


"People to be offered 'health MoT' ""Plans to offer "health MoTs" to every person in England will form a key part of the government's health white paper"Saturday, 28 January 2006, 14:30 GMT want to describe and question the points proposed as supposed health checks against my experience with the NHS where there has been a total interference in my life carried out unlawfully and criminally by named NHS personnel including medical experimentation and surreptitious medication as part of a programme to suppress dissent and stop me from reporting important problems. 1. First let me address the issues raised by this announcement today with regard to what the UK Government is actually doing. A. Preventive Medicine: the idea is right but its proposed implementation is wrong.  The health checkup programme should stand alongside disease treatment and not be scheduled for five key points in a person's life.  There are actually only four key points for assessment in a person's life. The fifth point is after the first child birth for a woman who has children. Genuine health checkups should be available on increasing frequencies as a person ages reaching an annual evaluation from the age of 40 onwards.  Everything needs to be checked since there are so many diseases which when caught can be cured at little cost to the NHS and minimal distress for the patient.  Currently the NHS is practising catastrophe medicine at great cost and needs to switch to preventive medicine on a comprehensive and effective basis.  But, Dr Rosemary Leonard on BBC News24 has implied in her comment that compulsory examinations and evaluations are needed for the recalcitrant who really need it.  Ouch!  That's way beyond what is necessary.  If people do not want to maintain their own health, that is their concern.  Then there is the problem of compulsory health checks for those using illegal drugs.  What must be stopped is the deliberate destruction of health and life carried out by the Government and worst of all by the NHS itself.  I've got many years of this thoroughly documented carried out against me using surveillance technology as a weapon with the presence of NHS personnel whom I have met and know participating for many years.  The NHS is going to have a difficult time dealing with those of us who know that we are being abused to deliberately create health problems including death.  People such as myself seek on a reasonable and rational basis medical care to address the health and personal injury problems being created quite malevolently by those in various Government departments including the NHS with the intent to cause as much health damage as possible.  Abuse is the standard which I am experiencing directly and have been for 7.5 years.  This has to be addressed so that the NHS can honestly treat patients without those in the NHS who carry out a deliberate effort to do harm continuing to do so.  Also, given the increase in genetics which can determine health risks to people based upon genetic information, such a health screening and maintenance programme must be set up in such a way to prevent abuse of this information which will be obtained from this programme.  Compulsory medicine as Dr Leonard implied by her statement represents a serious threat at present rather than a help.  The benevolent use of medicine and its knowledge need to be developed and not the malevolent use of medicine and its research for control purposes which I have been experiencing for many years.  There must be a comprehensive programme of protection from malevolent medicine used for control purposes which can be and is being employed for political abuse against those who report problems as I am directly experiencing and have been for many years.  B. Health Sampling for Information Are Not Meaningful Health CheckupsHealth sampling is being erroneously sold as health checkups when it is no such thing.  The description of the proposed Government preventive health programme is a sampling activity intended to gain information about the population.  Information is to be collected one year after birth, about age 11, age 18 and age 50. For women who have children a fifth information gathering point will occur after the birth of the first child. Risk assessment in percentage terms as proposed is quite meaningless and irrelevant to health checkups to screen people on a meaningful, periodic basis for the purpose of detecting disease. Annual screenings and health examinations for diseases are health checkups for preventive medicine are necessary in such a programme but are not included here. What the Government proposes is nonsense and a waste of time and money as a benefit for people.  It is a benefit for the Government to collect statistical information and identify people who can be potentially discriminated against unless that information is protected.  Gee, this sounds like a very sophisticated Nazi Germany with a programme to develop the superior race.  It has all the ingredients of such activity. What happens if a right wing Government gets hold of such information, and how will it impact minority groups in this country?  A health checkup programme should help people and not increase Government information.  What other purpose can four (five with child bearing women) evaluations in a lifetime serve?  Hypothetical result: you have a gene which suggests that you will develop xyz cancer in ten to 20 years.  Ergo, you will not be entitled to insurance.  Employers will not want to hire you.  If working, you will not be promoted. You will be treated as a leper.  There will be a risk free elite created while the higher risk people will be shunned, isolated and alienated.  This is a proposal from a Control Freak Government intent upon power for power's sake.  Watch out!  C. Please Tell Me How the Government's Health Checks Are Supposed to Help PeopleHealth sampling is skewed to collect information from the healthy young when such screening is not really necessary.  Three of four (a fifth for child bearing women after the birth of the first child) such supposed health "checks" will be made from the age of one to 18 years then nothing until 50. That's 32 years.  It has nothing to do with health checkups.  This is for information collection and control.  Health screening for prevention purposes needs to increase with age and is most important for anyone over 20 but increases in importance in subsequent decades.  What about those over 50?  It is critically important to catch diseases early in this period of life stretching on into the 60s, 70s, etc.  There is none of this.  There is a simple minded evaluation questionaire and perhaps other simple minded tests like blood pressure and weight which can only be used for information that is valuable to the Government when they see what happens throughout a person's life.   People might be offered a "trainer."  Huh?  For diet and exercise?  What is this nonsense?  This is not preventive medicine.  It's the Moron at work creating the illusion of doing something when nothing is actually being done.  Where are the blood tests for checking changes year-to-year?  What about screening for colon cancer as an example which can be eliminated if everyone was so screened?  There are a multitude of health screening tests which need to be carried out periodically.  There are none of these in this programme.  This looks like something dashed out to distract attention from the fact that the NHS is in a state of financial crisis, and the Government has to look like it's doing something.  The Government is building in the basis for discrimination against people by trying to control their lives.  This will only produce an adverse reaction from people as the reality of this nonsensical programme sinks in.  The Government wants to start a database on everyone with three health samplings by the age of 18 then do nothing until the age of 50 (except one more for child bearing women) when they will see what happened and correlate that information against the first 18 years with its three sampling points.  This will not help anyone.  It will provide the Government with an invaluable database for the population which is wide open to abuse and discrimination against people.  People will be discriminated against for just refusing to particpate.  I cannot believe this Government and what it wants to do.  There is also the suggestion that this might not be carried out in GP's surgeries but elsewhere in the community.  How?  By home visits to get lots more information?  A comment was made by a minister that it would start with questionnaires on the Internet. How will this reach the poorest and most in need of health maintenance? This programme is one of interference and control like I've been experiencing for years.  Watch what happens.  The Government is calling it a Health MoT when it is no such thing.  There is no substance here at all.  Fudge and more fudge but for what purpose? Suppose someone shows up with a disease at 60.  They will be asked if they followed the recommendations at 50.  If they did not, will they be denied treatment or discriminated by some other means with respect to treatment by the NHS? The NHS will become the arbitrary health police of the nation and can control the now out of control NHS budget by refusing to treat on the basis of this health sampling database. Some information from birth or the age 11 or 18 can haunt a person all his/her life. It's time to privatise health care totally in this country and put it all on a self sustaining basis.  The NHS is going to become worse not better if these kinds of policies are adopted.  This Government is spending money on control and not care.  2. What the NHS Has Actually Done for Control in the Community As I have Directly Experienced.I have directly experienced the NHS coming out into the community with many NHS personnel spending excessive amounts of time carrying out medical experimentation and surreptitious medication outside a hospital environment on a nonconsenting adult. This is strictly forbidden under the law. I have met several of the people involved for the purposes of identifying them and explaining what was actually going on. They completely ignored my explanation of the reality of this situation, made unlawful requests of me to move supported by offers of money, threatened me with magistrate court intervention, insisted upon medication without providing any diagnosis and displayed to me in a hospital folder my September 1999 letter to the Prime Minister as the reason for my being summoned to see them. This is the only reason given to me for all that has been carried out against me during all the 7.5 years so far. There has never been any complaint made to me about anything I have done except my report as noted about very serious problems to the Prime Minister which involved the failure to address the child abuse properly, the failure of Government Departments to work properly together and the surveillance technology used against me which has resulted in personal injuries from torture abuse of it in the hands of the general public and local tenants including those who were reported for the child abuse. The September 1999 letter to the Prime Minister and my complaints about the NHS medical professionals involved are published on my web site. I have been adding journal entries here on a daily basis from November 1999 to March 2000 which cover the start of this NHS intervention and control after I sent my letter to the Prime Minister in September 1999. These journal entries contain warts and all but provide the essential detail about what went on minute-by-minute from which I make the general statements above and from which I filed the complaints against the NHS personnel involved. Nothing has ever been done about any of these communications. The intervention of the NHS personnel was clearly made to stop my reporting problems as I was shown. I refused to take any medication. After I complained about their misconduct, they continued with intense abuse against me participating in the surveillance activity while carrying out medical experimention and surreptitious medication to debilitate and incapacitate me. One such medical professional participated directly in mob incitement against me based upon his false name calling which he encouraged others to carry out as well. A good example of this will be found in this web journal for the last Friday in July 2001. This as all gone on 24/7 for all these years to this date as of this writing and was referred to a "pilot programme" by someone today. Therefore, I have written at length above about the proposed so-called "health checks" by this Labour Government in the UK in order to ask serious questions about what they are really proposing against the background of my own direct personal experience for well over the past six years with regard to NHS intervention in the community to suppress the reporting of serious problems which threaten the lives of children and adults. A massive amount of time, money and energy has been expended against me to cover up the problems rather than address them properly to solve them. If just a fraction of these resources had been directed to solving the problems during all these 7.5 years, these problems would have been long since been well on the way to solution. Instead, the result has been the establishment of violence and criminal behaviour as a standard for all especially the children growing up in this environment while the destruction of human life continues at the taxpayers expense with full participation by various Government departments including a significant role by the NHS which has nothing to do with health care.

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