


Tuesday, 14th August 2001

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 06:40:04    Finished the file mgmt and xfer;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 06:40:30    Shutdown;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 06:46:00    Out; “I’ll take him out tomorrow” said a male voice nearby; 12 water bottles into recycle bin; “Fucking hell” said the same male after several “Psychotics” on the way;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 07:38:17    Start; “Do you want to logoff” as the screen hit that by accident; can see it all including this writing;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 07:42:52    Done; “Psychotic” says male in hearing toward window;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 07:45:27    Shutdown;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 12:34:00    Bramley door;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 12:37:20    Home;

“Did he come” asks the PCPHF from below; “He’s was fucking, but didn’t come” answered the “Killer”;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 12:39:40    Back in hall;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 12:41:00    Into chair;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 12:42:42    NB up and running; shoes and socks off; update;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 12:47:55    Unpacked the red bag; put food on table; took rest with water and milk into kitchen; sorted; opened window;

Lots of noises below about “Taking him out right now . . . He’s there”; put water and milk in fridge; got tuna stuff out; cleaned veggie crisper; opened fridge container;

Into the bedroom to undress; severe inner thigh chafing was very sore; dressed in t-shirt; back into kitchen; opened tuna; put in fridge container; mixed with last of mayo and relish; male voice outside said “I don’t agree with not taking him out if he is nude; he’s psychotic, he’s a killer”; totally outrageously false; that is pure vigilantism driven by making up totally false statements to be a fear monger and drive people into an emotional frenzy;

Mixed the tuna, mayo and relish; put on bread; added sliced tom and lett; sliced sans in half; opened tom soup; put in glass; spooned out the remainder; rinsed cans, jars, utensils; put sands on plate and on chair arm with tom soup beside chair; rinsed board; back into living room;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 13:09:58    Back into the chair; R4 World at One: Nick Clare; eating update;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 13:30:20    R4 off;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 13:30:36    “He’s drugged” says male from the left adding  “He’s psychotic”;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 13:31:57    “He’s drugged” repeats the male after some voice sounds from the PCPHF;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 13:33:12    “He’s psychotic” continues the male voice sounding like the “Killer” from the left distance;

Totally false allegations; all of them as always; sounds like the “Killer” getting, or attempting to get, his licks;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 13:42:59    Finished food update;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 13:43:10    “He’s psychotic” the “Killer” keeps saying; he has no idea what he is talking about;

[NB I was dozing out fast in the chair and the pain from the chafed inner thighs made it impossible to sit in the chair; I needed a bath to clean the area and feet then to go to bed sleep since I was totally wiped out from sleep deprivation and just needed to sleep;];

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 13:45:50    Into the bedroom [I was too exhausted at this point to complete this entry after my bath and just wanted to go to sleep; finishing it now at Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 18:16:56) undressed; into the bathroom; started filling tub; climbed in to soak while filling;

As the tub filled with the water hitting the chafed area, it caused my feet to respond to the pain; at the same time I was falling asleep while laying in the tub with my elbows on each side of the tub and hands clasp in a triangle “roof” support position; they fell a toward or away from my head several times; twice I put my arms on the side of the time; a male voice below noted this and said “He’s tired”; wiped out is more like it;

Soaked for awhile after the tub filled and turning off the water; as I turned off the cold water a male voice from below said “He’s psychotic”; total nonsense; chronic sleep deprivation caused by the continuous stalking and harassment from those in the flat below and their associates; (Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 18:24:44 a male is reading this out word for word as I write it; his voice is coming in the LW);

Washed my feet, ankles and lower legs; scratched behind my right knee especially as that soft tissue probably EMRID related skin irritation was serious; (Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 18:27:25 couple bench warmers outside under the window possibly watching the monitoring equipment ; rinsed my feet, ankles and lower legs scratching the tops of each foot thoroughly due to an intense itching; this drew a female comment from below in reference to the scratching sound which I assume she thought was sexual activity; it was so far removed and I so exhausted and wiped out from chronic sleep deprivation as to be a ludicrous assumption if made;

Stood up to wash genital an anal areas; very sore and open wound between my thighs; washed thoroughly to get clean, relieve pain and speed healing; that is all I washed; it was the primary purpose for the bath; sat back down; rinsed washed areas; (Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 18:32:43 “He’s psychotic” says a male outside under the window; he doesn’t know what he is talking about; he just read this out loud under my window as I wrote it; now he’s going to “take responsibility”; for what (?): a criminal act to remove me forcibly from my home sat down to rinse this washing; soaked a bit until the intense stinging subsided; pulled plug and drained tub sitting and soaking as it did so; got out towel dried very carefully patting the chafed area;

“He did it; lets take him out”; said a male below; nope, just probably fluid and blood from the chafed area between my legs which is why I took a bath to soak and wash it against infection and so that it wold heal; very sore and really stinging after washing; finally stopped; [this was the written as the only entry after I got on my bed to go to sleep;];

Back into living room; pulled bed out at this point I believe possibly before I went into the bath; straightened sheet; moved NB and water bottle from table to the bed;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 14:40:49    Onto the bed; update;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 14:43:28    Now, all the vigilante lunkheads are running around like heads with the chicken cut off; they want to come in right now; “Here’s Jack” one says; while in kitchen, female said “He’s nude up there” to a male outside; “How do you know(?)” he asked; surveillance equipment was the only way; [certainly could not see me from the outside;];

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 14:55:01    “He farted; came a comment from the vigilante mob from the right as I was falling asleep;

Criminal stalking and harassment; “Grounds for taking him out” says an ignorant male; I can see him before the judge now ‘Your honour, we were all collected under his window when we heard a noise; we were making loud and continuous noises; threatening to forcibly remove him rom his home and causing the fear of violence; but he still farted so we charged’; “I’m not going through that again” says a female out front to the right;

The vigilante, lynch mob will not even let me sleep in the afternoon; mustered by the PCPHF;

[(A)To sleep for 1.0 hours; woken by something; far too tired to sit up and not it; just entered time to put it in later; it was a disturbance from the vigilante mob outside my window, but now I cannot recall what it was only that it was and I entered the time;];

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 15:54:30    [Entered time here just barely after being woken by disturbance from outside my front window; was going to enter its nature but forgot it; when I woke finally;];

[(B)To sleep for 1.5 hours bringing the total to 2.5 hours of afternoon sleep so far; woken by the vigilante mob outside my front window;];

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 16:25:28    Th entire vigilante mob is watching me sleep from the video monitor; as I rubbed my feet together to scratch the top of the right foot; “All right let’s get him” says the Chief Vigilante right under the window;  

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 16:26:31    “He’s fucking says a young male; “Stud” is talking with him;

[This is totally false; not only was I too tired to do anything but make this entry and go back to sleep, I was basically injured between my legs with severe chafing that I was trying to get to heal after washing in a bath; such an allegation is complete nonsense and a total fabrication;]

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 16:26:52    “Be quiet” [says another male probably Paul], and he shuts up; too late; [I heard what he said;];

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 16:27:44    Scratched the top of my right foot; “Fucking hell” says the Chief Vigilante;

The Estate Masturbation Busters (EMB) are in high Terror Mob Oppression (TMO) mode watching me sleep and disturbing me at every opportunity when they think I am going to masturbate; like rub my feet together; [that is total nonsense and ludicrous in the extreme; just grasping at any movement or even the simple position of laying on my side as is done all night long;];

[(C)To sleep for 1.5 hours bringing the total to 4.0 hours sleep in three segments for the afternoon; I was still very tired and could have slept on but for the continuing vigilante mob stalking and harassment outside under my window which woke me enough finally so that I knew I would not get back to sleep;];

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 17:49:47    “Paul” shouts a young female voice walking from left to right outside adding  “Fifteen minutes . . .”; then turns an walks back up to the left again;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 17:50:50    Males talking directly out front vigilante lynch mob on its witch hunt; while I had a nice sleep; that’s all folks;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 17:52:23    “Pull him out . . . he’s psychotic” says Paul; don’t blame me just because you’ve made a fool of yourself;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 17:53:13    Into the bathroom for a pit stop; male and female voices went upstairs; upper scrotal scratch by each thumbnail on each side simultaneously just before I flushed the toilet; into the bedroom; put on comfortable clothes; scratch a bit more; definite itch; into the kitchen; as I was walking there, male says “He’s come”; that was total nonsense; got water; opened in sink; put by chair; back into the living room; pushed bed to the books; moved NB to the table;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 17:58:57    Back into the chair just as I heard: “Yeah, he fucked ‘cause I seen him” says a male outside in front of the window slightly to the left; nope, he did not see anything as noted in the above entry; R4 News:

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 18:01:37    Reset time was -45 secs; spot on five hours ago;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 18:09:57    “I want him out” yells Paul from the left; “He’s fucking”; I was wiped out from sleep deprivation caused by you lot an slept all afternoon despite all the stalking and harassment which you carried out waking me often; I as so tired I went right back to sleep until just now; I have a right to sleep (quiet enjoyment) in my own home without constant disturbance all afternoon followed by the fear of violence upon waking and getting up; this is pure criminal activity;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 18:30:00    R4 to R3 In Tune;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 19:08:44    Finished the above update for the sleeping during the afternoon when I was totally zonked out; there was a whole crew out there all making the “False allegations”; a particular male who was going to be “responsible” for getting me out; this went on and on for the entire last hour; there was a general mass hysteria of false allegations with people adding comments that they were most likely expressing just in the emotional frenzy of the “Witch hunt”;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 19:10:10    “How long will it take” asks the PCPHF from below; male outside says  “Oh, about tomorrow”; goes on talking and added “He’s psychotic”; that is a totally false allegations; a deliberate misrepresentation of chronic sleep deprivation caused by the very people making this false allegation among all the others;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 19:12:34    “Can you get him out tonight(?)” asks a male from the outside left; “I don’t know” replies Responsible; goes on talking;

Yes, rush to accusation, trial, judgment and execution all wrapped up in the vigilante mob here will carry a total legal damage claim now in excess of £120 million; are you prepared to put everyone through all of that by a precipitous criminal action of my forced removal from my home;(?);

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 19:15:33    Before I wrote the above comment, the PCPHF roared a screeching “I want him out” from below left in the remote bedroom area; then a male from below the front window said “He’s psychotic” after I wrote the above comment;

Unless you are familiar with *all* the details of the several years of this situation, you would do well to inform yourselves first before you act ignorance and folly on a false allegation when I was only sound asleep and disturbed in that total wipe out of sleep three times by the vigilante mob below; the allegations made are all false and ludicrous in the circumstances; there are too many contradictions including the allegation “He’s drugged” which was noted just before I took my bath;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 19:23:21    Three male stalking harassers by the fence at the rear of a yellow van standing and looking up here; well, maybe two at the moment; 081401_192359.bmp; they were talking about “public” as if my actions of sleeping  in my own home were in public; they are made public by the surveillance equipment; this is none of my doing; against my knowledge and consent; and meets with my daily requests to remove it for it is being abuse as a tool for stalking and harassment which enables the false allegations to be made leading to an incitement for others to remove me from my home by force; all of this is criminal activity with any number of offences;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 19:28:29    “We can’t take him out” concludes a male below the front window; PCPHF screeches below left distance in the bedroom area;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 19:29:11    Males now gone from the yellow truck area by the road fence; talking from the left; bench warmer still outside under the window however;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 19:32:55    “No” roars the screeching PCPHF from below left distance in the bedroom area; male voice coming faintly in the LW apparently continues to say ‘we cannot take him out’;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 19:33:58    “Psychotic” this male says a perhaps a reason for his inability to remove me; more screeched like “Get him out” from the PCPHF below left distance; this allegation is totally false and has no foundation whatsoever as explained about;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 19:34:52    “He’s crazy” says the same male out front under my left window off to the left a bit and laughs heartily at that comment of his;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 19:36:07    That same male from the same place goes on talking “Psychotic”; there are now several people gathered by the front bench under my window who most likely were making some of these comments just now: 081401_-1936101.bmp; then there is a comment about pulling him out;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 19:38:50    Loud thud from the small room wall area; sounded more from above but cannot be certain; I was in my chair; just finished typing; far, far away from it; other side of the room;

What is significant about this afternoon is that these people in and connected with flat 503 by one means or another are determined that they will disturb and disrupt my sleep at any time of the day or night; the record for this activity is continuous and goes on for over three years; I have never at any time contributed to this in any manner whatsoever; part of this process has then been the series of false allegations made and refuted directly often enough to be shown to be without credibility; the absurdity of the blanket false allegations destroy themselves in their own making; if they were true in any way, it would have been shown conclusively a long time ago with the surveillance equipment; since their validity has not been demonstrated, the process goes on and on to find what does not exist except in fabricated assertions and false and/or distorted claims from normal activity;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 19:47:41    They are folding their tent to go and cannot do anything saying “Psychotic” to the left; the would be vigilante lynch mob is protesting;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 19:50:35    “You can’t force him out of his home like this” says a male outside to the left as he gives them a lecture;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 20:10:54    The “discussion” continues from the left perhaps below but distant/faint in any case with the male doing most of the talking; a female just now shouted something; “Good night” says the male with some apparent parting comments; this was read out loud from the distant left below with the words “parting comments” distinct;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 20:13:21    Male goes on to cite “Psychotic” after that above; totally false;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 20:15:54    “He’s psychotic; he doesn’t know what he is doing” says the male distant left and faint as above; totally false and superficial; there is far more to be said about all of this then meets the eye from just these notes for my memory’s purposes; but I have to make every effort to defend myself and counter what I *know* to be false allegations and the continuous stalking and harassment being carried out;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 20:19:47    “He farted” said the male LW distant; but you would never have heard that very normal activity without audio surveillance; it was not audible at all beyond a few feet; this is where the huge error in observation and reporting start with simple things like that; then the male left distant went on to say “Take him out right now”; must by the “Paul” talking; putting in audio surveillance to verify breaking wind is not exactly a reasonable thing to do;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 20:23:07    “Will you bring him out(?) He now asks of the male he just called then added as the reason “He farted”; “I can’t believe it” he goes on to evidently exaggerate this all out of proportions; I think you better have the Environmental Health Department for the Council start measuring these things to avoid such an emotional over reaction;

Here it is folks; we now have the Met Police Fart Squad (MPFS); just last week there was the Cough Squad, then the Potty Police and now the Fart Squad; this makes for effective resource allocation and increases in the crime statistics for apprehension;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 20:27:03    “Woo” screeches a female in delight from the left; the Fart Police are now being mustered in full strength for an assault and forced removal of the culpirt who would dare be human and break wind in his own home quietly; that is why audio surveillance is justified and so very effective; retention of intestinal gases is a very harmful thing to do for the body, but this is not being considered by the vigilante, lynch mob in the throes of their Witch Hunt activity; breaking wind is the proof of being a Witch; humans do not do any such thing;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 20:28:23    “Right there” says “Paul” just after te monitor pops; and I was typing the above;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 20:31:23    “He’s psychotic” says “Paul”; Nope; totally false;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 20:33:21    “Get him out” screeches the PCPHF from below; I just broke wind quietly again; audio surveillance must have picked it up for there is a reaction again; if not, then I can hear them reading this note about it;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 20:34:33    “Get him out” screeches the female below left; male “Paul” keeps jabbering;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 20:35:07    Monitor pops as I was tying the above;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 20:35:46    R3 and chair light off; tiling done; monitor and NB screen shrouded;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 20:36:14    Moved water bottle and NB to the bed; into kitchen; put choco in fridge; closed KW; scratching my very itchy waist as I came out of the kitchen; this sent the vigilante’s connected to the video surveillance equipment into a frenzy; they thought they saw clear “Fucking” but only waistline scratching with my thumbnail; into the bedroom; undressed; scratched my waistline with both hands back and forth thoroughly itch gone now; back into the living room;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 20:38:56    Onto the bed; update;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 20:42:00    Finished the above update; “He’s was fucking” says a male right now under the front window; that is totally false; I was scratching as describe above; this is the real problem with video surveillance; as I was writing the above update, there was constant chatter among several males under the window about taking him out; a female went into hysterical delight at the prospect; then there was some doubt after they read what I wrote;

NB this is exactly the same type of effort to misrepresent and distort normal activity for a “False allegation”; just after I arrived home, I paused in the bathroom for a pit stop; when I finished I “shook” my penis a few times to get all the urine from my urethra; this met with a false allocation from a male voice below that “He fucked, but he did not come”; this was totally preposterous and false taking a simple normal everyday human action and by abusing video surveillance to make a false allegation;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 20:48:25    “Mike” calls a male directly in front of my window then adds “We got it”; before this he had instructed others to “Go ahead” that he would “back them up”; this was in reference to the apparent decision just made to “take him out” based upon my scratching my waist;

All right this brings into paly a fourth new Met Police unit called the Scratch Squad (MPSS); now the “SS” is getting very close to it predecessor organisation from the Third Reich; only now there will be a forced removal from his home by the Scratch Police for this hapless sod was guilty of scratching his waistline; now, it will be toothbrushes out to clean the pavement next as the social order regresses to complete repression and instant vigilante action;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 20:53:16    Squeals go up from the females outside to the left again at the prospect of watching violence and brute force unfold before their eyes which they have helped create by their false allegations and emotional hysteria;

There is no doubt that after three years of this chronic sleep deprivation an its impact on peripheral organs such as the heart, that in this physical state any such violent forced entry with the prospect of further violence in a forced removal, all coming from the intruders of course as I am trying once again to go to sleep on my bed, will run a high risk of heart attack, stork, general trauma and shock shutting down the body in any number of ways in its very weakened chronically sleep deprived state; there would be little likelihood of any recovery from this impact and death by natural causes would most likely be rapid in occurrence; then there is no more problem; the Final Solution has been “finally” effected and one more human being eliminated to the mob mentality of lynch mob justice and the Witch Hunt;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 21:05:26    “He’s psychotic” says the male under the window in response to a female voice from below; totally false; I just described quite accurately what will most likely occur as a result of violence carried out against me as incited and proposed;

[(1)To sleep for 0.25 hours; ]

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 21:23:06    I was woken from a dream then in falling back asleep again my legs jerked twice as I tried to “snap back” form the brink of the precipice of sleep unconsciously;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 21:23:56    Males talking under the front window; two of them haveing an animated discussin; as I was tryig to fa asleep the males previosly al lgroupe udner the front wino and trheteneid to “come in” ha oen gu sayign just theat “Comeon” urign other like a vigilaten group to o just that; showetime again; then the all isapperared; silance and sleep folle only I was just woek bby th econtinuign renewed disturbacne righ  right unr my front s winow; also it sounde like a sccreech fom TR an thPCPHf;
Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 21:32:11    “He’s drunk” asks an incredulous male outside in front of te widow as the all chatter away; he isnot talkignabout me;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 21:32:57    PCPHF voci voice comign ffrom DTR it sound like;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 21:50:09    “Look at him; he’s grinning; get him out right”: sai a male out front of the winowthey have bee chatting away there ow stil fwhile I tryi to get to sleep; just a bit ago I openedmy lwr let eye as I was layig onmy left side; this was promptly noted; the then execusted a PHFM for silent flatulence release but was given no creidt for that I only get penalties; the PCPHF screeched from DTR “Ocome on”;

I was grinning about the spelling of “Woemanfolk” that I did the other day an a comment I got about it; these people are paranoid an think I wss grinning about them;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 21:53:28    This violence inciting male said “He’s fucked”; totally false; then adds half the day and night; come on I’ve had it; ; what I syour problem you ar makign it all up; I am doing nothing but carrying on my normal life; if you ahv “had it” then it is yourself taht yo are fed up with; so go away and straighten out yourslef; you are a problem to yourseff; figure taht out first and leae others aloen when you haven’t a clue

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 22:03:31    “In the water . . . that’s true” says a mae to the righ t own a bit ; soun sliek he is talkign abou th rugging methodology; from re reoutign my waer supply from a tank below; to drug it there;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 22:08:09    “He is forever fuckign but he never comes” sasy a male out frotn of my winow; that is pure nonsense; totally fale; just a rationalisation for the false allegatisn that have been made in the thousands to justify all this acgain tme; I b abstain totally from any sexual activity; there is nothig here; you have b mae total foos out of yoursele an are ogn you best to ut a goo face on it;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 22:42:21    “There . . . gotit” said a male TR; “Brilliant” sai anor ; I had jus twoken from a ream an soun sleep whc hI final attaie; the I wa sccratchign m right nostril with my little finger; that set them off thinking that they had otten sometign really big;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 22:43:40    Now there is a black male yakign away unr th frtn winow to the right a bit

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 22:44:17    “He’s ruggged” sai a mae male DTR a s was un humg upo on typgn a word; ignoring the fac tah I was just woken from a sound lee; still impacced b slep eprivaton; siting on me be; legs fcrosse with m arm on the lor legs typingat a bad anle an positon; pus ot beign able to see; no I think thaexplains the stuttering

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 22:48:45    “Psychotic” says the male DTR sittign with the PCPHF who is also screehgn her thing then afaftr a bit she says “I now; I know” get him otu”;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 22:49:44    More screechign from the PCPHF; scratched my left nostril witmy let little finer th male ai “Get him out”; the PCPF screeches on;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 22:52:32    Lou thus from below; uner th bed vibratign the floor;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 22:52:57    Major nois rom belwo in t small room wall livnig room oor ara souns llike shiftign lumber;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 22:53:33    “Pull him out’ says th “ual” TR a bit; “It’s too late “ he thn gets the msg; th eoices there are continuosy yakign away;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 22:55:01    

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 22:56:58    “Get him out of there; get him out” sasy the male “Paul” DTR a bit; th evilent vigilante who is caried away by his own poer an need to abuse violenty; makes up what is not true for that reason;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 23:00:09    “He’s fucking that’s for sure right now says a male DTR a bit; total fantasy; black guy just goes on jabbering away; I was layign on my left side to go to sleep what that heap of verbal abuse was thrown at me for me to hear; it was totally fse and as I notd before simpley base on my asuming a sleep position;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 23:01:42    “sychoitc sai the ame male voic out side my windwo TR a bit; an th ebalck males jut jabbber on an on;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 23:10:43    Two hits from below; male yells loudly TR abit; noisy vehicl egoes by;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 23:12:13    
H”HE’s right; lets take him out tomorrow”; monitor pop’ before and afer PHFM;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 23:17:00    “Be quiet . . he can hear everything” says Mr Violence “Paul” DTR; voies right up under the window too;

All the allegations ar false; totally fale; what tht doe stha make you lot;

    Roarign screechign fom thPCPHF DTR “et him out “ a coupel times it sounded like;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 23:22:55    Loud thud from below in the small room ara; “Fuckgn” s a le DTR; nope totall flase butyou r expece to believe this as it is mostiley a set up;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 23:25:44    Scratched under my tight thigh withmy elft hanhol my leg in te air “he’s come scrcc screeched the knee jerk reaction PCPHF DTR; total fanstay as alay always

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 23:27:06    Drank some war; “Fuckign . ..”; says a male DTR;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 23:30:22    “He’s fuckign” screeches the PCPHF DTR a I was laying on my right side in my sleep positon tryign to go to sleep; move my feet/toes; she went bbersersk mal male thn ai “Psychotic”; afolloed by “Get him ut”; totally flase allegtions both of them followed by the incitement to fviolent violence;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 23:31:47    Vehicle door slam DTRmale says “Right” now th PCPHF is screechig “I won’t go hom” an te male say “He won’t come” probably becaue she has just ued her ever presnt argumet for staying; “He’s gogn to come”;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 23:32:55    Screechign roar from own th roa; a sthe PCPHF fihts to stay there; the male is abut to learn some reality; will it make any ifference; probably not; he will fail an ot be the wiser; she wil stay an I will be ket awake aanor wokn al night long unr a barrage of stalkign an harassment aciity;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 23:37:23    “He’s fuckign right now I knwo” wa say tehe dynamic due of th PCPhF an the amel DTR a I turned onto my left sie to go to sleep; this was very very faint an reamins uncertan but it sounded l just like taht; it is usually correct because if there was silnce I wod hear nothign;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 23:40:58    “You’re right Paul he’s psychotci” says a male TR; totally fase; you have not beenhere eeryngiht all nigh an all ay for thrre plus years of sleep deprivaion; there is no psychosis here at a; it is right with you on the publci road and is roaring right now in the backgroun;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 23:42:13    Dr VW starts his auto; at the othe end of the roa;

One eample cCharlie; now why on’t you take any one of th flase allegions that hiahave bee shon efiniely as fale and act the saem way about that ; why now; beause you are prejuice; bigoted; an you watn to effect an outi outcoe outcome; that is fasle yo you just ignroe realty; an continue ith the fantasy others have created; it is all in the facts; it cannot be ei;

You can try to destroy it, bu you cannot destroy the truth;

The overall truth is the total istuance for the entie evengn; the constant that an fear of violnce prouced; the consant an contnuos fale allegations; all of them; what has been gogn on all f rnoon and al evenign unti midnit ingiht whie I have one nohign exce try to rest and sleep; what ha happene; wel lit is all writen own right hear tht is the truth;

An it ain’t psychosis at al;

You cannot engage in crimina activty continuously and then point your gfinger at me as was done jsut now Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 23:48:05 “Psychotic” becu it won’t ash; that old trick is so phoney that eveyoen wil laugh at yo for it;

You are currently enggin in criminal activty; that negaes everythignyo might claim;

You must understand one thing; all I have to do is “apprehend” tht this activity is irecte aasnt me; an that isall tthatis neede to iole il ilt tehlaw;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 23:51:24    That’s it as say a mae on tht oen aboe ollwod b two vehie vehicle door slam then”Get otu right now” never will happpn; the PCPHF wil not leae eer; at all uner any circumstnces but the wor “Apprehend “ is writtteninto sttue; that is all it take;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 23:54:49    “He’s psycotic” has been sai severa time no TR; tht is totally false and you know it; ther ther is no psychosis here at all; you knwo very well or you woul ot be stalign y writtn written work; there is notignin my behavioru past or presetn that inic inicae a spy psychosis; at all; the mir misrepresentation and disortion derives deliberly fro slee deprivatio which you are now engagin inan ha bee al af afternoon an all eveningcreae creting the very thignyou wish to accuse meof to butit istotaly fale an wil be ow tobe fsle beyond any doubt at all; you are treatiidn on very very thin ice legally an are in vilatoinof an number of laws; an you knowit; yo cannot act like you are o dognad epect to get away withit;

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 23:58:17    Coupel guys yellign for a short bit to the right; istant roar fom the PCPHF but sheis no ver faitn buried away in the vehile

Tue, 14 Aug 2001 - 23:58:56    Drubbe sasy one male; “Tha’s right” sasy anoehr ; re you certain how is taht one; I take no t drugs; hat o you o to aministr rugs to me; you tll me or you can tellthe juge;

    Wednesday, 15th August 2001

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 00:04:16    Couple light footstes on the floor aboe; just movgin around; there has been a conversaon out side fom th publi raod about “getign a doctor an so forht

for whom; thePPHF; she is the sychic roble;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 00:08:15    “Whos gogn to ull him” asks a male DTR; nobody; that’s who; you are gognto pack up an depart to stop you crimina activity againt me and you will “Pull” all th surveillance equipment at th sae same time;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 00:09:16    “He’s psychotic” say a mae followed by “mn righ” nonsense and totally false; “Drugged” he says; nope; that is false too; how and by who an by what mea; I know nothign about it are you sure it s a happenig the way you inten;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 00:12:57    Couple foot stomps on the floor aboe of th heav variety steam th technique undeway; joke that one;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 00:17:37    “He’s fuckign right there; see” says a mae DTR a she reviews th video footae of jus a momet ago oninstant replay; when my foot moved; a bit ; I was layign on my back wih my han behidn my head; my legs spread an perfectly till; nohig sexaul wa hapengi at all; then my foo tmove an ths guy mae I hsi gross and stupi allegtion which he then showe on instant reply;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 00:19:30    Now heis yellign “psycotic” sevea times; he’s totally wrogn he is tryign to attck me personally becaue he mae a terrile bluner an I heard it all; now he’s trig to getot of it with a false allgio another one again tme;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 00:20:36    Thr there ave been eveal ligh tfootstop on eh floo above from time to time sne t elas tne wa noted ith one ut now as I wa writng th aboe above entry thatoccurred in th rar wal aea aboe the hea of the be

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 00:21:33    “H’ Hes psycoic” says a e DTR; nope totally false; a vehc vhcle jsu arrive; mt be the poice and ths gu is now tryign to get them to act probably; I am ust trignto sleep or get ot sleep in the face of this criminal activity in the ublic road; ther is no sycosishere at all if it eists it is in eh ubli roa

please lcer the criminal loiterers fom the uli road and kee them ot to preerve and rotect the ubli ub ublic sfety

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 00:23:25    “Wil you ge you ou” he ale ased; thepolce then he is now aysogn”Ok I’m gognto go “Im gettnot” an goes onto say oher thigsg;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 00:38:36    Wil dream; woke to a flasing frige that was self activaitng an the PCPHF voice DTR wayign Wow” then the male says “He’s os ppsychotic’; nope that is flse iI refelct the empact of al lth activ atciity agan me for the past amot ten hou; thatis al lplut he three year; or more of this on a aiy buise busiess o not blae the ictim for wht you have doen to the ictime

Dram: there wa a lrge grop of ep peope all pack togthe; thee was soem joke playign gognon I was tryig to ligh ta igarett but cae up wth a small bit of cotton that I had lit then I eache int m shirt pocket an foun a pack of tha wa a cigarette pack of Qtips; the b gu behin me ha put them in my pocl pocke and I h tried to ligh tone a a d cigatet an I dont smoke; tha tis probably why; then he gav me a cigarette an it hi it himslef bt it w a soagging butt awheich he then laughe about ; so Iwa movgn away an someoen yelled; “Alr Alrd hitchcok Hitchcock”; I looke dinto eh coner an the spot liht wa on a guy sittign th his facce in profile as Hitchcock id; but this guy just ha a huge noe an accne; then I woke ae the frige bit; I was lookign at this frige I tstarte to fls lights in small parts of it they got biger an biger coveing mor teritoyt then a pictire of omeon appred on te fridge; it wa the owne of the frige; the frige wa sinvitign him to opn it p; it wa electonciall set so tah on th oenr o the frige co b get access; the whoelthing then becme a falsing sign; that is wen I woke ag absolutly stillonm sie thatI ha goento sleep on my right sie n hear the “Wow” fom the PCPHF a I ws wakig;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 00:46:29    A I was writng te agove descrition “Pual’ wa evidently reviewing the vieo and makign coment abou thit like “look t hat”; o sometingsimilr; when I fisited the aboe he sai “Beaturiful an Psychotic”; totall nonense;

This ai is a cls clasic example of all afternoon an all eving an night until now of totall and omel stalkign and haasmetn whch is nted extenively here; when I finally do fa aleep; I a a ream; an wake up tah ti mos likey also cue by th disurbnce which wake me; the rea col er ell incororta eteh noies it reected ini eitle; as omgin fom external sources the whoel potni tha they have caue whateve happened then I was sond alseep and then woek afr a ream ; anytign I miht hae done in my slep whel waign wa a total reult from was totaly a reut for all the isturances an iruption isrution s to my lie all a an ight long that wer continuous I am not responsible for anytign; thes epeoe hae been comittng criminal act afer crimina act aint me in org orer to disturb an the kee at I isurign m sle en I finay get to sle then they try to blae me fo riss

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 00:51:10        “Sychotic sa th Pual tye DTR; totaly alse the imact of al your ciminal actiity I swhatyou see; you are th problem an you ahe et this one up ther ws also a foto top on te flot ao above as I woe the rea iscrition;

Plea cler the roa of th criminally loiign pole who are asign ths roble an threategin my life with sleep eprivtio ontinuousy ow for ove three yes; the imact now is far afar mroe seri ous becus of the dage aleay oe; thy are engaged in tcriminal actiity; they are killign me by dogn so; wilyou pae stop the loiiering ont e ubli roa so that I mgiht reover m someof my helth an physila amage;

Ther eis no spsycosis her that is what they wish to false y allege fe ten o rmor hor of constant haras harasmet;

Then the incite othes to act sof ciminla violence to hav me removed frm my hoem by force;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 01:00:55    The argumet contineus DTR as Paul trie sto get the PCCHF to depart; for her home; no way will she ver y go; Palis in for a relity check on where the ral souc source of th problem come fom;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 01:02:54    “He was fucign just now came the voice fromDTR; nope; oncce agan I wa scrtchign my somchabout three ties; then coughed; ; I cannot bleive that the use of surveilance euipmetn is so abuse an so much a ail;

It ha ebette be outlawed from use totaly;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 01:05:03    There she goes the PCPHF is into her psychotic fit; an Paul is getting a full demonstration of what pychosis is al about in realty; he hant a clue otherwase but heis getting lued in now; she ens that tantrum iht “I wont go hom; now, oe he reaise where the problem is comign from o rnot;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 01:08:40    “You’re one yourself” says Paul DTR; then as “Psychotic” she is the real thing I am the one who suffers from chronic sleep epriatoin as a result of her psychosis; I am not psychotic; no Paul has lerned the truth of wht is realy gong gognon ere an has been for yers; she will not under any circus irumstances depat beaue she is fr to mentally an emotionalli to so

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 01:12:23    Vehicle door slams DTR; ual then says “Psychotic” meaning I assuem that he hs lerned tha tthe PCPHF is “sychoic’

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 01:13:06    “This is terrile” he says not if you finally get it rigth; the whole thig has been “Wrong” ; he uses the orsrd “wrong’ I ut in the otes reality awn now do you unersan why I hav been so terribly victimise an my life estroyed litrally; by this

All the allegtisn agasin me are false;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 01:14:58    “Seh sycoti too; wrie that own” he instuts ; you can rop the “Too” I am not spych psychotic; I am the f victime of a psychotic who is totally obsesse an delused fullof murderous rage to estroy my lef an an ben stalig an harassign me every minute for ove three years to do it; what you see in me is the impct of that psychotic behavour in a stalker and haraser againt me; I have done nothign nor do I exhi exhiit any smptom or behaior fcharac charactersitcs of a sychoic

She has alwasy been like this sicne ay one when I move in here; oer five yea s ago; all of your aci acivit toull me has been totaly wrogn; chnge it an arss the real proble;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 01:22:06    We betr go right ow we risk blowign the whoel thing” ys ual it is alrady blown; itiem to tak charge properly; an get the right job en in te proer way;

Stat by leaing me aloen an pulling all the surveillance equipmet;

The you will see a sychoic fit fro thPHF; o yo know what those initials tand for Psychotic ad so forth why ba becaue tha is what she is;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 01:29:32    “ . . is psychotic s hell ;this can’t go on” sasy ual DTR; tehPCHF is psychoic totally an completley I am not atallI am rational an reasonable and doign a prper job in protectng mysel wiht iry los agan tthis mot cvicious of stalking and harasing campaigns which hav gone on fr everal years

Are you all gogn to lave th Public Rad an allow me to sleep tongiht ; you ahve ket det em awak all o I so fr ece fo ra hort perid when I ha that ream;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 01:33:46    “You’re sychotic as hell “ says Paul to the PCPHF; then contine continues talkign to her;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 01:37:07    “He’s smlign” screeche she PCPhF; “I knwo” says the me dDTR; probably aul; my mind as totallly awy fom this nonseen an thinkig about a comper so where Compaq ha a comuer taht fole upupinot a samll pacage; it wa srall a portan omper but wa not clle ath I wa smilgi about how cleve it wetn togehte ran the guy shoig a th folign parts; I was enough to make anyoensmie; you see I do not dw dwell on this any more that it imposes itself on my life I am not frozen to the surveillance quipmetn an refusgn to move at all; I ont’ have any obsesiosn an delusiosn I am very realistic and see things as th ae; no psychosis hee so I was totally ar afiel thinkign thinkign abut computes ad compur hardware whichis waht I want to be dogn but am kept from that by all this acivt dirct agan tme to desty  destroy me; it is consant so tha it can achive taht en that is why the PCPHF will ot leave; shemust keep upothe presure an damae; sh ecannot stp foa minute; that is no invention that is just a description of what is happenign an what I oumente; it is wha you jjust four foun out;
Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 01:42:20    Go night everyoen; go oe hom an cler the rao of everoen so taht the whoel neighbouro anslee;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 01:48:35    “I can’t go home now that you’ve called bme psychotic” or words liek that from tehPCHF to Paul who is tryignto get he t go again; if

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 01:50:01    “Too much” ssy a gu outsie m winwwindow;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 01:53:19    “It’s all lies” Paul telsl the PCPHF; “Youve been tlling me . . “; yep, thats it in a nutshell;

all this tiem fro years

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 01:55:26    “I won’t   . . fuckign hell; I wn’t go home screeches the PCHF TR;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 01:57:39    “Oh no, I’m not Pychotic” says th ePCPHF R; “Right then go home right now” sas a mae follwed by a noise by my front oor; the midnight raid(?);

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 02:02:50    “. . . is not spychotic; fuck you” ells a young male voice from the right rod down a bit ;

there was roar fom the peanut gallery just afer I rwrote that; he is still here;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 02:06:29    “He’s psychotic” screeches the stillprent PCCPHF DTR; “You’re right “ sa a Yargie Male DTR with her; they re t both totally false

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 02:08:13    “You can come back lar” urges the male what differen ce wil taht mek soun fom th Walway goon in” sai a mae ocie at th la tentry ther wa anhr nie there too;
Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 02:09:32    “All right he’s come; see that” says the Yrgie Mael DTR; totally, totaly false; talk about manipulatie doro soem from te wWalkway don a bit;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 02:13:04    Sounded like three knocks on the door as I was fallign asleep again; ws that for rea or elsewhere;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 02:14:44    “You’ll kill him sys the Yargie mae to he PCPH but that is exacty what she wants to o an sh wil lot miss the show fro antthign;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 02:16:49    “No, I wnt to know; I have to know” says the screechign PCPHF TR; as uale return retuns thee an tarts talkign to her

She was delige beyon wors to know tha ther behavior will “Kill him’” ; tha tust means she wil do every thign to keep it up ; she has sai in o uncertain tems an clery inmy hearign”I want him ea”;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 02:18:51    “Take her away” sy s Pual Paul to an arrial arrival DTR followign a door slam aftr the vehicle stoped;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 02:23:50    “He’s drugged” says Paul; no he is not;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 02:55:54    Bloody hel screeche sthe PCPHF DTR; “He’s wrgn” a emae feael c voice ads

Woek a copelmomentsago an lay thingkignbao thte reamand activty;
ram; I wa falign back aeep a lsot it; it wa s god oen nd I had itall;
Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 02:57:02        S Psychotic” sa say th e ale DTR;
Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 03:43:02; “the end ofteh first segment ha a oor rm scee wee thcoplealgn the roatsie saysth e smal remevres rerfth’;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 03:44:06Above slse Adel

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 04:22:31    There is a dot pattern when I clclosed my eyes just then; an auto just went by at ful ltilt; the Yargi Male is talign about “akign him out” but that is based on te MPHF whch he went bananas oer ust wo when I lay back down an was onmy back; my pens was slighly and I mean slighly g biger; it meant noign;

At the mometn he tarted ay gn I wa just too tired to situp an ote t so I remaine on m ak for a bit; that is anoher reasn nohgn happend at all; these peoel can never get I t through theirthick skulls that I am totally exhate by their sleep deprivaon acivity; when they wakee me an kee me awake over an oer; only sleep isimporant an tha iswhaI was dog; in fact, this time when this guy; who is it Jac tehRAS Rir Pricker; said taht when I lay ak ownonmy akc I ju just ent on reting unti te next timeI st up; whch certany caem aong;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 04:26:53    ppPychoic” sas Jack the RAS Riper Pricker as eh PCPHF roars in e background;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 04:27:28    When complee ehaustio ses u in sexaul activity I sso far aa that it is sily for them to even think aboutit; an they ae cutting off their noises noses to sie thir faces by kepign me sleep disrubed alan deprived all eh time becus eteh resut resultis is total exhaustion;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 04:28:39    Into the bathroom for a pit stop Jack the RAS Ripper Pricker TR yelled “He farted wrie it own” for all the world to hear”; now, that was not much an whiel I was sated on the tolet in eh bathroom; I wonder what he intnds to make of that one flusehd toilet; now, sewge rats, take a goo look at notign in that but urine; back int e livign room;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 04:30:51    Back onto the bed; upate;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 04:33:17    “What are you dong” ask sth ePCPHF DTR; Jack the Ripper Pricker goes on talkign about sometign sometign that coul e anythg; but it is taken s threatenign; finished the above upae;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 05:17:50    Dt bapper n whenI close my eyes very close toghehe left hnd jus startig n to lose it dicruaionahs towit amomn befefor typig;wa laying n m right sie te voi of ehCF an Jack h RAS Ripr Pricckr TR continue to yak away; cannotnowrecallteh ram; u tha an inresting one;

Drugs destroy proper sleep; they inhibit dreamignthe brainan body o not get the proer ret needed; it shows upin dreamignproces that is fragmente; I tsows up inteh sleping which iver vr g; rugging whie in a serious condtinof chronic sleep depriatn if a killer;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 05:21:49    “rite tht down” ss jack te Ras Ripper Pricker;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 05:28:04    Write this dow” instructs Jack e RAS Ripper Pricker; “He’s psychotic . . .”; he has not been tol that that is all over that Paul finally recognise the truth last in night; that the PCPHF is psychtoic and that everythig is “Wrogn” hat she has lied aout everytig forget about writign down anythig

Last ngiht estroye it all; I changed it all totally; uc conclusisn only wipe out everything;

Go home an stay ther; wait for the police; to arrive;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 05:34:21    “That’ right; OMG; that’s right” says Jack te rRA Ripper Prcker DTR after the PCPHF explaiined what ahappend; then sh esas now “I’m sorry”;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 05:36:50    “Get him right now” Jack the RAS Ripper Pricker say menacingly;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 05:39:55    Vehicle door closes; come this way ; “Write this own instruct JacktheRAS Ripper Pricker;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 05:40:29    Into the bedroom; dressed; looked in bathroom; all OK; into the kitchen; light on; washed hands; put in lenses; light out; got choco from fridge; put on chair; back into the living room; moved bed to the books; moved NB and water bottle to the table;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 05:48:10    Into the chair; update;

Wed, 15 Aug 2001 - 05:50:22    Finished the above update; Jack the RAS was talking from the time I got up until just now over and over again moaning and reconising that it is all over; urging the PCPHF to “Write it down” even now; won’t make any difference; Paul has seen the reality; that cannot be changed;

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