


        Monday, 2nd August 1999 Week 31

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 04:24:05    Another long and fascinating dream just before I woke now; trying to move house and meet the deadline for the movers but did not succeed; actually I was renting a truck but there were none available for when I needed it at four pm; meeting of everyone at 3 pm; left it for awhile and was returned; it was a move from KH; all involved; interfered with.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 04:30:53    Auto goes by outside from here to there; it was perfectly quiet for awhile after waking up until this; think that there were fewer autos tonight; getting light now;

It has been a hot, sticky night after a hot sticky weekend

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 04:54:58    Crouched into the bathroom for a pit stop; I made not a bit of noise and heard nothing from elsewhere; into small room for stats; light switch on and off noise plus a very little bit from te scales

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 04:54:58    Wt 202; Elec 35,612.5; Gas 12.645

                looked through the peephole but saw nothing; back into the bathroom to put on trousers; crouched back into the living room picking up note book from bed on the way putting it noiselessly on the table and myself into the chair;

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 05:00:31    Back into the chair;

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 05:03:04    Saved last night’s video: 080299_050134.mv2

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 05:06:34    Rebooting to refresh resources; all progs loaded OK; video on capture; MC by near wall stairs;

Edit/spell check last night’s diary

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 05:16:19    Silver auto goes by from the other end heading this way: 080299_-051618.mv2.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 05:17:22    Another silver auto (not same one) goes by from other end heading this way 020899_051719.mv2.

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 05:20:48    Door noise from Walkway/below.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 05:43:32    Finished the edit/spell check for last night’s diary.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 05:47:07    Bendix gear scrapes as engine started; red car departs heading the other way: 080299_054734.mv2; hit F3 too soon but got one perfect frame   Auto trying to be as quiet as possible but did not work.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 05:49:41    Noise below; bar/grate sound maybe;

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 05:50:56    Another noise from distant Walkway way; perhaps front door closing; slight vehicle door slam outside afterwards sounded like but could not be related;

Discovery    Not run
Seti        8.880% done; 65:11:35.8 CPU time;  
eSafe        Not run

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 05:58:50    Crouched into the kitchen to fix grapefruit and oatmeal; got stuff from fridge; one measured cup of noiseless hot water into the oatmeal pot; on to boil while slicing grapefruit; off to one side; put stuff away in fridge; crouched back into the living room;

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 06:03:30    Back into chair; update;

SB3 to edit daily Times URL for d/ld;  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 06:08:31    Blue truck goes by coming from the other end: 080299_-060834.mv2.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 06:13:53    Auto goes by from this end to the other: 080299_061354.mv2.

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 06:15:14    Noises overhead; foot stomps on floor followed by a sharp noise of hard object heading the floor; up, up and away for another day.

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 06:16:42    Vehicle door sound outside; followed by a second lesser one;

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 06:17:18    Crouched into the kitchen to throw away grapefruit rind and get oatmeal; new water bottle from fridge; poured out oatmeal just as  vehicle door slam outside kitchen window; engine start; sound of something like a radio; crouched back to the chair in case it went by on road outside;

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 06:18:40    Back into the chair; vehicle did not depart from this end to the other; update;

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 06:20:52    White truck comes from the other direction heading this way just like the Blue Truck; this one looked like the one Louie has been associated with in the past: 080299_062054.mv2

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 06:22:34    Crouched into the kitchen to finish getting oatmeal; filled pot with noiseless hot water; sliced banana onto the oatmeal; crouched back into the living room;

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 06:24:57    Back into the chair just as an MC goes by coming from the other end; update; eating oatmeal w/ banana.

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 06:27:15    Three vehicle door slams outside; followed by engine start after a pause; red car with sun roof departs: 080299_062816.mv2

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 06:28:50    Silver wagon with sun roof comes from the other end heading this way: 080299_062849.mv2

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 06:32:09    Red car comes from the other end heading this way: 080299_063210.mv2.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 06:34:44    0845 764 0000 64k BT Internet(01:01:12):; SB3: Times (wrong date); Tele; Times (right date); Tele (again); FT; Guar (NSPCC); SB3 closed; OE5: Synch all 107: Email: nil; NG: BT Internet; Corel; Intel; 07:35:57

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 06:35:45    Crouched into the kitchen to rinse the oatmeal dish and pot with noiseless hot water and cold water that made not a sound in the wall water pipes; crouched back into the living room;

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 06:37:40    Back into the chair; wrong date in Times URL for d/ld; did Tele and tried to change at same time but reverted to Times d/ld again;  change the Times URLs online; back to start d/ld again; update;

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 06:46:02    Finished update above.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 06:49:34    Door slam below.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 06:53:52    Very faint noises out front; sound like might be from balcony below.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 06:56:34    Thud from below that vibrates the room; might have been front window below sliding shut; could also explain the noise I heard from possible balcony below; also could indicate that they read what I wrote; unless it is someone leaving as in . . .

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 06:57:34    Door slam below;  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 07:00:49    Door slam below followed by very loud, hard bar/grate clank;  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 07:04:50    Very hard stomping around below; is that the “S” doing it as she has done in the past?  Had she just noted the NSPCC article that I looked at?

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 07:05:13    Door noise below;

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 07:07:36    Door slam below with double hit followed by bar/grate clank.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 07:11:16    Dog barks below; must have recognised someone outside.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 07:17:49    Dog barking below.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 07:26:21    Couple thuds from below.

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 07:32:25    Beep outside just after a noisy vehicle went by  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 07:34:04    A very long, loud rolling above followed by a hit of a door shutting; must have been the wardrobe closing; nice to wake everyone this am like that;

Quick review after d/ld: no Email; NG: BT Internet NG 1:

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 07:38:49    Crouched into the bathroom for a dump and a bath; top up tub with a bit of noiseless hot water; just before I turned it on, there was a sound of water flowing down the drain pipe but no refill noise; waited for it then turned on hot water with initial bubble noise after refill noise did not materialise; hot water tank refill noise for short bit; I made just a little sound; natural and unavoidable but that was all; turned off hot water into tub; flushed toilet; put limescale remover in bowl; put hose and washcloth in sink; into tub for a nice soak and dozed off for a short while; making a small click with my tongue while breathing in that position; heard noise from below and double click light switch noise which stopped when I started to wash my hair; shaved; washed; drained tub while still in it; dried; wiped out tub; brushed hair; very few noises except at end; post came through just as I started to drain tub; picked it up in hall and pushed cardboard back into the box behind mail flap as I crouched into the kitchen for clean underwear and put on my trousers there; dog started barking below as I crouched back from the kitchen to the bathroom; must see someone it recognises outside; got glasses and crouched back into the living room;

                Post: Computer Contractor; Voice Europe 99 mailing; Barc GDC acct stmt.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 08:40:41    Back into chair; update

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 08:43:19    Door snap from Walkway.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 08:56:44    Finished update above with sweat pouring off me;

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 09:01:46    Door snap/noise below.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 09:05:05    Dog barking below.  

Sorting and reviewing post; reading d/ld pubs: Guar: NSPCC fear of strangers campaign; air rage;

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 09:07:57    Hard, loud door slam below

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 09:21:52    Crouched into the kitchen to fix lunch (and dry off); got stuff from fridge; two measured cups of noiseless hot water into the brown rice and green lentils bowl; sliced chilli pepper, ginger, garlic; curry powder; sliced onion (rinsed it and plate in noiseless hot water), potato, carrot, ½ broccoli; put stuff away; down to simmer; crouched into the bathroom to brush hair and scrub toilet; crouched back into the living room;

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 09:44:44    Back into the chair; update; back to sweating;  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 09:51:36    Door slam in Walkway;

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 09:54:00    Finished update above; reading d/ld pubs;  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 09:58:04    Sound of MC departing from the Estate out by the near wall stairs area; probably “that” MC; did not see it

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 10:00:46    Auto pulls up beeping away;  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 10:05:20    Quick, crouched (each way) round trip into kitchen to check on cooking food: OK.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 10:12:00    Finished reading the d/ld pubs (browsed for a bit only);  

Reading NG: BT Internet:

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 10:14:10    Squeaking door below back and forth a couple times.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 10:27:49    Crouched into the kitchen to get lunch; voices outside the kitchen window; filled pot with noiseless hot water; crouched back into the living room;

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 10:31:49    Back into the chair; update;  

Brown rice and green lentils; potato; carrot, ½ broccoli; onion; chilli pepper; ginger; garlic; curry powder;

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 10:55:10    Lock snapping/hits below; now hits going on and on;

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 10:55:27    Beep outside the kitchen window as the hitting continues

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 11:06:48    Crouched into the kitchen to rinse the lunch plate and pot in noiseless hot water and cold water that made not a sound in the wall water pipes; crouched back into the living room;

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 11:09:29    Back into the chair; update;  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 11:29:06    Dozing off; broke wind accidentally when asleep; woke me up; cannot help it sometimes;  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 11:29:51    Moved over to the bed and slept right thru flat on my back waking up only a couple times but went back to sleep promptly each time; exhausted and just slept until I could no any more; all is very quiet for a change, and I was not disturbed;

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 12:48:28    Got up finally and moved back to the chair after 1.25 hour’s snooze.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 12:52:08    Crouched into the bathroom for a pit stop; made not a bit of noise; took off my trousers and very lightly hit the side of the tub make a very slight noise; into the bedroom to put on trousers; crouched into the kitchen with sweat trousers and laid out to dry on counter under window; it is so hot and humid in here that the tops of the legs that got wet from my seating arms which rest on them while typing did not dry while asleep; should have done so took them off to dry by the window where there is an ever so slight breeze.

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 12:56:54    Door slam below just as I sit down back in the chair; finally there is noise below; very usually not to have a continuous cacophony of sound from there; maybe came in from outside waiting to hear some extraordinary noise from me caused by a nightmare and talking in my sleep; update;  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 13:01:21    Finished above update;

Reading NG: BT Internet; added some stuff to BP’s Email.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 13:08:04    Door slam below

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 14:52:17    Crouched into the kitchen to fix spag; got stuff from fridge; filled pot with noiseless hot water and brought it to a boil; filled water bottle with cold water that made not a sound in the wall water pipes; added spag and waited for it to cook; drained; added Passata w/ basil tom sauce; filled pot with noiseless hot water; put stuff away; changed trousers from the now wet ones (put under kitchen window) to the now dry ones (from under the kitchen window); crouched back into the living room;

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 15:18:00    Back into chair; update; eating spag; sweating away again.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 15:33:16    Quick, crouched (each way) round trip into the kitchen to rinse the spag plate and pot in noiseless hot water;  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 16:13:39    Dog barking below.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 16:21:12    Dog barking below.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 16:22:25    Dog barking below.

Change the setting for NG msgs held from infinity to 62 days; cleaning up the NG; no I accidentally went into FS and it is cleaning them all out; way over 62 days; yup, they are all going down the tubes.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 16:54:45    Dozed off while OE5 cleans up FS; child wakes me again; voices start outside kitchen window; vehicle idling too as talking goes on;

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 16:58:32    Sounded like the name “Frank” was mentioned by a female; some clanking in the Walkway;  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 17:07:37    Lots of screaming and laughter from the group yakking away under the kitchen window.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 17:12:50    Byes all around; bye “Charlie”; auto leaves with a beep; dog starts beeping.  

Exploring NG for addition: jobs, etc.

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 17:35:03    Dog barks a couple times below.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 17:37:21    Door slam below.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 17:38:45    Door slam below.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 18:05:36    0845 764 0000 64k BT Internet(01:2 :; OE5: Email: FS 2: Free Pint Bar 343-346; NewsScan; BT 1: Kennedy Centre August: 18:07:05

Reading Email;

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 18:15:04    Pounding away below; nice that we are being disturbed already; anticipation of things to come?  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 18:26:08    Door slam below.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 18:42:25    The Cackler lets out a huge cackle outside to the left; the small dog from 541 starts barking over there; the dog below starts whining in recognition that it is being left out seeing the Cackler over there;  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 18:52:01    Door slam in Walkway followed by a very loud, heavy El Rollo directly above to bring to my attention the skills of harassment which are designed to cause great distress, nightmares and taking in my sleep so that they can then point their collective finger at me and yell “woooooo” and “woooooo”.  This is now followed by stomping around overhead.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 18:55:01    Scraping overhead; sounds like metal on metal.  

Reading NG for selections; listening to Winamp music.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 19:32:00    Shrouded monitor; getting dark outside from the overcast;

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 19:36:40    Foot stomping directly overhead as I lay back relaxing in the chair listening to music.

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 20:15:27    Video OK; capture on.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 20:16:50    Moved noiselessly and safely over to the bed with the notebook for some daydreams.  

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 20:32:35    Nice foot stomps directly above to see if I was asleep and if he could do damage with a nightmare and talking in my sleep while waking me up. But no I was awake and sat up to note the attempt.

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 21:00:43    Two foot stomps above; keeping track of everything up there.

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 21:06:10    Door slam below; hard, loud; just as thumping music starts; foot stomps above walking back and forth were mostly continuous.

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 21:22:08    Two very loud lock snaps below; stomping around above a couple mins ago just after the music ended

[To sleep for just over an hour but rudely awakened by noises both outside and above]

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 22:35:36    Lots of shouting and yelling outside amid the guys; one out on the road and up a bit; guy out front talking to him; some distance and yelling; said things like “WordPerfect” and “Road Runner”; they are talking away; they do this to wake me?

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 22:36:54    Ends with a “Have a nice . . .”; talking stops immediately and stomping above starts

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 22:41:54    Door slam in Walkway; could be below or upstairs; before this the foot stomping above was continuous with the faint sound of voices jabbering away coming from the Walkway as if coming out of a door out there.

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 22:53:14    Stomping back and forth overhead followed by a furn scrape; more or less continuous foot stomping that had two distinct stomps a few mins ago when I was laying on my back with my arm over my  face as if to wake me by disturbing me; foot stomping continues during the entire time I wrote this.

Mon, 2 Aug 1999 - 23:05:43    Voices coming in from outside again; faint but definitely there; male mostly but female too.

[Looks like I got about 4.5 hours sleep here; with that initial interrupted hour that’s about 5.5 hours from a period of about 7 hours which should have been all sleep; shows the deprivation and wake up that is caused by the constant harassment]

    Tuesday, 3rd August 1999

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 03:24:06    Strange noise outside like an engine starting with a faulty Bendix; thought I might have seen light vaguely on; perhaps the departure of a vehicle but not really certain; had been laying awake and just about to sit up to write when this happened; had a nice, long dream but now cannot remember; had to do with the Air Force; woke up at the end of it but do not think that I talked in my sleep; felt like I woke up just as I had gone to sleep; this was an unusual night with a very deliberate attempt and success to wake me but not certain if I talked in my sleep; very curious conversation from just in front to someone in the distance; with unusual words  noted; after that back to sleep and relatively undisturbed for the rest of the night so far; very tired and needed the night’s sleep

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 03:30:11    Door slam below; dull thud.

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 03:53:03    An auto pulled up right on cue a few mins ago; passed the test.

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 04:06:50    Crouched into the bathroom for a pit stop; there was the slightest of chain noises from below but distinct; a chain like the one on a plug in the sink or bathtub hitting the side of these; I made not a sound nor heard anything else; crouched back into the living room;

                there were two sounds of autos or vehicle; just as I was leaving the bathroom in the far distance sounded like a vehicle departed or went by n Bramley; after I got back to the bed and had just started type there was another vehicle sound in the Bramley Ro direction just as thee was right now of a vehicle starting from a stopped position but very fain and in the distance.

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 04:09:45    Back onto the bed; update;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 04:11:40    Very distinct noise from below; a kind of double hit; no doubt abut it; someone is there awake and observing.

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 05:01:47    Loud noise from nearby; something being slammed.

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 05:02:57    Moved over to the table with the notebook and myself into the chair soundlessly and safely. As it gets light outside but still dull; must be overcast still.

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 05:04:24    Saved last night’s video 080399_050255.mv2; video froze at the start;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 05:08:36    Rebooting sys to restore resources; all progs reloaded OK;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 05:10:02    Vehicle went by during reboot

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 05:15:18    Video reset OK; noise from below; another hit or slam;

Edit/spell checked last night’s diary.  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 05:19:12    Another noise from below; thud in the small room area;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 05:26:46    MC went down the footpath and off the Estate sounded like just after an auto went by; caught the auto 080399_052635.mv2 but missed the MC

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 05:28:22    Another auto goes by: 080399_052824.mv2

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 05:30:15    Auto goes by 080399_053016.mv2

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 05:31:46    Very faint sound of something above followed by a hit; most likely the shutting of a window that rolled and hit the end when closed.

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 05:41:14    Finished edit/spell check for last night’s diary;  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 05:41:43    Crouched into the small room for stats; heard a noise like door slam from the Walkway; looked out peephole but saw nothing; heard whistling though; into small room; light switch noise on and off; scales made a bit of noise;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 05:47:19    Wt 202; Elec 35,618.7; Gas 12.660

                put on trousers; sound again from Walkway like bar/grate clank; looked out peephole again; heard male and female voices talking from somewhere drifting out into the Walkway; into bathroom to brush hair; crouched back into the living room; .

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 05:45:18    Back into the chair; update;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 05:53:31    Crouched into the kitchen to fix grapefruit and oatmeal; got stuff from fridge; vehicle left from outside kitchen window but went the other way from a bit of distance too in that direction; one measured cup into the oatmeal pot; put on to boil while slicing the grapefruit; took off; put away stuff; crouched back into the living room;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 05:59:13    Back into the chair; update; eating grapefruit;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 05:59:54    White top comes back going from this end to the other: 080399_055944.mv2

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 06:01:34    Door slam below; bar/grate clank

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 06:03:03    Vehicle door slam outside; engine starts; Blue Truck creeps into left side of frame; backs up; turns around outside of the frame and departs out Bramley Rd: 080399_060336.mv2

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 06:09:02    White panel truck with ladders on top comes this way from the other end: 080399_060904.mv2

SB3 edit daily Times for d/ld

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 06:15:24    Vehicle door slam outside; hood up on auto parked by near wall stairs kerb; lights flash as unlocked; sporty green type auto;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 06:16:52    Gets something from boot (rag/towel); slams it;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 06:19:27    0845 764 0000 64k BT Internet(54:19):; OE5: Synch all 107: Email: FS 2: Intel; GS Alumnus Qs; NG: BT Internet; Intel; Corel; SB3: Times; Tele; FT; Guar; 07:13:46

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 06:20:31    Guy continue to work on auto outside (boot and hood both open) as another vehicle engine starts under kitchen window;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 06:21:43    Vehicle outside kitchen window turns around and departs the other way down Bramley as guy with auto out front closes boot and hood; gets in and sits;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 06:23:50    Tail lights come on for auto out front; departs: 080399_062420.-mv2.  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 06:25:49    Crouched into the kitchen to throw away grapefruit rind and get oatmeal w/ banana; filled pot with noiseless hot water; sliced banana onto the oatmeal; rinsed fingers in noiseless hot water; crouched back into the living room to put trousers from under kitchen window on bed; crouched back into the kitchen to throw away rubbish; crouched back into the living room

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 06:29:27    Back into the chair; update; eating oatmeal;  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 06:35:47    Silver auto comes this way from the other end: 080399_063544.-mv2

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 06:37:20    Dark wagon type auto goes from this end to the other: 030899_063715.mv2;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 06:38:10    Finished above update;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 06:38:58    Dull red sunroof auto comes from other end heading this way; missed capture;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 06:40:01    Silver wagon with sunroof comes from other end heading this way: 030899_063958.mv2

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 06:44:03    Bright red sunroof square back comes by from other end: 080399_064402.mv2;  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 06:45:33    Crouched into the kitchen to rinse the oatmeal plate and pot in noiseless hot water and cold water that made not a sound in the wall water pipes; heels walking along outside the kitchen window; crouched back into the living room;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 06:47:26    Back to chair just as the door slams below; update;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 06:49:53    Vehicle door noise outside;  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 06:52:50    Light rumble across the ceiling from the floor above.  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 06:53:33    Door noise below.  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 06:57:13    Door slam below with its double hit;  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 06:58:51    Door slam below with double hit; auto goes by at the same time: 080399_065852.mv2

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 06:59:43    Door slam below.  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 07:05:49    Dog barking below as feet stomp around overhead/below(?);  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 07:07:09    0171 490 2200 Barc PC Bank Upd(01:3 : PCUR 9.57 Sains cleared; 6.00 Add Fee posted:  07:08:47

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 07:08:14    Dog barking away below.  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 07:14:18    Video reset; capture on;  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 07:14:48    Crouched into the bedroom with the dried trousers; clanking coming from Walkway; looked out peephole but saw nothing; into the bathroom for a dump; made almost no noise whatsoever; clanking continued from Walkway until just after a door slamm and sound of it being locked; clanked a few more times then stopped followed by front door slamming; the dog below then started barking; must have recognised whoever left out front; flushed toilet; put limescale remover in bowl; into bedroom to dress; crouched into kitchen to wash hands; crouched back into the living room;  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 07:25:45    Back into chair; update; finished dressing

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 07:31:30    Set video capture on screen saver; OK; shutdown notebook.  

    Put notebook in briefcase; crouched w/ briefcase and carryalls into halls; crouched back for shirt and crouched back out to hall with it; put on shirt; got hairbrush from bathroom; cleaned hair out and put in toilet (oops; stopped scrubbing); put shirt on and hairbrush in carryalls; unlocked doors;

0740    Out; locked doors; no one in sight or hearing; walked down to the middle stairs and down them facing this way; still saw no one; back out the other end to Bramley (starting to rain; sprinkled for about an hour all the way to Norfolk Square) and around corner to the path (changed glasses at bench) to Silchester and Lancaster Rds out to Lad Gro; up to Elgin Crescent and straight across Portobello Rd this time along Colville Terrace all the way to Walmer and its Castle; walked up in the continuing sprinkle to West Gro; down in the never ending sprinkle to Queensgate; walked down under cover by the indoor Mall’s pavement awnings; turned left to go over the usual route to Craven Hill and straight on the Praed St; turned right at Norfolk to the Square and managed to find a dry bench in the middle;  

0840    Settled into Norfolk Square for a rest and hopefully a bit of drying out from the sprinkling rain that has stopped (at least in this area); sat for a good bit resting; got up finally feeling wet from the rain; jacket was wet;

0905    Walked across Norfolk St (guess that is what it was) and saw a street through the centre of the block; Conduit Street; walked down it and out right by Charlie’s who was there cutting someone’s hair with another sitting in the chair; asked how much to cut “this lot” and he said 7.50; told him I would be back since I had to go to the bank; walked down Sussex toward Edgware Rd to go to Barclays but realised that I would not have enough time to get to the Hamm ESJ;

0920    Turned back on Sussex near Edgware road and came all the way back to Lancaster Gate; into the park and walked diagonally to Round Pond; past the front of Ken Palace; on straight thru to Ken Church St; down past the Elephant and Castle; walked down past the Library at the Town Hall to Ken Hi Street and across in front of Boots;

0950    Browsed through Barretts for a pair of shows; they had some on sale and would have gotten pair for myself at 19.99 but wrong size; walked on down Ken Hi St to Edwards Sq and down and around; pub looks like it is being beautifully redone; did not walk past it; went down the south side of Edwards Square; turned left at its end and down to Pembroke Rd near the RBK&C Offices; over to Warwick Rd and Tesco at Cromwell Rd;

1020    West Ken Tesco for some food (3.44 5 cheese flavoured bagels; 2 kg green lentils; 700 kg curry powder);  

1035    Started to sprinkle just as I left Tesco to walk west on Cromwell Rd eating my bagels; walked all the way to Hamm bus/tube station (ate just 3 bagels); rain stopped along the way; walked thru the bus/tube stop mall area to the other side and Kings Road; down it to the Kings Mall and WH Smith;

1105    Browsed the pc magazines and got the four pubs I wanted (13.22 Sep: PC Mag; PC Direct; PC Plus; PCW) and post (0.76 four 2nd class stamps); walked thru the Kings Mall to the escalators and out the back; gents closed due to vandalism and could not brush hair; out back via the lift and to the Hamm ESJ

1125    Not too early this time an no queue; apparently they are working for a change as there were a number of them signing people on; guy at the very end signed me on; slightly fat with very short hair; nice guy; did not ask me a thing; just signed me on; had said hello and he asked how I was; “wet” I said but “OK”; thanked him and left;

1130    I was getting very tired and worn out from almost four hours of walking; it was a slog home but made it via Tusseley Rd underpass; Shep Bush Rd; Netherwood Rd; Rockley Rd to Shep Bush Green; walked over to the big crossing by the mall entrance and crossed to the tube station entrance going up to the subway and thru to the Ed Woods Est area; walked thru Ed Woods; up Freston Rd to Bramley Rd and the Bramley doors; the doors were still unlocked; that is now two weeks without locked bldg doors; young black guy coming down Walkway at the Bramley doors end as I entered; passed him on my way to the entrance area stairs and up; white woman just coming form 505/6 direction below; woman in 505 kitchen working; bar/grate below open; next door kitchen window open and child inside walking around as curtain blew out revealing him/her; as I was unlocking my door the oriental lady and child came up behind to go upstairs; she made a coughing noise; unlocked door; put stuff inside; saw them going up the stairs as I closed the door; I had passed them on the pavement outside the bldg just after I had crossed Bramley to this side; using the Bramley doors would have been much faster for them as I walked all the way up there and back before they walked around and into the front door;

1215    Home.  Post (on rtn): Zetafax six mailing; crouched with notebook to the chair; took off jacket in the kitchen and changed glasses; hung up jacket; crouched back into the hall for the carryalls and crouched them into the kitchen; took out mags; put on chair; took out food; put away; filled glass with cold water that made not a sound in the wall water pipes; decided not to cook anything yet; crouched back into the living room;

    Took notebook from brief case; put it on table and put briefcase around by book case in a crouching manner; into chair and took off shoes and t-shirt; door slammed below just as I was connecting the notebook and brought back sys from the depths of monitor power down;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 12:25:07    Notebook running and sys set OK; MC still by near wall stairs;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 12:26:07    Crouched into the bedroom to change off clothes; into bathroom to brush hair; crouched back into living room;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 12:29:17    Back into chair; update;

Reviewed this am’s video: 0736 to 1229; big gap between 0730 and 0830; why?  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 12:37:56    Think an MC just went up the front footpath.  

Sorting and reviewing PC (4) magazines purchased at WH Smith;  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 13:18:34    Finished initial review of PC magazines (4);  

Discovery    Not run
Seti        19.480% doe; 96:29:26.8 CPU Time
eSafe        Not run

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 13:23:37    Door slam below;  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 13:26:29    Door slam below;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 13:37:12    Door slam below; bar/grate clanking;  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 13:42:06

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 13:45:32    Back to chair; poured water; voices outside; subdued making them all the more telling; eating last two cheese bagels;

Reviewing file management for extra 20-30 Mb used on C; this weekend (8 Mb for sound recording last week);  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 14:12:50    Cleared NC memory and cache files; go rid of 577 files or 18 MB in a flash; that was what was used extra on C:\ in a flash; now have 162 Mb on C:; the 8 Mb will take it right back to 170 Mb

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 14:24:37    Moved 8 Mb recorded file to E:\Audio; c: back up to 170 Mb avail.

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 14:26:08    Door slam below.  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 14:28:44    In c:\download\eSafe: removed esp1.exe since espd2.1 is now there and installed; also took out oxrupd.exe (virus list update) AO 01.06 since oxrupd 31.07.99 (as 14.07.99) is now there; freed about 10.7 Mb for C: which (after emptying recycle bin) has 184 Mb free and F: has 179 Mb free.  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 14:35:58    Crouched into the kitchen to rinse of the bagel dish and finish water in glass on sink; crouched into the bathroom for a pit stop; I made not a bit of noise; noises from kitchen next door; thumps and thuds of someone working in there; the sound of a faint woman’s voice says something; the guy in the kitchen replies “Oi, enjoy yourself” followed by more talking back and forth between the faint woman’s voice and the guy in the kitchen as he makes more noises working in there; crouched out to the door to look through the peephole; the guy then says “Is everything all right now” and there is a faint answer from the woman’s voice; that’s all; crouched back into the living room;

This is either stunning news or a decoy; has “Oi” gone to reside next door during the day instead of below and why; isn’t her own home good enough?; this rings a bell with “your room” hear from out the kitchen window and faint responses then too; is she watching the monitor there now?

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 14:41:30    Back into the chair; update;  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 14:56:25    Door slam below.  


L&H French Assistant: ser no 610105416: OK;

Enfish Tracker (Enfish Technology\-Enfish Tracker); need SWA Decompressor Xtra from Macromedia, Inc (, contact;
Problem with the file: E:\Director\ovrVeiw4.dir; 32671!; running the Enfish Tracker Agent; program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down; locked out and won’t respond for details or to close; reset;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 14:59:15    Dog barking below;  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 15:36:03    Reset system after Enfish Tracker Agent blew up and locked out the system; beep; scandisk; all progs loaded OK and Enfish Tracker Agent comes back buzzing away still; going to be awhile;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 15:44:39    Loud beep from someone outside in the road who must have just pulled up;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 15:45:50    Crouched into the bathroom for a pit stop; I made not a bit of noise nor heard anything from anywhere else; as I was leaving looked out the peephole and heard voices and noises coming from the next door kitchen; two females (young and old) sounded like; could not understand what they were saying; started back into the living room when I heard a loud noise from the Walkway; went back to the peephole; but only the curtain blowing out of the next door kitchen window along with the sound of voices; crouched back into the living room;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 15:49:52    Back into the chair; update; Enfish Tracker Agent gyrates onward; quick browse thru PC Direct; F: drive down to123 avail from 179.

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 16:04:27    As the sound of voices came from over to the left, I crouched into the kitchen to fix “lunch”; got stuff from the fridge; two measured cups of noiseless hot water into the brown rice (opened new pkg brown rice) and green lentils; got a solid stomp on the floor directly above me in the kitchen by the sink; letting me know that they are watching my every move in order to terrorise and cause as much distress as possible; sliced chilli pepper, ginger, garlic; curry powder;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 16:23:04    Simmer; voices were talking outside during the above; one sounded like the older guy from below.  

                sliced onion (rinsed it and plate in noiseless hot water), potato, carrot, ½ broccoli; put stuff away; rinsed fingers in hot noiseless water; crouched back into the living room;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 16:28:00    Back in the chair; update;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 16:38:13    Guy just yells by the wall as the voices chatter on over there to the left;  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 16:41:07    Finished above update;

Reading PC Mag, PCW and PC Plus for descriptions and selections of which progs to install while Enfish Tracker Agent keeps on rolling.  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 16:55:36    Lock snap below;  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 17:01:42    Door slam below followed by a second thud sound.  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 17:01:57    Oops now a loud third thud of a door slamming below.  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 17:08:55    Crouched into the kitchen (putting magazines on bed and crouching back to set time on notebook) to get “lunch”; filled pot with noiseless hot water; crouched back into the living room;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 17:11:54    Dog is barking as I got back into the chair; update; dog keeps on barking; must see someone outside it recognises;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 17:14:45    Very loud, hard El Rollo directly over me designed to officially start tonight’s terror campaign intended to cause as much distress as possible resulting in nightmares and talking in my sleep; young children playing outside (yelling and screaming);  

Brown rice and green lentils; potato, carrot, ½ broccoli, onion, chilli pepper, ginger, garlic, curry powder;

Reading PC Plus for progs

Dexeng (Enfish Tracker Agent module) has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down. Dexeng cause an invalid page fault in module Kernel32.exe at 0167:bff886b6.  Enfish Tracker goes on analysing Files: D: E: F:

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 17:29:16    Dog barking below; someone stomping around down there too;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 17:36:02    Dog is barking away below again.  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 17:40:43    Dog is barking away below.  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 17:45:39    Door slam below.  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 17:51:39    Dog is barking away below as the music thumps and sounds from there as well (must be making an important phone call).  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 17:54:57    Dog is barking away below again.  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 18:06:12    The music has finally stopped below; finished the “loud” phone call?  Dog hasn’t barked in a bit of time too; what a relief.

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 18:08:28    Crouched into the kitchen to rinse the “lunch” plate and pot in noiseless hot water; moved the stack of magazines from the top of the paper stack to an area by the bed next to the door; it is over two feet high; had to move it to keep from falling over eventually; was very heavy; took several trips (6 to ;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 18:14:56    Back into chair just as the door slammed below; update;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 18:15:57    Stomping across the floor as someone arrives; comes all the way over above me and then stomps back in the direction to the door;  did whoever come from underneath to up above to see what I was doing(?);  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 18:18:39    Dog barks below; pauses then starts up again;  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 18:26:10    Dog barking below.

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 18:28:00    Crouched over to the bed to lie down and stretch out for a bit; relax me and my stomach that is a bit tight now after eating on top of the five bagels this am and pm; want to avoid stomach pain if I can; and to let Enfish Tracker Agent track on;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 18:32:42    Following a very loud, hard door slam below; I crouched over to and back from the table with the notebook to the bedside to take notes; after these disturbances; first the dog started barking; second the door slammed below; third it was slammed as hard as possible; obviously to disturb me since I had laid down;

There were hits below and stomping around as I was relaxing initially and before I dozed off just now;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 18:51:16    The girls are back out front with rhythmic clapping and screaming very loudly; nice work to wake me like that because it succeeded; they stop now as I sit up to write this;  

There was auto action of pulling up and parking; door slams outside after the clapping and yelling stopped the first time

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 19:05:40    Door slam below; clapping seems to be continuing but very faint and remote; dog barks outside; one time only;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 19:06:28    Door slam below with double hit

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 19:07:23    Door slam below;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 19:07:56    Foot stomps on the floor directly above me; hit in the bathroom area;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 19:10:17    Door slam below.  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 19:11:29    Hit in the bathroom area; these are loud hits in the bathroom area like against a pipe.  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 19:15:02    Whooping and yelling outside amid a male voice saying something and stomping overhead at the same time.  

This disturbance was complete and totally kept me from enjoying the peace and quiet I am entitled to enjoy; this was all deliberate and co-ordinated; [and specifically timed to disrupt my rest when I laid down to relax.]

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 19:16:27    Hit in the bathroom again; loud and hard;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 19:17:41    Crouched with the notebook over to the table safely and soundlessly in an unobservable crouch;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 19:18:00    Just get three taps on the floor above in recognition of the success of the  disturbance; one tap; pause; double tap which were obviously deliberate; this came after foot stomps back and forth just after I moved over to the chair with the notebook to the table;

It has all been recorded for the sake of posterity;  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 19:20:06    Enfish Tracker Agent still analysing files: F: police siren screams out on Bramley Rd as it moves away;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 19:23:08    Video set; OK w/ capture;  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 19:23:44    Kids just went by deliberately making a face at the camera;  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 19:25:19    F: down to 112 Mb; really using up the space for Enfish Tracker;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 19:27:21    VW starts outside under the kitchen window and light blue bug departs heading the other way; guy and gal talking just before; said something about the “Department of Health” and he said “Really?” then she said “OK” as if she were leaving; must have gotten in the VW, started its engine and drove off.  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 19:28:35    Beeper outside; guy starts yelling here as a kid makes noises below; “Where’s your mother?” he asks; woman comes out below and says “How are you Frank?”; conversation continues; between the woman below and the road outside area or footpath; guy answering from the road direction; she says something about “. . . Frank” again; guy leaving and she says goodbye; white wagon with sun roof departs toward the other end of the road; dog is barking;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 19:31:06    Foot stomping continues above very loudly running back and forth;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 19:35:10    Dog is barking below.  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 19:41:32    Beeper arrives outside with many beeps; sounds like an MC parks out of sight at the end of the bldg;  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 19:49:41    Very loud bar/grate clank below followed by loud door slam with its double hit below.  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 19:51:12    Just saw an MC travel at speed up the footpath; wearing a white helmet and gunning the engine after it went by; first it came down the road from the other end to this end making its characteristic mosquito like sound; I sat up and activated the video before it climbed up the kerb and onto the Estate for its trip up the front footpath.  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 20:13:03    Feet moving around above in a shuffling activity; silent now but this was going on before amid footsteps; sounds like there are several people up there.  That’s why they wanted me awake; for observation;  

The brief rest such as it was helped my stomach enormously; the starting pain ended and now it will be a comfortable night of rest;  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 20:20:16    Crouched over to the bed with the notebook; put it on the bed and crouched into the bathroom for a pit stop; I made not a bit of noise but there was loud talking from overhead from the kids; several of them; that must have been the footsteps I heard and shuffling noises earlier; I went to the peephole to look out and heard one of them yell “Fuck you” then all was silent except some clinking noises that I thought came from the kitchen next door; crouched back into the living room;      

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 20:22:58    Back on the bed; update;  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 20:25:48    Finished above update; light noises on the floor above and just now a couple foot taps.  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 20:43:58    Very loud hit sounded like it came from outside; music thumping away; before that someone was pounding; ; that kept going for a bit;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 20:50:55    Furn scraping below

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 20:53:43    Couple of hard taps on the floor above; still at it up there; there are also the sound of male voices coming out form somewhere in front or maybe overhead on the balcony

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 20:56:01    Yeah, it’s these guys above who are jumping on the floor and talking loudly up there with their voices coming out the window above or they may be out on the balcony as well; these were the guys who were talking loudly and clearly through the bathroom ceiling when I went in there and who said “Fuck you” when I went to the front door to look out the peephole.  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 20:58:11    They have just repeated what I wrote nice and clearly for me to hear; that confirms their reading the screen; they are having trouble reading it because of my typing blind which omits characters and makes other mistakes; he just said “it looks like . . .” as he was trying to read it;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 21:00:05    Having just read that too; they blessed me with a solid loud and hard stomp on the floor;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 21:02:31    Double scrape on the floor above; preceded by a screwdriver hit and scrape; the voices got loud like they came out on the balcony.

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 21:07:48    Hit in the bathroom area and another r just as I start writing this

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 21:12:53    An MC just went down the front footpath; followed by a sound of voices from below; I had just broken wind at the same time but very quietly; sounds like they were at the balcony door below listening; then there was another hit in the bathroom area as I sat up to write this.

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 21:18:22    Very loud hit in the bathroom area as feet are running outside on the footpath. [Crouched over to the chair to check and reset the video]

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 21:35:03    Just finished rebooting the sys for the second time that was successful; all set for the night; there was a very hard, loud door slam below before that and one a few mins earlier; there was laughing outside as I brought the video online with my head under the shroud; don’t know if that was on the footpath or up above;

                it took two reboots after I answered the questions from Enfish about logging on to the Internet; only when connected; evidently the cataloguing finished OK and the F: drive had 106 Mb left not very good; I got blue screens initially when looking at the video and during the first reload so I rebooted a second time; OK and working fine

                during the entire time I was writing this, there was a solid and consistent stomping on the floor above; it did not cease and was obviously part of the continuing effort to harass and disturb me as much as possible; expect this night to be like that all night;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 21:39:13    The screwdriver now above also; voices drifting down as they read this.

Stomp, stomp, stomp stomp (1,2; 1,2,3 sequence; most definitely intentional)

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 21:46:08    Voices just went down the front footpath; the stompings and voices overhead have stopped; they must have gone out as they usually do about this time and to come back about one or two in the morning for more disturbances [I was wrong unless some left because there was at least one up there who continued with the harassment.]

Fell asleep for only 20-25 mins and was awoken by the intentional noise from a above]

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 22:11:09    Fell asleep only to be woken by the guy above pounding on the floor; this was the continuous taps that have now stopped with my sitting up; sound of voices laughing outside and talking; about the pounding most likely from above; woman talking with a guy now after those; auto pulls up and another comes back this way.

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 22:13:42    Hit from above; sounds like the bathroom and kitchen hits

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 22:19:36    Voices out on the road down a bit as they must be discussing the sound that just came from above; continuous pounding on the floor above to simulate sexual intercourse sounds for all to hear; this is carrying it a bit too far [but they have been doing this continuously]

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 22:29:18    Auto drives off after several doors slam and the talking ceases.

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 22:30:21    Pounding on the floor above as I scratch myself; full view and knows every single thing I do [continuous objections to anything I do that they do not like; this goes on all the time].  

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 22:36:37    Yelling of obvious delight plus two very hard solid thuds on the floor above.

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 22:47:30    Pol siren pulls up/goes by outside; stops out on Bramley anyway; talking continues out front; truck just pulled up from the other end to this end;

[I finally fell asleep for 4 hours after trying to get to sleep for 2.5 hours (the second time); check the video clip for this period; there was an extraordinary amount of traffic outside that I slept right through]

    Wednesday, 4th August 1999

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 02:35:26    Awake afer a nice, long dream; cannot remember now though; full moon outside; sounds like the sys is running; over to check; all is perfectly quiet;

[Over to the system to check video and reset]

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 03:07:40    Back to the bed from a sys reset and reboot; saved night’s video activity as 080499_024810.mv2; reviewed it from about 03/2242 to 04/0002 when it stopped; nothing else was running that I could tell; rebooted system;

                just after the FDD access noise, an auto started outside the kitchen window; it then backed up from there to the other end of the road with its headlights facing this way in the light of the full moon; no doubt now that there is an audio bug in here as he keyed on it with the FDD access noise;

                all progs reloaded OK; reset video fine and started capture; looked at Tracker to see if it had an auto scheduler; none; sys was going very slowly; about this time there was another noise from outside; a clank of some sort; believe that to be the one who just backed up and was still there watching; closed Tracker; just to be safe, reloaded video and reset capture;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 03:13:07    Noisy vehicle just went by from this end to the other; did not see tail lights on the window ceiling; wonder if it was travelling without its lights on.

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 03:14:15    Crouched into the bathroom for a pit stop; I made not a bit of noise; heard not a sound from anywhere else; crouched back into the living room

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 03:16:53    Back onto the bed; update;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 03:24:46    Auto goes by from this end to the other ; again no visible lights on the ceiling of the window.

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 03:31:38    Started coughing; something constricting my throat; crouched over to the chair for a drink of water;

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 03:34:14    Crouched back onto the bed; after a drink of water; vehicle just went by from the other end; saw it in the video; working fine with capture; crouched each way below file box level

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 03:47:48    Door slam below but remote at the same time; just followed something I heard behind me as I was trying to get back to sleep; not sure if that was for real or not but then the door slam followed immediately; no one fell for the test; they must have all gone back to bed.

[Got just 0.75 hour sleep here before being woken up]

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 - 04:33:31    Sounded like a loud scrape from below that woke me

[Might have dropped off for another 0.75 hours sleep but not certain]

[Total sleep for the night was the earlier 4 hours and these two snatches (plus the two very short bits earlier in the evening when I was woken up each time); however much they might have been]

Wed, 4 Aug 1999 - 05:15:09    Hit from below on the right wall (south) side of the room; crouched into the bathroom for a pit stop; I made not a sound; again there was that faint sound like a plug chain hitting the side of a tub or sink below; into the small room for stats; light switch on and off noises; scales made a crack when I stood on it;

Wed, 4 Aug 1999 - 05:15:09    Wt 202; Elec 35,624.4; Gas 12.768

                back into the bathroom to put on trousers; crouched into living room picking up notebook and moving it soundlessly and safely to the table; myself to the chair;

Wed, 4 Aug 1999 - 05:21:04    Back in the chair; update; all very quiet like they all decided to get some sleep for a change and let me rest which I certainly did.  

Wed, 4 Aug 1999 - 05:23:32    Saved the 2nd half video clip from last night: 080499_052324.-mv2

Wed, 4 Aug 1999 - 05:25:04    Rebooting sys to restore resources; lost camera and running very slowly; something in the background working away; all progs loaded OK;

Wed, 4 Aug 1999 - 05:33:25    Video set OK; whatever prog was chugging along has stopped;

Discovery        Not run

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