


Web Journal Friday 4th January 2008
  • Torture’s Long Shadow By Vladimir Bukovsky (2005). The police state manifested itself at my front door this afternoon with a police officer pounding on my door, shouting and demanding access. It was just like the Gestapo. I refused to permit access and was threatened with a court order to force entry. For what? Reporting serious problems that need attention?

1. Torture’s Long Shadow By Vladimir Bukovsky (2005). Psychiatric imprisonment as practised by the Soviet Union and first exposed by Vladimir Bukovsky has moved the UK. Reporting serious problems which have persisted for more than a decade leads to suppression by the authorities using the mental health laws to stop the reporting. This means that image management has triumphed over real management. It's a recognition by those in positions of authority of their own incompetence and will not tolerate someone who seeks to solve problems.

One cannot call the police when the police are engaged in extreme harassment themselves as occurred today. This reflects the fact that the UK is a police state confirming my comments about this state of reality for the UK. What western so-called democracy carries out totally invasive surveillance technology torture abuse for nine years and almost five months 24/7?

The police wonder why people do not respond when they seek witnesses for very serious crimes. Here's the answer. The police behave in such a way against those who do report problems that no one is going to risk being treated like that. They will remain silent and not get involved when the police need information. Thus, the police themselves by this kind of behaviour put the environment and themselves at risk. If no one is going to say anything, the criminal feels free to do whatever s/he wants and get away with it.

When surveillance technology is rolled out massively against one person indefinitely 24/7 on a totally invasive basis, and it is placed at the disposal of the criminals and antisocial types, no one is going to say a word for fear of being treated like this by the criminals. When the police consort with the criminals as has occurred here for many years, the police are viewed as criminals. No one will cooperate.

dandelionsalad Posted on December 8, 2007

Torture’s Long Shadow By Vladimir Bukovsky (2005)

Torture’s Long Shadow By Vladimir Bukovsky (2005)

"Bukovsky was one of the first to expose the use of psychiatric imprisonment against political prisoners in the Soviet Union. He spent a total of twelve years in Soviet prisons, labor camps and in psikhushkas, forced-treatment psychiatric hospitals used by the regime as special prisons."

Former Soviet Dissident Warns Of EU Socialist Dictatorship.

Soviet Archives collected by Vladimir Bukovsky

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Subject: Access demanded by the police and a mental health nurse this afternoon refused which was followed by threatening behaviour.
Date: Friday 04 January 2008 15:09
From: Gary D Chance
To: Various as listed next

Sir Ian Blair, Commissioner, Metropolitan Police
Albena Campbell, Staff Officer, Metropolitan Police, Royal Borough Kensington & Chelsea
Cllr Merrick Cockell, Leader, Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea
The Hon Karen Buck, MP, Regents Park and North Kensington
Cllr Judith Blakeman, Notting Barns Ward
Cllr Mustaq Lasharie, Notting Barns Ward
Juliet Rawlings, Chair, TMO Board of Directors, c/o
Helen Evans, Interim Chief Executive, Tenant Management Organisation
Damian Donnelly, TMO/EMB Area Manager, Lancaster West Estate
Community Safety Team RBK&C
BBC News24

Mesdames et Messrs

I refused entry to a police officer and a mental health nurse a short time ago who presented themselves at my door shouting for entry and claiming to be the police. The police officer was the one Ms Campbell said would investigate the problems I continue to raise who has not provided me with any direct Email communication. Therefore, this Email is also sent to her.

This is extreme and further abuse driven by those carrying out the surveillance technology abuse against me that has been going on for nine years and almost five months 24/7. They have continuously sought this access which I have always denied.

I did attend meetings with two psychiatrists in early 2000 to explain the situation, but they had my letter to the Prime Minister in my folder indicating that this was an attempt to stop my reporting the ongoing violence which was taking place against children at that time which had also transferred to me by those whom I had reported for child abuse.

I was once again threatened with court action for access if I did not let them in. I refused and told them to go to the court for a warrant to gain access as they had threatened, and I would then pursue the matter legally against all involved.

I also explained that once again those in the flats above and below continued their all night disturbances last night about which I have direct, hard evidence as I do 24/7 for the past nine years and almost eight months since 11th May 1998 when this all began with a public declaration of revenge and retaliation from those in the flat below whom I reported for child abuse.

The psychiatric nurse stated that they were concerned about my Emails indicating they thought I was "paranoid." The evidence I have proves that these disturbances come from an external source and none of them come from myself and never have. I have forwarded a significant sample of this evidence to those in positions of authority. Nothing has changed in these years.

It is a sad situation when the mental health laws have to be used against the person reporting the problems when the environment has been turned upside down by those who were reported for their antisocial and criminal behaviour in the past and continue with this behaviour.

Instead of spending your time addressing the source of the problem, you have tried to silence the reporting of the problems. That only insures that the problems become worse as I've have completely documented.

Under no circumstances will I admit anyone on these false conditions based upon false allegations and judgements made without any evidence as long as I am subjected to totally invasive surveillance technology 24/7 by those who seek to cover up their extensive criminal and antisocial behaviour.

I will take all appropriate legal actions against all those involved if this harassment continues which has now gone past the point of anything rationally and reasonably acceptable. Such attempt at access reflects the effort to circumvent the legal justice system and its protections.

By all means go to the magistrate's court for a warrant if you believe that you have the evidence to support such an action, and I will prove my case beyond any reasonable doubt against all those involved by means of a counterclaim.

You are addressing the wrong person when it comes to a mental health problem.

This constitutes activity outside the law and will be dealt with by me in the courts appropriately as required. I will not engage in any such outlaw activity which has been carried out extensively against me for all these years.

These actions consist of an extreme abuse of power by those who wish to cover up that criminal activity. The actions carried out this afternoon have added more proof to my point and further revealed that there is no paranoia present in my personality. Paranoia consists of:

1. Need to dominate and control (I seek to maintain basic standards);
2. Delusions of grandeur (I am soundly grounded in reality with documented evidence); and
3. Persecution complex (there is no complex; the persecution is quite real and based upon motives).

1. Those using the surveillance technology by there 24/7 presence for many years reveal the extreme need to dominate and control which they do with respect to everyone involved.

2. They seek godlike omnipotence over a single living being by the use of the surveillance technology with which they carry out extensive, arbitrary and capricious abuse for its own sake and the pleasure they derive from it personally.

3. They have frequently made statements about people being against them which is not based upon facts and/or evidence but their own frustrations in not being able to advance their criminal objectives over all these years. They feel they have been blocked for these many years.

These characteristics fit those using the surveillance technology as is further evidenced by the attempted access this afternoon which also constitutes a waste of the police time and NHS resources.

These characteristics do not apply to me and cannot in anyway be so construed except by distortion, misrepresentation and outright fabrication by those who use the surveillance technology and make false reports about which they make me aware through the use of the surveillance technology.

So far all of this has represented a massive waste of resources all around and will cost a very significant amount in the future if this activity is allowed to continue.

The solution to the problem is to stop the 24/7 surveillance technology abuse which has never stopped for nine years and almost five months since mid-August 1998 following a three month build up to its installation after I reported the child abuse in early May 1998.

That's the source of your problems and the source of the mental health issues which exist in this environment. See if you can get it right without using the mental health laws as a suppressive means to squash the accurate and objective reporting of serious problems.

*****End of the Email*****

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