


Web Journal Tuesday 13th February 2007

1. The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) released its report about the Forest Gate police raid today. The raid was carried out some eight months ago, but there was no chemical bomb found as anticipated based upon intelligence. The police went berserk based upon the description from some of the 150 complaints filed with the IPCC echoed today by those who were terrified and brutalised. One of the suspects was shot through the chest not the shoulder which keeps getting erroneously reported instead. There was one hit on the head with a gun and a beating while on the ground of a 60-year-old man. Although the IPCC who saw the intelligence evidence said that the raid was justified, and the strong action initially carried out by the police was necessary to protect the public from the anticipated threat, the IPCC criticised the police for not having a Plan B when the intelligence proved to be faulty. Instead the police carried on in a brutal way including the treatment of those taken to the police station(s).

It has been my direct experience during the past seven years that the police's normal mode of operation is brutality. They act in an extreme threatening manner, and they tolerate it from other people when it suits their inclination to deliberately induce fear and carry out brutality in order to reinforce that fear of violence from the police. I do not see this raid in Forest Gate or the murder of Mr de Menezes at the Stockwell Tube station to be anything other than this desire by a number of police officers involved in this activity to be deliberately brutal and lethal. One of the two key suspects is lucky to be alive having been shot through the chest. I would guess that shot was only inches away from his heart. In that case he would have been another corpse from police brutality like Mr de Menezes.

Before the brutality started against me with the use of surveillance technology in August 1998, I witnessed an incident of police brutality during an arrest c 1997. A young man was chased to the road outside my front window and held down by several officers while another delivered an incapacitating and totally unnecessary blow to him. He was then put in a nearby van with several police officers where there followed loud thuds and thumps as the van bounced up and down. Officers outside the van standing at various points in the road were looking around to see if anyone was watching them. I was looking out one of my windows watching all of this happening.

If the IPCC had existed then as it does now with the ability for third parties to file a complaint about police brutality, I would have done so. As it was, I thought this would be a hopeless activity. Later that evening I just happened to hear a young man returning to a flat nearby saying as he entered "They really worked me over." Whatever this young man was captured for, he did not deserve to be brutalised as I witnessed. The police had done their job by stopping and arresting him. That was enough.

By carrying on as they did with gratuitous violence, they only assured that further violence would occur in this environment as these people actually brutalised by the police and in fear of being brutalised by the police would take out their bitterness, hostility, anger and rage against others here especially any possible crime victims. The police were just creating more violence and crime by their behaviour instead of reducing it. Sadly, this boomerangs back against the police as occurred a year ago October last when a police officer was stabbed nearby. The police have a very difficult job as it is, and it is a sad day for all of us when these violent people think nothing of stabbing a police officer because they will treat the public worse.

The surveillance technology was installed conspicuously to be used against me in a most brutal manner by the local tenants and residents in August 1998 whom I had reported for various crimes and antisocial behaviour including the child abuse whose revenge and retaliation for such reporting was at the core of this campaign launched against me. Although the presence of some indicated possible police officers and participation from the start, it was not until just over a year later after I sent my 23rd September 1999 letter by fax and post to the Prime Minister that a 30-day police siege was maintained against me from mid-December 1999 to mid-January 2000.

There were any number of daily and around the clock moves by the police to remove me by force and violence from my home. This included the extensive installation of more surveillance technology such as what I call the "sound detection boxes" at the base of my living room wall, infrared detectors and ultrasound photography. The effort was massive, continuous, threatening and brutal by subjecting me to repeated attempts to remove me by force and violence day and night. This involved very large numbers of police officers and vehicles, ambulances and the Fire Brigade being present. It included running all night on Christmas Eve eve due to the determination of one person. However, this police raid never occurred. It was stopped ostensibly because it was costing too much money.

Since I've never done anything except report the crimes and antisocial behaviour, I was completely baffled by this extreme activity being carried out against me although it was most certainly real and came with threats of implied brutality of what might happen when they did finally enter the premises. I got a complete education in what were the necessary legal standards for entering a flat to remove someone. These were either valid or made up excuses in order to not enter and keep the terror activity going hoping that I would take off myself. I had no reason to do so and remained documenting all that was happening 24/7 including sending some faxes to the Prime Minister about this incredible police brutality in what could be nothing less than a police state.

My experience during this month-long siege of my home continued for all these remaining years until the present with varying methods and degrees of a threat of violence coupled with feigned attempts to come up here and remove me by violence. There are so many examples of this that I cannot begin to note them. This even included a faked sniper attack against me. There were police officers present day and night well know by name or pseudonym. They established a pattern of mob violence that was carried out by others including medical professionals, those involved with tenant management and elected government officials (local and cental) along with civil servants. Everyone participated having a sadistically grand time which continues as of last night, this day and writing.

I can only say from my own direct experience over these many years up to and including today that what the police did at Forest Gate is SOP: Standard Operating Procedure. They do not have a Plan B and never will. Their objective is to brutalise the community in the extreme and carry on doing so to instill fear throughout the community. That is the character of the people actually doing this work. It does not matter what someone higher up says who is trying to protect and keep his/her elevated position. What matters in the community is what actually takes place on the ground human-to-human, and the police come up continuously as worthy instruments of brutality.

I am subjected to the most invasive surveillance technology ever known to human history which is used to fake it for the purpose of being as brutal as possible continuously around the clock 365 days a year for many years indefinitely having started in August 1998. The objective is to destroy human life. I've never done anything except report crime and antisocial behaviour (and address safety and health problems), yet these are the reasons I am being attacked to silence me. There is no Plan B because they know that what passes for intelligence is faked and is used to enable the abuse of surveillance technology for the corrupt self-interest of those using it. There was no Plan B in the Forest Gate raid because the police have no intention of acting any different from the way they did regardless of the validity of the intelligence.

It is absolutely necessary to come to grips with the sadistic character which dominates, controls and carries out these instances of brutality in the community. I report it here in the hopes that the police will clean up their own act, but so far that has not been done. Even my correspondence to the various Metropolitan Police Commissioners over the years has produced no results. In fact, it might very well be contributing to my experience. This is why I call for a police commissioner who is from the outside and does not rise up through the ranks.

There is a police state in this country which has been in place for many years. It is getting far worse and impacts everyone not just the Muslims who might feel especially picked upon at present because the terrorist bombers and would be terrorists come from the Muslim community. But, the kind of brutality which the police exhibit that I am experiencing and see in these other incidents is something that is institutionalised in government and needs to be eliminated by those in charge. That might be impossible because it would not exist unless condoned by those in charge who would have a vested interest in preventing any scuppering of such brutality which helps to protect themselves.

BBC News Tuesday, 13 February 2007, 13:40 GMT

Police criticised on terror raid

Abul Koyair, 20, and his injured brother Mohammed Abdulkahar
Mr Koyair and Mr Abdulkahar were released without charge

The Metropolitan Police has been told it should apologise to the two families involved in the "terrifying experience" of the Forest Gate anti-terror raid.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission said it had upheld a small number of complaints relating to the operation in east London in June 2006.

But the watchdog said it accepted that the police had had no choice but to act based on the available intelligence.

One man was shot in the raid but he and another arrested man were not charged.

Mohammed Abdulkahar, 23 - the man shot in the shoulder - and his brother Abul Koyair, 20, were released a week after the police operation.

2. The UK is at the bottom of the league table for children's well being published by UNICEF. The Children's Commissioner of England says he's not surprised since this is what the children have been telling him about their lives. I can certainly see why in my direct experience during the last decade especially after reporting the child abuse in May 1998 that had been occurring and escalating in an adjacent flat during the previous two years. Exactly the opposite of what should have been done in this situation occurred with the surveillance technology placed at the disposal of the child abusers to cover up the abuse and attack me for reporting it and for reporting what continued after I reported it.

This can be seen in the above entry number 1 dealing with police brutality as an institutionalised part of a fundamentally sadistic character across government departments. My comprehensive 23rd September 1999 letter faxed and posted to the Prime Minister reveals the problems at that point which were not addressed by the government as indicated by the failures of government departments and agencies to properly address the problem. Instead, this letter was sent to the Home Office to the then police complaints section. I received a response from them with information on how to file a complaint against the police. At the same time the intense month long siege commenced as described above from mid-December 1999 to mid-January 2000. I didn't make a complaint against the police since I didn't want to be distracted and bogged down with irrelevancies. They were the tool of others who were abusing them as part of a process where the child abuse complaints were suppressed. Instead, people like the NHS' Dr "VW" used the police, ambulance service and Fire Brigade as part of a massive effort to see what I would do. The problem went a lot deeper than the police who were at the beck and call of others as they are currently.

I've paid close attention to what this government has done since my letter to the Prime Minister in a general context. There has been a general failure to attend to the welfare of children. What this government has done it did very slowly and reluctantly including appointing finally a Children's Commissioner. Simultaneous with my letter to the Prime Minister and the abuse I received (it was displayed before me by Richard Evans MD at the St Charles Hospital Acute Psychiatric Clinic at the beginning of February 2000 after the month long police siege) the murder of Victoria Climbie took place whose enquiry revealed the same failures I was addressing in that letter to the Prime Minster. Number Ten had tried to bury the letter in an obscure and irrelevant location in the Home Office by trying to create a complaint against the police, and then I was personally attacked on mental health grounds by the NHS for having sent it. The police were used as pawns and a scapegoat in this process. My complaint was not with the police.

All of the issues relating to child abuse and its results that I've been dealing with in this web journal during the past two and one-half months reflect the same areas that UNICEF indicates the UK has failed with respect to children. This is one example of what apparently exists throughout this country. Not only was my initial letter to the Prime Minister correct as it has turned out, but it now appears that all that has followed has become part of this UNICEF league table rating on a national level in varying degrees. There is a general abuse resulting from the overall neglect of children in the UK which puts it at the bottom (number 21) of the UNICEF league table as noted below.

BBC News Tuesday, 13 February 2007, 23:09 GMT

UK is accused of failing children

Child in silhouette
Unicef says the study is the first of its kind for child well-being

The UK has been accused of failing its children, as it comes bottom of a league table for child well-being across 21 industrial countries.

The Unicef report looked at 40 indicators including poverty, relationships with parents and health.

The Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and Finland head the list.

Children's charities have condemned the findings. The government says it has made progress on child well-being through several initiatives.

. . .

1. Netherlands
2. Sweden
3. Denmark
4. Finland
5. Spain
6. Switzerland
7. Norway
8. Italy
9. Republic of Ireland
10. Belgium
11. Germany
12. Canada
13. Greece
14. Poland
15. Czech Republic
16. France
17. Portugal
18. Austria
19. Hungary
20. United States
21. United Kingdom
Source: Unicef

The Children's Society has launched a website to coincide with the report,, which allows children to answer a series of surveys about their lives.

The society's chief executive Bob Reitemeier said: "We simply cannot ignore these shocking findings.

"Unicef's report is a wake-up call to the fact that, despite being a rich country, the UK is failing children and young people in a number of crucial ways."

The Children's Commissioner for England, Professor Al Aynsley-Green, said he was not surprised by the report's findings.

"It's very much in line with what children and young people are telling me about their lives today, and I think the shocking conclusion is that as a nation we have been failing our children and young people."

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