


BBC News24 broadcast today Prince Charles' comments in a speech about exercise and obesity with special regard for child obesity. While his comments are quite well taken, they reflect the failure to see himself and the Monarchy as part of the problem. While I think Prince Charles' ideas on agriculture and farming are very well taken, I must take strong exception with his declaration as to the obesity which he claims to see in the UK.  Also, while his Prince Charles Trust which helps thousand of children into productive activity, I once again recognise that he and this Constitutional Monarchy are part of the glass ceiling problem. He is deflecting attention away from the real source of the obesity problem in this country: the Monarchy, the aristocracy, those who really own the property and the class structure which still exists.  This is a society where there is no real hope for the majority of the people especially those with limited means and children.  More are getting an education with no where to go because opportunity is being repressed on a larger scale.  This results from the repression resulting from the four categories I've noted above.  There is a recognised frustration which produces compensatory comfort eating manifesting itself in obesity and which creates other inappropriate social behaviour patterns such as binge drinking, drug usage and YOBish behaviour.  The real source of the problem comes from the fact that this society is a Constitutional Monarchy and not really a democratic republic.  The aristocracy and the church own much of the land including Prince Charles who has his bit.  In fact, a complete list of land ownership cannot be produced for this country the last time I heard about such an attempt which was some time ago. It this still true? People realise that the class structure still exists.  All Prince Charles' talk about obesity could be effective if he would abdicate in his time, end the Monarchy, disband the Royals as an institution and figure out a way (taxation) to break up the landholders, e.g., the Duke of Westminster, who strangle this country.  The Queen could start this process now along with "her" Government by slow and steady evolutionary means. . There needs to be a genuine free market in land and opportunity not controlled by the aristocracy or Government but opened for all in a free market.  This limitation of the land base results in the continuing housing problem leading to distortions throughout the country.  Those keeping a tight grip on this society need to release that repression and sell off their holdings to others opening up more freedom for all.  The great problem is that agricultural land is moving away from the small farmer to larger farming enterprise. At the end the Government must be changed to elect a head of state, separate the legislative and executive powers of Government and create a truly independent judiciary.  John Locke first proposed this in his "Concerning Civil Government" published in 1690. Let the Royals and those landed aristocrats who live off the fat of the land and the taxpayer go out and get a legitimate job like everyone else.  This would end the attitude which is emulated by those petty bureaucrats in various positions of power so that the standard adopted of being above the law thus imitating the Queen and the essence of the Monarchy would be stopped.  This is what trickles down creating a glass ceiling at large in the society so that the young pig out on junk food for comfort rather than eat to live in order to enjoy a life of vitality and productivity.  The worst aspect of this is that those in petty governmental power positions feel above the law in "Her Majesty's Government" and act as vigilantes as I've experience directly for the past seven years and eight months since 11th May 1998. Surveillance technology was installed against me in August 1998 by these petty bureaucrats based upon false allegations and retaliation by those for whom I had reported child abuse in early May 1998. Surveillance technology driven torture has been carried out 24/7 since August 1998 led by the mother of the abused children involving many local people, and the child abuse continued as well. Not only was there a complete failure of the various departments of government to do a proper job, but they went to the other extreme by trying to destroy me since I was reporting the problems including this failure. This was and is nothing short than the most extreme tyranny inside this Constitutional Monarchy. I have written to everyone conceivable including the Queen and Prince Charles all with no effect. I have initiated legal proceedings which were destroyed by those using the surveillance technology. The UK is a torture state where the petty bureaucrat is allowed to imprison and torture to death someone whom they do not like in order to destroy the truth from being reported about serious problems which exist in this country that I directly experience. And, there is no means to redress this grievous abuse of power. Scores of local people have been directly involved all this activity during all these years. This is not lost on anyone especially the children who are well aware of what is going on. It is a profound example of repression in this country carried out by criminally inclined bureaucrats and those in society who are committed to anti-social and criminal behaviour. This is the standard which has been created and maintained in my direct experience 24/7 365 days a year for almost 7.5 years. The information about this activity spreads quickly by word-of-mouth throughout the society. It is no mystery why people eat for comfort or binge drink, take drugs or express rage by YOBish behaviour. These are methods to oblivion to escape a reality that is devastatingly threatening to all. This is especially noted in the children who realise that this is the reality of this society as they are growing up and act in aberrant ways since they see that there is no real hope against this most repugnant form of slavery humankind has ever devised. I am talking about almost 7.5 years of torture carried out in this country 24/7 by scores of people which has destroyed any of the supposed values and ideals of a democracy. These simply do not exist. That is why I am publishing my complete experience throughout this period of time in this web journal so that all can see the facts as I experienced them and make up their own minds about what is happening and how this problem should be addressed within a democratic society to preserve those standard and values which have been destroyed. At present adults and children are living to eat because a genuinely active productive life is put out of reach by the threat of totally invasive surveillance technology which destroys life itself. Prince Charles needs to think carefully about why he is thin and the nation is getting obese.  

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