


Web Journal Wednesday 21st February 2007

1. The following "question" was sent to Question Time (BBC One, Thursdays at 2235) for their consideration against the background of this week's events as the "burning topic":

What is your knowledge about the current state-of-the-art of surveillance technology?

Discuss surveillance in full touching upon:

1. Gun crime homes under surveillance US style: what does this mean exactly?

2. Nationwide road usage tax as part of a 'surveillance society': what about satellite and tracking device coverage?

3. ID cards' biometrics used for crime detection: what was the government's representations, and what protections do the public have from errors?

4. Brain wave monitoring and tracking: in the context of all of the above.

Do you know anything about number 4? If not, why not?

2. With reference to gun crime and its violence Tony Blair said: "It is about a specific problem within a specific criminal culture to do with guns and gangs, which doesn't make it any less serious, incidentally, but I think it's important therefore that we address that actual issue". This is not true. Gun possession has been condoned and introduced by the police to those with a violent criminal background in 2001 in my direct experience. These were not young people nor were they a members of a youth gang although this viciously violent family group constituted its own "gang."

However, this set the standard for this environment that using guns for protection was both authorised and provided by the police. This quote by Tony Blair was made on Sunday, 18th February 2007, to the BBC and was reported in the context of his calling for a summit this week on gun crime and violence between ministers and the police. A first step would be disarming those members of the general public the police have armed and enforcing the law when a member of the general public tells a police officer about personal gun possession.

3. In his reply today to the petition signed by nearly 1.8 million people on the Downing Street web site concerning road tax tolls throughout the nation Tony Blair said: "As my response makes clear, this is not about imposing "stealth taxes" or introducing "Big Brother" surveillance." The "Big Brother" society has already long been present in a pilot project carried out against me for the past eight and one-half years using totally invasive surveillance technology in the hands of the general public sponsored and supplied by the government which has been gradually increased by means of its R&D results to the point of using satellite communications for many years to track me wherever I am located.

This government has already indicated "Plans to introduce a nationwide "pay-as-you-drive" system were unveiled by former Transport Secretary Alistair Darling in 2005." This government has initiated steps to put up satellites in conjunction with the European Union over the next several years to be used for complete coverage of the UK. On 14th November 2006 the "Children's charity Barnardo's [called for] the government to use lie detector tests and satellite tracking to monitor sex offenders." It's simply a matter of putting together these technologies, and tracking automobiles nationwide is a key part of this activity as well as tracking human beings as has been carried out against me for years. The "Big Brother" society is here and exists with technology that is far beyond anyone's imagination.

4. The medical definition of tinnitus described below is too broad and includes a variety of sounds heard internally by 25% of those people who are reporting external sounds. I want to make it explicitly clear here that when I refer to tinnitus, it is most definitely an internal and quite recognisable sound to me coming from whatever internal source. It is aggravated by and a side effect from the use of the surveillance technology being used against me especially at night as a result of memory probing and its consequent dream inducement. In addition, tinnitus results from a side effect of the administration of surreptitious medication by means of this surveillance technology which occurred today.

Shortly before noon today I was wiped out with surreptitious medication which caused me to doze off sitting up in my chair. I did not wake until about 1210 after Prime Minister's Questions had started for which I was waiting. This was also accompanied by very loud tinnitus. There was no doubt that this was internal noise being heard and not an external source. It can also be heard by those using the surveillance technology. They can hear everything that I hear. This kind of medication used initially causes drowsiness which can result in a short sleep nap. A day or two ago this was reinforced by Lt Harry Bird declaring "He's drugged" when it occurred in the late afternoon. He was trying to incite someone to remove me by force and violence from my home at that time indicating that I had been incapacitated by the surreptitious medication. Claims that "He's drugged" when this is obvious to me have been made thousands of times throughout these years. The actual method of administering the surreptitious medication has varied.

I make a particular point in recording all these external sounds which are carried out against me to demonstrate objectively that they are indeed external. The very loud thumping bass music from the flat below is one such instance of an external noise. This occurred once again between 1000 and 1030 this morning and was recorded on three different media for verification of its sound and duration. The hits and thuds which once again occurred from the flats below and above this morning starting early in the morning before 0700 have also been similarly recorded. From about 0530 onwards I was subjected to the electronic transmission of sound with verbal abuse from those using the surveillance technology. I cannot as yet independently intercept this by separate objective media, but I am working on it. These are not internal voices and are clearly recognisable as belonging to well known people who make references to what is currently occurring.

A very curious incident has occurred recently where a sound was noted as being absent by meansurement on the sound level meter that I did not note as being destinctly present until it was absent. The sound level meter registers about 47 to 49 dB next to the camcorder and is filmed thoroughout the night as an additional proof of the external sound which is recorded by the other various media including the camcorder. The other night when I went into the bedroom, I noted the distinct absent of a sound. I made a note of it as the bedroom being "quieter." When I turned on the sound level meter, it was registering in the range of 45 to 47 dB lower or some 2 dB lower on average. I have this basic range filmed night after night for many months throughout the night. Some external sound has been removed which it was picking up, and now the film reveals this lower level of sound existing. I only noted it in its absence. I am currently reviewing this film which shows this new, lower level at about 0520 this morning before all the other activity began which woke me and kept me awake for about an hour and a half. I made note of this change in the overall sound level and noted that this was external having come from elsewhere but was now absent.

Professionals have to be very, very careful in attributing sources of sound to the human being when they are actually external. While there are instances of tinnitus which might be subjectively ascribed to external sources when they are, in fact, internal, in my case I make every effort to measure these sounds. I have always been able to note what is external and internal and be able to tell the difference. This has been confirmed by my use of the recording media and the sound level measurement device. A great disservice is being done when such external sounds are ascribed to the person hearing them as "in his/her mind." The ability to communicate sound electronically (S2K = Sound to Skull the US Army calls it) can be used as a weapon to inducing hearing then blame the target thereby trying to fabricate allegations against the targe as has been done to me for many years 24/7. However, those using the surveillance technology can hear all that I hear and, thus, know exactly what sounds are produced internally, i.e., tinnitus, and those which are from external sources.

This is just one example of the failure to make this extraordinary neurological technology generally available to help people and medical science. Instead, it is used in a malignant manner to destroy. If this was available generally, medical professionals could hear what a person is hearing and determine the exact source of that sound and what it sounds like. In my situation the medical professionals from the NHS have been using the surveillance technology as part of their medical experimentation throughout all these years for their malignant objectives despite the fact that they know about the technology's capacity to both induce sound and hear all that I hear. It is time for the general population to wake up so that this abuse is stopped, and this technology can be used for the benefit of society. The most important aspect of this problem is to stop blaming the surveillance target as has been occurring to me all these years.

The great problem occurs when organisations like the Royal National Institute for Deaf People and the British Tinnitus Society try to address this problem to help people. As indicated in the article below (see the remainder of it at it URL below), there is no cure for tinnitus. There are, however, management strategies. I have gotten used to it as part of my existence which cannot be avoided because the tinnitus itself is being induced from an external source: the surveillance technology used against me for many years 24/7. It is this kind of a problem that these organisations who are sincerely trying to help people will encounter more and more in our surveillance society as it grows with the wide spread use of this technology. I have been subject to it at least six years 24/7 with the full knowledge of its use as a weapon for verbal abuse torture continuously carried out with electronically transmitted sound by people whom I know. There are no mysteries here. This is all quite real. This is another problem with respect to surveillance that will have to be addressed to protect people from this kind of continuous, indefinite abuse from its state-of-the-art technology.

BBC News Monday, 19 February 2007, 02:57 GMT

Many fail to recognise tinnitus

Tinnitus noise can take different forms

One in four people with tinnitus initially thought the noises they could hear were coming from their surroundings, research has found.

Many people with the condition had mistakenly complained to their local council about noise pollution.

Tinnitus, which affects 4.7 million in the UK, is the medical term for any noise heard in the ears or in the head.

The survey was carried out by the Royal National Institute for Deaf People and the British Tinnitus Association.

The two charities surveyed more than 1,000 people with the condition, and found many initially thought the noises they could hear were coming from neighbours, traffic, or a household appliance.

A follow-up survey of local councils suggested that over 2,000 complaints about noise received by environmental health services across the UK each year are made by people who may have tinnitus, but do not realise it.

5. The great tragedy of this situation is that there are people including the medical profession and other so-called professionals who deliberately create problems that they know are not attributable to me, yet they are on the front line of pointing a finger at me for what is done to me. Chronic sleep deprivation is one of these.

While there are many people in the UK who genuinely have sleep problems which can be addressed as described in the article below (read it fully at the URL supplied), these people in my situation fake it in order to create problems. I can prove that it is being faked, and that I am subjected extensively to sleep disturbances from external sources who then blame me for what they are doing fully sanctioned and witnessed by those in authority who are present and participating in this criminal activity.

It is criminal because it is intended to destroy human life. Chronic sleep deprivation like this over an extended period of time will be lethal. I have been reporting this since I first read a research article in The Lancet in October 1999. In my situation the use of the surveillance technology is lethal in and of itself so that a double whammy effect is obtained. This has been taking place for eight and one-half years.

It seems that the first thing these kind of people think about when provided with access to surveillance technology is to use it to disturb and/or attack someone who is resting or asleep then fabricating allegations against the victim blaming him/her for what is being done externally. They hide behind the surveillance technology to do so thinking that they are invincible and immune from getting caught.

This is exactly the kind of behaviour one would expect of a bully, and a bully needs to see the impact of his/her bullying as is provided by surveillance technology for the sadistic pleasure this provides. These people are also using the surveillance technology to make every effort to destroy my evidence, discredit me and prevent me from properly communicating the facts about what they are doing.

If one seeks assistance in addressing this problem, those in professional positions blame the victim and do not provide assistance in the way it is really needed. They thus align themselves with the bullies and become part of this destructive syndrome. The process of providing assistance for people in this country is in serious trouble. in my situation it is not negligent but acting an accessory to attempted murder.

BBC News

Doctors delve into disturbed sleep

By Rachel Oakes
Landmark Films

Jody was diagnosed with night terrors

Sleep is a warm, peaceful part of our lives unless, like one in five people in the UK, you suffer from a sleep disorder.

Then sleep becomes a frightening or ear-splitting or unattainable thing that can push you and your relationships to the brink.

A new BBC One series follows several tired and bewildered sufferers, all desperate for a cure, as they undergo treatment in the biggest sleep clinic in the UK.

. . .

The clinic at Papworth Hospital in Cambridge ushers a staggering 3,000 narcoleptics, parasomniacs and chronic snorers through its doors each year, as well as diagnosing some of the rarest and most dangerous sleep disorders affecting the UK population.

  • Sleep Clinic will be broadcast on BBC One on Mondays from 19 February at 2235 GMT and repeated the following day on BBC Two.

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