


I am providing an overview and analysis of all that has been happening during the past decade which has resulted in my being subjected to torture abuse with totally invasive surveillance technology used as a weapon to destroy the person reporting important problems. It's going to be a careful and detailed publication in this journal of the documentation reporting the facts and analysis relevant to this extreme repression by those in power. I have provided copies of three letters for review which were sent just prior to the time the surveillance technology was installed in mid-August 1998, a reply received a month later dated 15th September 1998 and my response to the reply. These letters were sent to the Chief Executive of Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea (RBK&C). The reply I received was sent on behalf of the latter regarding my correspondence. 1. In the archives for this web journal on 4th August 1998 is a copy of the fax I sent on this date to the Chief Executive of the local Council (RBK&C). This outlines the threats of violence carried out against me along with direct harassment preceding this date and refers to my correspondence to the Chief Executive of the Tenant Management Organisation (TMO) which I called Terror Management Operation in the subject of that fax. This turned out to be precisely correct. . 2. On 16th September 1998 I received a reply to this and other correspondence to the Chief Executive of the RBK&C dated 15th September 1998. A copy of this letter may be viewed at this document for readability if necessary to make it larger. 3. In the archives for this web journal on 18th September 1998 is a copy of my faxed reply to the above letter dated 15th September 1998. Instead of addressing the problems which I was reporting summarised in my fax to the Chief Executive oft the RBK&C along with other correspondence, surveillance technology was installed in mid-August 1998 and used against me as a weapon to stop my reporting the problems. Access to this surveillance technology was made available to those who were the source of the problems to enable them to stop the reporting about them. A month after the installation of the surveillance technology and a month into this intensified unlawful and criminal harassment, I received the reply on behalf of the Chief Executive of the RBK&C. I was told that no action had been taken with respect to my correspondence because I had noted the correspondence to be confidential. I was further advised about the "correct" complaint procedures which I had long since exhausted which was why these problems were being brought to his attention. i was bringing the matter tot he attention of the Chief Executive of the RBK&C since there were two separate tenant management organisations involved: the TMO and the EMB (Estate Management Board). Each of these tenant management entities was separately created with contract by the RBK&C. They reflected a conflict situation and maladministration. My complaints were sent to the appropriate person in the local Council. Mental health was used as a weapon with explicit reference to this by way of a recommendation that I see either my GP or the duty doctor at St Charles Hospital which has the psychiatric clinic nearby. I was bringing these critically important problems to the attention oft the administrator in charge who took no action to address the problems. Instead, surveillance technology was installed escalating the violent assaults against me along with a recommendation to go see a psychiatrist. This was done in writing and constitutes the first step of the abuse of mental health facilities and their professionals to cover up serious problems in government administration. This letter is a key piece of evidence and relates to this abuse of power which was to follow after the installation oft the surveillance technology in mid-August 1998. . It was obvious to me back in August and September 1998 that the problems where institutionalised in government management and that mental health innuendo against me was to be used instead of solving the problems, and that this is what tenant management really meant. This established a consistent pattern of unlawful and criminal activity on the part of government which goes on as of this writing well over seven years later.

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