


Web Journal Sunday 18th February 2007

1. What does Tony Blair mean by US style surveillance? Is he talking about COINTELPRO or Son of COINTELPRO? He said that these methods would be considered in monitoring the homes of people suspected of possessing or trading guns. Does he refer to the surveillance which has been carried out against me for the past six years as of this month buy Colonel Vine and Lt Harry Bird US government agents who have claimed that authority for their activity derives from Bush, Blair, and various Home Secretaries along with others. Is this the kind of surveillance which Simon Watkin in the Home Office has been developing since 2001 when these two former US Marines arrived in February 2001? This was noted as an experiment after these two arrived.

Take a look at the log of last my last night's and this morning's experience which is below the following article with its URL to the full BBC News article which I urge you to read. Also, look at yesterday's web journal entry as well for similar information. This is a small snapshot of what I experience 24/7 second-by-second. This is social engineering and control surveillance. Is Tony Blair using these murders and the gang culture as an excuse to roll out this surveillance technology into the community? Who will be using it? Where are the people who will be available to use this surveillance technology if there is such a grave threat to this country from terrorism? Who will be its targets, and how will they be identified?

BBC News Sunday, 18 February 2007, 12:09 GMT

Blair wants gun crime age reduced

Tony Blair on the BBC's Sunday AM programme
Mr Blair ordered a review two weeks ago, Downing Street said

Tony Blair wants to lower the age to 17 at which young people can receive long prison sentences for possessing a gun.

Announcing a firearms law review, he said he was considering lowering the age from 21 for a mandatory five-year jail term for carrying a gun.

He told the BBC he was also considering criminalising gang membership and how to protect people giving evidence.

But he insisted that gun crime was "a specific problem within a specific criminal culture".

He was speaking after four fatal shootings in London this month.

Three of them were teenagers shot dead in south London - two of them in their own homes.

And on Saturday, a 28-year-old man was shot dead in Hackney, east London, while three men are still in hospital after being shot in two separate attacks in the Moss Side and Longsight areas of Manchester.

. . .

Mr Blair said US-style surveillance of the homes of people suspected of possessing guns or trading in them will also be considered.

2. I got five and three quarter hours sleep last night in five segments between 0130 and 0711. After being woken at this last time I was kept awake for an hour due to the abuse from those using the surveillance technology. At 0812 noises on the floor above started and continued almost nonstop for over 30 minutes. In the absence of extensive noises from below which occurred yesterday there were these continuous noises on the floor above the bedroom while I was trying to sleep. These were recorded on the continuous recording by the digital recorder (DR) with its new setup of a microphone on the head of the bed a sampling of which is noted below. There are some fascinating comments made by this diverse collection of people using surveillance technology last night and this morning collected around Lt Harry Bird and BS who are at the abusive core. The difference between their use of language and that of others is striking: they are abrupt and abusive while the others more articulate and chatty. There also appears to be a child present, and there is a reference made to "The Queen." I finally got up and went into the bathroom for a bath at 0900.

01:29:04 Onto the bed.

01:29:28 OK I've got the microphone right above me here on the head of the bed -- hooks into the DR that's on the floor so it won't fall. Looks good. Time to go to sleep.

01:30:23 "Microphone," said Lt Harry Bird. Pick up everything surround sound. He's got to keep repeating things so it makes him look like he's knows what he's doing.

01:31:49 "You ought to spend a day on this shit," said Lt Harry Bird. Sounded like his voice. He's the one who makes it that way. He's been making every effort since the very beginning to hide his total incompetence by blaming me. He can't do anything. He's not legitimately trying to do anything. He's not succeeding as an arch fiend criminal.

01:36:20 "Go down hard on her," said a male. I don't think he was talking off colour there. He was probably talking about getting something done.

1. To sleep for 1 hour and 57 minutes.

03:20:23 Lt Harry Bird said something just after I woke, but I can't remember what it was. Shame. Well, he's responsible for all of this. Oh, he said "Interview." Yes, yes.

"Interview," from Lt Harry Bird just the instant after I woke. Lt Harry Bird doesn't get an interview. He doesn't need anything. He doesn't deserve it. He deserves a fast flight out of here. Now, that's the way it is.

2. To sleep for 1 hour and 5 minutes.

04:25:51 OK just woke up on my right side. Now, there's a rule like a black up rule in effect from Lt Harry Bird. . . . Well, anyway, I just let it go as I roll onto my left side. . . .

Yeah, write up this one again too. It's beginning to get too good. Oh, look a this. Isn't this great? . . .

04:26:56 Onto my left side in the full glare of the bedroom light.

3. To sleep for 57 minutes.

05:23:25 OK onto my right side now. Yes, well, tinnitus is very, very loud. I had a dream. Can't remember it now. I dreamed of escaping. Maybe I'll get back to it. We'll see.

05:26:02 "Just let him do it," said a male. Yeah, just let me sleep thank you very much. Would be greatly appreciated. BS must have been out just about to stomp hard.

4. To sleep for 1 hour and 1 minute.

06:27:50 Put the duvet over me. It's cool in here. I'll warm up, relax and go to sleep. I had a nice long dream. Where someone was issuing false alarm statements about the condition of the theatre . . . When he did come forward, the child documented the add up world . . . wish he had experience . . . [I drifted off to sleep here since I was so tired. Wonder why? I next woke with all the available disc space used on the P$. The length of this file was 26 minutes of my sleeping.]

5. To sleep for 44 minutes.

07:11: 15 [Woke up at this point noting the PR was full and went into the living room to upload the files.]

07:20:56 Just finished uploading the PR and now out of the living room. Making my way into the bedroom again. Several things happened. Lt Harry Bird said "Unbelievable" when I first arrived in here while I was uploading on the computer. I went in and urinated. BS screeched "Come." Came back into the living room and then switched over and was uploading on another system. Lt Harry Bird yelled something then. I can't remember exactly what it was. Not critically important. I'll remember what it is in a bit. And, then I went on in as I am doing right now back into the bedroom. Back to sleep. Yeah, I fell asleep with the PR on my arm. Lo and behold (it's warm in here again) it ran all the way down. . . .

07:22:31 Back onto the bed.

07:23:41 OK on my left side. I just folded the duvet and put it on the chair. Now, back to sleep. Male said "Adult" while I was doing so.

07:24:38 ". . . scare me like that," said a male as in "Don't scare me like that." [Yawn.] God these people are fools. Oh, yeah, the time I got up was 07:11:15. And, then went in to the living room a moment later.

07:27:07 "Diplomacy," said a male. Reality. Diplomacy is nonsense. In a situation where there's deliberate criminal activity intended to kill there's no such thing as diplomacy in addressing the problem. It must be stopped immediately.

07:29:34 "Rubbish," said BS. I guess they're intent upon abusing me now keeping me awake. Onto my right side.

07:30:15 "Just relax now," said a male just after I rolled over onto my right side. And, these people are beyond belief. He can't tell someone who's seriously disturbed in the extreme to just relax. She has a rage driven violence that cannot just relax. It has to be addressed at its source and dealt with properly. That's the great problem of people using and exploiting the mentally ill and emotionally disturbed for their corrupt self interest. Statements like "Get a hold of yourself" are meaningless and pathetic.

07:41:03 The overhead light bulb in the bedroom just burned out. [There was a truck at the end of the road making a delivery at 0730 in the morning blocking traffic and creating some noise. I got up to see what it was and noted this activity which led to the bedroom light burning out when I turned it on.]

07:43:10 "I though it might," just after I got the last light bulb from the drawer in the kitchen and now making my way into the bedroom. Here we go.

07:44:45 Back onto the bed. One light bulb successfully replaced. Wowee boy! My skills just astound me completely. So, who was making a Sunday morning delivery at 0730? Huh? Ye gawds. That must disturb everybody.

07:45:18 All right on my left side once again to return to sleep. [Yawn.]

07:50:48 "Liar," said Lt Harry Bird.

07:51:19 "I know. Potty as hell," screeches BS.

07:52:43 "My own choice," said a male. As in "My own choice would be . . ." Rolling onto my right side again as they continue the abuse as anticipated to deprive me of sleep in the morning.

07:56:46 "Potty as hell," says BS.

07:58:14 "My hair suit," says a male.

07:59:02 "Is he dirty," asks a male.

08:00:11 "Diarrhoea," said a male. OK, rolling onto my left side as I am continuously bombarded with verbal activity abuse.

08:02:31 "Castrated," says a male probably Lt Harry Bird.

08:04:34 Light thud from below vibrated the bed slightly.

08:06:06 "Losing honesty and seeing this young fellow die," said a male. Haven't the slightest idea what he could possibly be talking about.

08:09:21 "Youngster," says one of the surveillance technology mobsters.

08:11:53 "My dad is watching this, so I don't have anything to do with that" said one of them using the surveillance technology. Could this be the young child [Son of BS] or another?

08:12:36 Someone is walking across the floor above starting to make slight noises above.

08:13:21 "Get him out of here [or out of there]," said a male.

08:15:27 Couple noises on the floor above. Faint background chattering from the surveillance technology mobsters. OK, rolled over onto my right side once again.

08:16:23 Just cleaned my right nostril and blew my nose. Left nostril virtually completely blocked: 95%.

08:17:10 "Leave it," said someone followed by BS with "How come?"

08:18:07 Noises continue on the floor above. [DR @ 07:08:53 Thud recorded from above just before this entry.]

08:19:03 Loud foot steps on the floor above. Sounds like shoeless followed by "Interview" from a male probably Lt Harry Bird. [DR 07:09:36 Thud just before this PR entry.]

08:19:46 Noises continuous on the floor above. [DR @ 07:09:50 Thud just before this PR entry.]

08:21:07 Couple loud hits on the floor above. Couple just then. Between them "Great," from one of the surveillance technology mobsters. Might have been BS. [DR 07:11:45 Loud thud just before this PR entry, and thuds continue along with this PR entry.]

08:23:08 "Could have done better," said a male. Noises above continue. Onto my left side once again. Looks like it's bright and sunny outside. At least it's getting brighter.

08:24:33 "The Queen's decision," said a male. Noises continue on the floor above.

08:26:55 Two taps on the floor above. Before this there were light taps.

08:27:48 Back onto the bed after checking out front. It's brilliant outside.

08:40:00 Back on the bed on my left side. . . . There was continuous stomping on the floor above. . . . Comments from Lt Harry Bird. And, the noises on the floor above have stopped. . . .

08:41:39 There goes shuffling stomping feet above. So that shoots that theory down as they continue the activity above. . . . It doesn't happen like this every morning. It tends a weekend and infrequent weekly activity sometimes not at all for a long time: many days. But, it appears to be consistently occurring on Sunday mornings.

08:42:40 My left nostril continues to be completely blocked now. No tinnitus. OK, rolling onto my right side for a few minutes anyway.

08:44:28 "Take you southward," said a male. Noises on the floor above stopped after the last note above.

08:45:45 Male says "Come on." BS starts yelling away "No shit he's fucking" and other things. Oh, yeah, and the stomping starts again on the floor above.

08:48:11 I've just swapped the batteries in the PR. They just ran out. I just caught them as they ran out there at the end of that preceding entry commenting on the fact that the stomping continued on the floor above. In the kitchen here a moment to swap the batteries.

08:50:23 Just finished opening the kitchen window and curtain. . . . Male said "Third world" while I was doing so. Before that there was a bit of screech from BS. . . . All of this done. New batteries in the PR, and its time set, so I guess it's time to get up. Back into the bedroom.

08:51:10 Into the bedroom. Oh, there's a hit from below just then. Did everybody hear that.

09:00:34 Someone's yelling from out front coming in the bedroom window "Psychotic." Before this a female was yelling abuse. [Finished everything and into the bathroom for a bath.]

3. And now for the daily abuse routine that accompanies my taking a bath each morning. Surveillance technology usage at its destructive best trying to shut down all human activity. Is this how Tony Blair intends to bring in US surveillance methods to deal with youth gangs and gun crime in their homes with the surveillance technology operated by the emotionally disturbed and children? Think about the kind of personality it takes for someone to carry out this kind of abuse for eight and one-half years.

09:01:28 Into the bathroom. Here we go. [Again] My left nostril has become unplugged in the last few minutes because I've been standing up walking around so it drained down naturally no problems. That was a result of cranial fluid seepage due to the use of surveillance technology. I'm getting some thuds and thumps now [Thud heard on the DR]. "Potty as hell," screeches BS. Couple thuds sound like above then above the bathroom.

[Series of thuds heard on the DR]

Getting taps now on the floor above the bathroom. Light ones but nonetheless present.

"That's a break," said a male while I was brushing my hair. Sounded like Lt Harry Bird or someone like him said "Five o'clock."

"Colonel," says a male just as I finish brushing my hair.

Into the tub. Sounded like someone said "Nice one" as I did so. [Described everyday bath preparation routine here] And, there were a few more stomps on the floor above while I was brushing my hair. The little chord on the PR just hit the side of the tub a couple times. . . . Need to wrap it around my wrist. Water tank is filling with a bit of noise now. That's interesting. Lt Harry Bird says "Perfect." He lives in his fantasy "Great job" and "Perfect" and "Wonderful" world totally deluded.

"I told you," said Lt Harry Bird.

"In the last hour," said a male. BS then said "I know."

"He might not have changed," said a male. There has been no change. Everything's been fabricated, and now they're trying to maintain [chuckle] that they've been right all along. They jump back and forth depending upon whatever suits their momentary whim.

Couple light noises on the floor above the bathroom. This is what occurred in the bedroom during the last hour which they might have been referring to above.

"And after this?" asks a male.

Reference was made to "three days" followed by "Emperor."

Turned off the hot water. Tub's about two thirds full.

Now getting faint stomping somewhat remote.

They yell, and they scream continuously, but this is their abuse. It's the abuse they carried out against the children. This is the abuse they directed against anybody; they'll direct against anybody; it's what they've been directing against me for eight and a half years hoping to provoke, and I just document and report bullies trying to pick a fight.

"Problem," says a male. . . .

"And, you had nothing to do with it?" asks a male. BS makes a slight noise. Three thuds on the floor above light ones but present nonetheless. OK, time to turn the hot water back on for a moment.

"What are you looking for," said Lt Harry Bird after BS started screeching away. She then said "Bloody hell."

09:25 OK just BS screeching away there. Settling down in the tub now. Just turned off the hot and cold water. . . . While I was turning off the cold water, there were these light thuds occurring. [These can be heard on the DR at the same time that the turning of the faucet is heard: elapsed time 00:32:52.] That's an indication that it was not coming from me because I was obviously doing something else: turning off the cold water faucet. The thuds were from another source.

[Sun Feb 18 18:52:42 GMT 2007: loud thumping music started a moment ago while transcribing the above paragraph. A female voice started making loud verbal noises from the kitchen window then laughter as I went throughout the flat to make certain it was definitely from the flat below. It was since it was prevalent everywhere. Then it stopped as I returned to this activity in the living room. Disruption and disturbance when I'm doing something they do not like. Sun Feb 18 18:55:19 GMT 2007: "What are we going to do?" asks Lt Harry Bird while typing this. His voice came from the kitchen window direction. Back to this morning's bath transcription.]

A loud hit from below; [DR 00:35:10 thuds start; DR 00:35:21 loud thud; DR 00:35:52 loud thud] voices in the Walkway yelling away. Female yelling "He did come" keeps on blasting away.

"Listen up. You turned him out . . ." she keeps on babbling. While she was speaking, someone came down the stairs from above. [DR 00:37:23 loud sound of someone descending the stairs]

09:36 Time for the wash and rinse cycle. All turned quiet for the moment. And, on cue someone started thuds from the front of the tub in the wall right after I made that preceding statement about all quiet.

"A reminder to you," said a male as I began to wash my face [DR 00:45:26 water noise as I begin to wash my face] followed by Son of BS yelling "Please, please don't do it." And then someone said "Be quiet/shut up."

09:51 Just started drying off. Just before I got out of the tub Lt Harry Bird said "Wonderful." While I was washing/rinsing Lt Harry Bird said "Liar/lying" followed by "We all heard him." Really? Nobody saw anything? What did you hear? And, then before that male said something. Can't remember exactly what it was. It was near the beginning of the stand up wash. We'll come back to that.

10:00 OK, out of the bathroom now. Yeah, got everything done -- cleaned up.

10:00:37 [Back into the living room for the ongoing and further day's abuse from the surveillance technology vigilante mobsters.]

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