


    Monday, 30th August 1999 Week 35

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 04:39:29    A night of good rest and dreams; [awoke feeling like I lot of time had passed; it had; although the sleep was restless; recall dreaming and tossing and turning but did not really wake up much if at all]

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 04:54:40    Two vehicle door slams outside;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 04:59:05    Two more vehicle door slams with an engine start in the middle or what sounded like an engine; an auto goes by as I write; but no more vehicle noise outside; don’t think that there was a departure;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 05:00:15    Very quiet departure I think with the slightest of engine noises;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 05:09:45    Crouched into the bathroom for a pit stop; I made not a bit of nosie; did not hear anything from anywhere else either; into the small room for the stats; truck starting and going by on Bramley as I did so; light switch on and off noises; scales made a wee bit of noise;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 05:09:45    Wt 199; Elec 35,773.1; Gas 13.083

                put on trousers in small room; crouched back into the living room;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 05:16:17    Back onto the bed; update;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 05:18:50    Auto pulls up outside from Bramley;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 05:21:24    Crouched into the kitchen to get a bottle of water from fridge; crouched back into the living room picking up notebook from the bed and moving it soundlessly and safely to the table and myself into the chair;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 05:27:08    Rebooting sys after video failed with black screen and two blue error screens on load and unload; all progs reloaded OK

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 05:32:46    Loud vehicle just went by from here to there;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 05:35:07    Video reset OK with capture on;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 05:41:32    Crouched into the kitchen to get oatmeal; vehicle went by from there to here just as I entered the kitchen; got stuff from the fridge; one measured cup of noiseless hot water into the oatmeal pot; put on to boil; put stuff back into the fridge; set aside; crouched back into the living room;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 05:46:06    Back into the chair; update;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 05:55:20    Crouched into the kitchen to get oatmeal; filled pot with noiseless hot water; crouched back into the living room;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 05:58:04    Back into the chair; update;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 06:01:55    Vehicle just went by from here to there: 083099_060201.-mv2; also sounded like a vehicle just went by before this one coming from the other end this way with the two meeting at the end of the bldg unless this was a start up at the end of the bldg with a lot of noise;

Crouched into the kitchen to rinse the oatmeal pot and dish in noiseless hot water and cold water that made not a sound in the wall water pipes; crouched back into the living room;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 06:06:36    Back into the chair; update;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 06:09:21    Crouched into the bathroom for a nice bath and soak; turned on the hot water to top up; only a slight bit of squeaky air bubble clearing from hose; all quiet then hot water tank begins to refill; into bedroom to undress and leave trousers there; back into the bathroom; into the tub; drained sink; turned off hot water into tub; put wash cloth and nozzle into sink; soaked in tub relaxing and resting; washed hair; shaved; washed; drained tub while in it still resting and relaxing; wiped tub; dried; brushed hair; into bedroom to dress; crouched back into the living room;  

                    from about the middle of my bath there were loud noises from the rubbish area with someone putting the rubbish down the chute; there was also the sound of the bar/grate clanking directly below; the noise in the centre of the Walkway continued with voices; there were still noises from there as I went into the bedroom to dress; it sounds like the cleaner came very early to put the rubbish down and clean the area;  

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 07:20:02    Back into the chair; update;  

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 07:20:58    Vehicle just went by from here to there: 083099_072111.mv2

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 07:32:41    Vehicle just went by from there to here: 083099_073256.-mv2;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 07:43:31    0845 794 0000 64k BT Internet(05:31): NeoTrace: BC NET Vancouver; Email: FS 1: Free Pint Bar 469-475; BT rcvd 2:  Sprint abuse re shd go to Sprint Canada (this was Sprint Security); mail del sys re internic abuse rpt deliv delayed; sent 2: BT abuse re port scan by; BC.NET re Back Orifice scan by; 07:49:03

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 07:57:35    Voices out front on the footpath;  

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 07:59:26    System blew up; gremlins at work no doubt; beep; scandisk; all prog reloaded OK;  

Seti        3.192% done; 25:04:16.5 CPU time;  

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 08:09:41    Voices outside still; pause and there’s a loud series of comments from a young male voice outside.  

Reviewing Jammer; org History files and cleared current log;  SMTP Server:; From:; To:;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 08:32:23    Talking again outside; vaguely sounds like the same young male voice; could these voices be out on the balcony above(?);

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 08:52:28    Thuds above as someone moves in;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 09:07:43    Crouched into the kitchen to fix lunch; got stuff from fridge; two measured cups of noiseless hot water into the brown rice and green lentils pot; sliced chilli pepper, ginger, garlic; curry powder;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 09:20:53    Simmer;

                    sliced onion (rinsed it and plate in noiseless hot water), potato, carrot, ½ broccoli; put stuff away in fridge; got empty containers to wash later; crouched back into living room;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 09:29:49    Back into chair; update;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 09:34:22    Noise from below; a hit of sorts directly underneath;

Edit/spell checked last night’s diary;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 09:52:59    Noises above; footsteps and thuds;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 10:02:03    Noises now from below in the small room wall area;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 10:06:10    Crouched into the kitchen to get lunch; filled pot with noiseless hot water; unrelated water sounds started in the wall below just afterwards; male voice coming in kitchen window; talking softly then laughs;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 10:09:53    Back into the chair; update;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 10:11:50    Finished update; sound of wheelie bin outside; activity above; scraping on the floor above and moving about;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 10:24:20    Voices out front; sounds like Screamer “I’m going now”; guy out front replies; she says “That’s right”; they go on talking; voices out front and on the side of the bldg under the kitchen window have been prevalent for the last several minutes;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 10:26:21    Now Screamer’s voice comes in thru kitchen window; “See ya lata” she says; sound of deep throated engine with apparent auto moving back and forth; departing and turning around to go out the other way to Bramley(?); was the Screamer outside then talking with a guy underneath who was inside(?); or were they both on the outside(?);

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 10:37:59    Finished edit/spell check for last night’s diary;  

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 10:41:14    Xferred diary.not to sys;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 10:51:34    Music starting in the distance; whistles start closer; its all coming again today only worse;  

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 11:01:12    Finished appending diary.not to 9934, spelling checking again; created 9935; copied both to notebook HDD;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 11:02:27    Music has gone for now; bit early; wait for another hour;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 11:04:40    Crouched into the kitchen to rinse the lunch dish and pot in noiseless hot water and cold water that made not a sound in the wall water pipes; rinsed the six fridge containers in cold water that made not a sound in the wall water pipes; crouched into the bathroom for a pit stop; not even the water tanks were refilling; there was no noise at all from the water usage in the kitchen; I made not a sound in the bathroom; did not hear anything else either; crouched back into the living room;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 11:11:10    Back into the chair; update;

Reviewing and filing Email; reading NG: BT Internet;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 11:30:08    Thunder music in the distance;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 11:47:05    Stomping across the floor above;  

IC24 0800 056 1560;; p/w; 0845 304 0510;;;;
IC24 DNS settings (brk & ch are on different sites):

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 12:02:12    0845 764 0000 64k BT Internet(10:54):; IE5:; registered: ic01xus00;; p/w; 0845 304 0510; 12:13:06

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 12:13:54    El Rollo above just as I finished the new registration;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 12:19:05    Crouched into the bathroom for a dump; I made not a bit of noise; someone comes down the stairs just before I depart; no further noises; suspiciously lurking after watching; will flush later; crouched into the kitchen to wash hands in noiseless hot water; crouched back into the living room;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 12:23:00    Back into chair; setting up IC24 DUN; copied T&C to Notebook file with Update info for DUN and connecting; updated above;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 12:43:19    0845 304 0510 64k IC24(00:27): accidentally got off when I closed the DUN dialler: 12:43:47; Four other connections after this shown in QD log; not sure if they are valid or not; check the View My Bill Tmrw am;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 12:51:05    The sound truck music is getting underway full blast now;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 12:55:05    0845 304 0510 64k IC24(00:44): answers evidently but does not log on; cancelled; 12:55:52; There are six attempts before the 00:44 and three after all for just a short time; try it later; this might be costing a fortune;  

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 13:03:46    0845 764 0000 64k BT Internet(01:40):; IE5: IC24 Home page and free phone offer: only specified hours on Sunday in one hour blocks:13:05:26

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 13:15:24    Series of lock snaps below; whacker in the Walkway a little while ago;  

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 13:18:55    Dog barking; coming in kitchen window; sounds like the dog below; first I have heard it since Sat am;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 13:22:47    Crouched into the bathroom to flush toilet; put limescale remover in bowl; brushed hair; crouched back into the living room;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 13:24:20    Back into the chair; update;

Changed the properties for the DUN which were set wrong for IC24 connect, then . . .

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 13:43:04    0845 304 0510 64k IC24(02:32): OK; DUN used and no IP returned: IE5:; connect test OK; free time page for reading offline: 13:45:40

Set up the 0800 access DUN and QD entry; and tried . . .

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 14:00:11    0800 056 1560 Free 64k IC24(): the computer your are dialling is not answering; try again later; QD log shows three connect attempts with the first on for 8 secs; 0800 is no charge for whatever happened;  

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 14:03:17    Music stopped for a bit; might be over for the duration; sound of a helicopter circling;  

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 14:15:17    Laid back in the chair for a bit of a catnap

Had a nice, short snooze;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 14:30:08    Awake again; refreshed; there was the sound of music from below; on the phone again(?);

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 14:40:14    MC goes up the footpath at great speed with much noise;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 14:59:29    Hard hit on the floor directly above with added knocks to the right to the direct hit;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 15:16:10    Sounds like an MC goes speeding up the footpath again;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 15:20:10    Door slam below; here we go; off and running;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 15:28:17    Sound of MC going down the footpath to the road;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 16:29:00    Finished reading NG BT Internet for a bit;

5:31 @ 1.49    = 7.91
10:54 @ 3.90    = 41.10
0:27 @ 3.90    = 5.00
0:44 @ 3.90    = 5.00
1:40 @ 3.90    = 5.46
2:32 @ 3.90    = 9.05    00.7352 + 46.57 = 47.31 tel as 30.08.99

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 16:47:04    Loud door noise below;  

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 16:47:50    Male voice going down footpath sounds vaguely familiar

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 16:47:57    Loud slam below;

Reading yest’s IE5 web pages; Real Player: listening to Stealth: Jackie Tice: Marijo (fabulous); RealJuke (realjbox.exe is missing); SuperSonic would not load (clipboard problem);

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 17:00:26    Thuds on the floor above;  

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 17:37:24    Someone is laughing out loud over Prom Dress; earlier there was some rhythm clapping along with Jackie Tice that came into the kitchen window briefly;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 18:09:08    Crouched into the bathroom for a pit stop; made not a bit of noise nor heard any from anywhere else; crouched back into the living room;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 18:11:22    Back into the chair; update;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 18:14:38    0845 764 0000 64k BT Internet(01:10):; Email: FS 2: NewsScan; IT NetWork; BT 1: Bruce; 18:15:48

Reading Email: replying to Bruce’s;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 18:25:25    Back to making noise above me now by hitting and scraping a piece of metal across the floor;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 18:27:07    Now he’s gotten up to more hits on the floor above me with his screwdriver;  

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 18:28:29    Got some “whoo”ing going on outside as he moves his stuff noisily around above.  

As soon as I start writing, they come in above and hover; keeping track of everything I do.

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 19:31:30    0845 764 0000 64k BT Internet(01:07):; BT sent 1 re reply to Bruce Dfilm Shockwave d/ld; 19:32:38

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 19:36:44    Crouched into the kitchen to fill the water bottle with cold water that made not a bit of noise in the wall water pipes; crouched back into the living room;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 19:38:39    Back into the chair; update; shrouded the monitor and notebook screen;

Music started for Winamp: USAFFSS lifted goodies; Zoe up too;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 19:48:33    Phone is clicking just after the music started or I ran the water: ends 19:48:56

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 19:49:59    Angry voices coming in the kitchen window; related(?); there was what sounded like the receiver of radio xmissions coming in there just a bit ago too; stalking continues(?).  

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 19:57:14    The return of the sound trucks starts;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 20:21:01    Sound truck coming by destroys the music listening;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 20:21:23    Crouched into the kitchen to shut the window against the sound truck’s horrendous noise;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 20:22:09    Crouched back into the living room after shutting the kitchen window for some peace and quiet; got yelling outside now; let’s see if that inspires the horn again; maybe I can hear my music now instead of that awful stuff;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 20:33:52    Heavy feet on the floor above;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 20:52:14    Whistle outside; signalling that I have or might be going to bed; just shut off the music; rebooting to restore and refresh resources and progs

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 20:56:57    Hard, deliberate stomps on the floor above; the usual terror tactics;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 21:03:39    A guy out front is blasting a noise making horn; says “Fuck you” and “Come out here”; as he goes by under the window; blasting away on the horn as he goes down the road; must be bouncing off the window that was shut so that they all shouted about it and all “know” that I am here.

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 21:14:57    Lots of vehicle activity out front in the past several minutes and now talking in front; male’s voice sounds like someone from the other night who said he was “fed up with all this crap”.  

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 21:16:32    A loud thud on the floor above;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 21:17:10    Crouched over to the bed with the notebook soundlessly and safely; much activity out front; autos and people talking; acting like they were in a hurry;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 21:22:08    Horn honking many times; auto drives by this way; girls chattering; pol siren; helicopter overhead circling;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 21:24:10    More horn honking amid voices; think the autos are trying to get each other to move on amid the ones who are honking for the benefit of those below;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 22:21:41    Another sound truck going by; incredible noise; helicopter was circling but gone now

[Fell asleep here but not for long (only 0.75 hours) as a sound truck came along causing a dream and waking me]

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 23:07:15    Another sound truck just finished; wow was it powerful; shook the whole room; I had a dream about V; she always ran away when I go to close and was doing it again

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 23:20:46    Pol car siren and light just went by; from there to here; siren stopped at Bramley; this was the second one; voices outside; all quiet now after last sound truck uproar that woke me and caused the V dream; helicopter had come back nearby again;

Mon, 30 Aug 1999 - 23:22:23    Double honk from the road;

[Back to sleep for 2.75 hours; total time 3.5 hours so far tonight; woken up by activity outside]

    Tuesday, 31st August 1999

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 02:08:39    Voices outside; male and female; just woke after a dream;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 02:23:15    Female talking loudly outside on the road; now laughing; coming closer and jabbering away; now went silent abruptly; an auto just pulled up out there coming from Bramley; she was saying “I feel silly” and laughing about it.

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 02:39:45    Diesel engine pulls up and stops its engine; might have been a taxi but doubt it now;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 02:42:30    Vehicle door slams; sounds like a tin taxi door; engine starts again; must be a diesel; another vehicle started and departed at the same time; now the diesel engine cuts off;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 02:44:59    Vehicle door slams outside and front door slams in bldg; diesel engine starts again, and this time it departs; must have been a taxi after all;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 03:08:16    Voices outside coming up the front footpath; prob normal returnees; pounding music coming from someone [nearby]

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 03:20:11    Heels walked up the front footpath as vehicle drove away;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 03:41:12    Shutdown notebook to recharge battery

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 05:01:41    Battery recharge complete;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 05:06:19    Vehicle pulls up outside;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 05:16:13    Loud door slam in the Walkway;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 05:21:02    MC just drove down the footpath and off the Estate; heard it start; saw its light along the top of the window the whole distance from the left to the right and heard its engine as it went by;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 05:22:50    Crouched with the notebook soundlessly and safely to the table and myself into the chair;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 05:24:01    Saved last night’s video 083199_052332.mv2;  

Seti            .4.000% done; 46:19:26.7 CPU Time

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 05:26:57    Rebooting sys to refresh resources and reload progs; since it was jammed; vibration of someone upstairs moving in to get a good look at my activity; all progs loaded OK;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 05:28:41    Vehicle arrives from there to here slowing down at this end and perhaps stopped outside; very quiet engine

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 05:30:38    Noise outside of a tin can scraping along the ground;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 05:32:07    Same noise again of a tin can scraping along the road; being kicked presumably

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 05:34:51    Video reset; capture on; sound of voices outside as I did so;

Reviewing last night’s video: 083199_052352.mv2: from 21:03:39 to 00:03:09;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 05:37:52    Crouched into the bathroom for a pit stop; I made not a bit of noise; into the small room for stats; heard voices in the Walkway toward the middle as I did so; light switch on and off; scales made a small noise;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 05:37:52    Wt 198; Elec 35,779.1; Gas 13.088.

                crouched into the living room;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 05:42:13    Back into the chair; update;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 05:44:01    Auto went by outside very quietly from this end to the other as I wrote the above;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 05:45:45    Vehicle going by just now; three vehicles went by from the other end to this one (0531?) and one went by from this end toward the other afterwards (0538?); a very busy time; 083199_054556.mv2;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 05:48:10    There were two noises from below as I watched and recorded the above video activity for a little while ago;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 05:54:29    Auto just went by from the other end heading this way;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 05:59:46    Finished update for daily Times URLs for d/ld; vehicle door slam outside just as I started the process

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 06:02:41    Vehicle just went past; it sounds like the same one all the time; 083199_060251.mv2

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 06:05:36    Vehicle door slam outside;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 06:06:17    Vehicle goes by from this end to the other 083199_060624.mv2;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 06:07:25    0845 764 0000 BT Internet(01:13:40):; OE5: Email: FS 1: Intel; BT 1: SIGS/Crystal & Seagate; BT 3: Bruce re scanner OK; newsltr; not deliv after 48 hrs; Synch all 118; NG: BT Internet; Corel; Intel; View My Bill: n/a; logged off: 07:21:06

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 06:11:09    Vehicle just went by; 083199_061113.mv2

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 06:14:14    Crouched into the bathroom to get trousers; heard a “clink” sound from the Walkway; water running noisily in wall pipes below; crouched into the kitchen to put on trousers and get oatmeal; got stuff from fridge; auto went by outside; crouched into the living room;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 06:16:22    Back into chair to save video clip if vehicle captured; it was not; crouched back into the kitchen; put dried fridge containers to the side; one measured cup of noiseless hot water into oatmeal pot; on to boil; put stuff back into the fridge; set aside oatmeal; crouched back into the living room;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 06:22:04    Back into the chair; update;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 06:25:42    Stomping on the floor;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 06:28:00    Dark top; white trousers with large basket over left shoulder (this is what the one from below usually carries) into silver wagon rear door by near wall stairs kerb; other people coming down footpath directly in front at the same time; sound of voices; 083199_-062816.mv2; silver wagon turns around by backing onto the Estate and  departs toward Bramley: 083199_062934.mv2

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 06:30:14    The same maroon/red square back goes by from the other end to this one; it apparently is circling and repeatedly going by this am: 083199_063025.mv2;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 06:35:59    Crouched into the kitchen to get oatmeal; filled oatmeal pot with noiseless hot water; crouched back into the living room;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 06:37:47    Back into the chair; update; eating oatmeal

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 06:39:37    Deshrouded monitor;  

Edit/spell checked last night’s diary;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 06:42:47    Blue auto goes by from the other end to this one as a pedestrian walks this way underneath: 083199_064304.mv2

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 06:43:29    Sound from in front underneath; poss auto door in the road just outside;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 06:45:35    Maroon red auto with sunroof (might be different) came from other end to this one: 083199_064642.mv2.  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 06:48:38    White truck comes from the other end to this one; looks like one associated with Louie: 083199_064854.mv2.  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 06:51:01    Another noise outside; again poss from an auto below in the road directly underneath;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 06:53:04    Dark auto comes from the other end heading this way: 083199_065327.mv2

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 06:57:03    Crouched into the kitchen to rinse the oatmeal dish and pot in noiseless hot water and cold water that made not a sound in the wall water pipes; white truck was coming from the other end to this (similar to the one that just went by) just as I crouched into the living room;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 06:58:57    Back into chair; did not arrive in time to capture the  update;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 07:01:23    Dark auto went by from this end to the other: 083199_070137.-mv2 followed by another which was not captured;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 07:02:32    Into the bathroom for a dump; got a couple small noises from blow and voices in Walkway toward the middle; I made not a sound; filled the sink with both noiseless hot water and cold water that made not a sound in the wall water pipes; just a bit of water tank refilling noise but not very much; flushed toilet (not a complete success); crouched into the kitchen to wash hands in noiseless hot water; crouched back into the living room;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 07:13:06    Back into the chair; update;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 07:16:16    Just finished OE;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 07:17:09    Saved video from time in bathroom; 071727.mv2; closed video;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 07:23:45    0171 490 2200 Barc PC Bank Upd(01:30): nil 07:25:15 Backup

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 07:27:07    Rebooting system to restore video that crashed and RcvMgr; all progs loaded OK;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 07:29:23    Crouched into the bathroom for a shave; flushed toilet again; drained sink; put in limescale remover; into bedroom to get dressed; back into the bathroom to scrub toilet bowl; crouched back into the living room;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 07:37:58    Back into the chair; loaded progs and video; update;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 07:38:34    Video reset OK; capture with screen saver on;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 07:40:06    Finished above update; shutting down notebook;  

Put notebook in briefcase; crouched it into the hall along with shirt and carryalls; unlocked door;

0750    Out; locked door; no noises and saw no one; walked past 3rd floor rubbish chute to the middle stairs and down facing this way; saw no one; walked out the other end Bramley doors; around corner; stopped at bench to change glasses; walked on passed Gren Twr to Silchester Rd and Lancaster Rd to Lad Gro; cleanup from the Carnival underway; three guys sitting by Barclays looking miserable; one with head in hands; looked like they had been up all night; turned up Lad Gro to Elgin Crescent; the rubbish was incredibly deep with the pavement covered in slime; they were working with large crews picking it all up; was the biggest, most disgusting mess I have seen; down Elgin Crescent to Portobello Rd; right to the Colvilles straight on to Walmer Rd at the Walmer Castle pub; the residential streets were covered in debris; paper plates and food; bottles and cans of beer strewn everywhere; up Walmer were large crews working on mounds of rubbish; turned left onto West Gro; it had debris on it too; the former 7/11 on the corner was completely bordered up as was the jewelry store next door; the pavement was slick with garbage residue; just before Queensway a liquor store advertising beer was cleaned out with its upright fridge doors standing open; down Queensway to the left turn and over to the Cravens by going right and left down unknown streets; walked straight on to Praed St and to Edgware Rd;

0850    Walked north on Edgware to M&S on other side and had a browse for shoes; could not find any men’s shoes; walked back down south on Edgware to Sussex looking for shoe stores but saw none; don’t think there are any at this end of Edgware Rd; went into Safeway for some food (Cash 0.97 5 bagels); walked down Sussex eating bagels to Lancaster Gate; entered Hyde Park and walked across diagonally to Round Pond and Ken Palace; there were flowers on its gate with a crowd of people there taking pictures plus a news camera crew taking a video as I walked passed near a bench where someone had set up a book for signatures; went on thru to Ken Church Street; across it; passed the Elephant and Castle and Town Hall to Ken Hi St

0950    Looked at the shoes out front of Barrett’s, but the sale items I had noted that where all gone two weeks ago had not been replaced must have cleared the items from summer stock and finished with the men’s shoe sale; walked down Ken Hi St to Edwards Sq and over to the street on its west side eating more bagels; down to Pembroke Rd; over to Warwick and left to West Ken Tesco;

1020    West Ken Tesco for food (2.44 baking potato, 2 carrots, broccoli, 2 bananas, grapefruit, qt milk); walked west on Cromwell Rd to Hamm drinking the qt milk; I was very thirsty and craved milk; after the bagels, it made me full; walked thru the Hamm bus and tube bldg finally finding a rubbish bin on the other side to throw away the empty mild container; walked down Kings St to the Mall and WH Smith;

1115    WH Smith for pubs (13.72 PC Plus, Personal Computer World, PC Mag, PC Direct); out through the Mall to the escalator up to the back, parking exit making a stop in the Gents to brush hair; down the lift and out the back exit to the Hamm ESJ.  

1125    Hamm ESJ to sign on; got my favourite black girl again (this would happen) and explained what I had done during the past two weeks for my job search; the notices about coming at the correct time or getting a vacancy card for them to call were gone from the desktops where they had been taped; sign on OK and departed;

1130    Walked home via the usual short route as I was very tired after for almost for hours in my bad shoes which really need to be replaced; thru Tusseley Rd underpass out to Shepherd’s Bush Rd; across it to Netherwood Rd; up on it to Rockley Rd and to Shepherd’s Bush Green; over to the large crossing in front of the Mall entrance; across and over the subway to Ed Woods Estate; walked through it to Freston Rd and Bramley Rd to the door to the Walkway; walked down the Walkway to my door seeing no one along the way; both the kitchen window next door and the bar/grate door below were closed; unlocked door and inside;

1215    Post on rtn: Computer Contractor; MIS Training; crouched briefcase to the chair with the post on it; crouched back to the hall for the carryalls; crouched them into the kitchen; turned on cold water that made not a bit of noise in the wall water pipes; removed veggies and put in water to soak; rinsed and put away; crouched back into the living room putting carryalls on the books; crouched over to the chair; removed notebook from briefcase; crouched briefcase around to the other side of the bookcase; crouched back to the chair; plugged in notebook and reboot it;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 12:32:39    Notebook reloaded and ready;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 12:35:35    All progs reloaded OK; video camera lost and redone; the screen saver option was not set as it should have been; (might be as a result of the crash and not closing out properly); running camera0: from 07:47:12 to 10:31:05 the time of the crash; most likely someone turned off the elec coming in here at that time or shortly after it (it there was an illegal entry); had to scandisk on reload indicating a crash; video reset and OK now;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 12:38:16    Loud talking going on out to the left: “He’s up there now” I heard earlier; not activity as I crouched around but could not possibly see me;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 12:44:18    Crouched into the bedroom to change clothes; crouched back into the living room;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 12:47:53    Back into the chair; update;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 12:55:24    The male voice that has been jabbering away up to the left has just walked down here and then back up here; hmmmm, wonder why? I’ll bet he came down to see if the kitchen window was open.  

Reviewing PC mags and their CDs

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 13:31:02    Door slam below; no more voices outside; think it was the old guy out there;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 13:40:04    Very loud hit from below;  

Somebody has been in here; my screen has changed;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 13:41:32    Loud noise directly above as someone moves around; sharp hits on the floor; coming in for a first hand look no doubt;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 13:48:59    Loaded PCW’s World Book Encyclopaedia;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 13:50:22    Voice out front/underneath sounds like that of the Screamer;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 13:59:56    MC engine noise out front;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 14:05:35    0800 89 3588 IBM registration for World Book; could not access server; disconnected;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 14:07:00    0800 89 3588 same as above; heard the modem ring (single tone) but no answer;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 14:08:34    0800 89 3588 same again; that might be an engaged tone;

Reviewing the installed World Book (very nice)

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 14:39:16    Rebooting sys after World Book install; all progs loaded OK; kids playing out front;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 14:41:04    Crouched into the kitchen taking photo album to the bed to get the last two bagels and the full cold water bottle from the fridge; crouched back into the living room taking the last week’s post to the bed;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 14:43:24    Back into the chair; update; eating two bagels w/ cold water; hot in here; no more sound of the kids that were playing out front.

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 14:47:50    System blew up when I pushed the CD release button; beep; scandisk; all prog reloaded OK;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 14:55:48    Video set up OK;

Reviewing and org mag CDs for useful progs; installed Starfish Internet Utilities

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 15:05:10    Got a Speedway ans machine msg of 1 second: 3 beeps (1, 1-2) t 15:03:39, little box popped up.  

Voices now outside after that little bit just above; over to the left; that same male whom I think is the older guy from below;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 15:16:31    Beep outside in the road; guy is talking away outside;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 15:24:06    Now that girl is out there talking loudly and yells “woooooo”

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 15:31:20    That’s him up there;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 15:39:05    Rebooting after Starfish Internet Utilities install to reload progs;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 15:44:41    Door slam below;  

Working with Starfish Internet Utilities (Excellent but did not reproduce bookmarks: yet)

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 15:57:29    Rumbling MC drives down the footpath below making a lot of noise directly under the front window; voices to the left;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 16:05:33    Door slam below with double hit;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 16:08:16    Door/noise below;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 16:15:54    Crouched into the bathroom for a pit stop; noises, voices and blender/food processor in kitchen next door; people coming out from flat in Walkway; I made not a bit of noise; crouched back into the living room;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 16:18:16    Back into chair; update;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 16:32:35    Lock snap below;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 16:35:17    Finished prelim setup for Internet Utilities;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 16:39:28    It went online when I loaded IE5 (ans two msgs to work offline): don’t know what happened; seemed to be connected to MS Mail & News with the clock ticking; used the icon to shutdown (prompted) system; shut it down completely without rebooting;  guys talking outside; very close;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 16:42:31    Powered up again; need to change that feature; beep; guys talking right out front; departing and saying good bye; all progs loaded OK; video too; turned off as it has been all pm;

Still working with Internet Utils; bookmarks and modem connection; what

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 16:51:25    Door slam below;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 16:54:50    Door slam below;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 17:05:25    Door slam below with double hit;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 17:05:42    Door slam below with double hit followed by bar/grate clanking;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 17:09:34    Door slam below with double hit; dog starts barking; first time I’ve heard it since Sat am (unless the couple times I thought it was outside in the road and barked count; may not have been it)

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 17:11:31    Dog is barks on the balcony followed by whines as it sees someone it knows evidently; vehicle door slam outside;  

    Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 17:15:38    Modem was clicking away in the IU box (noting MS News and Mail) after I selected something that went to IE5 but noted no connection; worked off line and cold not display the page; hit the reload once again; this time I had the right icon in “restart computer; Nuke Nabber error msg appeared; yeah DOS prompt p/w; this is the correct shutdown and reload; all progs reloaded OK;

Updated log for this am’s Internet connection re Emails and times; Reading, sorting and filing Email;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 17:15:48    Very hard, loud door slam below (or poss out in Walkway)

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 17:23:42    Pounding music from close by; sounds like below;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 17:29:42    Screamer talking below;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 17:32:01    Lock/snap (prob mail flap knock) below that sets the dog to barking and running to the door;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 17:34:32    Door slam below with double hit;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 17:37:50    Two hits below followed by two scrapes then a couple loud and long furn scrapes; right underneath and quite loud;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 17:38:52    More of them plus some pounding;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 17:46:54    Dog barking below; followed by door slam with double hit; much laughter outside amid loud talking;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 17:48:02    Door slam below with double hit followed by dog’s bark out in Walkway; might have been small dog from 541

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 17:48:44    Dog barking on balcony below; prob left from below; went out and was recognised by the dog;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 17:53:27    Stomping on the floor above; feet clomping back and forth;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 17:54:01    Sound of MC going up the footpath;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 17:59:22    Now the outside discussion continues over to the left; prob involves whoever left from below just a bit ago; great laughter about the subject;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 18:07:13    Making continuous noise directly over me as I work; concentrating on what I am writing as they meet outside?  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 18:08:20    More laughter as he whoever he is walks down the footpath apparently in this direction to the road or to maybe take a look at the situation first hand and “ear”; moving around upstairs above me as I wrote this;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 18:10:05    Rebooting sys because all the progs starting blowing up as I began QD (D4, QD, Gator and more);

Call Monitor shows a connection from 18:06:14 to 18:06:22; QD kept dialling but did not show a connection;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 18:10:43    Beeping from the road;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 18:12:14    More laughter from this guy nearby now; out front a little to the left;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 18:12:39    Door slam below with double hit;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 18:14:10    Hard vehicle door slams outside close by in the road;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 18:15:23    Just saw MC go down the foot path in the video travelling at considerable speed; hear it before I saw it; and just before this guy below says “Goodbye Mum”; could have been Louie out front talking to the one below;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 18:18:40    Screamer talking to “Louie” voice out front; must be about guy who arrived; evidently he was here to discuss the matter;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 18:19:50    Video did to get big picture properly; reset OK now;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 18:21:38    Furn scrape below;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 18:24:49    Dog is barking away on the balcony below; then goes inside to bark some more;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 18:27:20    They all blew up again; must uninstall the Internet Utilities; tried to close IU but Explorer blew up in the process;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 18:30:39    Had to reset the sys; hung on the CAD shutdown; beep; scandisk;  all progs reloaded OK;

Phone Monitor shows connection from 18:26:42 to 18:26:51.

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 18:32:29    Still talking but saying “Goodbye; see ya later; I’ll be around about 8 o’clock.” he says; maybe that was white top leaving; see if he returns at 8 tonight or tmrw morning; white top is now gone form below just in front where it was parked;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 18:37:40    Just got a “whoo” like an Indian war whoop outside; must have been describing my talking in my sleep when they induce a nightmare; he’s still there apparently;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 18:41:14    Hard, loud door slam below;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 18:42:25    Scraping overhead to get a better position to see what I have written;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 18:43:59    Removed Internet Utilities from the startup; closed it and tried to close the Internet Meter but it would not close because it recognised that the IU was still loaded when it was not; rebooting again to start without it; all progs reloaded OK;

This wiped out Phone Monitor, Quick Dialler, Dimension 4; everything associated with Internet Monitoring and took over; then Gator went and others started falling too;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 18:50:52    Closed Internet Meter successfully that time; uninstalled and left four dll files; Internet Explorer x2 will not load now; have to restore it; no, it’s OK; it was clicking like there was an error (that is a problem); but it was loaded;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 18:58:13    It all happened again; even went to the DUN and tried a connection; that blew Explorer; was the gremlin at work on my system today?  I did not reboot after the uninstall; hope that was the problem;  

Phone Monitor again shows a connection form 18:58:30 to 18:58:53

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 19:09:26    0845 764 0000 BT Internet(05:32):  OE5: Email: FS 1: NewsScan; BT 4: BT Internet re abuse (x3); Young: bad jokes;   IE5: View My Bill: still not avail; 19:14:59

It worked thank goodness; that Starfish Internet Utilities destroyed all my progs;  

Reading and logging Email;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 19:18:19    The chatter is going on with great laughter with the sound of poss Cackler at the beginning cackling away;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 19:22:36    They are having a great laugh at possibly my expense [this gets more and more clear] out there; like the toilet flushing laughter; it finally got reduced to reality;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 19:25:51    Finished reading Email;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 19:28:14    Ball bouncing outside; vaguely familiar female voice talking with a male; more laughter; must have come down to inspect the premises from outside;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 19:29:22    More laughter from the guy just out front; the conversation continues;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 19:30:48    Sounds like a crew of different and more important types tonight to commence the stalking;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 19:39:46    Stomping on the floor directly above me as I was laying back in the chair with my eyes closed; the foot stomps had been going back and for above for awhile before this deliberate effort to disturb me.

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 19:41:34    The voices have quieted down over to the left; one is talking now; think they got advised that I might make a sound because of the terrorist campaign above;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 20:01:32    I just wipe my upper right arm and got instant laugher from above drifting in from outside; then a voice made some comments which came in through the front window; they had all been quiet out there until then;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 20:05:53    Hits on the floor directly above for good measure to just to keep things hopping;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 20:06:42    And now a jump on the floor over to the left just to make certain that I am aware of what is in store; followed by a couple of foot stomps heading this way;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 20:21:56    Stomping back and forth across the floor above; must have thought that I was asleep;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 20:29:35    Talking and laughter still going on over to the left;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 20:31:16    Sounds like someone is giving orders now ending it with an OK

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 20:35:46    Door noise below; the dog starts barking below; someone out with the group to the left says something immediately about it; the connection is revealed

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 20:37:06    Cheers and shouting go up from the bench bunch;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 20:38:57    The girls from the group go by chanting “Rain is back”; an effort to disturb(?);

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 20:44:42    Pounding on the floor above; many times;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 20:48:29    Very hard loud door slam below; just as I was sitting back and resting in the chair;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 20:50:30    Sharp object hits on the floor directly above me;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 20:55:23    Now the voices have gone quiet outside; must have shifted into the listening mode;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 20:57:13    They are back talking again; MC goes up the front footpath (or possibly down it); light flashes on the window; right past the bench bunch;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 21:04:57    Quiet again at the benches and a foot tap or an object against the floor tap above;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 21:12:49    Stomping around overhead over to the left;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 21:18:45    Hit on the floor above just as I lean forward to write that it was all quiet here, but it is not as the one above is waiting his chance to disturb and disrupt;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 21:20:41    Set the video on capture; traffic back to normal and want to capture that; none;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 21:23:08    Voices pickup and rolling cart arrives prob from a vehicle that just drove up; it is the same rolling cart sound from the other night; there was a continuous cart rolling sound from a second one that came behind the first; then it appeared that the first came down to the front of the bldg as there was noise at the same time on the balcony below; again this is the cart from the other night brought out to possibly measure the noise level [speculation]; so everyone gets very quiet; I wonder if they are recording the noises from above as he hits on the floor above; he is very impatient to cause a disturbance tonight like he was the other night when he kept hitting he floor above me then;  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 21:30:16    Can’t let me rest at all; had to hit the floor with a sharp object directly above me; and stomp back and forth with his feet above;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 21:48:05    Hit on the floor above over to the left and behind; another more over me as I wrote this;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 21:56:50    A heaving loud thud of a hit on the floor above in the back wall area toward the door; as I mentioned on a previous night when this was done; the purpose is to disturb but not be detected by anything out front; there was another noise before this as well and a small one after as I wrote and he read;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 21:58:33    There is no noise; no talking; well there is now; voices outside and the starting of an engine in the road; there are no children playing; no more dog barking; no traffic to speak of; all is stopped; the silence is only interrupted by one person and that one is above me tying to disturb me and catch me when I doze off to wake me hopefully causing a dream/nightmare in which I will attempt to talk and make a noise in my sleep at which time they will all say I am fucking; I wonder if the foot stomps are being recorded too(?);

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 22:04:17    A faint noise from below now; sounded like the door below; a sharpish hit; everyone is waiting with abated breath; no one dares say anything with the new guys here to listen; can’t pull one of their noise stunts outside either; nothing that is typical of past nights for disturbing my rest; they will not succeed unless the guy above me can pull it off.  

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 22:52:08    There it is; the hard, loud thump from below;

[I do believe that I dozed off here for a bit but woke up before the following elec lock and car alarm activity; believe that there was activity above/below which might very well have cause this and the elec lock/car alarm might have been intended to disturb as well as perhaps signal; in either case I was completely noiseless and dreamless sitting up in the chair and only dozing off]

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 22:53:45    Double elec lock beep outside followed by single elec lock beep; now a double; the car alarm goes off; more beeps; definitely a signal or possible attempt to disturb from above for the troops as has been done many times in the past; of course it could be someone stumbling along trying to unlocked their car and having difficulties; 50/50 either way; [very easy for the guy above to park his car below and use the elec lock/car alarm with shut off from above for whatever suits his purpose; could also be the silver wagon guy in 540 participating too]

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 22:54:32    A voice is sounding from the left; they are there being very quiet; now a male’s voice; sounds like maybe they are getting a description from above as to my activity;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 22:55:26    Now the voices all pickup and comment; they’ve been there all this time with nothing to show for it; that last tap above was in the back by the wall toward the door; placed to minimise sound drift outside for those on the bench to hear;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 23:32:13    We have an impatient auto waiter who beeps several times on the horn down toward the end of the road; [another disturbance attempt(?)]

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 23:33:42    Auto door slam outside;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 23:34:08    A loud hit below preceded by some noticeable foot thuds above;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 23:36:04    Sounds like a door noise from below followed by another noise in the area;

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 23:38:12    Vehicle door slam outside; sounded like a truck door

Tue, 31 Aug 1999 - 23:39:05    Another tap from below; getting very impatient; need results for this special crowd of observers; I like the absence of everything tonight; that is telling;

[Fell asleep in the chair here again and got perhaps an hour’s sleep; no dreams and no noises again]

    Wednesday, 1st September 1999

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 00:48:11    There is an engine idling out there that goes up and down;

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 00:49:16    Moved soundlessly and safely to the bed with the notebook; picked up the photo album and post (recent) in a crouch before sitting on the bed;

[Off to sleep for 4 hours; mostly undisturbed but woke once as described below I believe but went right back to sleep; all very quiet tonight for a change except for the direct harassment from above and below; total sleep for tonight about 5.5 hours]

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 05:00:44    Awake again after a dream; it has been mostly quiet tonight; full sleep cycle now; I woke up before and had trouble getting back to sleep; now again but perfectly quiet everywhere; I slept a couple times in the chair once for upwards of an hour; and then about 30 mins; did not dream then; there was that series of elec lock beeps and car alarm sounds; did not make any noises; was that intended to wake me? I was already awake; about four hours sleep here and maybe 1.5 hours in the chair; but I rested all evening in the chair which counts too;

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 05:16:20    Vehicle goes by outside; sounds like a truck

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 05:16:56    Crouched into the kitchen getting the keys from the back of the chair; opened the kitchen window; it squeaked; no noises from outside;

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 05:18:53    Back onto the bed; update;

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 05:19:56    Crouched into the bathroom for a pit stop; this is the first time I have been in the bathroom to use the toilet in almost 12 hours; I made not a sound; there were no other noises from anywhere else; into the small room for stats; light switch noise on and off; scales made a bit of noise; put on trousers; crouched back into the living room;

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 05:19:56    Wt 200; Elec 35,784.9; Gas 13.089

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 05:24:26    Back onto the bed; update; 784.9 200 (liquid retention after yest’s bagels);

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 05:27:00    There was a faint sound of something on the balcony below just now as I finished writing the update;

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 05:28:09    Crouched over to the table soundlessly wit the notebook and myself into the chair;

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 05:29:55    Saved last night’s video; 090199_052938.mv2; still dark in frame as it gets light outside

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 05:31:49    Rebooting sys to refresh and restore resources;  

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 05:36:18    There’s that strange clicking again that I have been hearing; what has been notably absent during all of these has been the birds that usually start chirping about three am; they have not been doing so for a long time prob all summer; most likely the people out there all night long have driven them away; that sound I just heard might have been the squirrels;

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 05:39:30    All progs loaded OK; video reset to capture; looks like the window is a bit foggy; getting light in the top of the screen; the prior video ended like it began; in the middle of the night;

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 05:43:16    Vehicle (auto) just went by from there to here; 090199_054328.-mv2; foot stomps above; dog is barking below; sees someone outside it recognises;

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 05:45:14    Door slam below; evidently someone just drove up outside; walked up the front footpath getting barked at by the dog in recognition as a familiar face; then went into the flat below just now;

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 05:46:39    0845 764 0000 BT Internet(01:01:22):; FS 1: TourBus; BT 4: SIGS Pubs; Young (x2); re 24 scan detections; NG: Synch all 118: BT Internet; Corel; Intel; SB3: Tele; FT; Guar; BT Internet: View My Bill: still n/a;  06:48:01

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 05:48:23    Elec auto lock beep outside;  

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 05:49:13    Sound of a vehicle departing outside; very low key;

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 06:00:41    Loud, hard door slam below;  

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 06:02:30    Voices out front; turned off video due to fogged window;

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 06:04:39    Vehicle activity outside; one just left from nearby; another came;

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 06:08:32    Foot stomps move in above me now; back to the watching activity;  

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 06:10:38    Crouched into the kitchen to get oatmeal and grapefruit; got stuff from the fridge; one measured cup of noiseless hot water into the oatmeal pot; on to boil; sliced grapefruit; set aside oatmeal; crouched back into the living room;

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 06:16:41    Back into the chair; update; eating grapefruit;

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 06:31:05    Crouched into the kitchen to throw away the grapefruit rind and get oatmeal w/ banana; filled pot with noiseless hot water; sliced banana onto the oatmeal; crouched back into the living room;

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 06:34:14    Back into chair; NG d/ld finished; started pubs d/ld in SB3; update;

Wed, 1 Sep 1999 - 06:

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