


Saturday, 21st July 2001

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 05:59:54    Finished the file mgmt and xfers;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 06:00:46    Sorted bag stuff; pushed bed over; into the kitchen; light on; washed hands; put in lenses; male voice coming in FW said “He’s going out tonight”; light off; into the bathroom for a dump; flushed toilet; lime scale remover into tub; back into the kitchen; rinsed soup glass and washed hands; got some water; back into the living room;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 06:14:30    Back into the chair; door slam below; voices still going outside to the left; started to put on shoes;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 06:19:29    OK;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 06:21:25    “Psychotic” says the male to the left talking with female;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 06:22:47    “What do we do right now” asks RE from the left outside; go home and sleep;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 06:24:20    :”Fucking hell; write it down” says RE from the distant left;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 06:25:19    Finished above update; “Right” says RE from the distant left;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 06:31:12    Shutdown;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 06:36:00    Out; cleaner acting as stake out doing his thing by the middle stairs as I go down them;

Outside activities;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 14:51:00    Bramley kids at top of middle stairs blocking them; went to front door stairs; woman coming in front door; went to a flat on the other side below, I believe, as I was opening my door; inside;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 14:54:00    Home; closed door; light on; locked door; picked up post; into living room putting bags on the file boxes; unpacked; NB and food on table; into kitchen with food; sorted; back into the living room for chicken; put on top of fridge; opened KW; got stuff out for tuna sand; opened water bottle in sink; put by chair;

                    Then drank some water from another bottle; as I did so, Jack the RAS Ripper said loudly from below “He thinks it’s drugged”; actually this is what I have been told;

                    Went on to make the tuna sand; bread on board; tuna on bread; Jack the RAS Ripper commenting all the time said “He’s psychotic”; sliced tomato; Jack the RAS said “He’s cutting it now” as I was doing so; put tom slices and lett on sand; cut sands on half; as I was straightening them and eating some of the tuna from the board, the PCPHF screeched from below “He’s a freak”;

                    Then I opened the tom soup can; poured out soup into glass; scraped remainder out with spoon; about this time Jack the RAS Ripper asked the rhetorical question “Did he come” then answered hit own question quickly with “Yes, he’s come”; these comments are totally false from these people below except opinions, of course, like considering someone a “Freak” or cutting the tomato;

                    Put sands on the chair arm; rinsed the soup can; utensils; board; put stuff on fridge; back into the living room with soup;

                    Into the chair; its light on; sys back from screen saver; R3 on; took shoes and socks off; Jack the RAS Ripper was right on top of that one saying “Look at his feet”; the first one exposed was the clean left foot; then the dirty toes on the right food were exposed; Jack the RAS Ripper went bananas; “Look at the dirty feet” he exclaimed; at this I held it up in the air for all to see and wiggled my toes; I then put up my left foot too and wiggled those toes as well; unwrapped NB chords; plugged in; booted NB;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 15:12:31    “I want him out” screeched the roaring PCPHF below left; then Jack the RAS Ripper said once again “He’ psychotic” as the NB came up and running; eating tuna sand, tom soup; choco; update;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 15:13:25    “Well it’s true” says the very, very ignorant Jack the RAS Ripper who flunks totally the Psychotic Test; sorry but delusions such he has puts him away for a long time of continuous treatment with little prospect of recover; Jack the RAS Ripper is a hopeless case; it’s even in his name; just look at it;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 15:18:21    “He fucked” said Jack the RAS Ripper LWDDDDB adding “See the amount of time there”; 18 minutes between the time I got home an the NB was up and running; totally false and delusional; psychosis definite;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 15:19:39    “He fucked” said Jack the RAS Ripper LWDDDDB once again; once again completely false, pure fantasy and, therefore, delusional making Jack the RAS Psychotic just like PCPHF, but then that is not unusual;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 15:26:30    “He’s psychotic” Jack the RAS Ripper is telling everyone form the left; says it again too; I wonder who he is trying to convince;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 15:27:38    Door slam below with its triple standard;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 15:32:15    Roaring screeches from the PCPHF below; “I want him out” she screeches;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 15:51:57    “How did he do it” asks the male below; “What come” screeches the PCPHF; “Yeah” he says; she is getting the contents of all that I did and screeching “What”;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 15:53:13    “Now if you can put it down in writing, I can get him out” says the guy below; it will be perjury if she does; she now goes into psychotic screeching;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 15:54:14    “Come on; I can’t write that down” the PCPHF screeches; then the guy says “I can nothing for you”; she’s not going to put herself in “Jeffrey Archer” prison is she when she can get someone else to carry out her criminal act for her, is she(?);

You have to have full particulars; date, time and description of each and every alleged occurrence; how this will square with the continuous allegations made hourly or more often will be unfortunate because all of these were untrue and many shown explicitly to be so; why would anyone want to believe what you claim now it writing it true when it was not true at the time it was alleged to have occurred; this clearly a case of not only knowingly committing perjury but of the male suborning perjury when he knows the statement cannot be true at this point in time given what has occurred in the past;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 16:09:10    “He fucked” said a male voice from below the KW talking about this issue right now; nope, he is totally false;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 16:10:06    “Oh, no” screeches the PCPHF below to the left; she is being blackmailed into writing this statement; if she does not do it she will be considered a psychotic the male below told her; if she does then “This” (what I toe) is psychotic; that is not true; he is ignoring the possibilities and perjury;

Full particulars including date, time and description for each and every time claimed that sexual activity is alleged to have occurred; she alleges that it was “all the time” meaning chronic masturbation; therefore, each an every time of sexuality activity will have to be spelled out in full with date an time; failing to do this means that your statement is meaningless;

Don’t forget the police are being sued on this matter as well for damage and personal injury damages, so they will have to have full criminal standard particulars;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 16:17:40    The male below is dictating what she should write; using the word “Psychotic” and saying “Put this . . .”; she cannot alleged psychoses for she does not know what it means;

Please note too that there are many instances where she has refuse to provide a written statement; this will cast doubt on the validity of the one being dictated to her to write at present; she is a nonresident alien whose foundation for making such a statement at all is questionable;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 16:20:32    “He’s right there” says a male coming down the front footpath to the road;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 16:21:49    “He’s psychotic” says Jack the RAS Ripper LWDDDB; he is complaining about what I said; that is private and confidential notes and correspondence; evidently this has been given to him to read; this is a breach of evidential privacy prior to proceedings; of course, Jack the RAS Ripper did make a death threat yesterday afternoon against me that is in there as well; I use his nickname like that in order to remember clearly who it was;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 16:26:03    Jack the RAS is admitting that he made the death threat by describing it again in terms that he will shoot(1) me if I am not removed from my home; yesterday he stated that he had patience to wait; I believe he just reiterated that threat; of course(2), RE was present when he made a similar threat out front in public and ignored it; one would expect him to aid and assist the would-be murderer;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 16:26:33    (1)Terribly loud hit on the floor above; the hardest hit I have ever heard; thought that the ceiling was going to smash in; right in the centre above the file boxes; sounds like whoever threw the heaviest weight available on the floor; there was also a kind of second hit almost simultaneous with the first that rattle like a stick; believe that was in response to the above entry which I just made;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 16:29:29    “He’s truly psychotic” says a male LWDDDDDB trying to attribute that noise to me evidently when it was on the floor of the flat above (539); sounds like RE is in attendance below and making this statement from the depths of his total incompetence an intention to do as mush harm as possible;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 16:32:06    (2)“We’ll get him out” says RE LWDDDDB;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 16:33:41    It is Jack the RAS Ripper who is violent; RE is making other claims that sound like he is referring to me; there is no evidence for this at all because it too does not exist;

I thought maybe they had decided to smash through the floor above and come in that way through the ceiling; LOL

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 16:40:10    Sleep deprivation kept me from picking my arm up when I let it slide from my thigh to my stomach; “That’s good” said RE LWDDDDDB noting that I did not pick up my arm; he then added “That’s psychotic”; he’s going to have a rough one with that;

The PCPHF was talking there just then; did she finish her statement already for the chronic “all the time” masturbation(?);

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 16:42:58    MC goes by on the footpath under the window to the road;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 16:43:14    “He’s not very bright” says the MRE below; that’s very true; I’m just a big dummy; really not very bright as you said; but I am honest; something none of you have the slightest inkling of what that is all about; total dishonesty is the standard for your behaviour; us not very bright types just have to manage as best we can on our honesty and integrity; knowing the difference between right and wrong is important too; you apparently cannot manage that either; but us not very bright types seem to get that OK too;

Dozed off for a bit of a snooze here; woke myself with some escaping flatulence in my sleep after falling asleep with jazz sign off from R3 shortly before 1700;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 17:04:54    R3 to R4 as I just woke up form a snooze;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 17:07:18    “That’s pathetic” said Jack the RAS Ripper left below; no, what was pathetic were the voices demanding that I be removed from my home because some flatulence emerge with noise while I was sleeping; this is really pathetic; the only reason I wrote about it was to protect myself from further attack as these continue from below all the time over the silliest and most mundane human actions;

How much sleep did I get last night thanks to you lot(?); and you have the unmitigated gall two attack and action as psychotic when my arm slides own my thigh as I am dozing off in the chair; then you do the same thing when I release a little flatulence in my sleep because I fell asleep in my chair for a few moments due to the sleep deprivation that you lot cause each and every night; you cause the problem then point your finger at me when small signs of sleep deprivation emerge as I doze off in the late afternoon; who really is mentally ill around here has I pointed out very clearly already;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 17:21:08    Loud hard door slam below; PCPHF screeching from below left as I wrote the above; anything to deny her own destructive actions stemming from criminally loitering in the public road and stalking and harassing all night long;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 17:22:46    Write that down shouted a male from below as he sought to pervert the course of justice by tampering with evidence as it is accumulate;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 17:23:27    “Noo” roars a screech from the PCPHF;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 17:29:10    “We got him” says a male below; female screeches in glee below to the left;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 17:29:51    R4 Back Row: Andrew Collins;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 17:54:17    Into the kitchen; put choco on fridge; put stuff on fridge into it; rinsed plate, soup glass and spoon; Jack the RAS Ripper from below yelled “He’s psychotic; look at him; he’s psychotic”;  put choco in fridge; into the bathroom for a pit stop; adult male talking with children down the Walkway a bit; flushed toilet; back into the living room;
Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 17:59:43    Back into the chair; update;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 18:04:04    Finished the above update;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 18:32:09    “He’s psychotic” says Jack the RAS Ripper LWDDDDB; just before this there were pounding thuds from below in the living room door area; I was asleep very lightly in the chair and was disturbed by the pounding from below; as I woke up, hear Jack the RAS make his abusive harassing remark in direct violation of the a clause in the Tenancy agreement from the flat below putting the tenant in the flat in violation of the terms of the tenancy agreement which explicitly forbids such harassment;

Tenancy Agreement
Section 22 Harassment
©    The Tenant shall not from within the Premises or on the Estate commit or allow members of his household or invited visitors to commit any act which may interfere with the peace and comfort of, or cause offence to any other tenant, member of his household or visitors against persons perceived to have mental illness.

Now you are obviously in violation of this Tenancy Agreement Section 22© and further you simply do not know the different between right and wrong since any normal person would naturally abide by this clause as I have done for years since I have perceived those in Flat 503 to be mentally ill.  However, this past week has seen an extensive campaign against me with regards to all sorts of activity which violate the letter of this Section 22(c); as it only says “perceived” the issue is not whether or not mental illness is present; the issue is that you perceive it to be there and are therefore continually violating this substantive Section 22© of your Tenancy Agreement in gross and many numerous instances minute by minute around the clock which have:

(1) interfered with the peace and comfort of,
(2) or cause offence to any other tenant . . .
perceived to have mental illness.  

You have disturbed my peace and comfort endlessly by many and numerous actions and words at all hours of the day and night;
You have caused me deep offence by such actions as described;

This is your warning to cease and desist all such actions forthwith in any manner or shape of behaviour of words.

Please be advised that since this is an unorthodox way of warning you to cease and desist your unlawful actions, I will notify the Council on Monday, 23rd July 2001, of your persistent violations for their appropriate actions to be taken against you to cease and desist in any and all such actions; failing such immediately relief from this moment on, I will pursue legal action against you without further notice;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 18:57:55    NB: Jack the RAS Ripper noted what I just wrote commenting upon it by saying “He’s wrong; further the PCPHF below as a visitor to the flat also screeched and roared in response to what I was writing thus violating the terms just set forth by such action;

I will simply seek the “appropriate” action to stop your violations of the Tenancy Agreement; I will not pursue your totally illegal and criminal activity in demanding my forced removal from my home; there is a proper series of legal steps to be taken which will be accomplished with full respect to the law and your legal and human rights which you have denied me for years; the matter will initially be left in the hands of the Council to effect this outcome so that you cease and desist from your continuing and ongoing violation of your Tenancy Agreement as is the proper way to proceed against such harassment as you have displayed;

Please be advised that you are also in violation of Section 21 of your Tenancy Agreement; that will also be brought to the attention of the Council for amelioration;

Any actions on your part to interfere with my pursuing this legal course of action to enforce the terms of the Tenancy Agreements will be considered to be both unlaw and criminal actions;

For further information as to your rights, legal responsibilities and obligations with regard to your Tenancy Agreement, I urge you to consult you Solicitor;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 19:09:57    The dog is barking away below; this is a violation of the Tenancy Agreement Section 21 Behaviour;

Tenancy Agreement
Section 21 Behaviour
The Tenant shall not misuse the Premises, or cause or allow any discomfort, inconvenience or any annoyance to his neighbours, whether by himself, or members of his household including lodgers, or visitors or by any animals.

Please be advised that your dog puts you in continuous violation of this Section 21 Behaviour of your Tenancy Agreement; I request also that you keep your dog quiet at all times with no exceptions; other nuisance behaviour and excessive noises of a very long standing nature will be dealt with as they continue to arise; you are herby warned categorically to cease and desist all such disturbing and disrupting behaviour as has been well note by me and read by yourself by means of the surveillance technology “Tempest”; I further demand that you cease and desist all such surveillance activity implemented against me inside the privacy of my flat forthwith since this has been undertaken without cause or lawful justification; if it is not removed forthwith, it will be legally challenged along with these Tenancy Violations as regards your Behaviour and Harassment;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 19:18:37    I would highly recommend that you use your home, Flat 503, for the purposes of residency as intended and abide by the terms of your Tenancy Agreement both explicit and implied so that my quiet enjoyment of my home is not violated any more form your Behaviour and Harassment;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 19:20:43    “Get him out” roars a male voice from below; this would be in violation of your Tenancy Agreement by stating this and urging anyone to carry it out; such violation now will be noted as occurring after you were warned;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 19:23:33    “He’s Psychotic” yelled Jack the RAS Ripper from the left below; he just said it again; that is a direct violation of Tenancy Agreement Section 22© made after you were warned against the impact and effects of such conduct which you acknowledge by denial; you are advised to cease and desist any and all such violations of Section 22© Harassment;
Under no circumstances can you seek my removal from my home under the terms of you Tenancy Agreement as you are seeking to do without due legal process taken in an open court; continuing to make such demands and inciting others to accomplish such an action is unlawful;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 19:32:31    Dog barking away below; another direct violation of Tenancy Agreement Section 21.

Unless you silence the dog, I will seek its removal;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 19:33:56    For those of you in Flat 539 above, all that has been stated above applies equally to you as well for all your violations of your Tenancy Agreement so noted;

You cannot interfere in my life in any way whatsoever; you perceive mental illness; that does not mean it actually exits; it means you only perceive it; therefore, you must act in the most restrained manner possible in order to not violate your Tenancy Agreement;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 19:36:18    The dog is still barking away below;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 19:37:27    Hard, loud door slam below; please be advised that continuous and excessively loud slamming of your door constitutes a violation  Tenancy Agreement Section 22© Harassment;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 19:49:38    “Oh mercy no; he’s psychotic” says a male voice below sounding like Fummie; then the PCPHF screeches “I want him out now” from below; violating directly Tenancy Agreement Section 22© Harassment;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 19:51:03    “He’s psychotic” says the male voice again he too by uttering such a phrase is also in violation Section 22© Harassment; he has just said it twice more; must be Jack the RAS Ripper to behave like that;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 20:02:00    Jack the RAS Ripper has been talking about “Psychotic” over and over below stating several times “He’s psychotic”; he has said “It does not matter what he says”;

There is an apparent disregard and lack of respect for abiding by the Tenancy Agreement explicit and implied covenants from those in the flat below; the provisions cited are explicit and apply; they must abide by them no matter what they think or “wish” to be true; this will all be handled legally and in the appropriate due process regarding all parties involved in conjunction with proceedings currently pending in the High Court;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 20:07:29    R3 and chair light off; monitor and NB screen shrouded;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 20:08:14    “Does that mean we can’t get him out(?)” screeches the PCPHF LWDDDDDB; yes;

Moved NB to the bed; pulled bed out; straightened sheet; into the kitchen; closed KW; light on; washed hands; removed lenses; light off; into the bedroom; undressed; into the bathroom (Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 20:53:00 sticking key gets a “Psychotic” from DTR; ongoing harassment and evidence of not knowing what is really happening; false allegation by “remote control” via surveillance gets it wrong ;

Please be advised that your presence in a vehicle DTR using surveillance equipment as you just did is a violation of the Tenancy Agreement or flat 503 below; Section 22© Harassment in that your ability to receive the surveillance transmission signal from the flat below is effected by microwave transmission from that flat therefore this Section 22© is directly violated by the Tenant in Flat 503 below;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 20:56:46    “Fuck him” says the abusive harassing male DTR; ball like bouncing thuds from the flat below sometimes allowed to bouncing down;

Paused for an aborted pit stop; no go as yet; started tub filling; got in to soak while it did so; kids were playing loudly in the Walkway; for the entire time that the tub was filling, Fummie from the flat below talking without ceasing; he noted my underarm and forearm scratchings; he noted my toe wiggling; he even went to the absurd length in his harassment from the flat below to note that I hi “come” (semen) under my armpit and on my forearm where I had scratched; he will deny these as he just denied even noting these, but this is the way o the stalker and harasser (Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 21:00:52 “Fucking Psychotic” says Fummie from DTR; “OK now we got him” says the PCPHF from DTR; “Fucking right” says Fummie; this is exactly the ploy of the game playing harasser; they make the extremely abusive harassing comments then deny these followed by a false accusation made against me ;

If I was writing on a piece of paper, it could not be read; the same respect for privacy and confidentiality is demanded for writing on a notebook as I do for the reasons of the personal injury (lymph oedema) which prohibits me from writing with my right hand using a pencil or pen; thus, I am required to type; that process is then violated in the grossest manner possible by the interception of the screen electro magnetic radiation transmission; this is therefore an integral part too of the violation of the Tenancy Agreement Section 22© Harassment against someone with a “perceived” mental illness; (Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 21:06:49 Fummie just said “Psychotic” DTR in the open public road having rea what I was writing in order to harass me further in violation of that Tenancy Agreement covenant; this of course does not include in my statement here the further violations of civil and criminal law that are taking place;

I shut of the water; and soaked in the tub for a bit to help my right arm; voices approached from the door and apparently went into the flat below;  the female asked “Are you the doctor”;

I washed normally and thoroughly as usual; pulled the plug; got out; paused for a pit stop; flushed the toilet; dried thoroughly; put on deodorant; returned to the living room;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 20:50:26    Onto the bed; update;

[In bed to sleep at 2115]

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 21:11:05    As I was finishing this above update, a male in front of the window said “Look at the guy . . . He’s psychotic”; this is further violation of the Section 22© Harassment covenant in the Tenancy Agreement for the tenant below as he was looking at me through the video surveillance to which he referred which is transmitted by microwave transmission or cable connection from the flat below; or perhaps even transmitted directly from the starlight camera(s);

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 21:13:57    “He’s psychotic” alleges the male out front to the right in a tone and sound that indicates that this is a fact yet it is only a perception; however, he continues to violet the Tenancy Agreement of the Tenant below by continuing such harassment which interferes with my quiet enjoyment of the Premises;

The documentation of all such violations of the Tenancy Agreement for the Tenant below will continue as entered here;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 21:16:45    “He’ psychotic” says the male out front to the right once again harassing me an violating their terms and covenants both explicit and implied in the Tenancy Agreement for the Tenant in flat 503 below;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 21:20:36    The PCPHF explodes into a fit of rage DTR with her screeching roar; a male had started walking DTR talking very, very softly as he did so; evidently when he got to the PCPHF, she did not like what he had to say;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 21:23:22    Loud hard door slam below with its double standard; please be advised that this is a violation of the Tenancy Agreement for the Tenant in Flat 503 below of Section 21 Behaviour in that it denies me quiet enjoyment of the Premises by this often repeated door slamming at all hours of the day and night in disregard of the fact that other Tenants are living in close proximity;

Don’t slam the door; that is always intentional; the door can be closed quietly at all times and need not be slammed;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 21:30:28    Mail flap knocking below; loud mail voice engage in conversation below ending with “He knows it”; then hard loud door slam below with its double standard;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 21:32:08    “We’re going to pull him out” says the same male who was just talking below in the Walkway out front of the window to the right; then adds “He’s cracked”; this is abusive harassment carried out by someone connected directly with Flat 503 below as just noted and has directly violated that Tenancy Agreement’s Section 22© Harassment on behalf of that tenant;

There is no legal way that I can be remove from my home as has just been stated above; to make this statement is the grossest of harassment statements causing fear of violence;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 21:38:29    “He’s right; he’s psychotic” says a male DTR engaging in harassment in direct violation of the Tenancy Agreement Section 22© Harassment for the Tenant in Flat 503 below; further he is using this as a weapon to attack the legal protections afford by this explicit covenant in the Tenancy Agreement intended to protect from harassment those who are “perceived” as having a mental illness; further he is attacking not the substance but the character when he has no personal knowledge of the fact of the allegation which he is making and whether or not it is true; that does not matter, however, because only the “perception” of mental illness counts;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 21:42:27    There have been a couple more “He’s psychotic” statements from DTR; the same applies to these as well; please be advised that you are putting the Tenant of Flat 503 in jeopardy and it is not important or relevant who you are; that fact of your harassment is all that is important;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 21:43:43    Very loud, hard door slam below with its double standard and the same Tenancy Agreement violation Section 21 Behaviour as noted above;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 21:45:35    The PHFM did not work; sorry;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 21:45:52    “Get him out” says a female under the window to the right;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 21:49:21    “Crank it up; I want to see him” says a male DTR; he most likely if referring to the electro magnetic radiation imaging device which causes so much personal injury and is directly life threatening; this too is in violation of the Tenancy Agreements for Flats 503 and 539 Section 22© Harassment as already explained for surveillance equipment usage;

The male voice who said that sounded like Jack the RAS Ripper;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 21:54:00    “Well that’s it you got him” says the male who just asked Jack the RAS Ripper what it meant; he explained it in full; no, you are wrong; it works both ways; he made his statements in public for all the hear; I noted them and characterised his voice to remember it clearly also having learned his name; as you see it just came in splendidly useful in positively identifying him and his activity just now by your question and his response; so it usage is very beneficial; that fact that you intercept my private and confidential notes means that he does not “get me” but I get both of you;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 21:58:47    “What are you trying to do” asks a male DTR; a voice answers with an explanation including the word “Fucking”;

[(1)To sleep for 1.5 hours; woken by the excessive noises from those criminally loitering down the road for the purpose of criminally stalking and harassing me;]

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 23:34:20    Woke up to the sound of the PCPHF voice and eh male Fummie coming from DTR;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 23:35:18    “Over, over, over” shout a black guy at the end of the a; I want to get in” sounds like a parking place  discussion;

Dream: on the end of this one we were all working as clerks in a department store floor; there was some animosity between us; ab at about closing time one of them came along and did something nasty to my area; can’t remember what; then I could have replied but did not; we still had a bit to go for the day; so we went back to our places; then a guy was trying to disrupt our activity; he did something but when I went to retaliate I kissed him on the cheek instead woke up;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 23:39:19    “He’ lying” says the PCPHF shouting from DTR; “Yeah he’s lying “ echoes the male may be Jack the RAS Ripper and not Fummie; ;

There is no reason for my to invent these dreams I if do not recall them I say so as I do all the time whenever I slow down because it was not certain what was happening in greater detail; in this case there was the cleary bully behaviour that was provocative; which I circumvented;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 23:41:36    “Better write this down says Jack the RAS”; you better cler the rod; because I am going to move against you legally for what you are doing and you know in  what way; you have disturbed my sleep when I was just getting started with a sleep sound sleep; you’s were the first voices I noted upon immediately waking ;

You have disturbed m quiet enjoyment of te premises in te most brutal way by disturbing my sleep with your criminal activity so I will move against you legally under the terms of the Tenancy Agreement; get of the road and stay of;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 23:44:02    Dog barking away below; door slam below with its double hit; mor o the same kinds o nuisance noises from below; they will be addressed too;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 23:44:43    “He’s psychotic” says the PCPHF harassing me; their was another loud hard door slam below; too; just before she spoke;

You got the picture then; OK, you do not seem to think that you should respect the term terms o the Tenancy Agreement;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 23:45:54    “He’s psychotic’ says Jack the RAS Ripper a couple of times harassing himself from DTR;

We just ha it all from below; and then DTR on behalf of be below; we hall see what happens legally; you obviously do not care;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 23:47:20    “He’s psychotic” say Jack the RAS Riper; that is perfectly done right after I noted that you do not care your harassment will be addressed against the Tenant holder of the Tenancy  Agreement for the flat 503 below;

Of course you can afford the legal costs;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 23:51:26    Very hard loud door slam below with its double hit; deliberately intended to disturb; Section 21 Behaviour breach of the Tenancy Agreement;

Sat, 21 Jul 2001 - 23:52:14    Dr VW arrives “Hi” he says “Who did it” asks the question; OK . . . “; he starts off

[(2)To sleep for 1.25 hours bringing the total to 2.75 hours tonight so far; woken by the excessive noises from those criminally loitering down the road for the purpose of criminally stalking and harassing me;];

    Sunday, 22nd July 2001

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 01:08:04    Woke from laying on my back; slight MPHF that’s all; noting else; disturbed by excessive noise outside the Jack the  RAS Ripper saying “He’s psychotic that he says all the time; there will be legal proceedings against the Tenant in Flat 503 if o keep that up; you may count on it;

Dream: not I had this perfectly when I woke but it is gone;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 01:10:04    “He’s come roars the PCPHF DTR; nonsense; there was no ejaculate at all; there was no sexual activity; there was only the MPHF after several hours of sleep; in fact over for counting from the original time I went to sleep; which is enough to start the biological process from the  second phase of sleep; it depends upon the amount of rest an it totally unrelated to sexuality; it si just a physical  phenomenon; at any rate I was flat on my back and all was visible; you could see exactly what was happening; an there was nothing but your disturbance;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 01:15:27    “He fucked”; says Jack the RAS Ripper; that too is nonsense;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 01:15:48    Very hard loud door slam below; I guess that they just want to disturb as much as possible;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 01:16:31    One is not “Fucking” from a biological MPHF; it is that simple but then Jack the RAS is Ripper is quiet quite ignorant an hasn’t a clue; that is why he says Psychotic all the time

The court room is the only place for you in this circumstance as I have already discussed;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 01:22:12    Changed the day/date;

BTW you have no factual foundation for claiming psychosis; no proper diagnosis; it is just an allegation; you are only “perceiving” it; you o not know that it is a fact I claim it is totally false; and I am right; but since you have “perceived” mental illness in this flat, you then must abide by the terms of the Tenancy Agreement; which you are not doing;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 01:25:15    It does not have to be true; you have make it a perceptual reality only; nothing more; in fact it is not true; but then you would not know that; but you must because of your own actions adhere to the terms o the Tenancy Agreement; the matter will be in the hands of the Council; I will no tolerate non compliance; in any manner that disturbs my quiet enjoyment; right now you are wrong just that; there must be silence all through the night with all abnormal activity like the criminal loitering an stalking and harassment from the public road or on the Estate ended an from even inside the flat below; ; as long I as I cannot hear anything then I will not know anything; but all disturbances and disruptions must cease and  cease now;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 01:29:55    “What did he do” asks the Jack the RAS Ripper; “GGA says the PCPHF “you’re right”

I simply rubbed  behind my right knee with my right hand when laying own because it itched; nothing more; but that is the kin of harassment which is meaningless, distorted and a perversion which must come to an end for it is a total invasion of privacy and an inhibitor on the simplest of actions which are totally innocent this is done all the time and must cease; so it all goes to the Council for immediate action; if you do not comply within twenty four hours then it goes to the court; you can tell it all to the judge including your “ Psychotic” information all o fit;

You will have to drag out all the records fro the foundation for teach an every surveillance piece of equipment with full details as to when and why it was installed; fro you will have to justify under legal challenge the presence of it all; unless you stop all of this activity on your own;

Remember there is a European Court of Human Justice so that this does not have to stay in this country at all;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 01:36:16    “Are you all write” asks a female voice from an auto that just pulled DTR from then end of the bldg; sounded like the VW type auto;

You must cease and desist all harassment under the terms of the Tenancy Agreement Section 22(c); for the flat below and the flat above

BTW this issue of a perceived mental illness goes back a very long way on your part and has been logged; I have been well aware of the Tenancy Agreement provisions all along; you and the Council have failed to honour  and abide by them; all this time; since at lease December 1999; it is just now that enforcement action will be under taken as regards to the total and completely sustained harassment violating that Section 22© which commenced just lat night in full; until then it was the other false allegation that dominated all the harassment; now with the advent of this false allegation your perception which you are claiming yourself means that you are in direct violation of the Tenancy Agreement for Flats 503 an 539; it will most likely have to be sorted out in the High Court given the extent of the damages an the personal injuries plus the fact that you o not have the goo sense to stop your harassment now that you continuous “perceive” mental illness here; you have created this all by yourself; now abide by the terms of your Tenancy Agreement; stop all harassment; including the surveillance;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 01:45:01    “We’ll hide it’ says a male DTR; there are noises coming from below;

No sexual activity at all occurs here at anytime;; only normal biological reactions after several hors of sleep occur which you saw ; an with the surveillance equipment that should have been very obvious that there was noting; I was sound asleep woken having a dream; to the disturbances;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 01:47:11    “Fucking hell” says a male DTR;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 01:47:29    Loud hard door slam below with its double standard;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 01:48:44    “He’ll find it” says the PCPHF DTR; there was a voice right under the front window sounding like a young boy saying “Maf” o was it “Dad”

A conspiracy to hide something inside my flat; verbal acknowledgement that my flat is entered which I not frequently; all this will come to an en;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 01:52:43    “There’s enough light” says a male voice DTR that sounds like Fummie; he must be contemplating installing mor surveillance equipment surreptitiously; you all would be wise to leave the public road and stay out of the area in front of my window where you loiter all night long; and to do so immediately; since you are in violation of the harassment section of the Tenancy Agreement for flat 503 below;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 01:54:57    Screeching roars from the PCPHF DTR; making it imperative that they all depart from the area outside my front window to cease and desist their loitering all night for the purpose of stalking and harassment which violates  the harassment section of the Tenancy Agreements for both flats above and below;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 01:56:43    Small dog barks outside in front of my window to the right;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 01:57:03    Into the bathroom for a pit stop; flushed toilet; now you can verify that there is no semen or seminal fluid residue in the sewage effluent from the toilet flush and therefore there was no sexual activity here at all; back into the living room;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 01:58:57    Back onto the bed; update;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 02:00:43    Whistle from outside to the right in the road as I finished the above update;

The situation is legally simple; you are obligated to abide by the terms of the Tenancy Agreements for the flats above and below; or those tenants who have signed them must; you will jeopardise their situation if you persist in your harassment of me; this matter is not for me to decide; if you will not abide by these lawful covenants then it is a matter for the court after the Council has the opportunity to stop the harassment;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 02:06:29    Please be advised that the Council has been notified previously of this violation in the Tenancy Agreements so noted; since this continues and if you do not stop forthwith, the matter will go immediately into the court as I noted without further notice against both the Tenants involved and the Council; I think that the Council will make certain under these circumstances that the provisions of the Tenancy Agreements are enforced;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 02:11:19    “I won’t go” screeches the PCPHF DTR; vehicle goes in that direction; footsteps outside heading that way;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 02:12:56    “Write down what he is trying to do” orders a male DTR; that is simple; I am enforcing by legal means the terms of the Tenancy Agreements; in order to preserve my health and safety as well as my quiet enjoyment of the Premises; nothing more; I am not “doing” anything except asking you to abide by the Tenancy Agreements for the flats above and below mine in accordance with specific provisions to protect health and well being which you yourselves perceive to exist; you are contributing to the problem you perceive to exist; I am seeking that this ongoing harassment by you stop; you have failed to o this on your own by respecting lawful contract provisions of tenancy, so I will apply again to the Council to enforce those contractual obligations since it is the Council who is responsible for such enforcement; failing then, I shall take both Tenants, Council an others to the High Court for such relief; I believe that the Council will see fit to vigorously enforce the terms of the Tenancy Agreement and that you will abide by such terms; I hope this is the case;

Now is it clear what I am going to do;

You can forget about the EMB and the TMO; they are failed creatures of the Council who is it ultimately responsible; see your Tenancy Agreement and your Solicitor;

Now please clear the road an cease and desist all loitering under my window  an outside in front of it for the purposes of stalking and harassment;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 02:26:24    You are using micro wave transmissions from the flat below to carry out stalking and(1) harassment against me; therefore the Tenant from Flat 503 and most likely 530 is it/are responsible for providing you with the ability to stalk and harassment me and is it/are therefore in violation of his/her Tenancy Agreement(s) Section 22© Harassment no matter where you are receiving this transmitted information;  the Tenant(s)is it responsible not you; you are responsible to the Tenant9s);

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 02:26:55    (1)“Oh no he knows” says the PCPHF DTR;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 02:32:25    “We’ll get him out tomorrow” says the male DTR; that cannot be done legally since specific protection is it provided for those with “perceived” mental health problems;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 02:37:48    You are carrying on harassment in front of my window DTR still on a continuous basis with unrelenting talking; this is it keeping me from going to sleep; you continue to be violating the lawful Tenancy Agreement for those in Flats 503 an 530; despite the apparent bluster that swells your heads apparently in the dark of the middle of the night; you do not seem to want to abide by these explicitly and unambiguous covenants of the Tenancy Agreements;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 02:44:48    “Just for tonight” asks the PCPHF from DTR; “Yes” replies the male DTR then adds; “then we’ll get him on a plane”; that will be a violation of the laws and contracts now in lace as well; you cannot remove me from my home without due legal process where both sides are present in open court; if you deny me this human right, you will be so prosecuted under the Human Rights Act of 1998 now fully law in this country as of October 2000;

Please cease and deist your harassment from in front of my window and depart immediately; no more discussion; if you do not depart, you will only precipitate legal action against yourselves and many others;

[(3)To sleep for 0.75 hours bringing the total to 3.5 hours tonight so far; woken by the excessive noises from those criminally loitering down the road for the purpose of criminally stalking and harassing me;];

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 03:32:02    Awake again; PCPHF voice from DTR; left hand numb from being on top as I slept on my right side;

Dream: again elusive but most definitely present;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 03:33:16    “Psychotic” yells Jack the RAS Ripper from down the road;; his harassment is it the reason that my drams are elusive; it is it that kind of behaviour which disrupts and distracts so t the dream is it forgotten immediately; this time though I remained laying down after waking to listen for the sounds of these harassers; sure enough they are still there in force

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 03:36:03    “Psychotic” says Jack the RAS Ripper once again;

[(4)To sleep for 1.0 hours bringing the total to 4.5 hours tonight so far; woken by the excessive noises from those criminally loitering down the road for the purpose of criminally stalking and harassing me;];

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 04:29:55    Woken once again; Jack the RAS Ripper is it down the road; doesn’t care about the legal repercussions of his wrong doing;

Another MPHF a I woke; nothing once again except a biological reaction an occurs when I am on my ack; seemed to have slept therefor ran hour; with the blanket over me;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 04:31:51    Screech roar form DTR by the PCPHF; vehicle noises from the right which just pulled up from the other end;

Dream: again a dream but again lost; all of them except one have been lot tonight in the face o te continuos onslaught;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 04:33:16    “He’s come” says Jack the RAS Ripper; nope that is it totally false; in fact there was as always no sexual activity at all;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 04:34:17    Another different female voice from below;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 04:35:00    “Psychotic” goes Jack the RAS Ripper again; PCPHF screeched away and Jack the RAS Riper says Sorry, forgot”;

[(5)To sleep for 0.5 hours bringing the total to 5.0 hours tonight so far; woken by the excessive noises from those criminally loitering down the road for the purpose of criminally stalking and harassing me;];

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 05:06:32    Shout from the PCPHF DTR;

Dream; was in a camp like affair ; a summer camp or resort place where we all knew each other; each week there was an all night party at one persons cabin; we had birthday remembrances and all night  doing some eating and drinking; leaving and going back to or cabins at dawn; the second one was near the en of te stay for all of us; first I had been travelling on a bus; left my bag under me; when I went to get it, te computer is it inside was gone; I wet non to that night’s party just the some; it was a wash out literally; seems to have rained and flooded everything ; under the end of the party everyone was getting ready to leave but we were wading through inch deep water in some parts; uncertain what we might be able to get done it was a nuisance; the bathrooms were plugged up an unusable; people were standing about and trying to get their stuff together ; woke up;

[Time did not take]            Woke with my left hand numb again from being on top; under the p blanket for warmth still; “OK . . . “; said Jack the RAS Riper DTR; “Oh no” groans the PCPHF; they have remained there all night; criminally loitering in te public road; stalking and harassing; ;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 05:13:35    Vehicle arrives from Bramley;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 05:13:49    Into the bathroom for a pit stop; Jack the RAS said DTR “He’s psychotic” continuing his harassment campaign; flushed toilet; now they can all see that nothing whatsoever sexually took place since there is it no residual semen or seminal fluid in the sewage; into the bedroom; dressed; into the kitchen; got choco from fridge and spoon from rack; put on chair; back into the living room; pushed bed to books; moved NB to table;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 05:19:24    “You’re right he did come you’re right he did come” says Jack the RAS Ripper DTR as I moved back into the chair; totally false; complete fabrication and fantasy; no such thing happened at all; sys back from screen saver; video OK; chair light on; update;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 05:23:56    Finished above update;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 05:25:26    “He’s going to do spell check now” says Jack the RAS Ripper DTR; verification of the continuing surveillance activity using “Tempest”

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 05:26:19    Starting diary/log review;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 06:21:22    Finished spell check for diary/log; Jamck the RAS Ripper was continuously saying “Psychotic”; he is definitely not a very bright guy and is prejudiced and bigoted in the ignorant extreme; there were constant repeating words and evidently trying to get things written down as I spell checked the diary;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 06:22:19    “He’s psychotic” says Jack the RAS under the front window talking with a female; engine starts;

Sun, 22 Jul 2001 - 06:33:48    Finished sleep log update;

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