


Web Journal Wednesday 14th February 2007

1. The EU Parliament has voted in favour of the report condemning the CIA rendition flights thus bringing back to our consciousness this incredible process of kidnapping for torture by the US government through the CIA involving at least 1200 flights through European countries. I have already related my experience in 2001 about the subject being raised about kidnapping me between former US Marine Corps Colonel Vine and Paul Winston (Metropolitan Police Special Branch) where the latter insisted that the former did not kidnap me. In the course of this argument where I both heard these people courtesy of the surveillance technology and saw them as well at the easyEverything Internet shop on Kensington High Street Colonel Vine cited an instance where they had kidnapped someone after a concert at the Royal Festival Hall which went totally unnoticed.

I have been subjected to continuous threats of kidnap along with the death threats and threats of violence from Lt Harry Bird throughout these years since 2001. It is a subject that he keeps repeating as a means to achieve his objective: my destruction and removal from my home. Elected representatives worldwide whether they by MEPs, MPs or whatever apparently haven't a clue about the real torture interrogation which takes place 24/7 worldwide carried out by agents of the US government with the blessing of other governments most notably the UK in my situation. While Giovanni Fava. the report's author, has said as noted below that we must be vigilant so that this never happens again, the real problem and the real threat to everyone goes unaddressed being free to grow unchecked as the most serious malignancy of civilisation. This is the subject of this web journal, and still these people haven't a clue. While the rendition flights are a most serious matter, and I applaud the MEPs and Senor Fava for bringing all this to light, the real malignancy is not even recognised as existing.

Wed Feb 14 15:22:37 GMT 2007: "In a caravan," said Lt Harry Bird as I finished the above paragraph. There was much discussion about this amongst the vigilante mobsters using the surveillance technology from the time I began to put together this web journal entry about this subject until now.

Wed Feb 14 15:23:48 GMT 2007: "The President," said Lt Harry Bird as he continues to try to impress by such name dropping to justify this intended act of kidnapping among those who are making reference to "It's illegal" and noting that there needs to be "focus." These vigilante mobsters are all over the place with every false allegation they can dream up hoping to muddy the water thus confusing everyone to the point of exasperation where they can just get what they want because no one really knows what is happening. Instead, it results in delay at my expense while they fake allegations, make threats and carry out torture 24/7.

Wed Feb 14 15:28:09 GMT 2007: "Muzzled," said one of them as in "He should be muzzled." Lt Harry Bird responded "What can I do?" He went on to say something about "It's in my report." This is, of course, attempted censorship of the worst kind in its attempt to destroy the freedom of expression which is a corner stone to democracy and parliaments like that of the EU which produce and vote on reports of this kind that these people would like to hide.

Wed Feb 14 15:31:07 GMT 2007: "Our apologies," said a male realising the validity of what I was describing above and recognising the mutual need of these vigilante mobsters to hide what they do from public scrutiny but have failed to do so by assisting Lt Harry Bird in his criminal activity based upon his faked allegations.

BS starts chattering away followed by Lt Harry Bird who says "It's her money." BS is homeless without any money so he's not referring to her. She wants this flat as part of her objectives in obsessively carrying out the criminal surveillance technology abuse against me. It would be nice if I could document all that I hear in writing like this, but it's far too voluminous requiring me to make verbal notes to get a sizable portion of it, and then I can only get a reasonable representation of what is being said.

This was important above due to the reference to a denial of human rights in regard to my accurate reporting of what happened to me before 9/11 in 2001. Rendition flights have been around for some time and have had nothing to do with 9/11 except that this event escalated this criminal activity on the part of the US government to which Lt Harry Bird alluded above by mentioning "The President." It has also made accessories to these crimes out of the likes of the UK and other similar governments.

If you think Jonathan Kent Idema who was imprisoned in Kabul for ten years for carrying out his own private prison and torture operation was whacko, you haven't heard anything until you get an earful of Lt Harry Bird's oral character problems, i.e., diarrhoea mouth. He has said that he doesn't feel in control unless he's running his mouth. As with most people like this, he says nothing of substance but tries to create such an appearance with a flood of continuous words. He apparently thinks that talking nonstop "at" people makes him appear superior.

BBC News

MEPs approve damning CIA report

Alleged CIA flight taking off from Spain
The EU report said the US had operated 1,200 flights

The European parliament has approved a damning report on secret CIA flights which condemns member states that turned a blind eye to the operations.

The UK, Germany and Italy were among 14 states which allowed the US to forcibly remove terror suspects, MEPs said.

The EU parliament voted to accept a resolution condemning member states who accepted or ignored the practice.

The EU report said the US had operated 1,200 flights, flying suspects on to states where they could face torture.

The report was adopted by a large majority, with 382 MEPs voting in favour, 256 against and 74 abstaining.

We must be vigilant that what has been happening in the past five years may never happen again
Giovanni Fava
Italian Socialist MEP and report author

The final version denounces the lack of co-operation of many EU member states and it condemns the actions of secret services and governments who accepted and concealed renditions.

It is unlikely, the report says, that European governments were unaware of rendition activities on their territory, something the British government, among others, has denied.

The Guardian Wednesday, 14th February 2007

EU countries ignored CIA terror suspect flights, report says

By Staff and agencies

A human rights campaigner protests at Edinburgh airport against CIA rendition flights
A human rights campaigner protesting at Edinburgh airport against CIA rendition flights late last year. Photograph: Danny Lawson/PA

The European parliament today approved a report accusing Britain, Germany, Italy and other EU countries of turning a blind eye to CIA flights carrying terrorist suspects in Europe.

The report, following a year-long investigation, was approved by MEPs by 382 to 256, with 74 abstentions, in a vote largely split along left-right political lines.

In its report, the European parliament's committee on CIA activities in Europe said more than 1,200 CIA-operated flights had used European airspace between 2001 and 2005.

. . .

The US intelligence agency may also have operated secret jails for terrorism suspects at US military bases around Europe, according to the report.,,2012965,00.html

2. The very loud thumping bass music started to blast away from below about 1715 while I was in the kitchen preparing some food. The video of this shows me lighting the oven just as it came on a couple second before 1715. This was so loud that at first I thought it was coming from a boom box in a car outside, but the vibrating floor told me otherwise. This whole episode was recorded on the video reacording that I was making, and I also made two short samples of the loud thumping bass music on the DR (digital recorder).

The first DR sample was in the living room only from about 17:16:38 & 17:17:44 to 17:18:41 which was placed on a shelf in a book case on a couple books laying down.

The second DR sample was taken from room to room starting in the living room at 17:18:50 then into the hall, bathroom, hall by the front door (couple faint voice sounds from the Walkway) and then the bedroom at 17:19:40 putting it in the window sill where it picked up the music itself along the continuing very loud thumping bass. I turrned this recording off just after 17:20:32.

This kind of very loud thumping bass music can come on anytime of the day or night. Here it lasted like this for about 20 minutes at this very excessive level before being turned down to an excessive level which went on for awhile. Those using the surveillance technology see exactly what I am doing and attack me with infantile name calling like "Potty" as occurred from another male. Lt Harry Bird trying to discredit what I described as happening used "Actor."

If they can get away with it, they try to blame me for what is coming from BS's mother's flat below. In this instance I just happened to have the camcorder on recording video and sound which clearly shows that I was lighting the oven while preparing food as this sound of the excessively loud music started a couple second before 1715 as noted on the radio controlled clock in the picture too. They keep trying to do this until they hope that they can find some opportunity to blame me for what they are doing. This is why I make this kind of documentation.

I use the video since I've been accused of manufacturing the digital audio recordings. Here both media devices backup each other confirming exactly what was happening precisely when it happened. The video cannot be manufactured. I can prove exactly where the source of this sound originates or at the very least that it does not come from me. This is an excellent example of noting that the source of this thumping bass music is elsewhere and orginates under the bedroom window where the music itself can be heard. The thumping bass is so bad that it penetrates the entire flat including the kitchen which is as far removed from its origins as possible.

Those using the surveillance technology make no effort to stop this music and even more importantly to keep it from happening in the first place. Most likely it is the son of BS who is involved in this although I obviously do not know this for certain. The great difficulty in dealing with this kind of extreme noise nuisance is the impossibilty of call the Council's noise nuisance call out service because they turn the music off before that service arrives which takes upwards of an hour in good times. And, of course, there are those relatives using the surveillance technology to help them keep from getting caught. The pattern of activity using the music as a noise nuisance like this reflects a deliberate effort to disturb in my opinion. Intention can be inferred from the consequence of the action. Everyone is responsible for what they do.

It is important to me to address this problem in some way, however, since those using the surveillance technology wake me frequently throughout the night keeping me awake for extended periods as they did night before last. Then noises from below and above kick in after 7:00 am. If I wanted to sleep during the day to catch up on some of the sleep deprivation caused by these external sources of disruption, the thumping bass music would prevent that waking me as it has done in the middle of the night. This is why it is quite important to be able to have peace and quiet 24/7 which is taken away from me in a most pernicious manner.

Those using the surveillance technology do so for the sadistic pleasure it gives to see the impact of this noise nuisance upon me while observing what I do. They engage in verbal abuse as noted and further try to crush attempts by me to address the problem while discrediting such activity in order to derive as much sadistic pleasure from their deliberate disturbances. This is a key objective of the bully: to be able to see the impact of the bullying on the victim. Otherwise, there is no satisfaction for the bully. The pleasure is doubled when the victim is stopped from being able to do anything about the disturbances as occurs with the use of the surveillance technology. It makes the victim devenceless with no recourse.

I am deliberately deprived of the quiet enjoyment of the premises, and tenant management is completely useless in enforceing this part of my tenancy agreement. I cannot call in the noise nuisance service. Hence, I continue to collect this evidence for myself and make it public to explain thoroughly and precisely what is happening, why, how and its significance in the overall activity of institutionalised ritual abuse sometimes called the vigilant mob. The parent, BS, is raising the child, Son of BS, to be an antisocial bully in this manner which has been taking place for the full eight and one-half years of the 24/7 abuse from the surveillance technology. The Unicef report is spot on with respect to the well being of children in the UK, and this shows one small but important example of that process which put the UK at the bottom of the league table of developed countries.

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