


Sunday, 29th July 2001

Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 06:15:52    Finished file mgmt and file xfers;

Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 06:25:34    Shutdown;

Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 06:31:00    Out;

Outside activities;

Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 17:15:00    Bramley door;

Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 17:18:00    Home;

Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 17:37:00    Chair;

Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 17:39:21    NB up and running R4 and chair light on; sys back from screen saver; video OK; eating tuna sans, tom soup and choco; update;

Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 18:00:00    R4 News;

Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 18:15:00    R4 Pick of the Week;

Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 18:36:27    “He’s drugged” says a male to the left;

Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 19:16:12    R4 and chair light off; pulled bed out; moved mags to the black bag; into the kitchen; light on; put choco in fridge; moved plate, dish an glass to the board; closed KW; rinsed plate and dish; filled glass with soak water; washed hands; removed lenses; put in disinfectant; had to go out to the living room before this for the case; light off;

Into the bedroom; undressed; voices outside yakking away; into the bathroom for a no go pit stop; started filling the tub; got in to soak while filling; Fummie came on with his drone; this time it sounded like he read my private correspondence of today to everyone citing the specific crime examples as a particular point; that will have interesting repercussions; he kept going at mostly unintelligible “run over” sentences until I shut off the water;

There were very loud thuds and thumps which sounded like the kitchen next door as I soaked in the tub; I was so tired that I dozed off waking my self with the start of a snore; same old thing every time I snooze while on by back; started washing my lower legs, ankles and feet; rinsed them; stood up to wash my genital area, waist, upper legs, anal area; torso, back, underarms and arms; sat beck down to rinse it all; then I shaved reversing the order of doing this; pulled plug; soaked for a bit; then got out as the urge to urinate caught up with me; flushed toilet; dried with a towel; got about three “Psychotics” from Jack the RAS Ripper from below; exercising his new found vocabulary to jeopardise the Tenancy Agreement for the Tenant below and add to the harassment activity from that flat; back into the living room; shrouded monitor; got NB and its shrouds from the table to the bed;

Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 20:14:10    Very hard loud door slam below; “Goo, very good; he’s drinking water,” says a male right under the FW able to see me sitting on my bed drinking water; the ultimate in terror and torture; then he can read this and say “See, look at that”; the penultimate in terror and torture; oh, yeah, onto the bed, update

Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 20:18:16    Dog barking away below;

Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 20:20:12    Very hard loud door slam below with its double standard;

Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 20:23:47    “Too much, too much” says the male outside under the window as I drink more water; is he talking about remote control medication where the dosage cannot be controlled; that is killer medicine;

Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 20:38:12    Finished the above update;

Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 20:40:11    Set up tiles and shroud for NB;

Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 20:40:36    “Dammit, he didn’t come” said a male under the window; the same one who has been yakking away there all the while as I wrote the update following my every activity and pause; rather pathetic like to live to do something as meaningless as that; PCPHF let out a roaring “No” from DTR as I wrote this;
Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 20:52:35    “Shaking his head; psychotic” says a male to the left outside watching me lay in my back while trying to get to sleep; yes, I move my head as I was dozing off; you disturbed me completely by saying that clearly within my hearing which was probably done intentionally;

Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 20:54:08    Laughter from guys straight away from the window down a bit;

Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 20:59:58    “OMG he farted”; write that down” says the PCPHF DTR as if it was important; a silent PHFM;

[(1)To sleep for 2.0 hours;]

Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 22:56:55    Woke flat on my back with a dream;

Dream: about DM and the new forum with searchable database; went over each reason for it; did this very carefully; woke; up;

Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 22:58:23    “Out” said a male from the right by the road;

Once again nothing happened; was flat on my back that must have been
[missing line(s)]
my l sat sitting” at the web site; I fell asleep in a flash; then had the dream as I was waking; already knew everyone there and was not posting at the moment;

Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 23:01:16    I might have gone to sleep on my right side; but I am so tired now that I am falling asleep as I type that means someone or persons woke me since I would never have woken on my own

Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 23:02:15    “Get/Take him out” screams a female from down the road;

Sun, 29 Jul 2001 - 23:38:13    The bed is sopping wet where I lay from sweat; the water is almost gone too;

[(2)To sleep for 0.75 hours = 2.75 hours;]

    Monday, 30th July 2001

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 00:23:52    “Fuck him” says GMHM DTR; then tracks my day/date change explicitly; noting that I hit the four instead of the three initially and noting when I got it right; woke up after a dream and short sleep that I knew was short on my left side; rolled onto my back briefly then sat up;

Dream: with the same group of people as before who were all listening to music; there was a board or list of songs from DM that were being played; but the full details of this one are now gone after the usual distractions of day/date change and the verbal abuse from DTR as well as the tracking of that change; I concentrated on these to make certain I got the abuse and lost the dream detail;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 00:28:50    “Psychotic” says the PCPHF; hardly; this happens all the time when I wake; if I do not get it all written fast some of it goes; it comes with the waking process;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 00:30:12    “All right” said the GMHM DTR as apparently he was dictating what I was writing; and/or the PCPHF was writing;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 00:31:01    “Take this down right now” says the GMHM; “Great” he adds; “Write it down; right now”; yes, nothing like collecting something trivial to support your decision in order to try to back it up when you are on thin ice; but you must note that the problem is sleep deprivation and your disturbances both in waking me and keeping me awake; I believe that you woke me just now and that the entries above are essential to your character and its disregard fro the health and well being of someone whom “you” perceive as mentally ill; more important is that you are abusing and harassing causing much damage and personal injury which is revealed by your “Fuck him”; so please write this all down so that I can use this against you; you will need to produce this in discovery;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 00:37:40    “He’s psychotic now; write it down” urges the male; the use of the word “Now” is critically important with regard to his usage but meaningless with regard to the validity of any psychosis which does not exit; ;

The problem is chronic sleep deprivation with extraordinary physiological impact with regard to personal injuries in conjunction with the use of surveillance equipment; what has happened here is that a false diagnosis of “Psychosis” is being applied to cover up the impact of the sleep deprivation by attributing a malady which does not exist but which will permit the real source of the problem to be covered up; this has devastating impact by failing to recognise the true source of the problem and continuing it in order to justify the false diagnosis;

What is observed is the impact of sleep deprivation chronically induced over several years; instead of recognising this and acting appropriately, there is a misdiagnosis intentionally applied in order to protect those who have made the horrendous errors of the past three years causing the damages, personal injuries and the potential life threatening results which are yet to surface in many instances; the point of the intentional misdiagnosis is to justify the former and ongoing surveillance; that is why “Now” is very important in his statement; this was not recognised before; therefore, there was no justification “a priori” for the use of surveillance equipment previously; even worse the use of the surveillance equipment was used for criminal stalking and harassment purposes which created  the sleep deprivation intentionally with great malice in order to effect as much damage as possible in whatever way it could be done, and, even more important, disable my ability to properly and promptly deal with this criminal activity directed against me;

What happens now is that rather than alleviate the real problem at is source, the misdiagnosis allows for all the damaging impacts to continue as there is no change in the criminal nature of the stalking and harassment facilitated by criminal loitering outside my window in the public road;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 00:51:35    “He’s writing” said the GMHM DTR just after an auto pulled up from Bramley as I was nearing the end of the above comment;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 00:52:27    Another auto arrives from Bramley now; the arrived male had said “I want . . .” and after a bit the GMHM said “All right” as the second auto was passing by here;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 00:53:35    Talking continues DTR with the sound of the PCPHF voice included;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 00:54:36    Auto comes from the other end up this way slowly apparently stopping at the end of the bldg; now a second one does the same but sounds like it went on;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 00:55:35    “Be careful” says the GMHM; “Thank you” says the PCPHF DTR; he evidently responded with the right words to the evident police to maintain their ongoing criminal activity;

The imposition of an intentionally false diagnosis for censorship, control and repression purposes only continues the damages in the extreme of their impact; “Psychosis” does not fit; it is imposed; now every effort is made to justify the unjustifiable because the recognition of reality would have a devastating impact on all who have created this terrible tragedy; this “cover up” in continued in a most unconscionable and reprehensible manner that no civilised society could or should countenance;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 01:02:46    MS geos by from Bramley to the other end;

The result is the deliberate destruction of a human life;

Instead of acting consistent with the intentionally false diagnosis, every effort is made to intensify the intrusive and destructive surveillance and its associated criminal activities;

so that now even the Tenancy Agreement for flat 503 below is breached in the extreme which has an explicit section forbidding such disturbances of peace, comfort and causing offence to those “perceived” with mental illness; the threshold for compliance if very low; it only requires a “perception” to exist; this cannot but reflect existing legislation which is intended to protect those with “perceived” mental illness which is no doubt being violated in the extreme here as well; this blatant disregard is one more important sign that not only do those committing such a breach and potential violations do not consider that any such mental illness exists because they are acting “as if” it did not exist; further, such disregard only indicates that the true purpose under this intentionally false diagnosis was and is the destruction of any legal recourse which would bring the truth to light;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 01:13:09    More vehicle activity DTR; door slam; another one; engine running; the GMHM talking “Write this down”;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 01:15:37    “I want to tell him about this right now” says the GMHM DTR;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 01:18:12    The GMHM DTR is reading back what I wrote so that it can be written down in handwriting; he just read it aloud; it is captured as was already noted explicitly by RE and the writing down of it is an attempt to pervert the course of justice for it was not copied while being accomplished; instead, it was done from an electronic record; the point here is the attempt to deceive;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 01:21:24    “Brilliant; write it down” says the GMHM deceiver; yes, it is one deception compounding another as they build out of necessity;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 01:24:49    An intense discussion ensues from DTR with the PCPHF noting “Deception”; the GMHM sys “All right, what I want you to do . . .” and then apparently urges her once again to go home to write this all down; then apparently demurred indicating that “I cannot write”;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 01:26:51    Vehicle door slam in the road to the right and down a bit; vehicle departs; GMHM says “Fine . . “;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 01:27:47    Vehicle door slam DTR; another departure; certainly were lots of people out there;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 01:36:45    “Everything that I . . .” says the PCPHF DTR following on after a long discussion between them; they continue to disturb by their presence and criminal activity depriving me of sleep by keeping me awake;
Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 01:38:21    “Write it down; that’s good” says the GMHM DTR;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 01:42:47    “But he’s right” says another male DTR as the discussion ensues; the PCPHF say “Oh no . .” and goes on in her elevated screeching tone of voice that here sounds like a complaint;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 01:51:50    Vehicle arrives from Bramley just as I begin to nod off; screech just now from the PCPHF DTR; male voice talking;

[(3)To sleep for 1.25 hours = 4.0 hours;]

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 03:04:02    “Psychotic” says Jack the RAS Ripper who sounds like he joined the group;

I was asleep and woke a bit ago from another dream which is now gone; All can remember is that it was nice; I then rolled over again and tried to go back to sleep; for how long I cannot tell but woke just now;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 03:06:11    Sound of the PCPHF voice “He crazy” screeches; “Psychotic” notes the GMHM;

They are probably talking about my sleeping and waking and movement; well; that is the way I recall it; I was and am so tired by this constant chronic sleep deprivation caused by them that I usually try to go back to sleep when I wake if I am too tired to move; an I sometimes roll onto my back to do so thinking that I will wake;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 03:08:35    “Good job” says the GMHM DTR what kind of a Good Job(?); constantly disturbing my sleep; waking me and keeping me awake; constantly shouting verbal abuse contrary to law and contractual obligations for those who reside here; you have no respect for anyone and only seek your own criminal ends; the Goo Job is that of a criminal;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 03:10:38    “He’s psychotic” says GMHM; no sleep deprived; the victim of constant criminal stalking and harassment as is occurring right now; constantly woken as occurred by your presence and activity; as long as you are present, you will have to accept responsibility for all that happens; you cannot evade it; the only way is to absent your self from your activity all night long because you are the source of the continuing adverse impact upon my sleep; this cannot be denied;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 03:15:32    “Out” says a voice DTR that sounds like Jack the RAS Ripper; another animated discussion gets underway DTR;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 03:17:06    “No” screeches the PCPHF; “Come on right now (write down)” orders the GMHM voice DTR; sounds like he is trying to get the PCPHF to go home again to write it down; she will not budge;
Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 03:18:19    “Write down on paper that he is ‘psychotic’” orders the GMHM DTR;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 03:19:38    Into the bathroom for a pit stop; flushed toilet; now, once again sewage rats, took a look; nothing there but pure urine; this will let you know that nothing else concerning sexual activity which you continuously project from your minds has occurred here; back into the living room;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 03:22:03    “Maybe he’s come” says the PCPHF DTR as I sit back down on the bed; update;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 03:22:55    “Get him out tonight (or tomorrow)” said the GMHM DTR; screeching comment from the PCPHF;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 03:25:54    “Psychotic” says the GMHM DTR as I finished the above update;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 03:28:54    “He’s psychotic; there is no doubt about it” says the GMHM DTR; there is every doubt about it for it is not true at all; but what is true is your criminal stalking and harassment using this verbal abuse all night long within my hearing; that is a mental illness starting with sadistic behaviour and going from there;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 03:32:08    Once again you are causing the chronic sleep deprivation whose impact you are falsely characterising as psychosis for you own objectives;

what you see and observe is the impact of chronic sleep deprivation which you have caused by your continuous and unrelenting actions intended to deprive me of sleep; this is a fact of this situation which has been true for over three years up to and including this moment and cannot be denied;

[Intention can be inferred from the consequence of an action; you are responsible for the consequences of your actions as if you intended them;]

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 03:42:00    More talking ensues DTR following the arrival of an auto as I was trying to get back to sleep; this talking disturbed me keeping me from going back to sleep; another auto just went by as I started writing this entry;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 03:43:26    “That’s good” says the PCPHF; “No” says the GMHM; “He’s psychotic; you only want to put down things psychotic”; he adds DTR;

This is a clear example of deliberately distorting the evidence by excluding the truth of the sleep disturbance which they are causing and only focusing on the external characteristics of this chronic sleep disturbance in order to misrepresent them as evidence of psychosis;

This is nothing more than a pure and simple witch hunt of several hundreds of years ago where the “victim” was kept awake by stomping on the floor all night long until that victim broke down due to lack of sleep;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 03:48:23    “You’re right” said a Yargie Male probably the GMHM but not sure DTR following a few screeches from the PCPHF;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 03:51:23    “I’m going home and write this down” says the PCPHF DTR; “Right” says the GMHM; seeing is believing; then I will sleep on unless Jack the RAS Ripper starts in;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 03:54:46    Vehicle starts or comes from the other end; another just now; between them the GMHM said “Good girl” like he was talking to a dog;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 03:56:53    “Put down ‘he’s psychotic’” instructs the GMHM DTR; “No, I can’t do that” says a female voice;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 04:01:47    “A good job” says the GMHM DTR following another intense exchange between him and the PCPHF where she said “Oh no” indicting once again resistance to something most likely having to do with writing; she still has not left DTR;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 04:08:13    “You wrote down ‘He’s psychotic’ right(?)” asks the GMHM DTR this was part of a larger comment on his part; the disturbances continue to the point of driving me out of my bed for it is no longer possible to reasonably consider that I will sleep any more to night with this continuing disturbance going on as noted;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 04:10:12    Into the bathroom; limescale remover into the toilet; started filling tub; got in to soak while it did so;
“Christ, he’s gone/he’s up” said the GMHM DTR; then he added as the tub was filling “When he puts his foot up, we’ll know he’s come”; this was sheer and utter absurd rubbish; never heard anything so daft in my lift, but it originated from the PCPHF and that makes it explainable; in this instance my feet happened to remain in the tub while it filled; used mostly cold water for a cool soak and bath after a very hot, sweaty night; I really needed to get the salt, sweat and oils off my body; soaked with my feet up for awhile after turning off the water; soaked a longish time almost falling asleep; one significant noise from below;

Stood up the wash; really scrubbed and scratched my genital area thoroughly; the upper scrotal itch was ferocious; the bath was really needed; this scrubbing drew some comments from the stalkers and harassers, but that is their problem; washed my waist, behind my legs; anal area; not much; just the itchy bits; sat down to rinse; also wash my feet and legs; top of my feet were itching too particularly the right foot;  washed of my face with the washcloth and soap especially the oil from around my eyes and on my forehead; pulled the plug; relaxed and soaked as it drained; got out; towelled dry; getting comments as I did so; near the end of the bath there was a very loud, clear male voice which said “Get him out”; this sounded like Jack the RAS Ripper;

Into the bedroom; dressed; back into the bathroom; scrubbed the toilet; as I was doing so the PCPHF back to her knee jerk, auto response screeched “He’s come” followed by “Get him out”; got my glasses;

Into the kitchen; light on; got choco from fridge; put on chair; got spoon from rack; put on chair(1); washed hands; put in lenses; light off; back into the living room; glasses and lenses case on black bag; pushed bed to books; mags from black bag to the bed; moved NB to the table; moved water bottle to the side of the chair;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 04:59:05    Into the chair; chair light on; sys back from screen saver; video OK; eating choco; update;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 05:15:06    (1)”He’s psychotic” said a male RW as I made too trips to the chair; I did not note the absence of the spoon until I put the choco on the chair; this is the logic which escapes these false accusations of seemly uncoordinated behaviour; that is why they cannot do what they are doing with any degree of relevance or accuracy;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 05:18:27    Finished the above update with the GMHM reading out each word as I wrote; writing this obnoxious detail as I do helps to bring back what occurred at each point such as scrubbing the toilet; if I try to remember the key comments this is more difficult even impossible; but they come right back as I step through my activity; thus by noting each activity trying to get the sequence right which does not always happen; then I can recreate the related events which occurred while I was doing things; also it is excellent training for doing this kind of thing which is repugnant but essential in this circumstance and has bee for over three years to not all that was done in the face of many and varying false accusations; to come in on the end of this period trying to characterise this activity which is necessarily created by the circumstance says nothing about me and ignores the real reason this detailed activity is accomplished;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 05:23:59    As I wrote the above, the GMHM said two or three times “Psychotic”; it is obvious that he does not know what he is doing because his work is superficial and category oriented;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 05:25:16    “Get this down” said the GMHM as I wrote the above and read out each word as I did so;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 06:23:13    Finished diary review and spell check;  plenty of comment along the way including “Write this down” and “Pychotic”; the probable voice of Jack the RAS Ripper at the end came in with numerous “Psychotics” as he was just throwing them out to try to look like he knew what he was doing; a the same time the PCPHF was screeching away in her roar;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 06:25:17    “Fucking hell” said Jack the RAS Ripper below as I wrote the last part of the entry above along with more scrreeching roars from the PCPHF;

Mon, 30 Jul 2001 - 06:26:03    “He’s Psychotic” says Jack the RAS Ripper once again really trying for something meaningful and completely missing;

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