


    Monday, 10th May 1999 Week 19

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 05:09:18    The first real auto goes by outside to start the day off right.  Up to the bathroom with trousers.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 05:14:48    Back into chair with notebook on the table (soundlessly and safely) after getting dressed (bedroom and bathroom); someone hacking loudly in their bathroom making a racket in the Walkway.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 05:18:03    Video on; slightly foggy but OK.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 05:18:18    Into kitchen to fix oatmeal and grapefruit; knocked empty cold water bottle by the chair over; its top (cap) hit the toolbox and made some noise; auto pulls up outside kitchen window immediately; looked at video but could see nothing; it sounded like “the” car; must sit there all night waiting to pull up when a sighting is possible; went into the small room for the stats I forgot earlier

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 05:18:18    Wt 218; Elec 35,136.6; Gas 11.913

                    measured cup of noiseless hot water into oatmeal; filled two bottles and a glass (thirsty) with cold water; prepared grapefruit.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 05:29:02    Back into chair; door slam below just before I did; now some more noises from below.  

Edit/spell check last night’s diary.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 05:35:35    Elec auto lock outside; soft car door slam;

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 05:37:31    Re-lit video; steamed up from cooking?; doubt it; got very hot and humid in here a min ago just after I moved to chair; thought and felt like tremendous steam was coming from elsewhere.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 05:59:19    Finished diary edit/spell check (most quiet evening in a very long time; almost slept through the whole thing if I had not been awakened at 0230.  

Into kitchen to throw away grapefruit rind and get oatmeal; filled pot with noiseless hot water; sliced banana and returned to chair.  

Updated daily Times for d/l.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 06:13:08    Door slam below; bar/grate noise.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 06:13:16    0845 079 6699 64k Freeserve(15:4 : Times; Tele (Affleck on Paltrow); Guar; FT; Email (1): 06:29:05

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 06:14:45    Truck starts outside close by; idles awhile then departs.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 06:31:06    Into the kitchen to rinse oatmeal dish only in noiseless hot water; into the bathroom for a dump; I did not make a noise; immediately after I was in there someone came out from below very quietly with and door shut and bar/grate sounds but very subdued; tried to avoid any sound; into the bathtub without any top up (no longer needed in hot weather); washed hair; as started to shave someone came back into the flat below going inside for just a brief period and coming back out; after this person left the dog started barking and did so for a bit; assumed that their was no one left to stop it barking in the flat and it saw the person who had left outside; also assumed that the person had gone out to see me and was waiting and watching outside causing the dog to bark; finished shaving (took awhile with dull blades); washed; drained and wiped tub done and sink with its bit from yest’s fill up; put hose back in tub for next refill; into kitchen to rinse oatmeal pot in noiseless hot water; back into small room to double check elec reading (got it wrong); bathroom to flush toilet and put limescale remover in; rtnd to living room.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 07:31:36    Back to the chair. Video on; looks good in the brilliant sunshine; updated diary above.  Too bright in here.  

Reading d/ld pubs: FT; Tele; Times; Guar.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 07:56:09    Voices outside now amid some noises from below.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 08:02:36    R4 Today:

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 08:25:35    A couple mins ago there were two stomps above whilst I was dozing just a bit listening to Today; testing my response? I waited a bit to see if there were any more; none.  
Mon, 10 May 1999 - 08:36:11    Some very loud hits echoing through the wall followed by  rail noises; must be the cleaner hitting the walls and rails outside; this occurred amid a squeaking door outside; the noises continue.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 08:38:57    Sun up high and behind clouds now so that I can see; the whole time for the last hour has been obliterated by the brilliant sunshine in here; must do something about that.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 08:45:57    Dog barks again.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 08:47:05    Post: PCW replacement CD for May; Channel Info mag; Learned Info (the elec lib); Rational Software (x2); IR; MBNA credit card mailing; IR to GDC.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 09:00:17    R4 for the 14th Dalai Lama on Jeremy Paxman’s Start the Week.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 09:01:00    Noise directly over head now; couple hits on the floor following footsteps across floor.  I had hit the rubbish bag next to the chair a couple times; apparently this stirred activity above.   

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 09:11:04    Heavy noises, sharp hits and scraping directly above (cleaning?).  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 09:16:27    Major activity overhead as it sounds like a carpet hit the floor among all the other noises.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 09:29:05    Pounding and scraping now overhead but by the living room door.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 09:30:09    Dalai Lama ends his interview from Wembley where he is “teaching” to an unadvertised, sold out audience.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 09:33:13    After working from this side to the other above; the work appears to be done; taking up the installation? Removing the cabling?  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 09:35:09    Into bathroom for pit stop; scrubbed toilet bowl (I’ll have to do this everyday); I made no other noise whatsoever; brushed my hair to keep it drying correctly; picked up the post; into kitchen to open window for the cool breeze as it is windy outside;

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 09:40:21    Back to chair as some noises continue above; are they moving?  

Sorting and reviewing post; replacement CD from PCW OK (loads):  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 09:48:06    Noises now directly overhead; couple distinct by not loud or heavy; come back to watch me open and sort post?  

Quicken SE Version 6 for Windows: registration after a number of uses: modem: 01932 578 525 or 0800 585 058; need to do this eventually; Installed;

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 10:02:27    Keeping track and letting me know it as I install Quicken v6.0 SE.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 10:02:56    Phone: ends - 10:03:25

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 10:03:57    Strange noises above.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 10:06:40    Strange scraping overhead; here to ascertain my presence during the phone call attempt.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 10:09:17    Rebooting after Quicken.  OK.  Video on - 10:12:56; no one visible.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 10:10:33    Voices outside. [Did the guy below ask of the one above if I was here? Illegal surveillance used to stalk me.]

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 10:13:15    Into the kitchen to cook lunch; two measured cups of noiseless hot water into brown rice & lentils pot

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 10:31:27    Simmer; back to chair; no one visible out there.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 10:34:22    Auto just moved to the other end far side after starting engine under kitchen window; guy in white shirt walks back to the same area after walking in the middle of the street for about half way then moving to the pavement on the other side to continue his journey; distinct low rumble sound and familiar green bomb car; again might have been advised by the illegal surveillance that I had moved.  

Quicken registration (?); implementing Quicken for all accounts.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 10:44:38    Noises on balcony below; small ones followed by a larger one but still subdued.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 10:46:52    Noises on balcony below continue of general rummaging around.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 10:47:19    Oooops! That one was from above as he read what I wrote about the noises below; must have gotten up to tell them to be quiet.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 10:48:32    More noises above and either a door slam or a hard knock elsewhere muffled through the earphones.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 10:56:16    Silver auto with clanking sound (snow chains) parks underneath with just bit of the front showing: 051099_105627.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 10:57:37    Door slams.  MC is still there from yesterday.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 11:18:37    Reset video; door slam below; guy leaves parked car up a bit on this side.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 11:18:59    Into kitchen w/ glass to get lunch; rinsed glass in noiseless hot water; put lunch on plate & filled pot with noiseless hot water close to tap noiselessly; there were quiet voices outside under the kitchen window (or coming in the kitchen window as I worked).  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 11:22:55    Back to chair; MC rider getting ready to go; observe on; no good; see mc.bmp for frame of him just starting.  

Into kitchen to get lunch: Brown rice & red lentils; potato, carrot, broccoli; onion, chilli pepper, garlic, ginger.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 11:28:49    Whistler lets one off; gets some movement overhead too.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 11:30:11    Whistler does it again; there was a noise above near the balcony door just before this one.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 11:34:57    A third whistle from the whistler.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 11:38:22    Double beep down the road.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 11:40:22    More scraping and cable moving noises directly over me.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 11:41:07    Some really loud moving around up there now; scraping and hitting the floor.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 11:44:11    Coughed and got a reaction from voices that sounded like the Screamer and Louie.  

January 29, 2006    Blew my nose; no reaction but the noise overhead stopped.

Setting up Quicken whilst I eat.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 12:22:01    Back from a quick trip to the kitchen to rinse lunch plate and pot in noiseless hot water noiselessly.  Green car at very end of the road left just before I went into the kitchen; guy came to green car behind it; removed something from boot (stereo) and got in front; still there though when I returned to the chair.  Rain has started.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 12:25:24    Guy getting into small yellow surveillance truck; first went to the rear then into door; 051099_122706.mv2

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 12:28:56    Third green car from very end of other side pulls out and leaves; only one left in the middle where the guy got in as I recall (if I’ve got it right).  Now that it is raining, they’ve all taken off; cannot do anything in the rain out there.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 12:42:12    Raining quite hard now.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 12:43:43    Just closed the kitchen window due to the rain.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 12:43:59    Into bathroom for a pit stop; I did not make a sound; only the sound of the rain hitting skylight in Walkway and drain open sound from sink; front door slammed just as I left the bathroom.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 12:46:40    Voices sound out as I returned to chair.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 12:50:19    Now the sun is coming out again as it clears.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 12:58:57    Sawing overhead after noises on floor directly above; turned on R4 for WaO: China wants apology; missing schoolboy found well (thank goodness); Labour’s FO Minister’s death mourned;

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 12:59:46    Door slam in Walkway (prob above; might be below).

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 13:20:24    Looks like the MC is back; autos out there.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 13:22:20    El Rollo above again; rather loud and heavy.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 13:24:42    It’s getting very hot and steamy in here again.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 13:33:52    R4 off; continuing with Quicken setup.   

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 13:54:16    A torrent of rain just came down; it is sheeting out there; over as quickly as I started.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 13:59:04    Door slam below.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 14:10:45    Siren’s arrive and go on.  Bit of thunder in the distance.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 14:12:14    Into the bathroom for a pit stop; I did not make a sound; cleaner using machine in Walkway.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 14:13:59    Back to the chair; nil outside.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 14:18:02    Door sounds below; double hits; two of them.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 14:20:43    Door slam below as the printer makes a little sound.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 14:30:50    Guy working on his MC by the near wall stairs; looks set to go.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 14:32:44    Just finished printing PCUR for export/import verification as the guy keeps working on his MC.  

Waiting for the MC worker to do something; video is getting large.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 14:38:51    Restarted MC video since it was too long and the same thing; just him working on it; music is thumping and booming in from somewhere.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 14:44:29    Dog barking away underneath.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 14:46:06    Dog barking away again after someone gun’s an engine.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 14:57:06    MC is finally revving up as I continue to work on the Quicken accounts import from PC Bank.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 15:00:54    Reset video as I got the last import done as he revved some more.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 15:04:13    Blew up sys trying to shut it down; it was irretrievably locked out over something.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 15:05:04    Dog barking below.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 15:09:02    Door shut below.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 15:10:45    Sys rebooted and reloaded; video OK; guy still working on MC.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 15:38:44    Guy still working on MC; must be waiting for the tel call that tells him I have stood up; finished checking PCur import; it was perfect for all the trans all the way thru.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 15:44:16    Turned on the printer and made a noise by hitting the top exit feed tray and knocking it off.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 16:00:10    There was an update posting in PLon for 11.63 int on 5.5.99 which was entered, edited and xferred to Quicken; they duplicate; have find a way to xfer trans (only want to enter them once).  Looks like the guy has finished work on  his MC; it’s still there as big as day.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 16:04:40    Into the kitchen for a couple pears crouching all the way;  into bathroom for a pit stop; not a sound from me; door opening very quietly in Walkway; out to listen?  Noise from Walkway as I left and crouched back as I had left.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 16:09:08    Back in my chair.  

Working on the Quicken BDep acct; the few there will not Xfer; must do them by hand; printed  the nine trans; entered by hand.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 16:41:53    Phone ringing just a few times then stops.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 16:44:12    Voice underneath sounds like Louie.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 16:53:50    A woman’s voice was heard just a minute ago as I finished the last of the entries in Quicken for BDEP activity.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 16:55:44    Into kitchen to rinse pear plate.  Crouched both ways.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 16:57:09    Back to chair crouching; the group leaves the Walkway with only one exposed; the talkers stay hidden.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 16:59:36    R4 PM: Yugo troops begin partial Kosovo withdrawal; China demands full apology and punishment; boy 12 found well/man arrested;

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 17:04:47    Xfer diary.not to sys.  

Accessories/Hyper terminal

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 17:12:51    Dog is barking below.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 17:31:02    Whistler lets one go.  

Wrote note to go with 2nd returned CD to PCW.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 18:00:16    R4 PM off.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 18:13:24    132 01932 578 525 Intuit’s Quicken Registration(00:43); connected for about this time but did not get anything back.
Mon, 10 May 1999 - 18:20:55    132 01932 578 525 Intuit’s Quicken Registration(01:14): 18:22:09

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 18:22:22    Door slam below.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 18:23:27    Getting some monitoring activity overhead since I started this with the sounds in the connection; woke him up.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 18:25:31    0845 079 6699 64k Freeserve(01:47): Articles; Email (2): 18:27:18

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 18:29:53    CD works now but is having trouble.

Installed Sidekick 95. Open skw2\userdata directory to open each of the files; then save them in sidekick95\userdata.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 18:35:00    Kid goes down the footpath calling “dad”; could be Frank and sounds like Louie responding; rumbling auto taking off and a woman says something short and loud.   

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 18:39:38    Into the bathroom for a pit stop; I did not make a sound;  heard some very faint voices below.  

Installed Quicken v6.0 with multimedia in it (I hope); yeah, the CD has to be in the drive.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 19:06:38    MC (throbbing) just went up the footpath to the pen.  

QW6-R00-714 Quicken V6.0 serial number.
01932 578 525 for modem registration.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 19:19:54    01932 578 525 Quicken Registration(4:05): OK this time but aborted trying to fill in the form:19:24:01

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 19:26:49    01932 578 525 Quicken Registration(3:17): OK got the registration done this time on the old fashioned, klugy tty interface at 14,400 but tested the .com prog with the modem and worked fine:19:30:30

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 19:28:05    MC went up the footpath so fast that it screeched its tyres when it stopped in or near the pen.  

Printed session for Intuit Quicken’s registration; squeaked a bit and got some activity; yells and door slamming from both upstairs and below.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 19:44:54    This started the music going upstairs in retaliation.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 19:48:03    Printed the Unemployment for over 50s article and am getting some footsteps above now; must have broken the sound barrier with something that I have been doing for three years.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 19:48:39    Very hard, loud door slam below; continuous tapping on floor above.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 19:51:59    Got this vehicle with a very large windscreen parked right in front looking this way and being tended to by a guy who looks very familiar from earlier activity today: see clip  051099_195258 where he finishes and leaves walking up the near wall stairs and up by the near wall; much talking up there after he arrives.  That’s probably the only one I’ll need tonight.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 19:56:33    Door slam; sounds like below.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 20:05:21    Rebooting to restore RcvMgr as footsteps go stomping across the floor above/below?  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 20:06:04    It’s above; they are cheering Monday night football; this is going to be a trying evening I can tell as they will be shouting and stomping away up there and most certainly trying to keep me awake.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 20:09:07    Progs reloaded and video reset; hot and sticky in here again as they fog up the windows.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 20:09:45    Noises on the balcony below.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 20:11:27    Moved over to the bed noiselessly and safely only to be greeted by stomping on the floor above; this will be going on for a week or two.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 20:16:36    Dog barks on the balcony below; they are making extraordinarily loud noises above; one stomp on the floor directly above and shouting and yelling higher up; even a scream/shout as I took off my trousers; what a bunch of creeps.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 20:49:56    Dog barks below two times on the balcony; now three times; four; and it takes off barking and barking; three has been continuous stomping and sharp noise above too; including a large rolling sound; when I moved after a bit they cheered up high; intent upon keeping me awake and not letting me sleep.  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 21:15:38    That was the blunder buss of them all; a huge direct solid heavy deafening thud right over me that shook the whole place; all this while they talk and talk about parking outside.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 21:16:35    If I did not get the msg the first time he just did it again overhead but a little lighter this time; now he is stomping; as they carry  on in the most disturbing way above with loud and continuous talking.

There were saying “whoooo” earlier on two occasions clearly mocking me.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 21:20:00    Two very hard door slams above; that was deliberate; these guys that are now back are complete children just like the parents.

He must have left upstairs for the night as he had to get a couple hard licks in on the floor before he left and then slam the door as hard as possible twice before he left; They should be back about two am.

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 21:29:34    There was great cheering and yelling from the crew outside a little while ago after the final floor hits and two door slams; did he go out there and brag about what he had done?  

Mon, 10 May 1999 - 21:32:00    The crew out there is the crew on the balcony evidently because they just erupted into yelling and stomping; there they go again; this is that Monday night football game.

[Looks like I got about 5 hours sleep for a change.]

    Tuesday, 11th May 1999

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 02:46:19    Been awake for a little bit after my latest dream which I have now forgotten.

Managed to fall asleep at 2200 or so [closer to 2130] and have slept right thru; do not remember waking up along the way but might have; anyway there’s my 4-5 or so hours so far and am now awake it seems for the rest of the right.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 03:00:32    Two autos pull up outside from Bram; the first sounded like a taxi (diesel engine) and the second sounded like “the” car; maybe they detected the virus scan [which had just begun].  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 03:01:36    One of them backed up back to the end of the bldg out of sight presumably and the other departed from the far end.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 03:12:33    An auto drives by from Bram.

[I do not believe that I slept here at all but only lay in bed trying to get to sleep unsuccessfully]

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 04:06:43    An auto just went by and the computer is running for some strange reason; what is it; still the virus scan? Cannot be. [But it was]

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 04:11:01    Just went over to the computer/chair; yes it is the virus scan still working; must have just started back up again; turned on the radio for Up All Night and got a reaction from the noisy auto that started from the end of the bldg and drove with speed to the middle of the road stopped with a squeal of brakes (brake linings or absence thereof); this auto has a distinctive deep buzzing sound from its muffler or lack thereof hole in it).  Believe that they might pick up the computer activity and the radio through the sound card responding each time to pull up out front to see if they can see; since these are different autos they must be working in shifts.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 04:34:09    Just after finishing the last entry, went into the kitchen for a new bottle of water; made two small noises removing it from the fridge; back to the chair; watching virus scan; poured and drank a glass of water; listened to Up All Night cover the papers; I stood behind the chair and I cannot even see the street lights outside through the curtain.  Now it is back to bed for a bit.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 04:37:57    Very faint sound of footsteps outside and just before that voices ever so faint but present.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 04:42:09    Noises from below like a towel hitting the floor.

[I did sleep for a bit here and felt refreshed when I woke up.]

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 05:46:16    Into bathroom for a pit stop; I did not make a sound; noises in Walkway of people leaving; small room for stats; back to bathroom to put on trousers; back to living room; picked up notebook from the bed;

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 05:46:16    Wt:218; Elec: 35,141.7; Gas 11.921

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 05:51:46    Into the chair with notebook soundlessly on the table; video on; OK; nil from last night’s observe; one short sequence at 2015; there was not much activity for awhile; update.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 05:54:08    Auto goes by and voices outside right under the window.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 05:57:28    Door slam below with double hit.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 05:59:32    Door slam below followed by bar/grate noise; vehicle starts at end of road; turns around by backing into the Estate; this white car departs heading this way; two people had just crossed the street from the other side to it on this side; noted in video.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 06:02:17    Blue truck just drove by from other end heading this way; the blue truck from 503.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 06:05:40    Into kitchen to fix oatmeal and grapefruit; one measured cup of noiseless hot water into oatmeal pot; sliced oatmeal; no noises from anywhere including me.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 06:11:28    Back in chair; update.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 06:12:48    Red car slows to a stop outside coming from the other way then resumes heading to Bram.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 06:15:09    Dull thuds from below; many of them.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 06:17:15    Couple, loud dull thuds from perhaps over head now.

Updated daily Times for d/l.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 06:21:52    Plugged in ISDN line and got razor from bathroom.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 06:23:13    0845 079 6699 64k Freeserve(20:24): Times; Tele; Guar (all but a bit; stopped xferring); FT; Guar (try to get the remaining); Email: nil: 06:43:39

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 06:24:47    Door noise below.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 06:30:55    More thuds from below.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 06:31:48    VW door shuts and departs outside.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 06:41:38    Into kitchen during Guar 2nd attempt but appeared quickly and returned.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 06:44:42    Into kitchen (pulled ISDN plug on way in) to throw away grapefruit and fix oatmeal with banana; filled oatmeal pot with noiseless hot water noiselessly near the faucet.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 06:47:48    Back to chair; update.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 06:50:26    0171 490 2200 Barc PC Bank Upd(1:35): PCur 20.90 Sains cleared: 06:52:01 Backed up.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 06:54:16    Into bathroom for a dump; the slightest sound of a door opening; no doubt the listener sticks its head out; I made only the barest smidgen of a noise; flushed toilet and put lime scale remover in bowl; into kitchen to wash hands; rinsed oatmeal pot each with noiseless hot water.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 07:00:55    Back in chair; update; voices come down footpath almost immediately.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 07:06:57    Sys rebooted to restore resources and RcvMgr; video OK; window speckled; sun fractured; breezy out again this am.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 07:07:24    Dog is now barking underneath; must see someone it knows out there (waiting and watching?).  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 07:09:51    Back from kitchen to rinse the oatmeal dish.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 07:11:30    The large, white truck goes by coming from the other end heading this way; did it stop outside?  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 07:13:02    Voices outside.  

Cleaned razor blades and got Intuit’s registration number.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 07:18:18    Into bathroom to shave; water running in wall when I got there; started to fill sink and bathroom light switch sounded below; shaved; couple door openings going and coming; another dump; something must be clearing me out (bananas?); into bedroom to dress; back to living room.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 07:37:39    Back in chair; screen saver frozen; rebooted sys while putting on shirt, shoes and updated diary.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 07:42:31    Sys OK again.  Shutting down.  

Put stuff carry all and moved it all into hall; flushed toilet (success) and put limescale remover in bowl.  Unlocked door and exited.

0750    Out. Saw the fat guy in 525 across the way come back to his door; came from alongside his wall and not across the landing; interesting why he would be coming in that direction; down the middle stairs looking back; no one else seen or heard; out the Bram doors; around corner; up the walk passed Gren Twr to Silchester and Lancaster Rds to Lad Gro; up to Elgin Crescent; over to Portobello Rd; up to Lonsdale Rd; over to Colville Rd and up to West Gro thru the petrol station; past the post office and all the way down to Queensway; looking for a bedding shop for sheets but none found.  Crossed over midway from Queensway and tried to call Intuit’s 0800 number but got a tone.  Pushed on to the Cravens and Praed St out to Edgware Rd; walked north looking for a bedding shop and phone kiosk; finally got on almost to the end of the stores area heading north.  

0910    Phone call to Intuit: called 192 for 0800 number: Cust Svc 0800 585 058; Quick Books Register 0800 132 946; provided my details to Cust Svc and was given 0814493914 to enter in the programme.  
    Walked back to Sussex Rd and down it to the road down to the Fuller’s pub; off to the right to the next road that leads into Hyde Park to the bridge across the Serpentine; went into the park here; past the fountains; up to the diagonal path all the way past the Round Pond; in front of Ken Pal; thru to and across Ken Church St; passed the Elephant & Castle; thru the Town Hall area to Ken High St; walked down it all the way past Olympia and onto Hammersmith to the Kings Mall.

1040    Kings Mall: stopped in WH Smith to give the computer mags a quick look; might take a look at a couple another time; went to the bedding shop; they had sheets on sale but there were no flat sheets; left thru the overpass stopping in the gents to comb my hair; out the elevator and back to the Hamm ESJ;

1100    Hamm ESJ to see Ms Farrell for my 1100 am appt; up to second floor and made my presence known to the person next to her who let her know that I was there; the Indian woman who helped me once before was there talking with her after this; saw Ms Farrell at about 1108; she went downstairs to get my booklet from my UB40; not much to say; went over agmt; explained my situation, activity and health problems; gave her the Tele article about the age employment problem for her info; signed me on and that was it; back six months.  

1125    Off to Tesco for some food via Tusseley Rd underpass and around: shopped around but decided to stick to the beans and got some curry (never thought of that before); Tesco for food (4.34 2kg ea of green and red lentils; curry powder).  

1200    Off to home.. Walked the short route back via the Addison Gdns to Holland Road; up to the roundabout; lots of construction going on; filled in and planted one long stretch of subway entrance in front of office bldg; looks like petrol station being built opposite; and even some work in the middle of the roundabout; read the Kefltico Greek restaurant menu before trudging to walk thru Ed Woods Estate to Freston Rd and then Bram and the doors; only woman in 505 kitchen (second level and eye level with me coming back); she saw me and looked down at 503; its bar/grate door was open; kitchen window and curtains next door were closed.  

1235    Home. Post on rtn: Computer Contractor; Simply Computers cat and mailing; QMS copiers/scanners flyer; Localtel contract and direct debit authorisation.  

Directly into kitchen after putting notebook on chair and noting the fact that the computer screen showed the DOS password prompt:

System at DOS password prompt for the 4th time in my absence; two recently and two earlier; it never happens at any other time; these have only happened in my absence and indicate that the elec power was turned off; Scandisk ran at reboot indicating that it crashed while on, i.e., power turned off.  

Kitchen to fix lunch; two measured cups of noiseless hot water into the brown rice and green lentil pot; sliced spices and put them in with curry powder; sliced the rest of the veggies; washed plate and onion with noiseless hot water; put away food; back to chair.  

1257    Simmer;

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 13:03:03    Notebook and sys rebooted and reloaded; video OK; reviewed camera clip from this am (0750 to 0806); set at about 0840; R4 WaO: beef on bone in Wales?; coalition?; doctor acquitted of murder; disability benefits;

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 13:31:24    R4:Beethoven and Napoleon.  Into bedroom to change clothes; noises in Walkway of someone whistling while closing and locking door; reset broom against door.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 13:35:17    Back into chair.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 13:42:23    Into kitchen to get lunch; filled pot with noiseless hot water.  
Tue, 11 May 1999 - 13:45:15    Back to chair; updating and eating; curry is fabulous.  

Brown rice & green lentils; potato, carrot, broccoli, onion, curry, garlic, ginger, chilli pepper.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 13:48:57    MC just drove up the footpath; saw it in the video as he went underneath; wearing a white shirt; just after he went by the Whistler let out a whistle; observe was not on and did not “capture”  

 Tue, 11 May 1999 - 13:52:10    Just heard MC leave but missed him again and did not see him this time;

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 14:11:04    Registered Quicken by entering number in the process of updating the diary above.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 14:16:51    Telephone again; ends - 14:17:25

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 14:18:42    Door slam below.  Pause.  More door noise then bar/grate clanking.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 14:20:14    Rumbling auto below that just arrive departed; siren in the distance; laughter out front.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 14:26:31    Now we get heavy footsteps above after the phone call: just checking.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 14:30:52    Into the kitchen to rinse the lunch plate and pot in noiseless hot water; filled cold water bottle and put by chair; into the bathroom for a pit stop; couple guys talking down further; I made not a sound; got the hair brush from the carry all in living room and brushed my hair.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 14:38:40    Back to living room.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 14:53:01    Door slam below.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 15:00:20    Sorting and reviewing post.  Read thru the Localtel info carefully.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 15:27:08    Finished update for this am’s activity.  

Edit/spell check last night’s diary.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 15:53:03    Finished edit/spell check for last night’s diary.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 15:55:12    Into the bathroom for a pit stop; voices sound from close by outside as I get up and start to move; I made not a sound; there were only distant sounds in the Walkway.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 15:57:36    Back into the chair; stood behind the bookcase as a small white truck went by heading this way.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 15:58:50    Door close below.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 16:00:00    Xferred dairy.not to sys.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 16:04:22    There we go; been missing that for awhile; a knock on the floor directly above me.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 16:41:56    Rail clanking outside.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 16:58:23    Tried reaching Localtel cust svc but only got engaged tone; dozed for the past 10 or so mins as voices came up talking below about quarter to: trying to get a listen?

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 17:00:14    R4 PM: doctor acquitted and may give pain relieving medicine which may hasten death; no sign of Serb withdrawal from Kosovo; only total withdrawal will trigger an end to the bombing; Wales Assembly could lift beef on bone ban if it choose to; AIDS overtakes malaria as greatest cause of death in Africa; Larry Flint back in Cincinnati on trial for obscenity;

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 17:01:52    Loud noise on balcony below; rattling sheet metal type noise.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 17:17:48    Into bathroom for a pit stop; kids playing ball in Walkway; I did not make a sound;

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 17:20:44    Back to chair; voices directly out front.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 17:24:28    Scraping across the floor directly above.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 17:27:39    Scraping continued non-stop while I looked in the Yellow Pages; had to move the headset and various items first; guess they really thought I was going to make a telephone call; stopped immediately when I put it back.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 17:39:26    Printed 30.04.99 0900 notes on BT call re HH ISDN xfer to Localtel; no squeak at all.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 17:44:43    Printed Unemployment among older men highlighted from yest Tele; absolute no squeaking sound from the printer.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 17:49:53    Whistler lets go with one.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 17:56:02    Door lock snap below.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 18:00:14    R4 PM off; reading pubs Articles.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 18:05:32    MC just drove out from the DP stairs where it had been parked all day; 051199_180528.mv2 caught it just as it was waiting between two parked cars to enter the road after an auto passed; no good as it does not show it on the Estate.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 18:07:19    Just caught MC driving onto the Estate to the near wall stairs; this one is perfect: another one just drove up the footpath???; check the clip at 18:08:11; guy chaining the MC and departing to DP stairs; does no walk around 051199_180849.mv2. Someone shouts “Dave” this could poss be the MC driver.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 18:12:55    Sounds like the kid with the ball is out front now; yeah the older kids playing in the street;

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 18:34:37    Dog barks below as the bench warmers laugh outside.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 18:36:29    She (the Cackler) calling the dog outside intentionally causing it to bark. This is precisely why the dog barks at those it recognises outside because it is enticed to do so.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 18:40:28    Triple beeps and revving by an auto outside; more talking and noises from the bench warmers.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 18:46:51    Finished reading the d/ld pubs Articles (Dirk Bogarde’s death & Andrew Neil for DG BBC).  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 18:50:49    Sounds like Louie calling the dog and the Screamer saying something; he seems to reply “that’s betta”

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 18:53:39    The dog is now barking away on the balcony below

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 18:59:20    MC just drove up the footpath; missed in as I was working in Sidekick 95; went up past the kids playing (only hear their voices) and evidently parked in the pen.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 19:01:14    There it is; the jolts from above on the floor as the evening gets underway again. Oh yeah, sees me working on SK95 and wants to know what I am up to.
Tue, 11 May 1999 - 19:05:32    Door slam below; medium hard and loud.  

Setting up SK95 with files from Win31.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 19:28:24    R4 Front Row: did I miss MW re Parting Shots?  Yes, he was first.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 19:39:38    Whistler right under window whistles twice, sets dog to barking and gets guy above moving about; now out on balconies yelling around.  Nil in video but apparently the MC is gone again.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 19:42:38    Music above is starting up loud and clear with thumping bass.  

The system is working much better and unencumbered with whatever was slowing it down; did they remove the xmitter from the sound card?

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 19:44:13    R4 off; missed MW who was at the beginning of the prog (1915).  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 19:44:42    There he goes; the El Rollo is off again above me to the left a little; positioning it half way between the chair and the bed?  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 19:45:37    VW arrives.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 19:46:08    Another El Rollo; up behind me a slightly to the left.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 19:48:42    Music still blaring and thumping away;

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 19:49:45    VW disembarks;

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 19:52:52    The dorks are home as the music blasts away.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 19:55:16    0845 8450 150 Localtel Cust Svc(00:0 : got thru finally but could not hear me and hung up; I asked “can you hear me” and he replied “no” so he must have been able to hear me: 19:55:24

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 19:55:24     0845 8450 150 Localtel Cust Svc(??) check this one as I was registering ‘in use’ until so I might have had an open line for seven minutes: 20:02:0

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 19:58:07    Whooping above.  Mocking?

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 19:59:02    Door slam below.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 20:04:19    Guy yells very loudly outside to “Diabolique” it sounds like three times causing commotion above.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 20:05:47    The MC is back???  Two guys are down there with it; one in a red shirt sitting on it an the other next to it; they have moved away now; probably playing around with it as one guy looked like he was trying to crank it.  Maybe he’s trying to sell it and they just took a spin?

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 20:09:59    The music is now off; after that phone call they got serious again.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 20:10:44    There we go; let’s have thumper above and he must have heard me for he did it.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 20:13:51    Just got back from a pit stop; I did not make a sound but the water running in the wall was very loud; was already running when I got there; kids playing in the Walkway; shouting from above to the outside while I was in the bathroom; guy above is stomping around now above me as I write.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 20:16:07    Door slam above just after he stomps out; the music comes back on.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 20:17:03    Reset video; window getting foggy.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 20:19:03    R3 concert on.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 20:26:33    An El Rollo above me as I relax listening to R3; noise and more noises.  There goes the music again above too.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 20:31:56    It’s unbelievable upstairs; he just stood in place and stomped on the floor above then went to the other side where my bed is stomping his way there; that is incredible as it shakes the whole room.  That was deliberate.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 20:38:57    Hooting (mocking?) outside and an El Rollo above.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 20:44:56    The kids upstairs are making noises out on the balcony

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 20:45:37    Door slam that sounds like it comes from below.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 20:47:35    Yelling and stomping at the top of their lungs.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 20:51:07    There we go again; more solid and deliberate stomps overhead as I sit with my head resting on my hand listening to R3 violin music.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 21:05:41    Music is thumping away up until now and stops.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 21:06:34    Moved soundlessly over to the bed and drew immediate stomps directly over me and shouting out the window above.  I guess he’s telling everyone that I have moved.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 21:07:26    Someone out on the footpath talking. And saying something loudly in this direction apparently.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 21:07:56    The car pulls up; maybe he was telling him where to get off about shouting out my activity from the balcony window.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 21:17:25    Very hard and loud door slam in Walkway; prob from below; just before this the guys were yelling and hooting in the distance in the road; mocking the sound they think I make when awoken?

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 21:32:02    I just rolled over about halfway to be on my back when an El Rollo thundered overhead; apparently the guy above went to the window to yell my latest action to those in the street.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 21:42:29    I just scratched my stomach which caused foot and voice noises to emanate from above.  It has gotten all quiet in here for awhile except the noted incidents. They are waiting for me to fall asleep so they can wake me and hopefully cause me to talk in my sleep.

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 21:44:38    Two solid loud and heavy El Rollos from the jerk above; he waited until I had just laid back down afer writing the above and made as much noise as possible to disturb and distresses me.  All of his is at it most provocative.  

Tue, 11 May 1999 - 21:46:20    A huge yell in unison above with a couple cracking feet stomps above; now this is followed by more as I sit up. A sporting event?  

[Looks like I got about 4 hours sleep; not as much as last night for the first go because I woke up earlier but not too bad; just shows that I sleep right through if left alone.]

    Wednesday, 12th May 1999

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 01:41:08    Into the bathroom for a pit stop; not a sound from anywhere: me or anything else; tried again to test the ability to see into the back of the room from outside; cannot even see the lights outside thru eh”curtain”. [Must be completely fogged]

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 01:45:25    Back to bed from bathroom pit stop;

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 02:10:54    Furn scrape below; virus scan began at 0200 with absolute minimal noise from clicks; they cannot be heard at all; believe that I heard one auto pull up outside that made barely a sound.

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 02:21:19    A nearby door slam/shut that vibrated thru the floor.

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 02:27:17    “The” car arrives quite fast as usual.

[Fell asleep for about an hour or less and woke after a dream that was nightmarish]

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 03:37:56    Woke up after a dream about a flat that had access from every one with no locks on the door [my sense of this flat with its entries in my absence]; one guy came in while I was there; started to look at my stuff and departed when he saw me; everything was in French and I was trying to get that changed.  Virus scan is moving right along now that it must be out of C drive.

[Back to sleep again for about 1.5 hours or less; total for tonight probably about 6 hours]

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 05:08:57    There it is; a refreshing thud from above directly over my bed; such is the continuation of the harassment

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 05:13:28    A min ago just as I laid back down; an auto pulled up and a vehicle went by; the first from Bram and the second from the other end.

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 05:22:31    Noises coming from nearby; thuds and general shifting sounds of something; prob below but not specific and could be above.  Into the bathroom for a pit stop; I made not a sound; into small room for stats:

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 05:22:31    Wt 217; Elec 35,147.1; Gas 11.930

                    Noises from Walkway of doors closing; into bedroom for clean underwear; door closed in Walkway (loudly) and saw the fat guy from above scurry down the stairs (white shirt under dark open jacket and dark trousers); into bathroom to put on trousers; no front door sound until I exited bathroom for living room [delayed?]; picked up the notebook on the bed and came to chair with notebook on table soundlessly.   

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 05:28:52    Back to the chair; cleared msgs on sys; Talking Box problem; out of memory; out of space on E; virus scan still running (closed);

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 05:29:59    Video on but fogged following elec lock beep outside and sound of engine start ane most likely a very quiet depart; check sys info; no disk space on E; kept getting out of mem msgs; looked at Explorer x2; check file space for everything; no reason for the space loss that I could see.

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 05:34:53    Rebooting to refresh resources and chk E’s problem. Had difficulty; would not shut down from the menu and had to go to CAD after shutting each one and shut more until its shutdown worked.  That actually turns off the sys; believe virus scan messed up the OS and locked out VM resources  on the E drive as I got its full msg and out of memory; might have screwed up the FAT.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 05:40:17    Turned sys on with a beep; reloaded OK with sys info showing 849 Mb avail for E as it should be.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 05:46:47    Video on again; fogged.

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 05:48:44    Back from quick run into the small room to verify the elec reading which I had forgotten; front door slammed just as I went into the hall; outside watching and jumping into the bldg to see what I might be doing.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 05:56:12    Finished update for above as noises sound from below (thud and door slam).  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 06:01:11    Into kitchen to fix oatmeal and banana; started on new, decent Sains oatmeal; one measured cup of noiseless hot water into oatmeal pot; cut up grapefruit; rinsed hands in same noiseless hot water.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 06:07:06    Back to chair; update; thumps from above it sounds like.

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 06:10:00    Checked the hooks; will have to put new ones in; looked at both the window corner and balcony door corner.

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 06:11:16    Back to chair.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 06:12:34    Door slam below (twice) followed by bar/grate clanking.

Updated daily Times for d/ls.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 06:20:58    Door slam below again.

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 06:22:08    0845 079 6699 64k Freeserve(28:22): Times; Tele; Guar; FT; BT View My Bill: 65.26 as of 11.05.99 busi close; Email (5): 06:50:30.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 06:23:34    Faint dog barks from somewhere; sound like below.

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 06:24:51    Another clear dog bark from below; then it is off and barking; must see person from below who went outside to look with the door slam just a bit ago; must have been tipped off by those above that I was working by the window so they went out to see if they could spot me; I cannot even walk around in my own living room freely.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 06:26:29    Dog is still barking;

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 06:31:07    Engine idling outside; loud truck sound; gone now.

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 06:36:16    Door slam at other end of road; sounds of engine starting; departs (truck?).  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 06:38:45    Into kitchen to throw away grapefruit rind and get oatmeal with banana; filled oatmeal pot with noiseless hot water;

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 06:42:02    Back to chair.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 06:53:54    Finished d/lds and checking BT amt due; reset video; still fogged. This means that no one can see thru the window at all.  Auto lights on below facing this way as well as something at the end of the road; unless it is the sun’s reflection in each case; cannot tell for certain.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 06:58:07    Into bathroom for a pit stop; I made not a sound; there were no noises from anywhere else; flushed toilet; started hot water flowing into tub (only initial air clearing sounds from hose); into kitchen to rinse oatmeal dish and pot in noiseless hot water (and just a bit of cold water since the toilet was filling); back to bathroom to check hot water filling; squirting above the water but not out of the tub; adjusted the nozzle’s weight; OK now; back to kitchen to put in laundry w/ noiseless hot water; back to bathroom to check filling: OK; hot water tank filling only noise;

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 07:12:24    Back to chair just after a front door slam as I was entering the living room.

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 07:17:27    Finished update.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 07:18:46    Dog barking below.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 07:19:31    0171 490 2200 Barc PC Bank Upd(00:33): Error: 184 contact cust svc: - 07:20:04

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 07:20:53    0171 490 2200 Barc PC Bank Upd(01:3 : PCUR 20.90 Sains posted: - 07:22:31 Backed up PC Bank and Quicken6.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 07:21:47    Loud hit below like a door slam.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 07:28:05    Into bathroom to shut off hot water into tub; noises from below; hitting sounds; put limescale remover on toilet bowl.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 07:29:24    Back to chair.  

Edit/spell checking last night’s diary.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 07:58:23    Finished edit/spell checking last night’s diary.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 08:02:06    Reboot sys to get phone op; would not come on when loaded; OK with phone load OK (pwr on).  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 08:08:09    0845 8450 150 Local Tel Cust Svc(0:20): does not connect: he cannot hear me: - 08:08:29 (0171 313 9727)

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 08:10:46    0845 8450 150 Local Tel Cust Svc(0:0 : same thing he cannot hear and keeps saying hello: - 08:10:54 (0171 313 9727)

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 08:12:32    0845 8450 150 Local Tel Cust Svc(03:31): Same voice as the guy before; told him about two calls and apologized; he said that he could hear someone but it was very faint (believe that this is because the phones are tapped);  explained the situation; just ignore the contract because that was sent out automatically; asked about the charge for accounts raised with no payment authority in place; he said that they would make certain that this would not occur; gave him my Cust ID CHAN008:- 08:16:07 (0171 792 9772).  

Both lines were very faint this am; the primary one that I used for the 3rd call did not recognise the number at first; then it did on the second try; it was also faint.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 08:19:26    Rebooting sys to restore RcvMgr; there were footsteps above as I finished the tel call and was writing the above.

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 08:21:08    Door squeak in Walkway.  

Removed Clox2000 and SpellWrite from the Startup menu; added SK95.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 08:29:59    Someone is calling the dog’s name from outside and it starts to bark; this is what has to stop; it is a deliberate effort to make the dog bark and disturb.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 08:33:03    Voices out front; sound the same as the one that called the dog’s name.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 08:37:11    Noises below.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 08:43:19    Video on and fine now; all cleared.  

Reviewing SK95; moved magazines from paper stack to bed (there’s a lot of them in a short time); printed 1999 calendar from SK95; printing did not make a sound.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 08:52:40    Post: Info Week; Java Vision; Internet World 99 mailing; Save the Children (already registered for this).  

Sorting and reviewing post whilst completing printing of 1999 calendar (not a squeak at all).  Reading InfoWeek.

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 09:24:48    Door slam below.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 09:32:52    Dog barking below.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 09:33:10    Door lock snap below.  

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 09:34:59    System blew up in Quicken while scrolling through the tips contents; rebooted; Scandisk;

Wed, 12 May 1999 - 09

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