


Tuesday, 17th July 2001

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 07:41:31    OK

Outside activities;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 12:08:00    Bramley door; upstairs; down Walkway passing black woman coming toward me; up middle stairs; down to my flat passed the front door; all open; unlocked; in flat;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 12:11:00    Home; shut door; light on; locked door; picked up post; into living room; put bags on file boxes; unpacked; NB on table; food into kitchen; sorted it; opened KW; light on; got stuff from fridge for tuna sand; made two with sliced tom and lett; sliced in half; opened pea and ham soup; poured into glass; spooned out; put sans on plate; on chair arm with soup by chair; put stuff back in fridge; rinsed soup can; three choco jars; utensils and board; opened water in sink; put by chair;  light off; back into the living room;

The entire time I was fixing food in the kitchen there was a running commentary from a male below the KW talking about my activity; all of it including references to the police;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 12:25:00    Chair; sys back from screen saver; video OK: R4 and chair light on; unwrapped NB chords; plugged in; booted NB;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 12:26:57    NB up and running; eating tuna sand, ham and pea soup, choco; update;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 12:42:55    Finished the above update;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 12:54:36    Finished soup and sands;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 13:00:00    R4 World at One: Nick Clarke;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 13:04:55    MC driving on the Estate below the window; male talking away; voice coming in KW; “He’s going to be taken out tonight” he said;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 13:05:56    Amb siren on other side of bldg; fades;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 13:30:03    Rain just started pouring outside; got on window immediately;;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 13:31:23    Male below the FW is still talking away; “just picked his nose” he says and goes right on talking;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 13:57:48    Jack the RAS Ripper and the PCPHF are complaining that the normal level music is too loud; they are both under the FW; he said “Wait until he hits a high note”; they know it its Don McLean and have just watched me load in all the information;

The PCPHF and Jack the RAS Ripper would complain that a pin dropping was too loud if they thought I dropped one; they simply attack whatever I am doing; in this case it is the music, yet they are the original nuisance neighbours with the dog barking, door slamming, screaming and screeching from below; Louis and themselves honking the horn from the road and talking loudly back and forth from the balcony below to the road or others out front; if they think it is loud, they can just measure it and find out is not too loud; when more rational people are around, they say no, it’s fine;

The PCPHF starts screeching, and Jack the RAS Ripper who is enjoying the music as he says often is then driven into attacking its volume when it is not too loud at all;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 14:09:22    Raining again with water flowing down the window; well the rain is here for awhile;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 14:11:27    Rain starting to fall heavily; into the kitchen; closed its window; rinsed plate and filled soup glass with soak water; back into the living room;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 14:13:23    Back into the chair to the screeching of the PCPHF LWDDDDB; update;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 14:14:41    Male yakking away below the FW; sounds like Jack the RAS Ripper complaining about normal music sound levels; of course, he’s making far more noise than the music at all times;

I wish my brain would operate instead of standing still

How did I ever let some of those ideas out of the box
Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 14:22:23    The animals in 503 have found something else to attack; now Jack the RAS Ripper just said “Shut it down”; in the middle of the afternoon at normal listening level; well, it should reveal to everyone the character of these animals;

It’s very important to note here that the reaction from these people is to “Shut it down”; they immediately jump to the extreme; they don’t have a basis for complaining, but if they did, they do not even start to think of a procedure to address the problem; they don’t want to do that; they attack something that is insignificant; blow it way out of proportion and immediately demand the extreme; in this case “Shut it down”; this is typical of all that they do; they are just out to destroy or “shut down” every aspect in my life; this is a good example of the pattern of all their activity;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 14:36:24    “Fucking hell” said a female below FW a bit ago as I was writing the above; now laugher from a male and female talking about “Getting him out”;

All the sound level indicators on SuperSonic are well withing range; there is no excessive anything which would occur with a too hight volume;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 14:45:33    Door slam below with its double standard;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 14:56:37    Now another male from below (CWDDDDB) is talking “When we take him out . . .”; yes, the music attack now on three separate occasions for no reason other then spite and destruction will be used as a legal attack against any such foolish action should it be carried out; there is no legal reason to do so for I have one nothing; don’t learn the hard legal way with a disastrous court proceedings going on for years and years; remember the size of my claim gets doubled if you illegally remove me by force, and it can only be illegal;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 15:00:15    “He’s come” says the PCPHF LWDDDDB; nope; that is totally false as always; if you claim to have any semen, better check the DNA and find the real owner;

That’s a rather precipitous proposal don’t you think;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 15:11:06    “He’s come” screeched the PCPHF; “He denied it” said the male LWDDDDDB; absolutely since nothing but nothing regarding any sexual activity of any kind has occurred here during this campaign against me to “Catch me” in the act of masturbating; it’s called abstinence; you lot are being made supreme fools of;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 15:12:59    Door slam below with its double hit; “I don’t believe that” says the male LWDDDDDB; no one gives a damn what you *believe*; that is not what counts; if you’ve been contending with this mentally and emotionally disturbed group of adults for three years now as I have given a whole series of false allegations in a pattern of such activity, then you might begin to appreciate who to best defend oneself against this type of onslaught; totally shutdown any and all activity to make certain that nothing but nothing can be attributed to me until the proper legal procedures deal with the whole problem; it is called “correct behaviour” and is the only way to deal with such game playing as these adults deal out; it is not belief; it is fact;

The great failure here has been the inability to readily recognise an emotionally disturbed person such as the PCPHF and deal with it properly;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 15:19:56    “He fucked” said the PCPHF LWDDDDB; nope, nothing; the point being has been and is to continuously highlight the nature of the false accusations and the fact that they are false without a doubt; screeching and screaming loud and long all the time does not create reality but it does reveal as seriously disturbed personality; stay with it, and you wind up deep in the cesspool of criminality along with her, but she gets out due to mental illness; you do not;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 15:25:49    Very loud hard door slam below with the dog barking below; and they complain about  about normal music listening levels; have you ever been at the other end of the Walkway when they slam that door)?); it is disturbing there too because it is so bad;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 15:26:59    “I want him out” screeches the PCPHF after the Yargie Male below said “You’re right”; I hardly think so, and I’m the one in the position to know the veracity of the allegations;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 15:28:03    “Get out” screeches the PCPHF below LWDDDDDB; yes, that will allow her to attempt to bury the truth; won’t happen though;

I have so many examples which show that she is totally wrong in her allegations; I know that they are *all* wrong; her credibility will not stand because it is totally false; stick with it, and you go to the dock; all her allegations reveal in light of their being continuously false and demonstrably so is that she has a very seriously disturbed personality;

Dozed off for a bit;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 15:44:39    Woken by sharp noises front widow area; but might have been from truck outside at the end of the bldg apparently picking up the rubbish;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 15:45:25    “He fucked” says the PCPHF LWDDDDB; now this is how the PCPHF operates; it was not until after I noted that I had dozed off in the chair briefly for a catnap that she lets loose with her false allegation; she is keying on what I write as an opportunity to attack when she thinks that I cannot do anything about it since I was sleep; except that I have too many examples when I was not really asleep; just resting; noted it and got attacked;  

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 15:52:55    “He’s wrong, right(?)” asks the Yargie Male LWDDDDDB; nope; I am right; there are far too many examples of her just jumping at sounds and nonsense that have been shown to be wrong; I just said that above; all this shows is her extremely disturbed personality; you have been sucked into a terrible trap; getting me out will not change any of it, but that will certainly make it all the worse for you;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 15:56:48    “He’s needs help” says the Yargie Male LWDDDDDB; nope; wrong again; I’m better than you really want to admit, but you need a way to save your neck which is submerged in criminal activity, so you attack me; but I am right and very well balanced about it too; however, there is one among several seriously disturbed personalities that needs extra special help, and you are making that all the worse by exploiting her for you own ends;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 15:59:37    Jack the RAS Ripper is scratching vocally to the left; reply is “That’s it he wants us to . . .” [fold up your criminal tent and go home to stop making it worse for yourself];

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 16:00:44    “He’s drugged”; nope; false again; you are still attacking me and not dealing with the content of what I have to say; typical because you cannot deal with it at all since you have fabricated the lot of it;

It is just one big attempt at a cover up that will not work;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 16:03:20    Switched to JB: Ring Them Bells; same sound level; no changes; just normal listening level;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 16:08:27    PCPHF screeching away in her normal roar from below in the small room to the bedroom; it does sound like she just said “He’s come”; nope; totally false as always; got it; as always means just that *as always*; PCPHF is a wacko banana basket case;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 16:11:03    “He’s not right’ you’re not” says a male CWDDDDDB; yup; she is; you are a Johnny come lately who has not had the experience of listening to all of her screeches and screaming for more then five years now; you haven’t had the pleasure of hearing her walk up the front footpath pushing the infant pushchair yelling at the top of her voice “Fuck me” over and over; only a wacko, banana basket case would do anything as screwy as that; WBBC; then, of course, were the extremely verbally violent screaming matches she and Louis alway got into without a doubt about their always recurring resulting in his being banished; then he comes begging back; only to go through the whole syndrome all over again;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 16:16:10    “We’re getting him out tonight’ says male voice LWDDDDDDB; criminal statement inciting a criminal act for there is no legal foundation for doing any such thing; especially when it is based upon perjury;

He wiggled his toes, ergo, “He fucked”; that is a Wacko Banana Basket Case; WBBC; new radio station on the West Coast;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 16:21:48    Steady, hard rain outside; been at it for awhile; male yakking from the left; talking about “get him out tonight”; another threat of violence to induce fear of such; that is a criminal act;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 16:29:27    Lock snap below set the dog to barking below; male still talking about the attack against me; he just goes on and on LWDDDDB;

What we have here folks is the prime example of the Private Public Partnership;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 16:42:17    The rain continues to pour outside; stormy night as predicted;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 16:53:54    That means I am dropping off to sleep and catching myself before I do because I do not want to go to sleep; knuckle head; stop making up things that do not exist;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 16:56:21    Double loud thud from below; now it that ha been me they would have been screeching and screaming, running around the bldg telling the world what happened, that he does it all the time and it is . . .

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 16:58:56    Music off; R4 on; reset frozen video;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 16:59:54    R$ PM; Clare (BH) and Eddie at Westminster; London Transport Bob Kiley sacked (just shows how bad shape it is all in; and I mean everything); he was “blocking” the PPP; Tory voting done;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 17:03:35    Horn blaster below the window to the right in the road; PCPHF out shouting on the balcony to the road;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 17:06:28    Very hard loud door slam below with its double standard;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 17:22:13    Tory vote: Kenneth Clarke: 59; Ian Duncan-Smith:;54; Michael Portillo: 53; Total vote 166;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 17:50:17    Long, loud discussion going on with screeching PCPHF followed by male using “Fucking” in some unknown context;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 17:57:31    Rumbler arrives out of sight;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 17:59:24    R4 and chair light off; monitor and NB screen shrouded;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 17:59:51    Moved NB to the bed; pulled bed out; straightened sheet; into the kitchen; light on; put choco in fridge; washed hands; removed lenses; light out; into the bedroom; undressed;

As I was walking through the hall, a male voice below said “There he is” then as I sat down on the toilet after entering the bathroom, he said “He’s using the toilet”; now this was a grand tour for the benefit of an audience of spectators gathered below to watch me perform bodily functions and take my bath; generally what one would consider the public at large consisting of male and female voices that I subsequently heard;

I urinated; was that OK by you(?); did everyone get a good look(?); then as natural bodily functions would have it especially in the proper place of using the toilet in the bathroom, I expelled some intestinal gas with a bit of noise; a male voice below said “Get him out”; nice that; you should hear those “Thundering” explosions that come from the occupants in the flat below where the lot of you are sitting; do I yell “Get him/her out”; no of course not; you are a brutal bunch of . . . but you have been doing this for three years so what do you think of yourselves(?);

I flushed the toilet to give the water sampling sewage rats a good look at the urine to determine that there is no seminal fluid or semen in it; they are always looking; very considerate of them; then I started the tub filling; climbed in and soaked while it was doing so; lo and behold none other than the ever present voice to Fired Up Motor Mouth Exterminator (Fume or Fumie depending upon the declension) started in with his lecture series on surveillance activity and what was actually going on here; now he has no experience with this situation at all; he has no knowledge of what has really transpired for years here, but he comes along and pretends to present the “truth” of the situation; his real purpose is to make certain that the actual truth never sees the light of day; I sat there soaking listening to him motor mouth run on and on; I heard several things; here there are not necessarily in the order in which they were stated:

“We are having trouble getting him to come”; Fumie sounds like he is milking a cow or getting a chicken to lay an egg; this is about the most asinine statement I have ever heard anyone say; think about it for awhile; what is this moronic motor mouth really saying; this is a criminal statement; it is a set up; he is saying we are trying our best to get this guy to ejaculate by he is being recalcitrant; now just because there are 24 hour per day seven days a week threats of violence against me for doing so doesn’t make a bit of difference; he deliberately induces the fear of violent (a criminal offence) by making these threats to have me removed by force from my own home; now how am I supposed to take this; well, he has no knowledge of the larger picture here nor all the hears of events and experiences that I have witnessed and had; but he knows it all; this complete idiot has the unmitigated gall to tell and audience of observers that he can’t milk the cow or get the chicken to lay an egg when he is continually beating these animals with a very large weapon; well, it has nothing to do with these activities; it does have a very large and broad based reason for what is called simply the abstinence from all sexual activity in the face of intense and potentially life threatening criminal activity from stalking and harassment which makes false allegations continuously for the purpose of very destructive criminal objectives; now did Fumie tell you that(?);

“He has brought it all on himself”; the whole point is that I have done nothing at all myself at any time; in fact I have had to shutdown my life in almost every way, one of which was just described, in order to make certain that I could defend myself and make certain no activity could be attributed to me whatsoever; therefore, a very large campaign of fabrication and distortion of events and activities has been undertaken by these people; what Fumie has said here is totally false, but he would . . .

“We are trying to get him out tonight”; take me out of my home in order to destroy my legal rights and human rights by his crimes against humanity so that he can pervert the course of justice and hopefully destroy all the evidence and testimony which I have to bring to light to establish the truth of this situation; that is why he has investigated every aspect of the documentation that I have so he can destroy it in every way possible; these are enormous crimes and abuses of power; they are, as I just said, crimes against humanity given the extreme personal injuries and damages which I have sustained that he continues in the extreme;
“The European Court of Human Justice”; now I just heard this phrase, but this is the point made above; he must stop me from addressing this problem in this court and he must be as destructive against me as possible in order to do so;

“That’s your problem”; at one point I heard a female member of the audience in the flat below tell this to Fumie; I do not recall what this was in reference to, but I will say he has a very, very big legal problem from every aspect of all that he has done here in a very short time both civil and criminal; he knows it; what he is doing is trying to paint a picture that makes me look like the bad guy when I am the victim in actuality while he does everything he can to cover his backside for all the crimina and unlawful acts he has committed;

I turned off the water when the tub got full; soaked for a bit; washed my feet, ankles and lower legs; scratching the itchy bits too; stood up; washed my genital area, upper legs, anal area; waist, torso, arms, underarms; when I went back to give my genitals an extra scrubbing, the PCPHF voice from below said “He’s fucking”; that was total rubbish; outrageous nonsense, completely false and a fantasy from her mind only; I was taking a bath and washing myself throughly; did you all get that(?); sat down in the tub and rinsed all the washed areas; pulled the plug; sat in the tub until it finished draining and got out;

Then I towel dried; as I was drying my anal area, a male voice from below said “He’s queer” and proceeded to embellish that remark with further comments; this was an unlawful, bigoted statement that had nothing to do with the fact that I was drying myself; it had everything to do with an attempt to defame, denigrate and damage by what the speaker thought was a shared homophobic statement; he hoped that others would be repulsed by this “conclusion” of his; well, my sexual orientation is no one’s business; I will not be defensive about anything because I will respect and defend the rights of homosexuals to be themselves and avoid this kind of illegal slur and attack; but this one was made with the use of surveillance equipment inside my home, inside my bathroom, so that an audience in the flat below mine could witness all that I was doing; while this was going on, someone who thought that he would “jack up” the negative attitude made what he believed to be a homophobic comment against me that others would share; his was a criminal act; did anyone of you do or say anything against it(?);

Finished drying; into the bedroom to put some clothes on; back into the living room where a tour guide male voice from below said “Something’s wrong” and another comment as I moved the NB to the tables; I went into the kitchen to get the chicken out; opened it on a plate; got some utensils; put it on the chair arm and returned to the living room;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 18:39:35    Back into the chair; R3 and chair light on; sys back from screen saver; frozen video reset a couple times; update;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 19:21:22    Finished the above update;

Something’s wrong all right; it is the criminal activity in which you all have been engaged as tonight’s being a prime example of that; you shall be prosecuted for what you have done; all of you; I would not advise that you further compound your criminality by carrying out the already intended and expressed criminal statement to remove me by force from my home; there is no legal foundation for doing so at all, and you have just proven that by all that you have done just now; yes, there is a “problem”; a very big problem; and you’re it; not I;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 19:24:28    Eating chicken;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 19:28:17    Rebooted sys to restore resources;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 19:34:14    All progs loaded and unloaded; video OK;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 19:38:54    Finished two chicken quarters chicken; still talking below as they did throughout my update; raining continuously and hard out side;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 19:41:34    Brushed teeth; R3 and chair light off; monitor shrouded; light out by near wall; “Let’s get him out” says a criminal thug male from below;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 19:42:22    Moved NB to the bed; into kitchen; put away chicken; rinsed utensils and soup glass; into bedroom; undressed; back into the living room; rain continuing to fall heavily;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 19:45:38    Onto the bed; update;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 19:47:06    Finished the above update;

NB in a surveillance operation, one is supposed to watch not “Try to get him to come”; Fumie has just admitted that this whole operation has been a set up and intentionally organise to create the results it was suppose to be objectively observing;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 19:52:39    “I want him out” screeches the PCPHF in her best roar from LWDDDDDDB; in true fashion she is carrying on the criminal incitements; who will act on that; the police(?); for what legal reason; her false allegations;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 20:01:07    “OMG; he was fucking right there” said a male to the right out front who has been jabbering away; another Newbie who hasn’t a clue about what’s happening; that was an PHFM; did two of them for silent flatulence release; or would you prefer lots of noise;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 20:05:06    “Write that down” says Fumie like voice to the right a bit out front; yes, do that so I can have it for discovery; dog barking away below; couple kids yakking away below the window; vehicle radio going loudly DTR;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 20:08:36    My foot moved; started a big discussion to the right down a bit; before when he started ordering writing, I was on my right side to go to sleep; went back to that position; no doubt they have not taken laying on the right side with foot moving as something sinister and to be well noted;

[(1)To sleep for 1.0 hours; disturbed and woken by those criminally loitering down the road for the purpose as outlined already by the one who did it: Fumie engaged in stalking and harassment;]

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 21:07:44    Woken by the jabbering DTR; Fumie onto his best disturbance activity said something about 5:15: must be his schedule departure;

Dream: end with a sailing activity on a couple different boats; one a three master and another very small; the three master was in a storm and blew over on its side in shallow water; we had been struggling with her in heavy weather; the other small boat was like water skiing; but its detail is gone;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 21:11:50    I was sound asleep; woken by the running mouth of Fumie; had a dream in the process; I am surprised that they let Fumie continue after all the damage he has caused;

[(2)To sleep for 1.75 hours bringing the total to 2.75 hours tonight so far; believe that I was woken by excessive stalking and harassment noises from under my window and down the road; excessive use of the electro magnetic radiation imaging device blinded me temporarily with the circuit board connected dot pattern;]

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 23:00:50    Wake up; cold in here; really had a dot pattern on that one;

Dream: trying to determine the point of passing for a train car at its various points; trying to gauge when the front of a train car had gone passed a certain point by using two other points further back in that same car; it was tedious, time consuming but successful;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 23:02:42    “No, that’s it” said a male under the front window;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 23:05:31    “No . . . come” screeched the PCPHF DTR;

It was so cold in here when I first woke, that I went for the blanket to get it over me; all I could see were the dots from the pattern; this went on for a few seconds and was longer than ever before; they have really been using the electro magnetic radiation device to o their best to “get me” masturbating; I had to stop, because I could not see; switched to typing this to get the info and especially the dream down;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 23:10:25    Finished the above comment;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 23:10:54    Just as I was getting up from the bed and in a crouch position, a male DTR said “You’re wrong”; evidently when he got a good look at my dangling penis, he was able to see there was no erection or dripping semen, etc; evidently the PCPHF had claimed otherwise, and he was pointing out to her that she was wrong; into the bathroom for a pit stop; flushed toilet; now, all you sewage rats, you can verify that there is nothing but urine there; back into the living room;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 23:13:07    Back onto the bed; update;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 23:17:48    Finished the above update; just as I was starting it, a female voice DTR said “He was fucking”; this confirmed for me the false allegation which evidently had been made, and the male DTR refuted upon my getting up;

I was sound asleep; woken by a disturbance of some sort; had that dream as I was waking; then was still so tired and cold when first waking that I went for the blanket to get warm but could not see properly; that was frightening; their use of that electro magnetic radiation imaging device is making its imprint more and more injuriously; this piece of equipment is quite literally burning out my eyes;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 23:23:35    Male voice right under the window a wee bit ago;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 23:25:52    “We could take him out right now” says a male voice directly in front of my window; and be damned to legal perdition for the rest of your life; are you near retirement; do you still want to receive your retirement cheque; do you want to lose it for criminal misconduct; or would you like to pay it to me for personal injury and damages compensation; or both;

Tue, 17 Jul 2001 - 23:32:40    Fumie got his record stuck in “Write it down”; he must have said it ten times  as I was laying on my back with my hands behind my head covered by the blanket against the cold; this is precisely what I mean by his disturbances that are so bad; they are the worse of the lot of these people;

[(3)To sleep for 1.0 hours bringing the total to 3.75 hours tonight so far; woken by excessive talking down the road by the criminal loiterers engaged in criminal stalking and harassment on behalf of Her Majesty’s Government;]

    Wednesday, 18th July 2001

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 00:30:58    “Hat’s off, Steve” says a male DTR; congratulating him on his wonderful job of disturbing me; waking me and ensuring that I sit up; changed the day/date before making this entry; Fumie watched every finger stroke said “There he’s got it” as the correct date was entered; is Fumie Steve;

I was laying on my back asleep with the banket over me; ha just fallen asleep like that from before almost instantly it seemed; then was woken by this incessant chatter and vocal noises by the criminal bunch DTR;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 00:36:21    “All right, we’re going in now” says recalcitrant DTR; OK, give me time to get back to sleep;

[(4)To sleep for 0.5 hours bringing the total to 4.25 hours tonight so far; woken by the same group of criminal loiterers down the road operating on behalf of Her Majesty’s Government engaged criminal in stalking and harassment as outline earlier by the one who was most prominent at this time: Fumie;]

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 01:08:46    “He was fucking just then” said Fumie DTR; nope; jumped to the dream description fast here so as not to lose it;

Dream: was subject to surveillance; had figured it all out; was intercepting it myself and transmitting its messages plus my own; I was packing my stuff; for some reason I had the umbrella sheath wrapped around my head like a headband; was carrying the small collapsible umbrella; then got both bags (black and red); went out; stopped at a toilet facility for a dump; then went on; was walking up Clarendon Road when I realised that I did not have my red bag; did not know where I had left it; back at home or in the loo; started jogging back as fast as I could; the umbrella sheath head band started slipping down; removed it; then kept jogging; work up;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 01:14:26    “Psychotic” said Jack the RAS Ripper DTR as I was writing the above; before this there was an exchange of compliments; now is Fumie’s name Steve, is he out there with Jack the RAS Ripper; an now I hear the PCPHF voice;

I was asleep for a very short time on my right side; obviously disturbed by the excessively loud talking by Fumie that woke me;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 01:16:56    “Wrong” says a male voice DTR; the disturbance of the voices woke me; FULL STOP because that is what I first heard upon waking from that dream; it was Fumie with his announcement of the totally false allegation;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 01:20:35    This is a terrible, terrible night of stalking and harassment by these criminals loitering in the public road; they have been waking me with their incessant chatter and presence very frequently; this is the worst of these; left alone I sleep on and on; they are desperate to create the problem that was so eloquently indicated earlier that they create;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 01:23:11    “He’s psychotic” said another male DTR just as I was writing the above; nope; the problem is you; you are creating the disturbances and then pointing your finger at me; you must understand that your mere presence in the public road is disturbing and disrupting for which you are responsible completely; you can in no way point your finger at me at all while you are there all night every night carrying on this campaign; you are creating the problem;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 01:25:43    “He’s wrong” says a male sounding like Fumie DTR; tell it to the judge and see what he decides;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 01:26:25    “Fuck you” said Fumie as I wrote his name in the entry above;

These are the murderers at work “Right Now”;
Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 01:27:27    “We have to get him out right now” says a voice sounding like MRE DTR; why, to cover up the truth; it will be a stupendous criminal act;

So here they all are together in one place: MRE, Fumie (poss Steve); Jack the RAS Ripper and the perpetual emotion machine PEP PCPHF; murderers all; working hard at their killing;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 01:33:07    “He’s right” says one of the males and explains why; “He’s not right” says the PEP PCPHF in her screech; she’s the one who stated in no uncertain terms “I want him dead” a few weeks ago;

The point is that I am only too right in many ways about your activity which impacts me;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 01:35:04    “Write it down” orders a male DTR;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 01:38:11    “You do all right” says a male in front of my window to the right among other comments; this is the kind of disturbances this mob of gangsters dishes out all night long which wakes me and keeps me awake;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 01:44:10    “I know he’s fucking now” said the PEP PCPHF DTR as I was laying on my right side trying to get to sleep;

That is the whole problem in a “nutshell”; I was doing absolutely nothing except trying to get some much needed sleep to preserve and protect my life; disregarding this and intent upon her most destructive efforts the PEP PCPHF made a totally false allegation based upon special knowledge that only she has revealing her seriously disturbed mental and emotional state; it is all in this action and words causing a disturbance from a false allegation which means that I have to sit up to note it for the record;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 01:47:28    “I want him out” says the screeching PEP PCPHF DTR; no legal basis for doing so and most certainly not your false allegations with claim to special knowledge;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 01:51:15    “Write it down” orders Fumie as I scratched the outside of my thigh at the waist while laying on my right side; more life threatening disturbances and sleep deprivation activity from the very source of the problem attacking normal and simple human actions;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 01:53:41    “He’s got to come” screeches the PEP PCPHF in her roar from DTR adding her voice to the life threatening chorus; nope; that is not true and everyone knows it; Fumie made that clear tonight when he made a total ass of himself and destroyed all that you are pretending to do;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 01:57:20    “Write it down; I don’t care; write it down” orders AH Fumie; I was laying on my left side and tried to release some flatulence silently with my right hand by raising my right cheek; not entirely successful; AH Fumie then had to order that this act be documented; he must be creating a docudrama from the Bunker;

OK, here is the status: AH Fumie in the Bunker with the PEP PCPHF ordering her to write down PHFM activity; others are in the Bunker too watching and observing this total perversion of surveillance activity; AH Fumie is degenerating fast in his efforts to save his neck from the legal entanglements which await him;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 02:02:00    Roaring screeches from the PEP PCPHF; her pencil must have gotten stuck;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 02:02:25    Auto drives slowly from here DTR;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 02:02:49    “He did it” says a male DTR; nope; that is totally false;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 02:04:04    “Fucking hell; I can’t write that fast” screeches the PEP PCPHF in her best roar; I am surprised that she can write at all;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 02:05:58    The whole lot of the criminal thugs DTR went berserk just then after I lay down once again on my left side to go to sleep; as I settle in, they just took off verbally disturbing the entire environment in their quest for the Holy Grail; it ain’t here; I don’t got the HG;

[(5)To sleep for 1.0 hours bringing the total to 5.25 hours tonight so far; woken one more time by the gang of criminals loitering on the public road outside my window carrying out criminal stalking and harassment for Her Majesty’s Government;]

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 03:12:51    “I know it; I know it; I just know he’s come” roars the PEP PCPHF DTR; nope; she woke me sleeping on my left side with that screeching that went on and on; I was sound asleep; dreaming and woken; dream gone now or for the moment; all that was present was the MPHF; an little of that; this was total fantasy on her part;

Dream: had something to do with the Army I think; just a vague image recollection but nothing more;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 03:16:13    “Great” says a male DTR as I note that the dream had been lost; well, given that tremendous, mindless uproar that is understandable; she has lost it entirely; and is totally wrong; purely a wacko banana basket case; WBBC;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 03:18:06    “Pull him right now” yeah, go ahead and find out just how very wrong you are;

The great tragedy in all this is that the so-called observers using the surveillance equipment just do not remain silent; that outburst which woke me; continues the sleep deprivation and life threatening activity on the part of these would be murderers; it is so simple just to be quiet and observe; you must ask yourselves why this is not one; the answer is because that is not the purpose of the surveillance activity; it is there and being use for the objective to disrupt, disturb and destroy;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 03:23:02    “He’s fucking right now; he’s wiggling his toes” says the PEP PCPHF DTR; yes, I was wiggling my toes; I was doing it intentionally waving them at you; look what happened; I just proved the absurdity of the PEP PCPHF’s allegations; I wiggled my toes, and she went into false allegation mode automatically; the same with all the others; all I have to do is lay down on either side and she screeches the same thing; she is totally disturbed mentally and emotionally in the extreme; Miss He Wiggled His Toes MHWHT; hey, I like that mirror image of the initials; MHWHT; well almost anyway;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 03:27:34    Into the bathroom for a pit stop; noisy flatulence release; you will appreciate the PHFMs someday; flushed toilet; now, sewage rats, have at it; prove to yourselves that I am right as always; there is no semen or seminal fluid; the PEP PCPHF is totally wrong once again on all counts; as always; back into the living room;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 03:29:51    Back onto the bed; update;

It is entirely clear that Her Majesty’s Government is engaged in deliberately stalking and harassing by making screeches and screams all night long including continuous, excessive chattering as well; this is conducted from a criminal position of loitering in a public road outside my window with the intent to disturb; it is not surveillance; it is using surveillance equipment to terrorise and torture me continues with sleep deprivation, fear of violence and continuous false allegations; if this was surveillance, it would all be done totally silently as observers only with no need to screech and scream; this has been the purpose of the surveillance activity now for three years and has been carried out as such; it is a trial run and experimentation in a new variation on the theme of Public Private Initiative by putting surveillance equipment into the hands of the private sector so that these members of the public (not to be confused with the Public Sector) can participate and cut costs; thus, the outcome has been that the criminal and thug has gained such usage of the equipment for criminal objectives; now the Public Sector members join in at the end to try to salvage the complete disaster by direct participation in the same action so that Her Majesty’s Government is directly engaged in continuous criminal activity in a public road violating numerous criminal statutes an causing a general public nuisance; this negates the laws passed by Parliament an the role of the justice system as these criminals try to evade both for their own cover up purposes so that this unmitigated “PPI” disaster will never reach the “Public’s” attention; sorry too late; it already has;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 03:42:46    End of the above comment accompanied by a loud vocal comment from a male DTR; just as I describe; not surveillance but criminal stalking and harassment;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 03:46:21    The Control and Dominance Freak (CDF) PEP PCPHF is screeching away DTR apparently arguing with a male about something; once again proving my point as just stated;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 03:48:03    “Write it down; write it down right now” says a male several times DTR following a PHFM; use an exposition  comparing and contrasting the lack of noise there with the flatulence release by raising my right cheek with my right hand while laying on my left side with that noisy flatulence release recently in the bathroom; I told you that you would appreciate the PHFM; so now you wish to pervert that as well;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 03:50:20    An auto arrives from Bramley; they now engage in a discussion with its occupant(s); there is a never ending process of stalking an harassment at all times here all night long in the public road outside my window;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 03:51:23    “Take him out” screeched the PEP PCPHF in her roar DTR; why; all your allegations are totally false; it has been shown that you only want to disturb and destroy; you should be arrested for all your criminal acts; all I am trying to do is get to sleep which is impossible with all this criminal activity going on;

Do not victimise the victim of a crime further; or you will become a criminal too;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 03:56:39    “He’s fucking; see it” yells a male DTR; oh no, not again; I did that on purpose too just to show everyone what total nut cases you lot really are; I was laying on my right side and wiggled my toes at the camera; the guy went bonkers over it; again totally unnecessary noises for an observer; emotionally reacting to nothing but toe wiggling; and trying to get the apparent police present to act against the toe wiggler; this is the TWP or Toe Wiggling Police; they stamp out toe wiggling; special surveillance activity is established at great cost to Her Majesty’s Treasury just to apprehend these miscreants who would dare to wiggle their toes; the police are employed on a continuous standby basis just to repress toe wiggling;

This too is part and parcel of the very innovative PPI launched by the Labour Government on behalf of Her Majesty during the past three years;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 04:03:39    “Give it up” says a male DTR; he has not fully appreciated the great depth of the disturbance which has totally engulfed this mentally ill and emotionally disturbed person; she will never “give it up” unless taken away;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 04:08:26    “I can’t write” says the PEP PCPHF DTR after extensive urgings to write that down whatever she had been saying in her defence; shame on the lot of you for exploiting this illiterate, mentally retarded and emotionally disturbed person for your own objectives to the point of causing a psychotic breakdown in her; and now you have humiliated her in the extreme by forcing her to admit that she is illiterate; shame on the lot of you;

[(5)To sleep for 0.25 hours bringing the total to 5.5 hours tonight so far; once again tonight woken by the mob of gangsters loitering outside my window in the public road for the purpose to carry out crimina stalking and harassment on behalf of Her Majesty’s Government;];

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 04:30:58    “He’s up” says a male DTR;

Dream; rescued a guy from the water who was totally exhausted and sinking out of sigh; it was a boat race with the crew all set to go; there was a false start; was that a double beep on a horn from the road; I was sitting in the water next to the starting line in a small inflatable dingy; then the boat that had failed to start capsized; all he crew went under water staying there for along time something was wrong; one of them had sunk to the bottom; they were trying to rescue him; finally they got him to the surface; but he was immobile and unable to move for himself; they had to keep him above water; I had gotten out of my small rubber dingy and pushed it over to get him into it, but that would not work; they kept losing him as he sunk back under the water; finally I just put my arm around his chest and began swimming sidestroke to the shore pulling him along above the water as is the normal way to do these things; I got him to the shore OK; alive and well and breathing; woke up;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 04:37:49    I was disturbed again I believe and woken causing this dream; the false start double horn blast one after another I believe was an auto from the road; these idiots will know that but may not admit it; there was a loud moan from  one of them as I was writing the dream description; didn’t suit his purposes evidently;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 04:39:52    “Fucking” says one of the morons DTR; no Gonzo, sleeping and waking  with a dream caused by you;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 04:40:39    Into the bedroom; just after arriving; a door closed above; someone came down the stairs departing toward the front door it sounded like; got dressed; into the kitchen; light on; washed hands; put in lenses; light off; into the living room; put glasses away in case; pushed bed to the books; moved NB to the table;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 04:50:02    Into the chair; R3 on and off fast; chair light on; sys back from screen saver; reset video; update;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 04:51:39    “He’s come” screeches the PEP PCPHF RW never giving up her delusionary obsession; psychotic in the extreme;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 04:54:13    “He’s not fucking” says a male RW who has been talking away for a bit as I wrote the update; yup, that is correct;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 04:55:24    “Noooo, he might” screeched the PEP PCPHF RW; a right budding Gottlieb Frege she is;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 04:56:33    Eating choco supreme and drinking drug laced water;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 05:40:46    Finished diary/log review for last night; chattering away;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 05:55:37    Finished spell check for diary/log for last 24 hours; chattering away;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 05:59:54    R4 Today: Sue and James: West Bank military move by Israel;

Wed, 18 Jul 2001 - 06:15:40    Finished sleep log recap; 5.5 hours of sleep in 5 segments each of which was disturbed by those outside loitering for the purpose of stalking and harassing;

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