


Saturday, 14th July 2001

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 06:35:15    Finished the file mgmt and xfers; put on shoes and socks;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 06:37:23    R4 and chair light off after brushing teeth;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 06:38:00    Shutdown;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 06:42:00    Out;

Outside activities;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 14:56:00    Bramley door; up and down Walkway; tiles still ripped up at the other end in centre of floor; up middle stairs and down to flat; MS parking guy game out of his flat; unlocked door; inside;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 14:59:00    Home; closed door; light on; locked; into living room; put bags on file boxes; unpacked NB onto the table; into bathroom with bath soap (Hooray(!)) and deodorant; put on bathtub; collected slivers for kitchen sink; back into living room for food; into kitchen; opened KW; sorted water and opened bottle; put by chair after a drink; got stuff from fridge; whipped up tuna sand; getting male voice in thru the KW sounding like Jack the RAS Ripper as I mixed tuna; something like “This is usually where he . . .”; at one point there was some impatience expressed like “Come on”; tuna on bread; sliced tom; on tuna with lett; had to go back into living for lett; forgot; sliced in half; opened tom soup; poured into glass; spooned out remainder; put sand on plate and on chair; rinsed tom soup can, utensils and board; into living room with tom soup;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 15:12:31    Into the chair; light on; amp on; sys back from screen saver; video OK; unwrapped, plugged in and booted NB;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 15:15:36    NB up and running; eating tuna sands, tom soup and choco; loaded Real Jukebox; started DM music; update;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 15:16:59    “I want him out” screeches the PCPHF from the distant left/below; before this she asked “Did he come” after a couple black guys went up the front footpath;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 15:19:18    PCPHF has turned int a perpetual screeching machine from the distant left/below; really bullying all those who do not have enough sense to know better;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 15:41:43    Finished the above update; throughout it there was constant chatter, yelling and screeching from Jack the RAS Ripper and the PCPHF from the distant left; no end to it all;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 15:45:42    Into the kitchen; rinsed plate and soup glass; male below KW yelled “get out” as I was leaving the kitchen; into the bedroom; removed chafing underwear; back into living room with empty deodorant bottle to throw away;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 15:48:29    Back into the chair; update;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 15:50:00    Finished the above update; three pounding thud from below in the balcony door area;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 15:51:05    Pol car comes from other end with lights and siren: 071401_155043.mv2;

Dozed off after a while for a nice snooze;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 16:47:40    “He’s awake” screeched the Male distant left sounded like Jack the RAS Ribber;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 16:48:27    Then JtRAS yelled “Come” as I was writing the above entry;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 16:57:29    “He’s crying” says Jack the RAS Ripper; as always totally wrong; that’s the big problem with putting surveillance equipment in the hands of the ignorant and unwashed; they make up what the want; I was just wiping the corners of my eyes which had gotten the stinking sensation from the electro magnetic imaging device damage; it takes a tissue because the sweat and acid from my finger tips will make it worse; what he saw was eh results of the personal injury that he has caused and is trying to turn it into what it is not; the reality is the personal injury done to my eyes that are now a constant problem;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 17:00:09    R4 PM Dan Damon; NI negotiations are over;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 17:04:49    Dog barking away below; comes out of the balcony door for a couple barks; then back inside to keep barking away; before this there was a male voice below the KW which said “Get him out”;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 17:11:49    Loud hard door slam below with its double standard; followed by a screeching from the left Walkway; sounded like “Out”;

Dozed off again for some more sleep;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 17:50:55    Woke up and noted the whole stalking gang was below the window lurking there for a noise from me; then took off on warning just after got this: 071402_175031.bmp;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 17:54:40    Horn blaster below; yelling out a name; dog barking to the left below;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 17:56:15    Loud screech from below followed by loud, hard door slam with its double standard just after I switched the from R4 to aux; male from the distant left said “He’s not fucking” after a couple plastic pops before to check that out; he was talking to the screeching PCPHF;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 17:58:18    Double thud below in the rear all area; vibrates the floor and through the chair arm;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 17:58:53    “Fucking hell” or something like that shouted from the male from the distant, faint left;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 18:00:15    “[Get him out]. . . tonight” screeches the PCPHF from the distant left; what for(?); there is no legal basis for doing so; only your desire to hide your criminal activity;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 18:01:39    Into the kitchen; put choco away in fridge; got chicken out; put on plate with utensils; put on chair arm; back into the living room;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 18:03:19    Back into the chair; update;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 18:04:22    Finished the above update;

Boy, was I tired; I just zonked out in two segments of 1.0 and 0.5 hours each for about 1.5 hours sleep; direct result of the stalking and harassing from those below; the PCPHF and all the others; just really caught up with me; and then they were all there with their potential false allegation and who knows what the PCPHF was saying; she has historically attacked my sleep in the afternoon in the most vicious way;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 18:08:17    “Great; we’ll pull him out” says the male distant left; I guess that answers it; a threat of forced removal from my home over taking a nap in the chair as a result of the sleep deprivation which they caused;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 18:23:01    Finished chicken quarter and chicken;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 18:24:33    Reset video; Screeching Mimi from the distant left;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 18:26:36    “He’s come” screeches the PCPHF from the distant left; male replies; nope; that is totally false; complete fabrication; must be the sleep residual fantasy that is lett over;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 18:28:35    Into the bathroom for a pit stop; flushed toilet; OK sewage rats; have at it; pure urine only which is water only that smells; into the kitchen; put chicken bones in freezer; rinsed utensils and plate; back into the living room;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 18:31:48    Back into the chair; update;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 18:32:53    “He’s drugged” screeches the PCPHF from the distant left; then says “It’s true”; like all her statements; complete nonsense; total fantasy and utterly false;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 18:34:26    Finished the above update;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 18:43:00    Hard, loud door slam below with its double standard; talking to from the distant left; got to “get him out”; no legal basis for that; I have done nothing; it would be a criminal act following on from your criminal incitement and false allegations which will become perjury and an offence as such;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 18:48:46    Hard, loud door slam below with its double standard following pol siren coming up on the other side of the bldg;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 18:51:54    “I know; he’s got to come” says a male from the distant left;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 18:54:58    Hard, loud door slam below as a female is screaming at the top of her voice several times from the left; mass hysteria in action;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 18:55:52    Hard, loud door slam below; “We’ll get him out this time” says the male leftwards responding to the mass hysteria as it if meant something and reflected objective reality rather than just the emotional disturbance of this female over nothing but her own imagination;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 18:57:23    “He’s fucking” says a male from the distant left; nope; totally false; “Get him out” screeches the PCPHF from there; they are trying to stir up mass hysteria from false verbal accusations which have no basis in fact; definite Terror Mob Obliterators in action;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 19:00:23    Door slam below with its double hit; “It was not him” says a male below the KW talking with a female;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 19:02:07    Dog barking below; male stops talking below the KW; dark auto with rumbling engine departs toward the other end of the road;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 19:05:15    Dog barking away below as there is a door slam below with its double standard;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 19:07:43    Another male now talking below the KW about taking “him out” and “Fucking” which sounded like that the latter did not constitute the basis for the former, but that they were committed to removing me from my home in response to the female’s question “You really will do it” the male had indicated “definitely” in so many words; the criminal thugs on the move;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 19:16:55    “He fucked” screeched the roaring PCPHF from below in the balcony door area; I wiggled my toes while my left leg was propped on the chair arm; that is the movement from which she jumps to a conclusion: moving my toes; she thinks that if she screams and screeches the same thing over and over frequently that everyone will believe it is true when their is no evidence to support her allegations at all because they are totally false;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 19:19:38    “He fucked” screeches the PCPHF from below in the balcony door area again; all nonsense and pure fantasy from within her mind only;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 19:21:37    Dog barking away below;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 19:25:05    PCPHF yelling from below to someone out front; calls a name then asks a question; dog then barks below outside; she might have called “Dad”;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 19:27:19    Turned off DM music, amp and chair light; shrouded monitor and NB screen;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 19:27:44    Very hard loud door slam below; “Get up there” orders the PCPHF from the left;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 19:28:40    Dog barking below; pop goes the weasel as I was typing; guys talking below the KW; one calls the other “Eddie”;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 19:29:26    Moved NB to the bed; pulled bed out; straightened sheet; into the kitchen; shut its window; light on; washed hands; remove lenses; put in disinfectant; light out; into the bedroom; kids playing ball loudly in the Walkway; undressed; into the bathroom; started tub filling; got in immediately but then got out after a couple of minutes for a pit stop; hot water stimulus; flushed toilet; back int the tub; soaked while filling;

Kids played loudly with the ball nearby; male talking below; said at one point that the “police had exceeded its powers”; then at another point another male said “we’ll get him out when he finishes”; I ignored this an went on soaking until it filled; tuned off the water into the tub; soaked for a bit more with my feet up and arms submerged; then stood up to wash with newly purchased bath soap finally; joy of joys; did a thorough genital  area wash an scratching of the upper scrotal areas; cleaned the chafed area between my legs that was very, very sore; washed my thighs and behind my knees where it itched seriously too; scratched that area thoroughly behind each knee; washed waist (another itchy area) torso, arms and under arms; sat down to wash lower legs, ankles and feet scratching the tops of each foot thoroughly as this was also itching; these itching areas I believe are a result of excessive electro magnetic radiation used for imaging purposes; these are soft tissue areas and are exposed to that radiation as I lay in my bed with the primary target of such imaging focussed on my genital area; rinse all the washed areas thoroughly; pulled the plug to drain the tub; soaked until it emptied; male voice said “He’s getting out” so I did to make him look good; dried and returned to the living room;

While the kids played in the Walkway continuously during my bath at bally playing an hide and seek, there was the sound of an adult male with them who sounded like the OG below; I thought I heard “Frank”’s name called one time; there was also the sound of a group of people near my door moving around at the end of my bath;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 20:05:22    Onto the bed; update;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 20:19:25    Finished the above update; there was much chatter and talking from the road area an in front of my window; from “He’s fucking” to a male and female talking out front about the fact that “You’ve got it” said the male; a sound of glee from the female; and further discussion; there ain’t nothing to “get”;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 20:21:04    Very loud hard door slam below; dog barking away below; male keeps talking out front under my window; kids still bouncing ball in the Walkway;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 20:23:07    Very hard loud door slam below with its double standard; people still chattering away under my window;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 20:35:20    “Bring him out” says a male below the front window; there was an ongoing discussion amongst several people there; up to this point; it died when I started typing;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 20:38:54    “I can’t believe that . . . fucking up there” says a young male under the window in the context of two separate thoughts; as if he were being told a negative which he could not believe because there was “fucking up there”; then he goes off telling some one “Fuck you” and the voices once again die out; there is no and has been no sexual activity going on here at all; all such allegations as he just made are totally false;

[(1)To sleep for 0.75 hours; extraordinary whistle belowing right under my window woke me from a deep sleep after this short period; then followed a series of extraordinary events;];

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 21:17:28    Loud long whistle blowing out front;

Dream: in a very large room; with the lights out; was waiting for something; while doing so, I went to the rubbish bin to throw a card away; then I learned that it would be useful for an alternative thing to do; I went back to look for it but could not find it on top where I ha thrown it; it was dark, and I just used my hand to feel for it; then I went over to the wall in the dark to find the light buttons; I got a lift button instead, and its doors opened; still too dark to see anything; I then found a switch next to it, but when I pressed it; the lights would not come on; woke up;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 21:20:58    I had just woken with the whistle blowing out front; this was an obvious attempt to deliberately disturb me; I sat up immediately and wrote down the end of the dream; there was talking out front; a male asked “What are we going to do” then numerous vehicle doors slammed and several vehicles departed; there followed the sound of the PCPHF voice talking to someone to the right down a bit; at this point I finished the dream description;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 21:23:03    The female voice of the PCPHF was and is still talking to the right under the window; there was a mention about the “police”;

I was sound asleep; woke on my left side that I had gone to sleep on; same position; I fell asleep quickly and was sound asleep when I was disturbed by the noises from under the window; had a dream and woke with the sound of the whistle blowing; definitely trying to disturb me intentionally in my sleep in order to create a problem; why did all those people and vehicles depart;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 21:25:21    More chattering from under the window amongst several people; “You’re going to have to . . .”; said one; I am just now starting to wake fully; I was out; deeply asleep; they are really bad people to wake me as they did; with their stalking and harassment and the apparent use of a kid to blow a whistle; perhaps it was a police officer, but I doubt it;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 21:28:39    “Let me think” says a male to the right by the road; that’s an impossibility; if you had that ability, you would not even be there;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 21:31:02    “He’s right; he didn’t come”; says a male to the right by the road; I did not do anything except sleep in a deep, deep sleep that was dramatically and intentionally disturbed; all this is your entire creation and responsibility; and you want to “Think about it”; go home all of you and stay there where you belong;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 21:33:16    “Fucking hell” says a male DTR; “He’s nuts” says a female under the window to the right; look who’s talking; I am trying to sleep and carry on a normal life, and it is you who are acting like an irrational lynch mob member on a witch hunt trying to prove the existence of a fantasy; so who do you really think is “Nuts”;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 21:34:49    “Take him out” says someone “I can’t” says a male;

[(2)To sleep for 1.5 hours bringing the total to 2.25 hours tonight so far; woken again from a deep sleep by yelling from out front;]

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 22:59:14    Yelling and “He’s up;

Dream: surfing the highway signs by the side of the road;; there was a bridge like structure that went along the edge of the motorway; we would ride the edge like it was surfing; I got the hang of it and was doing it all the way around catching the air with the surfboard like piece that I was “driving”; then passed a couple friends waving at them as I went by and getting near the end told them I would be back then went on around to the end; woke up; very strange dream for this picture bears no relationship to reality; the thing I was driving along the highway does not exist; but it existed in this  dream;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 23:03:04    “Write that down” says Fumie DTR to the PCPHF; “Fucked up” or was that “come on” when he read that I heard him and noted who he was;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 23:04:01    My right hand was numb and went to pins an needles as I wrote; but was able to keep writing; I saw a funny dot pattern again this time upon waking; same as before but I did not note it before; I was sleeping on my left side with my right arm on top; was in a deep, deep sleep again and had a dream while being disturbed by the Gonzos from outside in front of my window; as noted there was a yell; think there were yells before this while I was sleeping which caused the dream; then as I was writing, they were making loud noises like “Ooooo” over an over; these are just young kids; they are still out there DTR a bit and talking away;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 23:07:22    This whole process is being created by these people, and I am in no way responsible for anything; just like what happened before;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 23:07:57    Hard loud door slam in the Walkway down a bit; Fumie says ”All right”; PCPHF talking to him; DTR;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 23:08:45    Sounded like Fumie said “Fucking” nonsense there was nothing of the kind it was as already has been described; nothing else;

Now of course Freud would have a good interpretation of the dream, but that was in the imagination and had nothing to do with my physical reality at resent; which showed no signs of any sexual activity at all;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 23:10:23    “Write this” against orders Fume; the Write Royal Pain the Ass; WRPITA; he has to have some kind of title since he is the Official Representative of Her Majesty’s Government;

Sat, 14 Jul 2001 - 23:11:42    Fucking hell” says Fume; yakking on after that;

[(3)To sleep for 1.75 hours bringing the total to 4.0 hours tonight so far; woken again by voices from DTR;]

        Sunday, 15th July 2001

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 00:53:25    Voices continue to yak DTR;

Dream: went to work for a company with three guys in it; they went broke immediately and adjusted themselves to coping but did not tell me that hiring me was a mistake; not sure what this company did; but the interaction was political; they had food but were hiding it; thus two of us scrimped along while they are well; this was in a house environment then there was a scene where I went to take a bath; burglars came inside and scooped up all they could getting away before anyone could stop them; they got my NB and other stuff that was out on the bed; clothes and whatnot; fortunately I had some clothes left; there followed a scene where we were out looking for them, but I it was hopeless; then I was back at a bus stop with the two guys who were hoarding things for themselves; I found an A to Z that was recent; there were two; one of the guys wanted to look at my found copy; gave it to him to do so; woke up;

Woke to the sound of the Fume it sounded like or perhaps the Male Yargie and the PCPHF talking loudly DTR; they woke me up; no doubt about it again I was sleeping soundly after the last wake up and had this dream as I was waking; some traffic on the road;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 01:01:59    Reset Day/Date; now male DTR whispering after noting that I was “Resetting the clock”; [this was an incorrect statement;];

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 01:03:06    Into the bathroom for a pit stop; door buzzer went off nearby; door opened; “He’s in there” one guy said and the conversation ensued; sounded like a couple black guys; flushed toilet; now sewage rats have at it; nothing but urine; back into the living room; loud hard door slam from the guys talking evidently nearby;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 01:06:06    Back onto the bed; update;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 01:08:28    Finished the above update; couple autos went by; one just now; one as I started writing;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 01:11:19    PCPHF starts screech talking in a whisper; guy says loudly “What”; then she says “He’s coming; I just know it, right now”; this is what a small child would say hoping that they would be believed as she is apparently urging that my home be entered by force and I be so removed; I was laying on my back with my hands behind my head an my feet spread; my penis was totally flaccid; this was an intentionally false statement; it could not be true and their starlight camera or otherwise would have noted this plus the fact that I was motionless; this is of course if I heard her whisper correctly which I think I did;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 01:15:19    “Write that down” said the male; same volume whisper and I got that fine; means I most likely got what the PCPHF was saying;

These are truly little children;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 01:17:13    Scratching the itching areas behind my knees; one hand on each simultaneously as I sat up facing the window; this is again most likely due to the electro magnetic imaging device usage; tonight as already indicated; my eyes are secreting fluid too especially the right eye; again from this terribly damaging surveillance equipment;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 01:20:12    “Fucking hell; what are we going to do(?)” asks the Male Yargie DTR; go home and stay there;

[(4)To sleep for 1.0 hours bringing the total to 5.0 hours tonight so far; woken once again by excessively loud voices for the time of night down the road from the loiterers intent upon their criminal stalking and harassing activity;];

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 02:21:47    Awake again; wall water pipe noise running in the rear wall from below; voices of the male and PCPHF yakking away DTR; believe that they disturbed me once again; they have the impact of intense danger so they move to the head of the queue for picking up their presence;

Vague remembrance of a dream but no detail; PCPHF protesting something;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 02:25:45    Siren just came up the road stopping on the other side of the bldg; road being St Anns

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 02:26:19    Male DTR still yakking away; “GGA”; he is followed by other stuff; auto goes by from Bramley continuing on past the other end;

[(5)To sleep for 1.0 hours bringing the total to 6.0 hours tonight so far; once again woken by a excessively loud voice down the road for this hour of the night from those remaining in the public road loitering for their criminal purpsoes of stalking and harassment; in this case it was the most obnoxious female voice most likely that of the PCPHF;];

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 03:21:43    Awake one more time; female DTR makes a noise; surprised; the least little MPHF starting; but that is meaningless; was on my back;

Dream: The VW dream; was driving around and went into the park like or field area; sat there for a long time resting and getting things done; then another similar auto appeared close by; the guy just sat there like he was watching; so I just settled in and went to sleep; the scene shifted to a bathroom; which was not too dirty but needed some cleaning; this was the park’s facilities; another guy came in and started commenting on the condition the facilities; I thought he was gay and was trying to make contact; I was not interested but was nice as I answered his questions; then left; woke up;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 03:26:37    Auto pulled away from DTR; loud noise below like a door slam; slight noises now from below; light thuds; the male and PCPHF were talking;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 03:27:36    “Got him” says the male DTR; nope; there is nothing to get;

I was sound asleep; was again disturbed awake I believe; had a dream and woke to the sound of the female voice DTR whom I believe had woken me; it was loud; there was nothing except a very small MPHF; which was meaningless; nothing to “Get” at all; except normal activity;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 03:29:50    Loud noise from below like pushing something around in a tool box; maybe it’s the plumber;

[(6)To sleep for 0.25 hours bringing the total to 6.25 hours tonight so far; this was the most brutal of the wake ups all night long caused by those down the road talking excessively loud in their criminal loitering mode intented to carry out this very distrubing activity as part of their stalking and harassment activity employing surveillance equipment in order to do so; I was only allowed a very short period of sleep before being disturbe by them for their criminal objectives; the claimed falsely here that I was “Fucking” when I was asleep and dreaming; this is their intention with each of these wake ups that go on all night long;];

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 03:53:02    “You’re right” says Yargie Male DTR; woke very quickly that time from a Dream; had just fallen asleep; no doubt disturbed one more time by this incessant chatter DTR and what had been said to caused the “You’re right;

Dream: magnificent one; caused by the waking up I believe; had met someone and was exploring the city; (Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 03:55:00 “Fucking” says the Male Yargie DTR; nope); we were in a room with a couple of small kids and a dog who were playing; talking and having a good time; there was a woman in the other room; woke from what must have been disturbance;

[Time did not take]            Vehicle arrives from Bramley; oh, yes, just as I lay down before going to sleep again, there was a single drop test below with the ball dropped once that bounced twice; that was the sound detector probably with his tool box arriving to get it all and tested just before I went to sleep; was laying on my right side and woke that way just as I had gone to sleep; too bad these people cannot let me sleep;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 03:58:13    Now chatting loudly with a male DTR; “Get him out” the guy says; what for; sleeping and being disturbed by the gabbing voices which caused the dream;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 03:59:03    “Fucking right” says a female close by as a couple people come up talking then stop aft that exclamation; auto arrives from Bramley; female voice now down the road;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 04:00:09    Smash the door in; find out you are totally wrong; then what are you going to do;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 04:00:49    “Take him out” says the Yargie Male DTR; yes, get him for sleeping add being disturbed by you;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 04:02:12    With all those disturbances and threats of violence continuously all night long to the point of not allowing me to sleep longer than a few minutes there was hardly any reason to stay in bed to try to sleep(1);

Into the bathroom for a pit stop; flushed toilet; OK sewage rats, see for yourself; nothing there except urine in its purest form; into the bedroom; dressed; “We got him” said a male as I passed into the living room on my way to the kitchen; nope you cannot “Got” what does not exist; into kitchen; light on; washes hands; had a problem with the lenses; took a bit to get them in; “Something’s wrong” said a male voice from DTR; then “He’s drugged” which was nonsense; light out; into the living room; pushed bed to books; moved NB to table; just sat down in chair when I realised that I had forgotten the food; back into the kitchen; this was noted by the male DTR; got choco from fridge; left bottle of water on top of it in case I need it; back into the living room;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 04:18:51    Into the chair; update;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 04:20:11    (1)”Let’s stitch him up” says the Master Set Up specialist; for that is what it is all about; a “Stitch up”;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 04:21:36    Turned on the chair light; sys not in screen saver; video on; reloaded;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 04:22:22    “He’s drugged” say says a male out front still sounding like DTR; nope, not true like all else;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 04:23:18    Video OK; same as before; auto comes this way from the other end;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 04:30:38    “Write it down . . . the (1) . . .” says the tracking male DTR watching and reading all that I write as I put the “Footnote” in at then end of the first paragraph where I had been interrupted by that perfect giveaway line about “Stitch up” which this surely is by them; they cannot do anything honesty; have to “Stitch it up”;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 04:32:31    “Write it down” says the male again; must be ole “WID” Fume;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 04:33:53    Eating choco; reviewing and spell checking diary/log for past 24 hours;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 04:35:15    Into the kitchen; got water from top of fridge; opened in sink; back into living room; had just polished off the other bottle which had less than I thought; put it on the counter by the sink;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 04:36:29    Back into the chair; update;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 04:37:54    There was this constant roaring screech from DTR that sounded like the traffic on the Westway; the PCPHF must have been complaining about something as usual; probably making demands too;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 04:48:18    “I want him out” roar screeches the PCPHF DTR;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 04:50:32    Auto right below the window in lower right hand corner of the frame; blinking tail light; head lights on cars in front; departs; read auto double parked; there was the sound of a male talking under the front window; might have said something about “. . . get him out . . ”;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 04:51:40    Same red auto comes back from the other end; same engine noise; then beeps below the window just as it passes out of sight from the video frame at the end of the bldg under the window: 071501_045134.mv2;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 04:56:55    Reviewing video clip just made; thee is a guy walking just under the window as it comes this way very clearly identified; as I was watching this another vehicle came from the other end;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 05:59:21    Finished the review of the diary for last night; there was continuous and endless comment and orders from Fumie to “Write I down” as I went through noting things were “Excellent” and “Beautiful” as he gleaned information for his own perverse usage; a the beginning there was some discussion as the PCPHF said that she could not “do it” meaning writing it down; then he kept pushing her to do so dictating as I went along in my review; at one point the PCPHF said that was “Wrong” when I noted early in the evening after the whistle blowing episode that she was present by the road talking; nothing she denies can ever be taken as valid since she is a pathological liar and will say anything at anytime to suit her purposes for whatever reason; she will end up in a mass of contradictions; this is the grossest and most perverse tampering with evidence as it is documented with all that implies for perverting the course of justice;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 06:16:20    Finished spell check for diary/log of last 24 hours;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 06:30:26    Finsihed sleep log review; six segments for 6.25 hours sleep; terribl; woken each and every time by an external noise disturbance all night long;

Sun, 15 Jul 2001 - 06:31:40    “All right, write that down” orders Fumie RW;

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