


Web Journal Friday 25th May 2007

1. Sleep deprivation log for Friday, 25th May 2007. I got just under five hours sleep in four segments between about 0145 and 0715. Woken at different times from the surveillance technology verbal abuse and once by the loud thuds from below. Left alone without an external disturbance I slept with no problems as usual. That's why they keep up the verbal abuse in order to wake me to disrupt my sleep. The seek to cause as much debility as possible by sleep disruption and deprivation followed by the surreptitious medication. A male made reference to sedation at one wake up point toward the end.

01:47:17 All three of them are on: PR, DR and HC. Onto the bed.

01:48:25 OK, DR on duvet; batteries on the side wing; on my left side. How are these people going to justify everything that they done for all of these years. There's nothing here. Ah, yes, they will kill and say whatever they want. Yes, yes, yes, that's right. OK, sleep time now left side.

01:49:22 "You're going to wake up," said a male. (laughter) They are deluding themselves. Whistling in the dark. Nine years of this. Where's the justification for it?

01:53:10 "How dare you," said a male. He has no appreciation for human rights. You see they make everybody equal. He wants everybody to be unequal because he wants to be top dog on the pile. Onto my right side now.

01:54:16 "Brilliant job," said a male. BS said "I know" and went on yammering. Well, I think about two hour's sleep should do me well tonight then I'll get up and get on with some other things.

A. To sleep for one hour and eight minutes.

03:02:36 "Hospital," said Lt Harry Bird. He's trying to stay out of prison by attacking me. Trying to get me into the hospital, you see. Yeah, onto my left side here. I just woke up, and I lay still on sort of my back there, and eventually Lt Harry Bird made the "Hospital" comment whatever it was.

"I haven't interviewed him yet," said Lt Harry Bird. Oh, he's been doing that for six and a quarter years 24/7. He's not going to get anything more.

B. To sleep for two hours and 24 minutes.

05:26:34 "I'm amazed," said a male. Leave me alone, and I sleep. Mess with me, and I wake up. I just had sleep. . . . slept straight through. OK, on my left side. Time for some more sleep.

C. To sleep for 30 minutes.

05:56:06 Well, well, well, here I res, relaxed. Great night last night. Really was. Tinnitus is a bit loud. Nostrils OK. Right is a wee bit clogged. We'll see what develops.

05:58:14 "Awful," said BS as I rolled onto my left side. She's playing "Ain't It Awful." She's a game player, and that's one of Eric Berne's dear games: Ain't It Awful. Have to analyse that one today.

05:59:18 "Kill him," as in "I'll kill him," said Lt Harry Bird. He's in the 'kill 'em' mode. Been at this now since yesterday. You better take the banana out of his mouth. Give him . . . scratch my shin here. Seem to have an itch. Left side, sleep.

06:00:51 OK, into the bathroom for a little sneeze. Moved the clock back. There we go. All right. Look at this. Isn't this great. Right, here we go. That's it. The motherboard of all motherboards. . . . BS made a noise. Out of the bathroom. Into the bedroom. The DR has stopped recording. Going to have to put a battery in it. That's what they are there for. Didn't see that before. Fluff a pillow here.

06:03:34 Onto the bed. That's it.

06:05:05 Finished swapping batteries in the DR. Excellent work. Let's roll onto my right side. Keep myself in trim here. Oh, there we go. Safely roll onto my right side for a little a sleep here. All right.

06:12:02 Heels in the Walkway.

06:19:41 "It's very wrong to do it," said a male. BS then made a verbal noise. Might have been "I know." Or, "I know it." OK, onto my left side now trying to get back to sleep here. 0145 to 0545 is only four hours of sleep, so it's four and a half now.

D. To sleep for 51 minutes.

07:10:18 Getting noises now from below. Some thuds. Woke me up just now. I was sound asleep on my left side.

07:12:59 "We will not sedate a happy man." [This was a male voice.] Boy, these people are loopy.

07:15:55 Well, I do think it's about time for me to get up, and we'll see what the world is all about. Do a little shifting . . . and a ring around. Got to make certain we know what we're doing here. The first, yeah OK, be careful now, oh, don't mix batteries here. Here we go. Those are used up.

07:16:29 Up, up and away.

2. Inline skate jumping/fence sliding Friday, 25th May 2007, at the narrow Whitchurch Road entrance/exit to the Lancaster West Estate. They were quite noisy with hand clapping and shouting along with the hitting the fence noises when they jumped onto the top of it. They did not use the board which was present at least this morning when I photographed it on top of the cage (see below).

This is quite dangerous all around as has already been described and went on until about 2000 for at least about one hour and 45 minutes. There were more than the three guys noted below who participated. This also creates a very bad example for the smaller children who want imitate the big guys to do whatever themselves as has been described in the past too. Eventually, the fence will breakdown.

I went out this morning to do some shopping walking through this area. There were dark blood spots along the entrance area. It looked like someone had gotten stabbed. This kind of violence is not unusual in this area. Some of the larger dark spots can be seen in the photographs along with bits and pieces of debris that look like stones or bits of concrete. The drain in the upper left corner also has some debris standing on it.

Because of the violence that occurs in this area from time to time, it is important to eliminate antisocial behaviour like this which can lead to similar problems. During the winter this inline skate jumping occurred at these times in the evening which were after dark in conditions where such a violent problem would be more likely to occur.

Fri May 25 18:20:00 BST 2007: Inline skate jumping first noted a couple minutes ago.

Fri May 25 18:42:58 BST 2007: Siren comes up and cuts out a little distance away. This is consistent with Lt Harry Bird and BS calling the police to seek my removal by force and violence for whatever trumped up reason. The usual performance took place while the inline skate jumping went on.

Sat 25.05.2007 1828 two skate jumpers returning after jump clogging entrance Here are a couple of the inline skate jumpers skating back. One turned around to join the other returning. Together they block the width of the entrance/exit area.
Sat 25.05.2007 1828 Jumper No 1 white shirt red/brown hair Jumper number 1 in a white shirt with reddish brown hair launching onto the fence.
Sat 25.05.2007 1828 Jumper No 2 white shirt dark hair Jumper number 2 in a white shirt with dark hair launching onto the fence.
Sat 25.05.2007 Jumper No 3 white shirt no hair Jumper number 3 in a white shirt with no hair launching onto the fence.
Sat 25.05.2007 1828 Bicycle Rider No 1 back pack This was the first to two bicycles that came by at considerable speed. The white sleeve of one of the inline skate jumpers is just sticking out from behind the brick wall on the right.
Sat 25.05.2007 1828 Bicycle Rider No 2 no shirt sleeves The second bicycle rider exiting the Estate right behind the first and travelling at speed too.

3. I was keeping track of this board on the cage below my kitchen window to see if it would be removed promptly this week after last Saturday's two hour inline skate jumping/fence sliding activity occurred. It was not as of this morning although those jumping this evening did not use it. [It was still in place Saturday morning, 26th May 2007, when I photographed it again.]

I also noted a couple other items which were around the these edges of the Estate. On Sunday, 20th May 2007, I noted an estate agent advertising sign put up at the fence near the end of the recycle Blue Bins. This appeared Sunday morning and was gone Monday morning. It was not present at about 0730 on Sunday but was seen at about 0900. It was put up during this period. This was removed fast by someone since it was gone by Monday morning, 21st May 2007, at 0900.

In contrast the board on the cage below my kitchen window was left there all week. This constitutes a hazard since it can be lifted up by a strong gust of wind and dumped onto the the narrow area below where pedestrians are forced to walk in a confined space. It was blown off last January in high winds from a storm. There is a storm expected this weekend coming through at its worst on Sunday with the possibility of gale force winds. This makes its presence there highly dangerous because it is not anything about which anyone is aware. People walking through this area in rain and high winds can be huddled under umbrellas and never see this object if is blown off this cage onto them.

The safety door to the second floor rubbish chute remains off. It has been like this since early December 2006. On Wednesday, 23rd May 2007, I noted it here and took a picture, but I could not photograph the safety door itself which was completely absent. It was nowhere to be seen. That's the first time I've never seen it there which remained the case today when I went out today also. It has been almost six months with this safety door removed from the rubbish chute without its being repaired. It constitutes a serious hazard for small children who are at risk from falling down into the rubbish chute, and who knows what else might happen.

Then one interesting item across the street. I noted a mattress leaning against the fence to the school across the street on Thursday, 24th May 2007, when I also photographed the board on the cage below my window. I took a photo of it to show the fly tipping the occurs around the edges of the Estate as a reason to ensure that as little fly tipping takes place so as not to encourage further fly tipping by leaving bags loose around the recycle Blue Bins. When I went out this morning, it was still leaning against the fence in the same place a day later. However, when I returned later this morning, this mattress was in the road at the corner, so I photographed it again as can be seen below.

There is a problem with priorities apparently. A very quick effort was made to remove that estate agent sign within 24 hours on a Sunday/early Monday morning, but no effort was made to remove the hazardous board on top of the security cage next to the narrow entrance. And, the mattress was left outside on the pavement across the street leaning against a fence overnight then put into the street at the corner this morning. Maybe someone removed it to the corner for pickup. Or, perhaps, someone got it out of the way of the school. Who knows?

The problem is that no one is inspecting the Estate daily to make certain hazardous objects like that board are removed immediately when they appear. This was done earlier this year when it blew off in January during high winds at that time. Then it was replaced twice and removed twice after I reported it in March.

And, the safety door has not been replaced despite the fact that I received an Email response almost two months ago on the 3rd of April 2007 that the work order was in the hands of A E Williams for its repair. The mattress is not the problem of the Estate, but it is important to the neighbourhood, and these kinds of things need to be addressed promptly.

These all contribute to the continuing antisocial behaviour which appears to be deliberately disregarded as well. I can only conclude that the inline skate jumping/fence sliding is condoned and supported by tenant management as is the surveillance technology abuse which certainly does not maintain standards of safety and health by its own activity and by not just ignoring these problems but by actively supporting antisocial and criminal standards of behaviour.

From my perspective the problem rests with the estate management for all of these problems (mattress excepted). Instead of addressing the problems, everyone concentrates on the surveillance activity being carried out against me to stop the reporting of these problems. In fact, there is a concerted effort now as there has been for many years by these vigilante mobsters using the surveillance technology to have me removed from my home toward which objective they continuously manufacture false allegations.

This week has been one of extreme antisocial behaviour coming from the flat below. If I am removed based upon some trumped up and set up reason(s), then all these problems can be ignored as if they did not exist, and the antisocial behaviour standard will be firmly in place. Tenant management can maintain a false image of effective management when exactly the opposite is true.

Sun 20.05.2007 0900 estate agent sign appears near recycle Blue Bins This estate agent sign appeared here about 0900 on Sunday, 20th May 2007. It was not present an hour and a half earlier at about 0730. It was gone by the next morning when noted as being absent about 0900 on Monday, 21st May 2007.
Fri 25.05.2007 at 1433 inline skate board take-off platform on top of cage The newest inline skate jumping take off board used Saturday last, 19th May 2006, is still present on the security cage below but was not used in the second inline skate jumping activity which took place this evening within six days for another couple hours. It remains a hazard from being blown off during high winds which can get under the board through the metal bars and lift if off as occurred January last. A storm with possible gale force winds is expected on Sunday.
Fri 25.05.2007 at 0956 safety door still out of the 2nd floor rubbish chute and nowhere to be seen The safety door has been out of this 2nd floor rubbish chute for almost six months from at least early December 2006. It is no longer sitting nearby and has completely disappeared. An Email response to another of my notifications about this safety hazard especially for small children received on 3rd April 2007 almost two months ago indicated that the work order was in the hands of A E Williams.
Thu 24.05.2007 at 1010 mattress leaning against school fence across Whitchurch Road I happened to see this mattress on Thursday, 24th May 2007, at 1010 across Whitchurch Road leaning on the school fence when I was photographing the board on the security cage below.
Fri 25.05.2007 at about 1145 the mattress had been moved to the corner and was in the street The mattress pictured above was in the same place as yesterday at this time when I left this morning about 1000. However, when I returned about 1145 I saw that it had been moved from its position leaning against the school fence to the corner where it was placed in the road where I took this photograph. This is a narrow street where two cars turning at the same time which happens often here at this dead end of Whitchurch Road into Bramley Road can cause a traffic hazard including a problem for pedestrians should they appear at the same time. There's much of each kind of traffic here including school children.

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