


Web Journal Friday 18th May 2007

1. War crimes emerge once again from Iraq involving the UK military. There is nothing unusual or unexpected about this considering my torture abuse treatment since August 1998. This activity is endemic in the British character and system.

The Independent Friday, 18th May 2007

Kidnap and torture: new claims of Army war crimes in Iraq

Robert Verkaik reveals evidence of systemic ill-treatment of civilians by British soldiers in the aftermath of the overthrow of Saddam

The British Army is facing new allegations that it was involved in "forced disappearances", hostage-taking and torture of Iraqi civilians after the fall of the regime of Saddam Hussein.

One of the claims is made by the former chairman of the Red Crescent in Basra, who alleges he was beaten unconscious by British soldiers after they accused him of being a senior official in Saddam's Baath party.

The family of another Iraqi civilian claims he was arrested and kidnapped by the British in order to secure the surrender of his brother, who was also accused of being a high-ranking member of the party. He was later found shot dead, still handcuffed and wearing a UK prisoner name tag.

Both cases are being prepared for hearings in the High Court in which the Government will be accused of war crimes while carrying out the arrest and detention of alleged senior members of the Baath party.

Kidnap and torture: new claims of Army war crimes in Iraq

2. Gordon Brown's Ship of Fools tries to plug the leaks by making the already damaged water tight compartments leak proof. Trust and confidence is wiped out immediately while democracy becomes selective. MPs continue to opt for exemption from the law they themselves passed to keep the information from leaking. What happens if someone uses the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to ask MPs about surveillance correspondence such as I've communicated to all of them at one time or another?

BBC News Friday, 18 May 2007, 01:16 GMT 02:16 UK

Brown promises to 'build trust'

Gordon and Sarah Brown
Mr Brown will not face a contest to be Labour leader

Gordon Brown has promised to build trust in politics, as he sets out his priorities as the next prime minister.

Mr Brown, who will replace Tony Blair as Labour leader and prime minister from 27 June, said he wanted a "different kind of politics".

With 313 Labour MPs nominating him, there were not enough left to allow his only rival to get onto the ballot.

Mr Blair will continue as PM for now, leading Tories to attack the "ludicrous situation of a caretaker government".

Accepting his nomination as Labour leader, Mr Brown repeatedly said he would "listen and learn".

G8 summit

He said it was "absolutely right" that Mr Blair continue as prime minister for the next six weeks, attending the G8 and EU summits - although he said they would "consult and talk".

He said he would use the time to travel around, meeting people in the NHS, schools, police and community leaders, to help shape his policy programme.

Brown promises to 'build trust'

BBC News Friday, 18 May 2007, 16:21 GMT 17:21 UK

Brown will not block secrecy bid

Gordon Brown
Mr Brown has pledged to respect MPs' decisions

Gordon Brown has rejected calls to block a controversial move by MPs to get out of freedom of information laws.

MPs pushed the plan closer to becoming law earlier in what critics called a "shameful day for Parliament".

The MPs say they want to protect private letters from constituents - but critics say the move would also allow them to keep their expenses secret.

A spokesman for Mr Brown, who has pledged more "open" politics, said he also promised not to dictate to MPs.

"Gordon has also spoken about the sovereignty of Parliament. If MPs have voted this measure through then that is a matter for them", his spokesman said.


Critics say despite its neutral stance, the government is in favour of the Private Members' Bill and has allowed it the time to progress through Parliament.

My bill is necessary to give an absolute guarantee that the correspondence of members of parliament, on behalf of our constituents and others, to a public authority remains confidential
David Maclean

Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker, who has led calls to block the Freedom of Information (Exemption) Bill, claims MPs were prevented from debating it more fully earlier, saying the events made him "ashamed to be an MP".

He is to make a formal complaint to the Commons speaker after MPs voted for the bill to proceed by 96 to 25 to the Lords for further consideration.

Brown will not block secrecy bid

BBC News Friday, 18 May 2007, 13:46 GMT 14:46 UK

Opponents fail to block info bill

The Bill would exempt peers and MPs from FOI requests

A controversial bill exempting MPs and peers from freedom of information laws has moved closer to being passed.

Cross-party opponents had hoped to "talk out" the bill by using up all its allocated time in the Commons.

But after five hours of debate - and with five minutes to go - supporters of the bill voted for it to proceed to the Lords for further consideration.

Critics say the bill, which will now get a third reading, is aimed at keeping expenses and allowances secret.

But supporters, including Tory David Maclean who introduced the bill, say Parliament should be exempt so as to protect letters to constituents.

Opponents fail to block info bill

3. Today was an intensive day of setup activity along with stalking and harassment. There was thumping bass music blasting away from below when I returned from shopping about 1230 and then started blasting away again about 1700. The extensive noises from above and below while I was sleeping this morning continued along with the nonstop verbal abuse from those using the surveillance technology.

Curiously, as I returned from shopping, the blasting music from below was present for all to hear outside as I walked up the front footpath. It was present from inside coming out the door below while I was unlocking my front door. Then Lt Harry Bird said "Warn him" as I was locking my door. The thumping bass music from below stopped shortly after that as I began to record it. There was further abuse from BS about this time with "He's potty as hell. I know."

/This was spoken by way of getting someone to stop the noise nuisance disturbance it sounded like to me by attacking me instead of stopping this antisocial behaviour because it disturbing to all especially small children and infants who might be sleeping. They use me as a means to keep people quiet by claiming that they are trying to get rid of me. They also claim, contradictorily, that they are blasting with with the thumping bass music in order to get rid of me. It depends upon who is saying what and in what circumstances. When trying to get out of getting caught doing this a couple days ago, BS said that they were "testing him." In other words, it's a set up.

The point is that the music was blasting away until I returned then stopped as described above. After it started below about 1700 following a loud, hard door slam below, it stopped shortly thereafter. Perhaps someone returned and blasted away for a moment then stopped so as to not get caught. Apparently, the antisocial behaviour is all right when I am not present to document it but stops when I return. At any rate there is a close coordination between the antisocial behaviour and those who are using the surveillance technology in one way or another. The confusion and contradictions results from different people with different agendas.

Activity often appears contradictory and confusing because the abuse reflects efforts to attack for the sake of attacking no matter what I might be doing in the hopes of getting a reaction. This has long been present. What appears to be arbitrary and capricious is simply attacking all the time regardless of reason. It's easy to pick up this kind of activity easy and ignore it. However, I document it thoroughly for the record. Also, today there were more examples of stalking and harassment both here in person and by means of the surveillance technology while I was running errands this morning. Some of this fit in with the verbal abuse which occurred as I was getting up and getting ready to depart.

BS and Lt Harry Bird are intent upon attacking all my activity to disrupt everything that I do hoping to shut it all down if they can by intimidation. While I was on my way to one destination, a male said "I can't stop him." This was evidently in response to such an incitement from Lt Harry Bird and/or BS. When I completed a transaction, Lt Harry Bird said "He got it" just as I had done so. This revealed that he was keeping track of exactly what I was doing by looking through my eyes to do so. There is no other way that he could know exactly what was happening in order to attack in this manner. I have verified this many years ago, and this is just another example of that happening.

One such verification which occurred in the summer of 2001 reflects an identical set of circumstances. I was getting some cash from an ATM at the West Kensington Tesco on Cromwell and Warwick Roads. After I had keyed in my PIN, Lt Harry Bird read out this number correctly. He then instructed BS to write it down. This was an effort to abuse me with the fact that they knew exactly what I was doing and the PIN. When I returned home, I was writing in my diary log on the notebook computer exactly what happened. A Metropolitan Police officer who was always present at that time and called "Mike," ordered BS to give him the paper on which she had written my PIN telling her "That's police business."

This episode nearly six years ago revealed that Lt Harry Bird and BS knew exactly what I was doing and used this to abuse me hoping to create a problem. I simply documented it and by doing so got further confirmation of what they were doing and how they were doing it. The following morning I changed my PIN at an ATM on Kensington High Street on my way to the Internet shop easyEverything. This time it was Colonel Vine who was tracking me and describing my activity although I did pick up a guy loitering nearby at a lamppost who appeared quite suspicious. This was unusual, and I did not pick up many of these although they were present from time to time and recognisable by mean.

At another stop later when I was buying food, a woman said "He goes shopping?" as if this was something unusual. Of course, it is not and well known as such, but there is an effort to misrepresent everything I do both in an effort to mislead others and try to aggravate me. A little later as I was heading for the check out, this woman asked "What are you looking for?" She wasn't asking me that question. She was asking Lt Harry Bird and BS what they were looking for. They are not looking for anything. They are trying to create a problem but have been unable to do so for eight and three quarter years with the continuous 24/7 abuse from surveillance technology. This is not an investigation. It is a fabrication.

Then I returned home to the thumping music, more stalking and harassment and continuous verbal abuse from those using the surveillance technology that never stops day and night. They even use children. MPs are trying to hide all the information they might have about this activity on the part of the government. While they may claim that they want to protect the confidentiality of constituent correspondence, there is much, much more to hide to protect this Labour party government from exposure with respect to extensive abuse of power. There's a huge gash below the water line that runs for hundreds of feet. It cannot be repaired.

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