


    Tuesday, 1st February 2000

Tue, 1 Feb 2000 - 21:04:13    Prying loose a panel below with a scrape, scrape and scrape followed by a thud;

[(1)Went right to sleep here for 1.5 hours; voices woke me outside (poss furn scraping from fifth above could have woken me; it was deliberately and extensively done a little while after I woke as noted below]

Tue, 1 Feb 2000 - 22:30:58    Voices outside on the front footpath; horn honking from the road from two different autos; woke up from a dream lying flat on my back; had been an interesting one; do not believe that I said anything; mouth wet; no struggle; probably snored maybe; but even that is unlikely; woke up gently; from the noise out front; believe that the horns could be ”bells of triumph” though; but in and of themselves they are a nuisance and what causes me to talk in my sleep; glad it happened like this; gives me an opportunity to reflect; only asleep for 1.5 hors;

Had I been left alone it might have been unnoticed; but now I am stirred to put it all together; reminded me of what has happened;

Tue, 1 Feb 2000 - 22:39:59    Furn scraping nearby; yes, it’s too bad they had to talk loudly and honk their horns; that show of triumph is just the problem and what they want; couple more furn scrapes; sounds like below; the noises and activity could easily have constituted the problem; another furn scrape; these furn scrapes sound more like above; if so they could represent that activity there which also disturbed me and they are making it plain;

Tue, 1 Feb 2000 - 22:42:04    Furn scrape definitely above; prob up a floor (fifth) and think they just made it plain; sound of a voice just then; protesting what(?);

Tue, 1 Feb 2000 - 22:45:45    More loud scaping; this is what must have woke me, and they are making that plain;

[(2)1.5 hours sleep again for total of 3.0 hours so far tonight; woken again by external noise; MC comes up the road with considerable noise to the end of the bldg]]

    Wednesday, 2nd February 2000

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 00:17:19    MC comes very loudly up the road from the other end; wakes and disturbs me; took a couple mins to sit up; too bad it seemed to go as far as the end of the bldg, but I did not hear it on Bramley if it went there;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 00:29:48    Sound box thuds from below in the small room and living room door area; loud and like something is being slammed shut; footsteps on the front footpath as I sit up; (poss) movement detector picked it up and sent someone up the footpath to the Walkway;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 00:32:22    Thud from below in the living room wall area at the head of the bed;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 00:44:24    Vehicle door thud in road; sound of voices from a couple guys moving up the front footpath outside;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 00:49:25    Feet stomping above;

[(3)Third 1.5 hour segment this night bringing the total to 4.5 hours sleep so far;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 02:13:40    Dreamt that I met all the tenants; that my front door was blocked; could not see out or open it; went onto the roof to meet them all; could not talk; tried to; then left to come back down as they all departed; probably talked in my sleep; that is why I could not talk in my dream; was hoarse and could only whisper; voice cracked every time I tried to talk normally; must have made a sound;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 02:26:56    Crouched into the bathroom for a pit stop; not a bit of noise; back into the kitchen for a cheese slice and crumpet from the fridge; back into the living room;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 02:30:04    Back onto the bed update; eating cheese slice and crumpet;

[(4)Fourth 1.5 hour sleep segment for total of 6.0 hours this night]

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 04:03:25    Auto drives up outside from Bramley; road still wet and splashes as it arrives; just had another dream but did not talk in my sleep; about a relationship with a female; was not going well; being teased by her so I withdrew and left;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 04:09:17    Very faint sound of a male voice talking in the distance or inside a car outside in the road;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 04:24:15    Very faint sound of a tin can out front; there is no wind;

[(5)1.0 hour sleep bringing the total for tonight to 7.0 hours]

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 05:33:04    Swamp and gator dream; driving back and forth to save some turn off; one before it was a cliff; down to bottom; street turned into swamp with huge gator; backed up; saw me and came for me went up a tree; it climbed the tree; went onto the side of the house; still came after me; finally kicked one of the small ones down, and the other small one went to see if it was OK; opened a window and went inside with the gators looking in disappointment; all dark inside; woke up as I was going to sit down by the wall and let my eyes get used to the dark; the dream was complete silence; I made not a bit of sound;


Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 14:04:40    Guy walking by outside used the word “medicine”; [Sounded like he said “He’s taking medicine”; that destroyed it; no confidentiality at all; the grapevine works unfailingly; there is no privacy; obviously this was intended as a palliative to sooth their complaint which led to my decision;]


[To sleep early after an incredible day; laid down to rest and relax]

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 19:21:39    Back onto the bed; update; moved the notebook to the bed; into the bedroom to undress; back into the bathroom for a pit stop; got immediate furn scrapes above as they saw me go in there; I had gotten a couple clicks from the hall area when in the bedroom; back into the living room;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 19:24:59    Resonant sound from below; happy clappies from the DP area;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 19:38:57    Dog barking below; door slams below; resonant voice or TV/Stereo below still going;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 19:40:07    Door slam below;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 19:41:44    MC noise out front; same old stuff going on;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 19:42:46    Male voice talking outside; sounds a bit earnest; wonder why?

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 19:49:08    MC goes up the front footpath with speed and a lot of noise;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 19:49:52    Beep from the road;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 19:51:24    Thud from below in the hall area but low down and not the sound box region;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 19:58:24    Female chattering outside including one that has a screechy voice;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 19:59:48    Dog barks below;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 20:02:10    Thud from below toward the end wall area;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 20:18:44    Young female voice screaming underneath coming out the balcony door; male talking quietly on the Walkway; definitely a non resident;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 20:32:12    Door slam below;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 20:35:00    Furn scrape below;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 20:37:34    Loud whistling outside;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 20:50:06    Resonant female voice; from below; sounds like the “S” voice coming in the front window from below;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 20:53:50    Very loud noise below; like something got slammed; but it was not the sliding window; there was a resonant male voice just now but it halted; maybe they did slam something after I wrote about it;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 20:58:17    The young female voice yelled something out front; young guy said something; they were walking up the front footpath;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 21:19:41    The male female conversation is going on back and forth below; it sounds like the “S” voice most definitely and who is the male(?);

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 21:20:41    Bar/grate clanking below;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 21:36:08    Girls are yelling again outside after apparently arriving in a vehicle outside and following several vehicle door slams;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 21:42:57    Furn scrape below; meeting and discussion continues;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 21:58:44    Loud voice just now outside; female; sleeping on my left side; no noise;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 21:59:51    Now there is that whole group including the southern accent woman with the twang; all talking out there from the road up;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 22:04:48    Thud in the sound box area; living room door/small room area;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 22:23:15    Male and female jabbering away in front of the window;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 22:27:58    Vehicle sound; many loud vehicle door thuds; loud voices; all male; vehicle apparently drives away;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 23:03:22    The big rumbler MC arrives but seems to stay in the road to park;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 23:11:15    Just covered myself and got the pouch down only to incur some clicking sounds from the table area;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 23:15:18    I knew that I would sucker the guy into showing himself above; he just stomped on the floor twice very hard; just waiting for his opportunity to be malicious; now I hear the resonant voice; incorrigible herself; wardrobe sliding door; twice each way with a thud after the second one;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 23:23:50    Test went fine; [complete silence]; the test is that there is no noise whatsoever; they can see, but they cannot hear; they invent the sound;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 23:30:37    Arrival of two or three autos at speed outside in the road; latest one vehicle door slam and elec lock beep; slight noise overhead; there were some door and/or bar/grate sounds below; a couple mins ago; like someone leaving from below;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 23:32:21    Door slam below; perhaps it is the arrival going in below; going in to see too(?); everybody tested positive; [thanks a lot]

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 23:36:30    Rattling and the thumping from below in the small room and balcony door area;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 23:38:32    Into the bathroom for a pit stop; no noises; sound of talking below though, male voice and/or resonant TV/radio; into the bedroom to put on clothes; back into the living room behind the chair; turned on the light; got plate & utensils; into sink w/ a bit of water; got cheese and crumpet from the fridge; back into the living room;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 23:43:58    Back into the chair; update;

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 23:48:35    Thuds and thumps from below in the small room/living room door area; sound detection box area; set up to listen to me while I am awake and up;  

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 - 23:54:44    Just got loud thuds from that same sound detection box area as I was typing on the notebook; definitely disturbing;

    Thursday, 3rd February 2000

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 00:09:24    Noises above; thuds and thumps on the floor above as I tune in and start reading the articles; they are right with it;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 00:16:52    Foot stomping from the small room area; probably above;

Email: NeoPlanet;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 00:31:14    Back onto the bed after moving the notebook to the bed; turning off the light before that; got the poop on Zy; into the bedroom to remove clothes; guy came out from below as I was coming back in; bar/grate clanking; said someting about “going to get a phone”;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 00:33:09    Noises outside in the road; and a clunk on the balcony;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 00:44:52    Voices outside;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 01:02:20    Voices again outside;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 01:03:09    Someone just went in above and moved something across the floor;

[Did not sleep here at all]

If you create a state of anxiety, then the way to cure it is to remove the source of the anxiety when it is known;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 02:22:34    Time check still at it; [Time check since I was wide awake; just to let the notes know that I was]

[Did not sleep here at all; there was to be no sleep at all tonight; not in the least little bit]

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 04:09:29    I heard the sound of very faint voices talking away;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 04:37:19    Test results negative; everybody flunked;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 04:44:44    Noises outside; couple voice sounds but might have been a  pigeon;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 04:49:09    Couple clicks out front and then a noise on the balcony;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 05:09:01    Hit below in the rear living room wall area;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 05:22:52    Heels on the front footpath;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 05:36:19    Into the bathroom for a pit stop and a bath; started the hot and cold water running; climbed in tub while filling; relaxed and soaked; washed hair, shaved, washed, conditioner; drained tub; still clogged with water sampling; into bedroom just as someone comes out from underneath slamming door and making a loud bar/grate clanking; dressed; back into the living room; put notebook on the table; turned on light; got hairbrush from carryalls; back into bathroom; brushed hair; light out; back into the living room;


[To bed early after no sleep at all the night before as noted above]

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 18:37:40    Moved notebook over to the bed; into the bedroom to undress; heels walking along the Walkway to this end; key in a lock then seemed to go back the other way after whatever; back into the living room; all is back as it was voices outside; very light but present El Rollo above;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 18:39:42    Just heard a female voice from outside (or maybe way up) say “He’s going to sleep”;

[(1)To sleep for 3 hours; very nice when not disturbed apparently but the loud music from below woke me]

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 21:43:53    First wake up;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 21:45:25    Sounds like the MC goes up the front footpath after coming in from the other end; heard and not seen;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 21:52:01    MC goes up the front footpath heard not seen; after a bunch of “Good nights” from some “guys” in the front;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 22:12:04    There is loud music, thumps and bass coming from below in the balcony door area it sounds like;

Now I see that I was entirely right in keeping such a meticulous diary and trying my best to address the harassment; it will be necessary to bring the truth to light; the most incredible aspect is that those in authority have evidently given these tools of harassment to the harassers which must make their day; still the hoax will fall apart; I am absolutely right; the detail is going to be most important; the lynch mob is convinced it is right being whipped up and driven by these two women with the assistance of the two guys; but they are completely wrong;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 22:21:57    Crouched into the bathroom for a pit stop; no noises except the loud music from below; back into the living room;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 22:23:54    Back onto the bed; update;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 22:24:44    The loud music from below continues to reverberate through the flat; this is what woke me earlier and keeps me awake;

Now it all falls into place and what I have to do becomes very clear; see and not hear; your hostility was obvious; you were quite angry; but maybe that was due to picking up my anger at being there; I was quite tense; from the anger; this explains the perceived anxiety; it is a misperception; however, because it is not related to the issue at hand but to the circumstance of arrival into that particular situation; not withdrawn but circumscribed out of necessity;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 22:54:52    Very loud hit/thud that echoed thru he wall from below; either right behind me in the rear living room wall or to the side in the small room wall; sounded like hitting a pipe or someting; the loud noise from the TV/Stereo below continues to come through the balcony door area; I just heard the presenter’s voice and now there is thumping music sounding thru;

There is so much of my activity which can be demonstrated as being at odds with any sound making that I believe the sum of these will be convincing;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 23:00:17    Presenter’s voice was very loud before being turned down or off;  can no longer hear it;

My brain picked up the truth of that situation and was sending out alarm signals to protect it;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 23:08:13    Loud male yelling and female laughing from the road as evidently they get out of an auto saying goodbye as the door slams shut and it departs;

Giving short shrift to my comments about them is an indication that your mind is made up and you are dismissive; it also blocks the normal flow and build up of information; that is why the Freudian method is so useful but so boring;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 23:11:56    That radio is very loud at present and has been back on for almost the entire time since I thought it went down and off;

[(2)Back to sleep finally for just under 4.5 hours; again very nice when I am not disturbed; total so far for tonight is 7.5 hours]

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 03:36:40    Second wake up; really nice dream; about psychiatry and diagnosis; also alienation; folk singing; all around a table; one vacancy; guy tunes his guitar; allows another to sit down in the vacant chair; then at the end goes to another offering the opportunity for that chap to come along and he does; difficult because there was animosity between that chap and where the guitar tuner was going; also making a film; working very well; four guys singing before the camera; only needed to be dressed from the top up; got the scene filmed and went to lunch; this preceded the table and guitar tuning scene which was lunch;

Slept straight thru for 4.5 hours; that’s what it is all about when not disturbed; [but don’t know why I woke when I did]

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 04:15:07    Very loud noise from below in the Walkway; sounded like it might have been the door below;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 04:43:36    Another noise close by; actually sounded like a footstep; but it was probably a wall noise in the rear living room wall;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 04:59:11    Male cough outside;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 05:11:04    That was brilliant; a kind of daydream dream: about the nonsense and vacuity of bdcst journalism; a whole series of shots that revealed the vacationing presence of a potentate and his wife on the beach from an overhead helicopter camera;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 05:12:15    Furn scrape below as I stared to type the above bit about a daydream;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 05:12:39    Now a solid and loud hit from below in the same area; the rear living room wall near the end of the bed; that would have woken me had I been asleep; this is what produces the anxiety and distress of sleeping[/not being able to sleep] past a certain point in the morning because that kind of disturbance can cause a dream which will produce talking in my sleep and be picked up outside by someone like the guy who just coughed and then distorted as something that it is not for the convenience of a negative attitude;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 05:16:29    Door slam below;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 05:24:57    Noise from below; light tap;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 05:32:44    Loud hit from below; small room area;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 05:56:11    Faint sound of heels on the road/footpath outside;

Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 05:57:29    Into the bathroom for a pit stop; no noises until departing when the toilet seat creaked as I put my hand on its front; have to not put my hand on it to avoid any adverse reaction to this normal noise; into the bedroom to dress; noiseless; back into the living room; picked up the notebook from beside the bed; moved it to the table; removed its shroud; turned on chair light;


Thu, 3 Feb 2000 - 06:21:37    There is a very faint pounding coming from above it sounds like;


Fri, 4 Feb 2000 - 20:12:37    Back onto the bed; update; the Orientals are out on the stairs talking away above; something half in English and half in their language; guy standing up on the top of the stair with a young female in the middle of the stairs; she was speaking English and he his language; had moved the notebook to the bed; gone into the bedroom to undress and stopped on way back to look and listen for just bit of time; back into the living room;

Fri, 4 Feb 2000 - 20:20:39    Having lain down on the bed to go to sleep; the sound system is now turned up below which will surely cause me to wake up and make a noise which it is designed to cover; the Orientals have departed making all the necessary noises outside at the road as they go there;

Fri, 4 Feb 2000 - 20:31:15    Beep from the road; wake up call; would disturb if I had been asleep; the TV/Stereo below has stopped;

[(1)Fell asleep here for just under 1 hour; woken by excessive noise outside and TV/Stereo or voice resonance from below]

Fri, 4 Feb 2000 - 21:24:53    Yelling and shouting to the left by a group of guys; sounded like they were celebrating a victory of sorts; like they heard a sound; I was awake but lying motionless on the bed on my back; there was traffic at the same time and the TV/Stereo resonant voice came from below; all in all there was a disturbance [from outside and below];

[(2)Fell back asleep for the second time almost immediately to sleep for 1.5 hours bringing the total tonight so far to 2.5 hours; very little doubt that I was woken from a deep sleep by an external disturbance here;]

Fri, 4 Feb 2000 - 23:09:03    [Crouched into the bathroom for a pit stop; crouched back into the living room; was very groggy and sleepy here; evidently woken up by something external because I was exhausted; did not even write about the bathroom trip itself; wrote some nonsense that I could not understand; evidently woke up eventually but initially still asleep]; when in the bathroom heard some voices above like the ones earlier from outside; the blacks who woke me with their yelling; [see 2124 above]

Fri, 4 Feb 2000 - 23:11:33    Back onto the bed as someone honks away below;

Fri, 4 Feb 2000 - 23:14:38    Voice outside going down the front footpath;

[(3)Fell asleep for the third time here for just under an hour bringing the total to 3.5 hours for the night; it was quite clear to me when I woke that the noise from below of the resonant voice either from a TV/Stereo or human woke me]

    Saturday, 5th February 2000

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 00:08:50    Resonant voice talking away below; interspersed with a female voice; TV/Stereo resonance(?); just had another dream;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 00:09:51    Guys talking outside; prob from vehicle that just stopped then went on; no they are leaving and getting into their own vehicle with a couple door slams sounds like they walked down the front footpath;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 00:24:35    The resonant voice is talking away below; disturbance but whether it is a TV or human remains unclear; I’m leaning toward human;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 00:33:36    The VW type auto arrives outside; voices apparently greet it; male talks loudly; one vehicle door slam; sounds like old times, and I thought that this evening was going to be different; resonant voice continuing below;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 00:42:32    The resonant voice has stopped below; there may be a faint female voice that has replaced it but really too low to tell; just now though there is a thumping sound that sounds like music; vehicle door slammed out in the road just as I started writing this; vehicle pulled away;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 00:45:56    The VW like engine sound commences again; the resonant whatever has resumed below; VW like engine continues to idle outside;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 00:50:21    Vehicle door slammed in the road outside; followed immediately by what sounded like the window below slamming shut with a thud; no more VW like engine idling; a vehicle departed a bit ago, but it was not the VW sounding one; resonance continues from below; dog barking out in the road; another vehicle door slam; two in quick succession; vehicle departs that does sound a wee bit like a VW;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 00:58:49    Heels going down the front footpath to squeaky brakes that just arrived; auto pulls away but too soon I think for the heels to be associated; now the resonant voice below changes and gets much deeper; still might be the TV; it is sounding much more like last night at this time when it kept me awake;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 01:08:35    The resonance below sounds too much like voices talking instead of a TV or radio [not written dialogue]; they go from loud male to light female and interact back and forth in such a way as to indicate conversation below; there is a remote poss that it is TV or radio but would put that as minimal;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 01:17:58    Lock snap below as the resonance goes on quite loudly; stopped as I wrote this;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 01:21:43    Thud from below;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 01:22:05    Loud vehicle starts and departs outside; still hear it at the other end of the road;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 01:25:24    Male and female voices directly out front; resonant voice very loud below and keeping me awake;

[(4)Fell asleep again for 1 hour bringing the total sleep tonight to 4.5 hours; woken by a snore evidently which was followed immediately by excessive noises outside from a group of people followed by a beeping auto]

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 02:29:34    A whole group of very loud voices out front under the window; male and female talking loudly; auto goes by at speed as I write this beeping twice outside in the road; two efforts to disturb and wake; I was already awake and lying on my back; I had just woken because I was snoring evidently; the first snore woke me;

[(5)Asleep again for only 1 hour bringing the total to 5.5 hours for the night; the pounding on the doors in the dream might very well reflect external pounding noises that have been incorporated into the dream indicating that I was woken here by an external noise; the noises tonight have been from outside and below; none from above at all that I could detect except for the possibility of the source of the black voices I heard when taking the bathroom pit stop just after 2300]

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 03:23:48    Dreamt about V selling tickets to a Xmas/New Year’s Eve party that she had underwritten; was in bed with someone familiar and going to sleep; first had started on my bed which I straightened up; then went over to hers; when V showed up; she kept looking and walking up and down until the woman I was with noticed her; we all got up after she made a pitch while we were still in bed; then V met with another guy who was her business partner and another woman who was excitable; they started going door to door selling tickets to this party; it was a charity ball; we sat there and watched them knocking on people’s doors when it was late in the evening approaching midnight;

[(6)Another 1 hour’s sleep only bringing the total to 6.5 hours sleep for tonight; this might be uncertain as to sleeping or being awake; cannot recall so I assumed that I was asleep; did notice the noise from below though which foreshadowed the following dog problems when no one was apparently at home below to care for the dog]

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 04:38:47    Light thud from below;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 05:03:44    Noise out front; thud like someone hit a large rubbish bin; (see below; this may be the start of the dog choking)

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 05:04:05    Two loud noises; three loud noises on the balcony below; very strange; almost like the dog choking; fourth; yes, it does sound like the dog choking; right on the balcony below;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 05:05:00    Now the choking is continuous; at very short intervals; the dog is gagging on the balcony below; got something caught in its throat; the initial noise was like a thud in the not too far distance directly ahead outside;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 05:07:36    There is no one there evidently as the dog chokes several more times; it must be trying to eat on the balcony and got something caught in its throat;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 05:12:05    Crouched into the bathroom for a pit stop; no noises from anywhere; looked out peephole and saw nothing; crouched back into the living room; no more dog noises;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 05:14:41    Back onto the bed; update;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 05:16:01    Door slam below; very faint voices in front; dog no longer choking the balcony below;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 05:17:06    Dog just choked again;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 05:18:54    More choking from the dog on the balcony below; what do you do in a situation like this;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 05:19:14    Crouched into the bedroom; dressed; back into the living room; picked up the notebook from the floor and moved it to the table; shrouds off and light on;


[The following is a prime example of trying to rest in the daytime with disruption; I had just sent an Email to the RSPCA about the dog choking for 20 minutes on the balcony below this morning at 0500.]

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 12:56:42    Male voice outside; youngish; was he activated by the Email(?);

Voices outside on and off; mostly female; youngish; apparently saying and talking about activity; I had dozed off in the chair [for 1 hour] but woke from time to time to the sound of voices outside; was breathing through my mouth; finally got up;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 13:53:03    Heard that marvellous phrase “He’s fuckin’ “ spoken by a female in the distant left just now; they want to believe that; I was sitting in the chair with my head back and breathing through my mouth quietly;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 13:59:47    Into the kitchen to put soak water in the sand plate; got the salmon container from the fridge for a nibble; put back in with a bit of noise; MS starts below the kitchen window and drives around to the front footpath as I walk back into the living room;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 14:01:35    “There he is” says a male voice from outside as I approach the chair; update;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 14:03:12    Voices now outside;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 14:04:20    Finished the above update;

Laid down on the bed for a bit of a rest; still tired after unsuccessful nap in the chair that was disturbed; there was an El Rollo above; with a sharp thud at the end; vibrated effect; could have been a window shut above; male and two female voices outside; one sounded like the “S” voice; there were thuds and thumps almost continuous at the same time; finally a female voice said something followed by “OK” and was apparently departing; there was one last loud thud from below in the small room wall area; MS went up the front footpath; heard not seen; noises finally got me up as they would not let me go to sleep and get some rest after last night’s disruptions;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 14:32:13    Absolutely impossible to rest in the place;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 14:36:17    MS comes down the front footpath; heard not seen; there is a hit at the same time on the balcony below; again the “S” voice was heard out front before this; whenever she is heard from outside in the front; she could be talking from inside the flat below out the window or the balcony near the balcony door but the latter is noticeable as it is close;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 14:39:11    Beep from the road;


[There was a whole series of disturbances which went on and on from above and below during this four hour period; too long to include, but I left in the next just before going to bed because it was the second recent example of reacting to a noise in my computer’s self-contained sound system available only to me through the earphones; it was a TCP scan attack detected by Nuke Nabber which uses a gunshot sound effect noise that produced an instant reaction from those listening in as noted here below.]

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 18:19:29    Nuke Nabber went off with a “bang”; got them going above in the rolling mode; dog is barking away below;

Keep your nose out of other people’s business then you will not be misled; [accidental but revealing]

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 18:21:37    Music is thumping away from below; [Believe this is often used to cover talking or a phone call so that I will not hear what is being said.]

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 18:32:31    Thuds now arrive in the small room area by the living room door; that is the sound box detection region;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 18:34:50    Dog barking away below;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 18:38:26    Back onto the bed; moved the notebook to the bed; into the bedroom to undress; saw a blue police light come from the other end then turn on its siren outside as it approached the Bramley Road; apparently went on up Bramley; there was the sound of the dog barking very loudly at the door of the flat below as I went into the bedroom; the noise carried out loudly into the Walkway; this was a continuation of what I had heard and noted above; there was the sound of a female voice talking loudly; it was the “S” voice below as I went past the bathroom; on the way back the sound of the voice occurred again prob because I was within hearing distance of the bathroom; there was another siren sound in the distance as I came into the living room;

[Was the police reaction in anyway related to the “gunshot” sound effect(?); 19 minutes later or a little less following a possible telephone call cover by the thumping music(?); maybe not, but it is an interesting association;]

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 18:41:44    Finished the above update just now as the sound of squeaky wheels can be heard directly out front;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 18:42:14    Must be the sound detector or recording equipment moved in out there too; [speculation]

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 18:46:11    MS on the front footpath; sounds like it goes up to the pen from the road; voices out front directly under the window;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 18:49:46    Female lets loose with a very loud “Nooooo!” with a long drawn out “o”; then says a couple other things; could have been a familiar voice; protecting what(?); [This could be a reaction to what was said by the arrival of the police; again speculation but there is a pattern here; I have come to believe that “Steve” is the local PC and rides the MS (Motor Scooter) which freely goes up and down the front footpath at all hours of the day and night creating a definite disturbance; if it is not he, it is still a definite and continuous disturbance whoever it is.]

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 18:51:29    Dog barking below;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 18:53:25    Long loud scrapes below in the hall area; this is really disturbing activity; wish they would be quiet as I am trying to rest and would like to get some sleep;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 18:58:42    Thumps and thuds from the small room and living room door areas as someone moves back into the sound box detection area as loud laughter rings out from outside;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 19:04:23    Very loud noise out front; might have been the road but sounded more like it was directly under the window; now getting tapping from the sound detection box area;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 19:06:00    Loud MS noises out front;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 19:06:18    They [MS sounds] go down the far end of the road; there are two of them; [I have already noted the licence number for each of these two MS; they each “could” be police vehicles.]

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 19:08:23    Two taps in the sound box detection area; at this rate I will never go to sleep, and they won’t get their noise;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 19:12:18    There are hits coming from below in the small room/living room door area or sound box detection area; these two hits were definitely intended to disturb and cause me to wake up if I had fallen asleep;

[(1) Fell asleep here for just under 1 hour; woken by ball playing in the Walkway; this is a definite and it was a solo player slamming the ball against the wall which clearly woke me]

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 20:04:39    Awake again thanks to the ball in the Walkway; door slam below; bar/grate clanking very loud; followed just after the MS went by on the road from the other end to the Bramley area; no doubt going to meet whoever came out from below just now on Bramley; the ball bouncing is continuing from the Walkway; just a single person (child) kicking the ball against the wall; had a nice dream; chasing someone; got the end of it; [end of dream?]

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 20:06:37    Voice outside in the road; female greets auto and gets in with door slamming; must be that [person] leaving from below; as the noise from the Walkway continues; very loud ball playing; didn’t get much sleep and boy was I disturbed;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 20:10:00    Dog barking way below; ball playing continues; voice shouts in the Walkway; vehicle door slams in the road;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 20:11:43    Loud talking out front now between male and female; just a few words each; female sounds like the “S” voice;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 20:13:05    Now the ball playing has stopped, but not until its damage is done; damage which is fostered [if not directly done this time] by the ball playing from those visiting 503 all the time;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 20:14:45    Thud from below; small room/living room area; some still below(?);  

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 20:21:06    Siren comes up Bramley and stops nearby; vehicle door slams on road outside just after siren stops;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 20:22:38    Another vehicle door slam in the road with a female yelling at the same time; followed by a second door slam there and a male voice; sounds like vehicle departs;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 20:24:00    Hard hit below that vibrated thru the wall; [came from] hall area;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 20:26:25    Female and male now talking out front; she says “good” and he replies; frantic talk that ends quickly as it started;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 20:32:55    Male coming down the front footpath talking very loudly; saying “You know what we’re going to do? We’re going in PT”; he keeps on talking; now he is yelling “Come on” a couple times and someone like and infant or female goes “Yeaaaaah”;

[Does this mean that “they” are going to enter my flat “PT”]

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 20:39:06    Loud thumping music starts and stops nearby;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 20:43:58    Female voice out front; very faint but does sound like the “S” voice; there was the sound of one very hard ball bounce against the wall in the Walkway a couple mins ago down a bit toward the centre;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 20:51:16    Resonant voice from below coming out through the balcony door below; quite loud; had started before but stopped; sounded like a young male making only a few comments; this has stopped now that I have written about it; I was just getting sleepy again and on the verge of falling asleep when this started; nope, it did not end; the resonant voice continues loudly from below;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 20:53:59    Female says a loud “Well . . .” outside as the resonant voice from below gets very loud;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 20:59:10    There’s the male “PT” voice again talking loudly in the road; he ends by saying “Fuck him” and the same female again screeches “No”; dog then barks below but actually sounds like it is coming from the road out front; a vehicle sounds as it departed right after these words were spoke especially from the female after she said “No!” very loudly and in a strident tone of disagreement;

[I wonder if this second screeched “No” for the night is not again protesting a reluctance to do what is being demanded in relation to the “false” allegations against me(?); the male here is obviously unconcerned; did he then take off in an auto(?); there is a high degree of probability that this is all related activity; not only is it related across time this evening but fits a pattern of similar activity across many, many nights.]]

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 21:07:08    Vehicle door slam in the road; female voice says “He’s done it”; another vehicle pulls up and a vehicle door sounds; aircraft flying over drowns out everything; prop aircraft that comes over every night at this time almost;

[Again I believe that the “He’s done it” is referring to the allegation that I made a noise and the false asserting that it was “sexual intercourse” [masturbation]]

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 21:12:28    Voices again talking out in the road area; female talking loudly as a couple vehicle doors slam;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 21:17:38    Another siren arrives after a vehicle door slam and a male voice says something loudly out front; I am being kept awake again; trying to go to sleep;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 21:18:37    Very loud horn beep outside in the road just as I wrote that where it stopped directly above;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 21:22:34    Female voice says “Yeah, yeah” right in front; older female and sharpish voice;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 21:22:59    Hard foot stomp on the floor above; some voice flutterings outside in the road followed by a cough;

[(2) To sleep again and only for 1 hour once more bringing the total to 2 hours sleep so far tonight; believe I was woken by noises from below which were loud voices as noted by the sound of the resonant female voice from below;]

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 22:25:23    Awake again; very nice spying dream for the Chinese; avoiding examination but give in; taken into the Chinese Embassy;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 22:25:56    Crouched into the bathroom for a pit stop; no noises; back into the living room; as I left the living room, there were heels going down the front footpath; vehicle departed; there was the sound of a female resonant voice from below;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 22:27:46    Back onto the bed; update; no more female resonant voice from below; after I return; male voice outside says a couple final and indistinguishable words;

[The Lecture]

You have made a vast and grave error; you picked on the wrong person as your guinea pig to show off your new technology and surveillance ability; you wanted to make me an example for all the rest of the TMO community but you picked on someone very well known and respected professionally in North America with substantial press coverage previously; that was based upon one thing: credibility; I told it like it was and the press came to me for comment; I was able to give speeches across the US on my work and got my activity published that explained all that I did; the work was what no other did and helped to shift the whole financial management activity; it certainly made a lot of pensioners happy; I made no money; that was not my job; I worked to get it done for the benefit of those who were employees and had funds in the trusts; I had the reputation of the most honest guy anyone knew; the British shop trustees wanted to talk with me only because I was the only honest one in management who was doing a proper job; they learned that too in the outcome;

So you want to pick on me and bully me to provoke me into a fight or your way of activity; never happen; you have done this all by yourselves for I have done nothing; now it will all be exposed; everywhere; everyone is going to look like an immense fool; then of course that is what everyone was looking like all along; you have picked on the wrong guy; you picked on an honest guy who knows better than to be sucked into your trap of illegal activity;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 22:37:35    Now the resonant voice starts up from below; how about them apples;

Don’t get me wrong as you will do by projecting your own illegal and violent behaviour; I do not behave like that and never will; my dealing with this problem will be as it has been all along perfectly legal and civilised as it should be to address the wrongs committed; it is when this is done and all the information about me is made known then that information will carry its own weight and for this reason I say you’ve picked on the wrong person to think that you could bully me;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 22:50:10    Hit on the floor above and loud resonant voice from below; now watch everyone scramble for security in self righteous action; sorry you all have done far too much now to hide; the only ones who will escape the legal net will be those who in their wisdom refused to participate in your illegal activity;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 22:52:11    Door slam below; out for consultation no doubt; sorry it’s too late; for you; nothing will keep you from facing the legality of your misdeeds;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 22:56:24    The resonant voice below is really moving on in a rapid talking; sorry, it’s too late; you will be held responsible for your misdeeds; my life is a matter of public record; you cannot hide it; it will all come to everyone’s attention when they start digging into my past; it is all good; it reeks of integrity; honesty, credibility; this is just another one of those experiences of illegal behaviour that has run amok; it too will become a matter of the public record;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 22:58:48    All are now talking outside; guy saying “read that answer”; sounds like he is talking into a radio or mobile phone; continues to talk below; there is another guy with him; he just said “Fuck him”; yes that is the proper attitude to take; it is exactly what will expose your illegal activity;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 23:00:10    Female joins the talking and talks loudly; vehicle door slams; vehicle pulls forward; idles; another door slam;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 23:01:51    Door slams below very close by in the Walkway; dog starts barking below; prob the person left from below and is noted by the dog out front;

Sat, 5 Feb 2000 - 23:02:28    Solid hit from below in the small room area on the floor;

I have no delusions of grandeur; just solid accomplishment that happened to be recognised for what they were; the result of years of hard and dedicated effort to do the best job by doing all that needed to be done in the best possible manner; for this I gained recognition; that is not delusional but reality; I have no delusions about this situation; my feet as always are solidly on the floor; I know exactly what is going on and it is all written down and safely stored away; Yes, now it would be very wise if you left me alone completely;

[(3) They have just listened to me; believe that(?); to sleep for 3 hours; see what happens when not disturbed(?); brings total for tonight to 5 hours sleep so far; judging from the noises in Walkway and below, I was woken up;]

    Sunday, 6th February 2000

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 01:58:17    Wake up after a dream about war; truck and gun; dead and dying;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 02:01:36    Back onto the bed; update; had crouched into the bathroom for a pit stop; guy talking down the Walkway; loudly; thud and noises from below; moved in when I was there; I made no noise and crouched back into the living room;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 02:26:49    Loud male voice outside talking; when I sit up to note it he says “He’s up”; the male voice continuous talking directly in front of the window but back a bit toward the road; there was also a light footstep above on the floor overhead; before this an auto had pulled up from the Bramley Road direction;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 02:28:09    Vehicle reverses in the road now; most likely he noted that I was up from the infrared movement detectors that have been noted on the balcony below;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 02:33:08    Three thuds on the floor above; these were not foot steps but deliberate stomps at varying intervals in a row; that is the activity which tries to wake me from above so that those outside can observe a noise if I make one upon being woken; traffic outside now of vehicles moving back and forth plus a light tap on a horn;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 02:35:21    Noises in the Walkway of moving stuff around; that started a while ago too; engine just revved outside in the road with a vehicle door thud too; continues to idle;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 02:36:38    Very hard vehicle door slams; two of them; vehicle then drives away noisily;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 02:42:01    More vehicle door slams as the sound of one pulling up occurs again;

The dream I had of vehicles in war, the dead and the dying could have been provoked by this type of traffic outside; by its noise and vehicle door slams; the war vehicles were doing the same; positioning themselves around; the one I had was a truck with an artillery gun attached to the rear; I was moving it around to get it out of the way; at the end of the dream was a guy who said that the corpse he was moving had died 20 times during the previous night and that he had died each time with it; he said he was in great pain and had been sucking air all night; wonder if this was not a comment about me from outside as I was sleeping and perhaps breathing through my mouth(?);

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 02:46:09    Loud voice again in the road; male is talking loudly with another; all of this is terribly disruptive and disturbing and will keep me awake for awhile; this is why I go to sleep early in the evening;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 02:59:55    Door slam in the Walkway nearby;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 03:08:02    More talking out front; male voice; vehicle went by a little while ago;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 03:16:33    MS on the front footpath again sounds like it goes up to the pen; noises from above and below; loud scrape on the floor above right over the bed; thud before this and a noise in the rear wall living room area that sounded like it came from below;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 03:18:23    Foot stomps on the floor above as they walk around; more as I write; these are just in one place and hitting the floor; right above the bed area toward the wall and living room door; a sharp noise then too but source indeterminate and another vehicle; birds are singing;

[(4) To sleep again for just over 1 hour; total time 6 hours so far tonight; considering noises above I believe that I was woken up by these continuing;]

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 04:31:08    Awake again following a dream about being with Martha on a school grounds and taking the bus a couple times; then left at lunchtime to take the bus home; we lived in different parts; decided to walk part way together; went down the back thru a construction site and its buildings; workers inside ; one had a familiar voice; out a side door; and found ourselves back where we had started; it was exactly noon then with an E [Emory: this is where I was in school with Martha] on the top of my watch where the 12 should have been;

[(5) Once again just under 1 hour’s sleep bringing the total to 7 hours for the night so far; do believe that someone is waking me and it continues unabated but there have been no noted noises after 0318, but each time I went right back to sleep; that’s how tired I was;]

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 05:20:26    Awake after another dream; RHF is chastised after $1.61 for doing something; he elects to come in the next day to refute this claim and abuse; he is sitting behind me; starts his rebuttal with the amount of money involved; I laugh out loud and bury my head; when I look up, he is smiling, and the guy to the right of him is on the verge of laughter too with a wide grin on his face; wake up; when I laughed in my sleep, I might have laughed out loud which woke me;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 05:34:11    Crouched into the bathroom for a pit stop; toilet seat squeaked just a wee bit; otherwise no noises from anywhere; back into the living room; over behind the chair; turned off the radio which had been on all night [through the computer sound system and earphones; could not be heard at all except by those listening in elsewhere as already demonstrated by the Nuke Nabber sound effect reaction]; back over to the bed;


[Believe that the “thumping” noises which came from elsewhere were falsely attributed to me; the resulting commotion as described probably represents the reporting of that false allegation and its false characterisation at least as it applies to me.]

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 08:10:43    Thumping in rhythm from below in the rear area; could be the water pipes or an imitator trying to sound like sexual intercourse;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 08:27:43    Faint voice coming from outside/below; little while ago vehicle arrived followed by voices;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 08:34:14    Vehicle went by at speed a couple mins ago beeping its horn at the end of the building as it approached Bramley Road;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 08:35:22    Male voice and squeak outside on the footpath directly in front; after a pause; female voice sounding like the “S” voice joins in;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 08:42:19    More voices on the front footpath accompanied by a squeak again, but this time to the left by the road; this group of people appear to be going down the footpath; vehicle door slam; engine starts (quietly); another poss quiet vehicle door slam; vehicle departs;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 08:43:40    Sound of another departing vehicle;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 08:45:07    Thump from the balcony below by its door area;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 08:49:16    Dog barks below after adult and child voices sound out front including a “Come here” and a vehicle door slam a couple times;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 09:24:16    MS engine sounds in the pen area to the extreme left; some more as I write this;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 09:24:46    MS comes down the front footpath from the pen to the road; heard not seen;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 09:25:11    MS goes noisily down the road outside toward the other end after leaving the Estate;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 09:27:09    Loud truck with squeaky breaks arrives outside then backs up toward Bramley again;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 09:53:34    MS comes back up the road outside from the other end; then goes up the front footpath from the road to the pen noisily; heard but not seen;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 10:04:16    The big rumbler MC [Motor Cycle] gives it the gas; police whistle outside; the real kind;

                Into the bedroom to removed trousers; took carryalls into the hall and set down; heel hit floor and made a sound which is very unusual for me as I always walk on the balls of my feet; door bar/grate clank from below; into the bathroom for a dump; made some unavoidable natural noises; loud female voice down the Walkway sounds like she said among other things “He farted”; she continued to talk; feet running on the stairs outside my door; flushed toilet; into the kitchen putting on my jacket on the way; rinsed out the plate and pot with noiseless hot water as the big MC rumbled and departed below; sound of voices out front; back into the living room;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 10:12:11    Back into the chair;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 10:13:40    Siren comes up outside;

[I went out here for a short period to buy some food and ran into the following Walkway ball playing on return just before 1:00 pm.]

    Four boys playing ball at this end as I approached coming home; they were playing quite hard and at top volume in the corner under my door as I walk to my front door and entered the flat; at one point I heard Frank’s name called as I approached in the Walkway going up the stairs in the middle section;

1258    Home:

[Evidently the four boys playing ball in the Walkway included “Frank” from below who is a visitor to the flat below in the company of the “S”, a visitor but constant presence also, from time to time especially on weekends.  I have left the rest of the afternoon in until I go to bed at 2200 because it reflects all the activity, flows along captivatingly and is as incredible to read once again as it is to experience.  This is characteristic of what goes on all the time and is why the activity is so overwhelming that it is impossible to encapsulate properly for concise reporting.  It is necessary just to see this go over and over from my perspective.  Ignoring any interpretation which I provide (which I think is reasonably accurate), the noise alone in and of itself constitutes nuisance neighbours from “Hell” in the extreme especially when realised that this is continuous activity.]

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 13:14:11    Child crying in Walkway; went into hall to see if serious; woman’s voice and children’s could be heard; one boy said “Frank, wait for us to come back.”  Then there was a hard door slam below which I assumed was Frank being taken inside the flat below; looked out the peephole to see; only saw one small boy by door to 507; back into the living room;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 13:15:30    Door slam below; second door slam below;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 13:17:14    Hard, loud door slam below;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 13:18:52    Thuds below in small room area under balcony door like the sound detection box activity there;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 13:25:25    All is silent now; must have stopped playing ball in the Walkway;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 13:26:27    Light noises now from below in the balcony door/sound detection box area; there are faint voices outside of the “suspicious” variety to the left;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 13:27:03    Beeper goes by blasting three times;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 13:27:39    Two more loud beeps from the auto outside sitting under the window;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 13:29:03    Vehicle door slams outside under the window; departs; probably the beeper; dog starts barking below;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 13:30:41    Door slam below; hard and loud with a double hit;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 13:33:44    Loud thuds from below in the small room area near the living room door; again sounds exactly like the sound detection box activity;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 13:38:52    Loud door slam below preceded by dog barking below;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 13:39:53    Door slam with double hit below;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 13:41:20    Cabinet door thud like sound with double bounce from below; small room area; sound detection box like; dog started barking at the same time; followed by two separate and loud bar/grate clankings below;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 13:43:59    Xferred tmpdiary.not to 200002a.dia; following more thuds from below;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 13:44:36    Definite sound detection box activity underway below; more thuds from below just like it from the small room area near the living room door;

Sun, 6 Feb 2000 - 13:53:33    Another thud/shifting noise from below in the small room area; sound detection box area; dog starts barking immediately too;

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