


Web Journal Sunday 15th April 2007

1. The last time the recycle Blue Bins were emptied was two weeks ago today on 1st April 2007. Last week on Easter Sunday, 8th April 2007, as noted in yesterday's web journal entry, these were not emptied. I speculated that the reason might be due to a change to a fortnightly pickup cycle. If that is so, here it is.

It took these two guys some 24 minutes to empty the existing recycle Blue Bins and then refill them with the fly tipped rubbish only to empty them again. This is three times the normal stop times for this pickup which run from five to eight minutes or so. So the actual time is longer because the mess is greater on a fornightly pickup schedule plus it means much more work for those involved.

The excessive level of noise went on for a long time this morning with the banging around of the recycle Blue Bins and truck operation. There was a mess left behind which was not the fault of those trying their best to pickup this rubbish properly. They did so without gloves which constitutes a safety hazard for themselves. And, they blocked the road for 24 minutes.

So where is management? What is happening here? If there is a change in the pickup schedule, why weren't needs for this anticipated and take care of in advance? The Orange Bag recycle method for getting this done is great. People use it. That's terrific. Those people trying to do their job here should not be blamed for a failure of management. They did a great job as did those who pick it up from in front of the flat doors on Saturday mornings.

They didn't have anywhere to put the Orange Bags and bits of cardboard people leave out loose. All they could do is dump this on and around the recycle Blue Bins. Then it proved a big problem for those who arrive to empty the Blue Bins as described below. They did the best job they could under the circumstances. Where is management? This rubbish cannot be left out as fly tipped rubbish as occurs here. What would the Council do about a private person who did this?

Sunday 15.04.2007 am fly tipping waiting pickup After sitting out all night feeding the vermin, this enormous stack of fly tipped recyclable rubbish waits the Sunday morning pickup. Will it happen today? It did not happen last Sunday.
Sunday 15.04.2007 starting to deal with fly tipping These guys arrived and started contending as best they could with the mound of fly tipped recyclable Orange Bags and loose debris.
Sunday 15.04.2007 putting back unsuitable recyclables After emptying the first recycle Blue Bin at the far end, evidently it was full of unsuitable recyclables because these guys spent a considerable amount of time bring back debris from the truck to place it by the wall as shown here.
Sunday 15.04.2007 unsuitable recyclables from truck on right to wall on left They were moving from the truck on the right to the wall on the left from where they had just taken the recycle Blue Bin.
Sunday 15.04.2007 unsuitable recyclables stacked by wall after being returned from truck This is the stack of unsuitable recyclable rubbish that had evidently been in that first recyclable Blue Bin. It appears to have been dumped into the truck which necessitated a retrieval.
Sunday 15.04.2007 filling up the emptied recycle Blue Bins I They then start filling the already emptied recycle Blue Bins for a second trip with each one.
Sunday 15.04.2007 filling emptied recycle Blue Bins II This filling goes on at that same time as the already filled recyclable Blue Bins are emptied to make room for a second load.
Sunday 15.04.2007 yet another emptied recyclable Blue Bin filled and removed III And on with more pickup from the ground filling the just emptied recyclable Blue Bin.
Sunday 15.04.2007 finished filling another already emptied recycle Blue Bin IV Another one reaches capacity as it is filled. They finally left at 0908 some 24 minutes after they arrived at 0844.

2. Rodents on patrol assessing food stock situation not long after the recycle Blue Bin pickup described above. Who's paying for the pest control? Are the tenants paying for this pest control from the service charges added to the rent while factors completely out of the tenant's control feed the vermin population providing job security for Rent-o-Kil and employment for many all around? The bigger the mess the higher the costs to maintain. Three star tenant management and the Council are booming at the expense of the hundreds of people who live in this environment. See the example of the standards set by three star tenant management and the Council meanwhile added expense and employment is created by those using the surveillance technology to crush someone like me who would dare report the truth with direct evidence.

Sunday 15.04.2007 1015 squirrel departs after food assessment I just happened to photograph this squirrel (rodent) departing the recycle Blue Bin area at 1015 this morning after the pickup described above. Evidently the vermin move in to assess the food supply situation after this morning's activity. This is a frequently observed occurrence.
Saturday 31.03.2007 pigeons feeding tipped black bag mound on Blue Bins Early Saturday morning, 31st March 2007, at 0706 these pigeons were in a feeding frenzy by the kerb near the mound of black bags tipped on top and in front of the recycle Blue Bins as shown in number 3 below. One of their number had found a piece of bread. The others flocked in to participate. These pigeons perch all over the area thanks to the fly tipping potential food source.
31.03.2007 don't feed the pigeons sign at risk of prosecution

This sign photographed on Saturday, 31st March 2007, at 0826 has been located here above the front door for many years. It faces the area out front where the recycle Blue Bins and feeding pigeons as noted above are located. It is signed by the EMB, Lancaster West Estate Management Board.

Tenant management creates an illusion of doing a job when it post such signs. However, they do not do anything to actually properly manage the rubbish disposal so that they do not contribute to the pigeon feeding themselves. They are quick to thump on the tenants and carry out eight years and eight months of 24/7 surveillance against me creating ever more employment to squash my documentation and reporting of these problems along with the many others that I address.

Will tenant management prosecute those who are fly tipping here? I believe that the sources of this fly tipping are well known or should be known to tenant management.

3. The above described fly tipping is part of a pattern of such activity. Think about the employment and job security created by perpetuating such a mess to the delight of the vermin who frequently enjoy this gourmet delight.

22.03.2007 bathtub and other fly tipping This bathtub with debris in it appeared first thing this Thursday morning, 22nd March 2007. I suspect that it had been put here yesterday. It was gone the next morning.
30.03.2007 extensive black bag fly tipping dumped all over On Friday morning, 30th March 2007, this extensive black bag fly tipping appeared dumped all over. Again, I suspect that it was fly tipped the preceding day. It remained until the following Tuesday, 3rd April 2007, before being removed. In the meantime this mound of fly tipped black bags placed on top and in front of the recycle Blue Bins presented a problem for those picking up the recyclable Orange Bags the following day, Saturday, since they have to put them inside these Blue Bins.
01.04.2007 fly tipped black bags shifted to make room for Orange Bag deposit yesterday and pickup this am On Sunday, 1st April 2007, the mound of fly tipped black bags appearing here had been shifted the previous day by those who put the Orange Bag Saturday morning pickup into the recycle Blue Bins. They arranged these bags in such a manner as to allow for their own access and the access of those with the truck this morning to easily empty these recycle Blue Bins. These recycle Blue Bins were emptied easily shortly after this photograph was taken as is usual for such Sunday morning pickups.
Easter Sunday 08.04.2007 recycle Blue Bins with fly tipped rubbish that were not emptied this date Easter Sunday morning, 8th April 2007, the recycle Blue Bins filled the previous day with Orange Bags from the Saturday morning pickup are waiting to be emptied with some fly tipped bags on top. The emptying never occurred today, and these recycle Blue Bins remained like this with fly tipped rubbish on top for the entire week until emptied today as described above in number 1. The fly tipped rubbish on top is taken when these are emptied. The fact that it remained there all week indicates that the recycle Blue Bins were never emptied.

4. Just to provide an ongoing daily view of the weekly fly tipping which remains on or near the recycle Blue Bins out front, here are six days of these photographed in the morning during last week when I believe that the recycle Blue Bins remained full and unemptied as appeared to be the case on Saturday, 14th April 2007, when the recyclable Orange Bags were all over as noted.
Bank Holiday Monday 09.04.2007 at 0732 recycle Blue Bins fly tipped After Easter Sunday on this Bank Holiday Monday, 9th April 2007, at 0732 the fly tipped recycle Blue Bins at the start of the week after not being emptied the preceding day as evidence by this fly tipped rubbish remaining on top. The only day of the year when these recycle Blue Bins have not been emptied in the past has been when Christmas Day falls on a Sunday the normal emptying day. Then they were emptied on the following Monday even if that was a Bank Holiday.
Tuesday 10.04.2007 at 0720 recycle Blue Bins with same fly tipped rubbish Tuesday, 10th April 2007, at 0720 the same fly tipped bags remain on the top of the recycle Blue Bins indicating that they were not emptied the preceding day. There is a wee bit more added too.
Wednesday 11.04.2007 at 1042 same fly tipped rubbish remains on top of recycle Blue Bins Wednesday, 11th April 2007, at 1042 once again shows the same fly tipped rubbish on top of the recycle Blue Bins with a wee bit added. There is an open box on the ground at the far end.
Thursday 12.04.2007 at 0721 different fly tipped rubbish on top of recycle Blue BinsThursday, 12th April 2007, at 0721 lo and behold the fly tipped rubbish on top of the recycle Blue Bins has changed. It appears as if the old was removed on Wednesday with new bits added afterwards. I do not believe that the recycle Blue Bins were emptied although I cannot be certain of this. The mound of Orange Bags that appeared on Saturday tells me this was not the case. Also, there is what appears to be a lemon on the ground at the far end by the wheel of the second Blue Bin from the kerb. It can be seen there on the 10th, 11th and 12th. Since it is still here today, that means these recycle Blue Bins were not moved nor was the ground cleaned. This cannot be seen on the 13th since the A E Willimas van blocks the view.
Friday 13.04.2007 at 1008 the fly tipped rubbish increases on top of the recycle Blue Bins Friday, 13th April 2007, at 1008 there is more fly tipped rubbish on top of the recycle Blue Bins which had been left to accumulate and is doing so by providing an attractive nuisance. The vehicle parked here belongs to A E Williams who is a contractor for the TMO (Tenant Management Organisation created by the Council to manage its properties at "arms length" while the EMB manages the Lancaster West Estate in an unknown and irresponsible manner). The Council created the EMB in 1995 and the TMO in 1996 and never these separately created organisation appear to ever meet.
Thursday 12.04.2007 at 1008 A E Williams van parked by recycle Blue Bins A E Williams "an opportunity for repair excellence" are most likely present for a repair/maintenance reason and have nothing to do with rubbish disposal although it is interesting to note that they have a permanent contract with the TMO and have signs on the sides of their vehicles with the TMO logo on it thus claiming more than a routine contractor's role. It would seem to me that such an organisation might take a larger overview responsibility interest and report such fly tipping if nothing more than to make an effort to keep the grounds tidy and free from vermin. I will have further comments about A E Williams on another matter shortly.
Saturday 14.04.2007 0858 fly tipped rubbish increasing atop the recycle Blue Bins Saturday, 14th April 2007, at 0858 with more fly tipped rubbish added to the recycle Blue Bins. This was the day when the Orange Bag pickup appeared all over the top and on the ground next to and in front of the recycle Blue Bins a little later in the day.

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