


Web Journal Wednesday 15th November 2006

1. Last night started off with immediate harassment from several sources with those using the surveillance technology participating directly in the manufacture of a false allegation. I believe that the surveillance technology was used to coordinate all this activity in order to manufacture an allegation or allegations against me. I am being abused in the extreme, but every effort is made to blame me for what is being done to me.

I was woken twice after initially falling asleep just after a moment or two. In this very first portion of documented activity from 00:31:54 to 00:50:58 two wake ups are revealed and a false allegation from BS was made against me after the second wake up while all that I was doing was revealed by sound and video recordings. I was doing nothing except trying to get to sleep and sleeping.

This kind of stomping and making thumping noises as described below to wake me have a multiple purpose:

First, it is done to harass me and disturb my sleep.

Second, I am blamed for having made these noises.

Third, the false allegation noted above is further extended to include a false allegation of continuous sexual activity which does not exist.

Fourth, in conjunction with the third objective there is the hope that I will talk in my sleep as I am woken like this so that I make a verbal sound which can be attacked as well.

This activity against me as described here has been occurring for eight years 24/7 and is part of a consistent and well documented pattern of such activity reflected by thousands of such examples as this one here. Such false allegations have been witnessed as false by observers and so noted without this abuse stopped. This kind of activity has been used to drive the emergency services into the ground with thousands of false emergency calls throughout these eight years 24/7.

While preparing this today between 1300 and 1400, Lt Harry Bird and BS who had been using the surveillance technology as they always do 24/7 clung to their false allegation despite the fact of this sound and video evidence which proves that I was asleep and doing nothing except when woken which caused me to make these verbal notes. Lt Harry Bird and BS were demanding that others take precipitous action against me to prevent the documentation, analysis and reporting of what actually happened last night.

I was totally exhausted last night by the time I went to bed. It was late at half midnight. I had only just over four hours sleep the night before as has been completely reported in yesterday's web journal entry. I fell asleep immediately twice after which I was woken by stomping and thuds nearby. Each time I went back to sleep immediately after noting what had happened. That's all I was doing which is clearly shown on the video and sound recordings as is also described here by my verbal notes made at the time describing what was actually happening. All of this can be clearly seen taking place in the video.

This constitutes attempted murder among numerous other crimes and unlawful acts.

Here is my verbal diary/log made on a digital voice recorder (Listen here for 00:31:54 to 00:50:58 (4 mins 22 secs)):

00:31:54 OK this is it. Turning on the sound level meter DR and the camcorder. BS screeching "Potty." Light off. Camcorder running. Everything's in great shape. OK go. That's all she ever says over and over and over again tens of thousands of times. It's meaningless drivel. She's an infant. That's all.

00:32:41 OK, onto my left side. Time to go to sleep. Oh, wait let's call it . . . today's Wednesday, 15.11.2006. That's right: sound level meter, DR on, camcorder on. The whole McGillicuddy.

00:34:21 "He's some obsession," said a male. They're continuing their yammering like they did last night. How long's it going to go on?

00:41:44 Another series of thuds in a row. I woke up. I had been asleep. At the same time I was hit with this very hard surreptitious medication. Tinnitus is up a little bit. But they're really pouring it on now. [Imitate sounds of thuds/thumps.] I thought I just heard jumping up and down and running and stomping on the floor above in one place while the tape recorder was on and recording so I got it all. [It was not audible on this digital recording.] OK, I'm falling asleep again. Well, that was a nice little demonstration of deliberate stomping to tell me that they can do whatever they want to do with no problems.

00:42:58 "That's fine," said a male as I rolled over onto my right side. You see, they want this to go on till they destroy. This is what happens. They will kill. Collapse peripheral organ system.

00:44:54 Loud thuds and thumps continue. Now these sound like coming from below or next door.

00:45:43 Loud thuds sound like coming from above or next door. More to the next door. There they go . . . [imitate the sound again].

00:47:37 Continuous stomping goes on. I was dozing off again. Disturbed my . . . right on the edge of sleep . . . [loud hit/thud heard on recording] once again. That's the second time in a row now.

00:48:20 "He's doing it," said a female voice sounded like BS. I'm laying in front of the video camera facing it. I'm not moving at all. These thuds and thumps continue. It's obvious I'm not doing it at all.

00:50:58 Stomping away vibrates the bed.

A. First Sleep Segment Duration: [to be continued]

2. The legacy of Tony Blair viewed 50-years hence will be that of a Prime Minister who ran terror and torture repression in the UK for the duration of his premiership while pretending to be against these as a key reason for invading Iraq. Tony Blair will be recognised as having introduced the "Big Brother" society to the UK. I have been subjected to totally invasive surveillance technology 24/7 for eight years and three months since August 1998 (a little over a year after New Labour was elected to government) without having been able to get this situation right. If that cannot be done after all these years, there is no reason for anyone to have any trust or confidence in any legislative programme proposed by this government. Establshing government policy, i.e., laws, regulations, rules, is meaningless unless they can be implemented properly and effectively. Not only has this failed, but the inversion of society has resulted with criminal and antisocial standards having become the norm.

BBC News Wednesday, 15 November 2006, 15:58 GMT

Blair plans final security blitz

The Queen
The Queen outlined the plans to MPs and peers

Plans to combat terrorism, crime and anti-social behaviour will dominate Tony Blair's final months in office.

Tackling climate change and reforming pensions will also be key parts of the Queen's Speech programme of 29 bills for the coming Parliamentary session.

There will also be moves to strengthen border controls, prevent illegal working and push ahead with ID cards.

But Conservative leader David Cameron accused Mr Blair of using the "politics of fear" to cover up "hollow" plans.

Mr Cameron told MPs it had all been heard before, saying it was "so depressing that people might think the chancellor has already taken over".

Climate Change Bill
Pensions Bill
Serious Crime Bill
Criminal Justice Bill
Fraud Bill
Mental Health Bill
Road Transport Bill
Welfare Reform Bill
Crossrail Bill

"The tragedy of this prime minister is that he promised so much and he has delivered so little," Mr Cameron told MPs.

He said the package of plans was "not about keeping hospitals open or keeping the streets safe, it's about keeping a tired and discredited Labour Party in power, and the truth is they've failed to deliver".

The government's priorities were earlier set out in Parliament by the Queen amid the traditional pomp and ceremony.

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