supposedly, he was an embarrassment, you see. Saved this country in WWII. He was brains behind Enigma -- deciphering the Enigma machine. The computing necessary to decode it -- to break the codes.

He was an extraordinary mathematician but a homosexual, and he was an embarrassment. He got caught in the 1950s cruising with a sailor or whatever. Problems with the police. His death after that was quite suspicious: most of the circumstances surrounding it. Another great tragedy. So, Lt Harry Bird's going to inject an apple with cyanide.

"Good for me," says a male Lt Harry Bird perhaps. Yes, they are always patting themselves on the back. They have this automatic back patter. They just carry it around. They push a button, and it goes pat, pat, pat, pat. . . . Time to get up then.

07:57:34 Time to get up.

All of the above was filmed throughout the night with a camcorder and recorded continuously on the DR. The above notes were made as these events occurred on the PR. There is no doubt about the times and activities which occurred especially my verbal notes describing what happened exactly when these events occurred as well as reflecting back upon the previous two wake ups. While I was transcribing the above Lt Harry Bird and BS engaged in continuous abuse chatter trying to deny the validity of what I was reporting here in much the same manner as the dream I had which is briefly noted above. If I have time, I'll add my full description about it. The unconscious does not lie.

3. It would be safer, efficient and easier for these guys who are emptying the recycle Blue Bins to be able to easily back onto the Estate in front of these recycle Blue Bins to empty them. There is a car illegally parked on the solid yellow line where there is a drop kerb for vehicle access to this area. They would have to drop the bollards for access.

As it is, they have to push these heavy, filled recycle Blue Bins over the kerb between two cars, and it takes both of them to move the overfilled recycle Blue Bin here. This whole operation took about eight minutes. They do a good job of picking up everything but cannot help it if there is fly tipped rubbish bags on the ground or overfilled bins. They did not empty the third recycle Blue Bin from the far end for some reason that is unknown to me. I don't know how this can be enforced on a Sunday morning to keep parking off the solid yellow line, but it would be beneficial all around for these guys to be able to use this Estate access point to back the truck up to the recycle Blue Bins. It might even save the Council some money over time.

Recycle Blue Bins Sunday 29.04.2007 0800 The recycle Blue Bins ready for emptying this morning at 0800 after being filled with Orange Bags yesterday. The recycle Blue Bin on the end is overfilled as much as possible with one bag on top of the recycle Blue Bin next to it. This might have arrived later.
Recycle Blue Bins Sunday 29.04.2007 0800 close up of the overfilled bin and fly tipped bag next to it A close view of the overfilled recycle Blue Bin and the fly tipped Orange Bag next to it. This remained open all night like this. Vermin spend time going into these when open like this to explore for food. The very small vermin might even find something worthwhile from such scrounging.`
Recycle Blue Bins Sunday 29.04.2007 0850 arrival to empty them with street cleaner present at same time Arrival of those ready to empty the recycle Blue Bins at 0850 with the street cleaner also present at the same time on the right with his portable wheely bin. The street cleaner is on his way to the truck to put two green bags of rubbish in it.
Recycle Blue Bins Sunday 29.04.2007 0850 truck driver takes exception to street cleaner putting two green rubbish bags into truck The truck driver takes exception to the street cleaner putting two rubbish green bags into his recyclables pick up truck.
Recycle Blue Bin Sunday 29.04.2007 0850 meeting of minds between truck driver and street cleaner over rubbish bags put into truck There is a apparent meeting of minds between the truck driver and the street cleaner about the latter putting a couple green rubbish bags into his recylables truck. Maybe these were recyclables?
Recycle Blue Bins Sunday 29.04.2007 0850 fly tipped stack of green rubbish bags revealed when recycle Blue Bins are moved A fly tipped stack of green rubbish bags is revealed on the left just on the other side of the motor bike when the recycle Blue Bins are moved. Only a bit of one is visible in earlier photos above and is not easily noted.
Recycle Blue Bins Sunday 29.04.2007 0850 close up of the fly tipped rubbish green bags on ground next to near end A close up of the fly tipped rubbish green bags stacked on the ground at the near end of the row of recycle Blue Bins. These are hidden from sight before the Blue Bins are taken away for emptying and remain mostly hidden when the empty Blue Bins are returned. Where did these fly tipped rubbish bags originate?
Recylce Blue Bins Sunday 29.04.2007 0850 takes two to move overfilled bin across kerb These are heavy enough when normally filled, but when overfilled it takes two of these guys to move this overfilled recycle Blue Bin carefully across the kerb in the narrow area between two parked cars.
Recycle Blue Bins Sunday 29.04.2007 0850 at the end while one locks Blue Bins another throws back unsuitable items for recycling At the end of the emptying while one is locking the recycle Blue Bins, the driver throws some unsuitable recycling rubbish onto the rubbish bags.

4. There is a fundamental management problem all around with feeding vermin from fly tipping as noted above, other rubbish problems inside the building including the flat below recently reported that stretch back for years and the ongoing expense of Rentokil providing extermination services. The tenants now pay for the extermination services by means of a service charge on top of the rent. I believe that the TMO has contracted with Rentokil on a Council wide basis to provide extermination services.

I suspect that the expense of such activity is related to the vermin problem. Here is a situation where those in charge are feeding the vermin while Rentokil is happy to provide its services to this kind of an environment. Those in management positions do not care about the expense because the tenants pay with a service charge. There is no discipline here demanding effective management based upon cost control. The tenants are zapped with the cost of pest control when the problem comes from management's failures.

I have further problems with this kind of dictatorial imposition of Rentokil upon me in these circumstances given the surveillance technology abuse and antisocial behaviour. Below is a letter hand delivered yesterday just after I returned from shopping. The notification is for Rentokil's inspection to occur Thursday next, 3rd July 2007, between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.

There is no signature or date on this letter. There is no name of the person responsible on the letter. There is no address for me to send a written reply. There is only a phone number supplied if I want to request a specific time. I want to send a letter once again as I have done in the past to whomever is in charge at Rentokil and notify them of the serious problems which result from the mismanagement of this environment. I want to inform them that I will not be available and do not want them coming to my door seeking entry at any time until the surveillance activity and antisocial behaviour are stopped. This will save them time and money as well.

I cannot make any plans whatsoever due to the continuous abuse to which I am subjected 24/7 which comes from all around courtesy of antisocial behaviour and the continuous abuse from those using surveillance technology a sample of which is provided above for last night. I cannot make any plans to admit anyone. I cannot be available from 8:00 am because I might have been kept awake for hours and want to sleep for a bit.

I might want to sleep at other times in the day as occurs spontaneously while I am sitting up in my chair. Call that a "Power Nap." If anything is scheduled, it becomes a target for those carrying out the surveillance technology. They use this as a means to create fear by means of their harassment. I have undertaken to admit no one to the premises except in cases of a genuine emergency involving a threat to life or property until such time as the surveillance technology abuse threatening my life is stopped completely, and I am given time to recover and address the problems which this has created.

I've been saying and communicating this for years. I've sent correspondence to Rentokil among many others in the past to stop this activity because under the circumstances it constitutes unlawful and criminal harassment in conjunction with all that Lt Harry Bird, BS and others are doing by using the surveillance technology as a weapon to destroy human activity and life.

I do not have a problem with vermin and intend to keep it that way for everyone by first addressing the source of the vermin problem. There is no point in Rentokil spinning its wheels uselessly and expensively doing the same thing over and over when the vermin are fed here continuously by rubbish on the floor left each night below the rubbish chutes. Rentokil doesn't care about this because they make money from a perpetual problem. I seek to end the problem at its source and toward this objective I will apply myself as I have done above by addressing those who are failing as part of tenant management, but I must end the life threatening surveillance technology abuse against me first. They are the two-legged vermin.

Sat 28.04.2007 Rentokil notification of 3rd May 2007 8 to 5 inspection

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