


Sunday, 15th July 2001

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 06:37:42    File mgmt and xfers done; shoes and socks on;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 06:37:57    Shutdown;

[Out to the Internet Shop, etc]

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 17:28:00    Bramley door;

Two small black boys hit mail flap to 504 below an tun to 506; when the guy comes out below; they ask if he has something; but he says that he does not have any;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 17:31:00    Home;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 17:47:46    NB up and running; eating tuna sand, tom soup and choco; update;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 17:57:58    Dog barking below;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 18:00:06    R4 News; Portillo supporters deny undercut Hague charges;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 18:07:19    Hard, loud door slam below with its double standard;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 18:08:26    Finished tuna sand and tom soup;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 18:13:31    Hard, loud door slam below;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 18:14:20    Hard, loud door slam below with its double standard;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 18:15:30    “I want him out” says a female to the left; male responds;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 18:18:56    “He’s drugged” says male CWDDDDD who sounds like Jack the RAS Ripper;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 18:25:54    Pol car comes from other full speed, siren an lights to Bramley; fades;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 18:40:27    “He’s psychotic” says a male CWDDDDDDB; might be RE in for his Sunday night sojourn of outlaw activity; nope; I have no problems with fact and fantasy;

Psychosis 1) loss of contact with reality; (2) lack of insight; I will tell you and show you from all that I have written and do write each and every day that I am very much in touch with reality and have a greater insight into this situation that apparently anyone here so far;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 18:50:43    “He’s psychotic” says Jack the RAS Ripper LWDDDDDDB who has lost touch with reality and it the epitome of the reverse of insight;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 19:25:57    Male LWDDDDDB said to the PCPHF “You’re screwed up”; that’s RE back for another Sunday night of fun and games with Martha and George;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 19:28:49    “Psychotic” says the Male LWDDDDDB; wonder who is trying to convince; himself; sounds like the incompetent RE;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 19:32:22    The ignorant and incompetent RE sounding vice LWDDDDDB went on talking about “Psychotic” stating that it is not what’s in a book; and agreeing with the PCPHF’s opinion on the matter; yes, ignorant and incompetent;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 19:33:53    PCPHF screeching something about “get him out” LWDDDDB;
Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 19:34:39    Into the kitchen; put away choco in fridge; rinsed the plate and couple glass; into the bedroom; light on; got new lens vial; back into the kitchen; light on; washed hands; removed lenses; someone hit with a loud thud from below me; put in disinfectant; male voice from below said “Look at him”; light out; back into the living room;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 19:40:52    Back into the chair; update;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 19:43:50    Finished the above update;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 19:45:07    “He’s good” says a male LWDDDDDB about DM; turned off music, amp and chair light; shrouded monitor and NB screen; got two rapid fire weasel pops as I was writing this;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 19:46:19    Moved NB to the be; pulled bed out; straightened sheet; into bedroom; undressed; kids playing in Walkway; back into the living room;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 19:49:26    Onto the bed; update;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 19:51:15    Guy DTR is using the new “buzzword” of the ignorant on the Estate: “Psychotic”; must be looking into a mirror; finished the above update;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 19:52:25    “OK, fine” says the same MRE voice;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 19:54:04    “He’s doing it right now” says the MRE DTR as I was laying on my back motionless, hands behind head and legs spread for a full view; he is definitely unable to tell the difference between fact and fantasy; then he just called someone “Psychotic”; that’s his new word for very five minutes tonight as he tries to convince everyone of another delusion springing from his demented mind; you know the one that cannot differentiate between fact and fantasy;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 19:56:46    “Get him” says MRE; “All right” says female to the right; there he goes again; so insecure that he has to keep repeating “Psychotic” over and over; well this is a case of projection as it turns out; we are learning about MRE tonight;

While I was laying down on my back a bit ago; a kid yelled close to my door;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 19:59:04    “Write it down” says MRE; and then uses the “Psychotic” word again;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 20:00:59    Now MRE DTR is really into pure stalking and harassment of the worst order; “He is really psychotic” he said;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 20:03:51    The ball is once again bouncing in the rear wall area; MRE is urging the PCPHF to write it down explaining why as he continues stalking and harass in a criminal way by stealing my notes to pervert the course of justice;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 20:04:53    More thuds from below in the rear wall area;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 20:07:21    MRE once again urging the screeching PCPHF to “Write it down” the thuds in double hits are continuously coming from below all during this typing as well as before as I was laying down trying to rest when MRE continued his vocal stalking and harassment from DTR;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 20:13:02    MRE is behaving in an extremely verbally abusive way by continuously talking loudly DTR about “Psychotic” and various actions like scratching behind my knees; the ball bouncing went on for most of the time from below;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 20:14:10    “Here we go” said the MRE as he continued to verbally abuse directly as he read what I was writing;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 20:14:58    “We’ll take him out” says the MRE; right; like a gangster ignoring the law  with a grandiose personality thinking that he is above it; Dr VW apparently arrived just a bit ago;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 20:17:37    “Right, we’ll do it now” says MRE DTR trying to CYA himself;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 20:21:33    “We want to get him out; he’s psychotic” says MRE DTR; he has turned into Little Princess;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 20:25:22    “Noooo” screeched the PCPHF; “I can’t do it” says a male probably PC; the MRE even sounds like the Jack the Ripper character;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 20:26:16    Well, you shot your wad, now what are you going to do;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 20:27:48    “All right let’s go” says a male DTR after reading the above entry;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 20:33:44    “Get him out right now” says MRE DTR just after an auto arrived from Bramley; kids playing ball in the Walkway;

[(1)To sleep for 0.5 hours; woken by someone under my window talking/shouting;]

[Time did not take]            “He’s fucking” says a female in front of the window as I woke; my right had was numb, and now I can barely type due to the pins and needles as the circulation starts again; nope;  not true; I was asleep and dreaming as I woke probably because you disturbed me;  

Dream: several segments but only recall the last one, and it is with a female and talking about something but cannot recall what; the false accusation drove most of the dream away; when this female out front shattered the peace of my peaceful sleep with her verbal accusation; who knows what went on before I don’t because I was asleep;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 21:11:42    I was laying on my left side; my right arm was on top; that was the arm that went numb without circulation; the electro magnetic radiation imaging device must be in operation again already; these people are killers; they don’t care what thy do; the more damage they can create, the better they are;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 21:16:11    “He was fucking” says the MRE DTR; “There was no doubt about it” he adds; nope; I was asleep and dreaming; my arm was dead when I woke; you are trying to kill me with excessive electro magnetic radiation from the imaging device; now you are trying to cover that up by accusing me falsely of something I was not doing because I was sound asleep; but I suspect that your group of loitering stalkers and harasser disturbed me so that you could make that very false allegation when my sleep was disturbed;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 21:18:56    Series of vehicle door slams DTR; “He’s drugged” say the MRE; nope; that is not true either; you just woke me from a very sound and deep sleep;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 21:19:38    “He’ll kill himself” says a female from the road near the window; if you are taking about me, that is nonsense; life is too interesting for me to ever do anything like that; you people are a study in dementia and what is wrong with society to be totally avoided; now what could be more interesting and fascinating than that;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 21:25:44    “OK, we’ll get him out” says a male DTR; for what reason; sleeping and being disturbed by these people loitering with criminal intent to stalk an harass me; then waking me from my deep sleep; there is no evidence of anything except my personal injuries getting worse as a result; they are committing a public series of crimes; I am in my bed trying to sleep and was asleep; now who do you think should be arrested;

Their very presence in the public road loitering is a crime; then they are committing a public order nuisance offence; then they are in violation of Section 4 of the Stalking and Harassment act of 1997 by inducing the fear of violence by (1) their presence in a criminal capacity; (2) their behaviour that disturbs my sleep; (3) their false allegations; (4) their incitements to remove me by force from my home; all four of these constitute a course of conduct which occurs time after time on a single day and night and day after day for numerous days; this course of conduct constitutes harassment for the acts just noted accomplished repeatedly for many months on end on a daily basis witnessed by innumerable members of the public, and the police who are summoned several times a day and night  day after day;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 21:36:24    Whistle blows out front; as I wrote the above, there were continuos loud thuds from a bouncing object below under my bed in the flat below;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 21:37:26    “Psychotic’ says the MRE DTR; nope; I hardly think so for I have a very firm grasp on reality and know the difference between fact and fantasy; what I have just described is fact for anyone to see; the MRE cannot deny it so he attacks me with personal accusations which are nonsense but no one can know one way or another; but the fact of what I just wrote belies the truth of his allegation; it is on the same order as saying I am drunk or drugged; neither of which were true; now it starts on the “Psychotic” allegation to describe what I just wrote; sorry, it won’t work;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 21:47:15    “He’s fucking right now” says a female DTR a bit just after I rolled over onto my left side; to sleep; absolute nonsense; I had just been laying on my right side and was accused of the same thing; absolute rubbish there too; but the reality of what is happening is that these are attacks which are totally false but intended to disturb and cause distress; they are deliberate harassment actions which are spoken publicly loud enough for all to hear and for me as well;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 21:50:33    An MC just drove up the front footpath under the front window after coming down the road from its other end; I heard it and very briefly caught a glimpse of its light on the top of the living room window as it went by below from the road toward the pen;

[(2)To sleep for 1.5 hours bringing the total to 2.0 hours tonight so far; woken again by voices from the loitering stalkers and harassers out front under my window in the public road;]

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 23:27:31    “It’ too late now for . . : says the MRE DTR a bit to a female who asked a question just as I woke ;

Dream: the very end of it had me in my bedroom trying to go to sleep when noises were outside my window; I was just preparing to go to bed; then several people showed up, but I could not see all of them from the reflection on the window; then began talking to the person in the next room as I watched; he made a joke and started joking with one of the women; they were bound for a meeting all started laughing and talking; woke up;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 23:30:15    “Drugged” said the MRE DTR a bit as I began typing the above dream description; then there had been foot stomping on the floor above which resumed as I typed stomping back and forth while I was writing the dream description;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 23:31:21    More stomping now in the rear wall area; loud and continuous; this is deliberate and definitely not me; I am typing sitting on my bed with my legs crossed and arms on my lower legs; I cannot do anything like that; this is definitely from elsewhere; it is from above it is deliberate, and it is mot likely Kid Bucket in the flat above he might very well have woken me too; but the dream of the voices at the window tells me that it was highly likely that there were voices outside under the window which woke me from my deep sleep one again and caused that dream which created an imagination fantasy around the disturbing noise;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 23:34:02    More stomping on the floor above this now is clearly deliberate; it is staying in one place and stomping like walking heavily in place in the rear wall area above or almost above the  head of the bed;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 23:34:56    “ fucking” it sounded like the MRE said DTR a bit; he’s moved closer and is outside;

As I sat up immediately to get started on the dream before anything else, he disturbed my sleep upon waking with his comment; my right hand was again numb, and when I began typing, there were pins an needles in it; this male the MRE say “He’s drugged” as I could not type very well, but I had to get everything down fast before I lost the dream and also the foot stomping too;

This just goes to show that what is going on in the road by the likes of the MRE is totally false and phoney; he too jumps at conclusions when there ae reasonable and rational explanations for everything, and I am not the source o the of the problem; all these people are: above, below and out in the  public space and road in front of my window;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 23:38:23    It was absolutely conclusive just then that the stomping on the floor was deliberate and not from me; that it came from above; and was intended to disturb me and also to be associated with me; there is no way it could be except by the most demented of minds trying to pervert the course of justice in the most obtuse way;

Go get Kid Bucket and arrest him in the flat above; that is one source of the problem;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 23:41:01    “That’s right; take him out right now” says the MRE DTR; to the right; as traffic abounds outside including a vehicle that reversed down the road;

[(3)To sleep for 2.0 hours bringing the total to 4.0 hours tonight so far; woken by pounding thuds from below accompanied by voice from loitring male stalking and harassing in the public road;]

    Monday, 16th July 2001

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 01:51:42    Pounding thuds from below; “He’s up” says the MRE DTR; or similar voice now;

Dream: gone because I waited for too long and perhaps went back to sleep; see next entry;

I woke from my back just now; lay for a short bit too tired to move; then the pounding started, and I sat up to note it immediately; I could have been asleep; I also noted the dot pattern very briefly in front of my eyes just as I opened them; but the pattern was broken and only in fragments;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 01:58:53    I woke previously and remained laying down going over the dream; how long between then and when I woke just now on my back I do not know; could have been only a short bit or much longer with me falling asleep completely;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 02:00:30    PCPHF screeches DTR as I wrote the above “Wrong” she says; she does not know because I can wake, and it will never be known as often occurs when I am trying to determine what noises people are making to intentionally wake and disturb me; such as the foot stomping on the floor above which was so prevalent before; ; however, I can doze off or even fall asleep doing this; so I do not know; what is certain in these instances is that there is no sexual activity at all due to the fact that I am just this side of being asleep;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 02:03:34    PCPHF screeches something about “Come”; DTR; but she would try to make her false allegations fit into anything especially when she learns what my real activity is when I note it in the diary/log; that is why the total invasion of privacy using surveillance equipment in this case is a total perversion of justice and outright crimes in other ways;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 02:05:30    More light foot stomping in the rear wall area; three or four such stomps;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 02:06:00    “No, that’s wrong” screeches the PCPHF; whatever suits or does not suit her purposes get the treatment of whatever she wants it to be; whatever she says is totally unreliable since she makes so many false allegations it is never known what might be true these are refuted by the very observers with her; but I know that they are all false; simple as that;

It only takes one such false claim and credibility comes into question;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 02:08:42    Sound of traffic outside in the road; auto parking; vehicle door slams; roar from the screeching PCPHF with something like “He’s come”; nonsense or I would be sitting in a mess of semen and seminal fluid which is not the case at all; no mess, no fuss, no bother;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 02:12:43    “No, No, He’s come” screeches the PCPHF in a roar from DTR; totally false; not true at all; this is her fantasy; she is wrong and has no credibility; she cannot be believed in anything that she says;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 02:14:24    As I got up from the bed, the Male DTR said “OK, write this down” as I went thru the door to the bathroom; pit stop; flushed toilet; OK, you sewage rats, have a good swim in that; you will find nothing but pure urine which is only just water [ureic acid] with a bad smell; back into the living room;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 02:16:25    Back onto the bed; update;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 02:18:28    “Just water” write that down too says the Male DTR; finished the above update; as I was beginning it, the PCPHF was screeching “No” several times DTR;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 02:19:35    “It’s true; he did it” says the Yargie Male DTR; no, totally false I did nothing except wake  from my sleep as describe then was woken again as described; and just now went to the bathroom for a pit stop where no residual semen or seminal fluid can be found because none exists;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 02:22:34    “He’s laying down now” says the Yargie Male DTR; vehicle door slam and departs from the right; the other one that just arrived a bit ago also departed before this too;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 02:27:22    “He’s is not” says the Male emphatically DTR as I was laying on my right side trying to get back to sleep; this was probably in response to the PCPHF who make false allegations when I am laying on my side trying to get to sleep; I should like to think that there is a glimmer of rational objectivity showing here;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 02:45:05    The constant chatter from DTR keeps me awake; no matter what it is; especially at this point in the night; vehicle sound starts as I begin typing;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 02:47:46    “Great” says a male DTR just after a vehicle door slams following the stopping of that engine; the PCPHF now begins her roaring;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 02:49:22    “I know he did” screeches the PCPHF among other things; this is where she is totally false; her brand of knowledge is not knowledge at all; it is nothing but fantasy projection and wishful thinking;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 02:53:08    “You have to go home right now” said a male down the road evidently to the PCPHF; I guess this futile discussion will start now for awhile resulting in her staying and disturbing;

[(4)To sleep for 1.0 hours bringing the total to 5.0 hours tonight so far;]

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 03:48:13    Awake again; this time silent;

Dream; western of sorts but modern day; driving around in a pickup; getting the feeling that I should be armed; there was a bear in the streets that scared everyone so I wanted to start carrying around the shotgun; the bear was chased away; I had just gotten off the bus; saw a group of people fleeing; I went up a tree more to look than anything; the tree had rotten limbs; came down and went back to another tree; by this time all appeared to be normal again; then I was out in a pub area; it was morning time before opening, but they were open for coffee; there were two connected stores; the pub and the grocery store like part; I went into the grocery store part first; nothing there that I wanted; then went to the pub part; there was a girl standing in the doorway as she waited herself to go inside; then they went in and I followed; I walked up and down the pub but saw nothing that I wanted; there were people talking with the Barman; but nothing was being serve; not even coffee; I was about to leave when I woke;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 03:54:34    Constant chatter from the dynamic duo DTR with the PCPHF screeching a bit; a vehicle left from down there as I started typing; it came this way toward Bramley;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 03:55:46    Into the bathroom; started tub filling; paused for a no-go pit stop; into the tub; soaked while filling; hear the continuous droning of Fumie who just ranted on in his run over sentences totally incoherently; )Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 04:47:34 “Great” said Fumie after instructing PCPHF to “Write this down”);

Turned off the water when tub filled; soaked for a short time; washed face and shaved; stood up for a thorough washing with special attention to my genital area which I cleaned thoroughly due to its persistent itching which I scratched as well; upper legs; behind knees; again an itching area which I had scratched when the tub was filling; anal area and waist; waisted itched too; torso, back, sides, under arms and arms; went over all these areas twice (Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 04:50:22 “GGA” says Fumie as he reads along with this via “Tempest” surveillance); sat down and wasted my lower legs; feet; and ankles; rubbing and scratching the tops of my feet which itched too; had been rubbing these as well; rinsed all that I washed thoroughly to get the cheap soap off that does not cut easily with the water; pulled plug; scratched and rubbed the tops of my feet some more; sat back and soaked while emptying; got out when finished; paused for a pit stop; flushed toilet; put in limescale remover; towel dried with intense attention (Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 04:54:06 “Yup, get this down” orders Fumie) to the drying process with particular comments with I lifted my right leg onto the tub and when very; thoroughly dried my genital region and between my legs; I did this three separate times to net it dry and scratch the very itchy upper scrotal area; this brought comment from Fumie to the effect of “That’s it” which is was not in his terms, but he distorts whatever he thinks will be o his advantage for a false allegation and misrepresentation of my normal activity; what is totally absurd is that each and every small action of mine is so scrutinised with such an intensity not to identify what they are seeking but to make up whenever the can that which they seek in order to claim falsely for their own false premise of allegations against me; the bottom line is that I have never masturbated in the bathroom; but this falls on deaf ears and blind eyes as they will stop at nothing to create what the want to find;

Into the bedroom to dressed; back into the bathroom with shirt off to put on deodorant (Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 04:59:58 “All right, write this down” orders Fumie); Fumie said “He’s keeping warm” it sounded like; nonsense; another fabrication; I had forgotten to put on deodorant; went back to the bathroom before putting on my shirt; then put (“That’s wrong” says a male DTR; this is exactly what I am talking about; they haven’t the foggiest clue as to what they are doing; totally invade my privacy; cannot get it right and make u what they want to create while denying the simply reality of my actions if it does not fit their perversions ; (Tue, 16 Jul 2001 - 05:02:51 “Write that down” orders Fumie); I put on my shirt after putting on the deodorant; into the kitchen; as I passed through the kitchen door after turning on its light, Fumie said “This is it” meaning probably that my night in bed had ended and I was getting up‘ yes that was it exactly; (Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 05:04:37 “Write this down” orders Fumie); yes, my night had ended at 0400 with the PCPHF screech roaring DTR telling me that she had not left as “ordered”, was still here and would disturb me on and on so there was no point in remaining in bed; I got up; washed hands; put in lenses; got choco from fridge (Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 05:06:32 “Totally wrong” says Fumie DTR; nope you cannot comment on or judge my actions they are what they are for the reasons state at the time they were accomplished; see diary entries; this is what the justice system is for; to try criminals like you lot under the law against the evidence of you behaviour; got it); got choco from fridge; put on chair; light out; into living room; pushed bed to books; moved NB to the table; put glasses in case;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 04:43:33    Into the chair; update;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 04:44:14    Chair light on; sys back from screen saver; video OK; auto goes from this end to the other; eating choco;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 05:08:35    Finished the above update; as can be noted by the extensive comments which were noted while accomplishing this update, it is impossible to note all that by these criminal thugs in their quest of total destruction while distorting the evidence making every effort to disrupt and intimidate the accurate rendition of such evidence for a just resolution in a court of law which they seek to circumvent; Fumigate Ruminate

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 05:45:00    Door slam below; followed after a bit by a “Good morning” greeting DTR; evidently someone left from below to go out to those outside;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 06:01:30    R4 Today on;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 06:15:44    Loud noises on the balcony below as I finished the diary/log review;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 06:26:01    Finished spell check for diary/log for last 24 hours;

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 - 06:35:16    Finished the sleep log review; four segments of sleep for five hours; got up at 0400 and in bed at 2015;

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