


Web Journal Monday 4th June 2007

Points to ponder while reading today's web journal entry:

  • The UK is subservient to the US:

    • Nimrods instead of unmanned US drones
    • US surveillance R&D inside UK usurping its sovereignty
    • US failure to appear at UK coroner's inquest into blue-on-blue death
    • US/UK extradition treaty

  • Communication's incompatibilities sustain exclusion in rivalry situations.

  • US inter service rivalries overflow into the rest-of-world relationships with turf wars carried out at allies expense.

  • Why does the investigative journalism take place after the tragedy?

n Old Testament) a famous hunter
-- From WordNet (r) 2.0

BBC's Panorama can now be seen on BBC News24 later on Monday evenings just after midnight at 0030 (Tuesday actually) following its initial broadcast on BBC One at 2030 on Monday evenings. BBC News24 is now terrifically streamed on the Internet which means that this outstanding news coverage and comment can be seen worldwide along with its special programmes and broadcasts like Panorama.

Panorama can also be seen on its web site during the week after its broadcast. Naturally, I think that there is one glaring omission from this media coverage which I discuss in the Email below, otherwise I find BBC News24 to be outstanding and urge anyone so inclined to "tune in" on the Internet. Go to the BBC News web page and click on the button for BBC News24 live. Or, click on its link to the right.

1. BBC Panorama tonight (BBC One 2030) documented the serious problems with respect to the Nimrod spy aircraft which crashed in Afganhistan November last killing all aboard. This outstanding documentary described the problems with this aging jet which has passed its sell-by date. It was a 'Son of Comet' that went into service in 1969. One of the key problems has been its mid-air refueling activity which was never designed into the aircraft. It was temporarily installed in for the Falklands War in 1982 and has been used ever since. The official report about this crash is still to come out.

In the meantime there is little doubt that these are flying coffins. Out of fifteen Nimrod aircraft, only five or six are actually available to fly at any one time. The other two thirds are used to cannibalise parts. There have been reports from those using these aircraft that they are dangerous, and Panorama revealed other incidents that were not fatal but could have been. After the fatal crash, 18 children are without fathers with dedicated and committed RAF pilots now seeking to leave the RAF.

The Nimrod was almost completely unknown to the public until this tragedy. At first information was sparse. As it dribbled out, it became known that these spy missions were flying from Scotland to Afghanistan in support of the troops which were deployed there while John Reid was Secretary of Defense. This appears to be another situation where deployment and support are stretched to the breaking point that finally snapped with the crash of one of the Nimrod and the loss of all 14 crew members.

Panorama reported on the use of unmanned drone aircraft to carry out this platform espionage activity where one person stated that it could do 80% of what the Nimrod currently does. The UK has ordered three of these drone spy and attack aircraft. The US has some 3,000 of these which can fly from 24 to 48 hours and be controlled from a bunker in Nevada while they fly to places like Afghanistan. Of course, the question raised was why isn't there coordination between the US and UK so that the drones from the US can do all of this work on behalf of all troops deployed to Afghanistan?

Somehow I suspect that communication's compatibility is the problem preventing such integration of forces in Afghanistan and elsewhere. This seems to be a problem which has been a plague within the US military, and I suspect that this is a complete barrier preventing integration of the multinational fighting forces. Dana Priest in her book The Mission (W W Norton and Company, New York, 2003/4.) describes the problems created by inter service rivalries in the US military. During the Grenada invasion in October 1983, Army and Navy communications were incompatible (pps 93-4.), and during the Gulf War in 1991, the Navy's secure communication system was incompatible with that of the Air Force (p 95 footnote.).

More recently there has been extraordinary media coverage of the blue-on-blue incident during the Iraq invasion in 2003 when a US fighter bombed a clearly marked UK vehicle killing a soldier. Something was amiss in this situation which still has not been fully explored due to the US military's refusal to cooperate with the corner's inquiry. First, the cockpit video of the entire incident was withheld for years until revealed by an apparent whistleblower to a UK newspaper. Second, the US military has refused to participate in the coroner's inquiry. There seems to be questions about IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) communications equipment.

If there are to be successful engagements related to dealing with the terrorist problems throughout the world, there will have to be a complete integration of forces so that no one is overstretched and using military equipment that is beyond its viable usage. However, this problem extends to within the UK and has led me to look at this country as the "Nimrod Society" one that is stretched far beyond reasonable limits and subject to a catastrophe. I arrived at this conclusion based upon my direct, personal experience of the past almost nine years. In this situation there are parallels with the international activity. The rivalries, communication failures and hiding realities with respect to what is actually happening reflect the inevitable catastrophe which will occur at some point.

2. I wrote the following Email at the end of this day in response to claims which were discussed on BBC News24 concerning a possible conspiracy concerning the 7/7 London bombings. I thought this to be absurd nonsense for the reasons explained below. The logo for the 2012 London Olympics was also presented today to a near universal raspberry. Also, on this date the idea was floated by ministers of state for a British National Day which raises questions about substance and image.

All of these are intertwined against the background of my experience which led me to characterise the mental capacity of those carrying out this extreme abusive activity against me with surveillance technology which permeates this society across a number of government departments and up to its top. These people are so stupid that they cannot even make clever criminals. Anyone setting out on a criminal path must certainly understand that criminal activity like this can never succeed. This is the illusion and/or delusion of grandeur that surveillance technology creates in these people and those who allow it to continue. All of this relates to the general idea of the "Nimrod Society."

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Subject: Conspiracy Theories (7/7) and British National Jingo Day (BNJD) Not To Be Confused With BNP [British National Party]
Date: Tuesday 05 June 2007 01:08
From: Gary D Chance

There was no conspiracy with respect to the 7/7 London bombings. Anyone who makes this claim has missed the whole point: the British are a dumb lot and made a mess of missing it all. Those who wanted to carry out a bombing just went out and did it because there are a large number of people faking it against an innocent person using up scarce resources.

How much more dumb can anyone be if all these years of the most sophisticated surveillance technology does not provide accurate results? I have never done anything that would warrant what has been done to me in this country. In fact I've spent decades addressing high risk problems of corporate corruption, organised crime, violence and antisocial behaviour.

For anyone to not get that right about me while trying to "engineer" the reverse shows that the society is completely corrupt. There's nothing I can do to change that. I just document and report the demise of Britain which will soon be recognised as the Enron of the countries of the world.

I see this happening each and every day and have been watching it for eight and three quarter years as surveillance technology has been used against me 24/7 in the most intrusive and abusive manner possible. I am totally innocent of any wrong doing.

The British have got to fake it in order to make it meaning they create paper tigers where there is no risk in dealing with problems. The British did not fake 7/7. It was all too real. The British cannot deal with reality. Only cowards do what has been done to me for almost nine years.

I have never seen and/or experienced so many people who were so down right dumb as I have in the last almost nine years. How can it be possible that such stupidity exists on such a large scale in a supposedly civilised country that is supposed to have a reasonable education system?

It does, and the proof of it rests with the fact of the London 7/7 and 21/7 bombings and would-be bombings with their interconnectedness.

I have never seen bullies dominate and control based upon criminal and antisocial standards as I've directly experienced for all these years with scores if not hundreds of people participating. It is very easy for me to understand how Nazi Germany came to be. The same thing is happening right here.

And, the dumbest of the lot are the media with the BBC at the pinnacle for not reporting the truth of my experience when it was blasted all over by Lt Harry Bird, BS and others for all these years. The media in this country is the epitome of the 'dumb and dumber' of any country in this world.

Wait until you finally grasp the reality of what I've been describing for years and actually begin publishing it. You will have shame written all over your faces, i.e., egg, for many years to come.

The British don't need any conspiracy for such bombings, violence, crimes and antisocial behaviour to occur. The sheer stupidity and general ignorance of everyone who are supposed to be otherwise is proof positive that any terrorist can just do as s/he pleases.

No wonder a British National Jingo Day is necessary. It just reflects further image management. There is no substance in which any can take a quiet pride.

There must now be a superficial, nonsense day dedicated to mouthing platitudes so that everyone feels like there is some substance present when there is not. Woe be to anyone who would dare point out that the emperor has no clothes.

The above is not overstated. It is understated.

And, now the British, i.e., Lord Coe & Co, have come up with their own £400k latter day version of the Swastika for the cyber age (it moves; it changes colours) to reflect the truth about what is really happening in this country.

What was that about mindless masses chanting Seig Heil with arms outstretched?

Those who are not on message and do not submit to Big Brother will find themselves punished by death at the hands of those using the surveillance technology. The repression in this country is astounding.

A logo turns out to be the big news item against which everyone vents their frustration and rage since they cannot and dare not address the real source of the problem. Even bidding for the Olympics was a terrible mistake. Winning it was and will be a catastrophe. The handwriting will be in the logo which will remind us all for the next five years about just how dumb this country really is.

I have written the truth, and Lt Harry Bird just said "Prison." That sums it all up beautifully. The Soviet Union and Nazi Germany have shifted westward and joined together in the UK for the future of totalitarianism.

*****End of the Email*****

BBC Sports News Monday, 4 June 2007, 14:44 GMT 15:44 UK

London unveils logo of 2012 Games

London 2012 logo

The logo for the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics has been unveiled in a star-studded ceremony in London.

The jagged emblem, based on the date 2012, comes in a series of shades of pink, blue, green and orange and will evolve in the run-up to the Games.

The word London and the Olympic rings are included in the first two digits of the new logo.

"This is the vision at the very heart of our brand," said London 2012 organising committee chairman Seb Coe.

Interactive Olympics editor Claire Stocks

"It will define the venues we build and the Games we hold and act as a reminder of our promise to use the Olympic spirit to inspire everyone and reach out to young people around the world.

"It is an invitation to take part and be involved.

(The date on the following article is the following morning, but the news came out this date and was subjected to continuous broadcast reports so I've put it here.)

BBC News Tuesday, 5 June 2007, 08:04 GMT 09:04 UK

Ministers proposing 'Britain Day'

Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly
Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly says it could be a new bank holiday

A national day to promote a stronger sense of British identity, and prevent communities from becoming more divided, has been suggested by two ministers.

Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly and Immigration Minister Liam Byrne say it could be a new bank holiday.

Ms Kelly told the BBC: "The point of it would be to celebrate the contribution that we all make to society."

In a pamphlet on the plan the ministers also suggest immigrants could have the chance to "earn" British citizenship.

Under a points-based system, credit would be given to migrants for doing voluntary work but lost for breaking the law.

Ministers proposing 'Britain Day'

3. The investigation continues in the "Cash for Honours" scandal despite the fact that the case file has already been turned over to the Crown Prosecution Service earlier. It looks very much like all of this is waiting for Tony Blair to leave office on 27th June 2007. We will just have to wait and see what develops.

BBC News Monday, 4 June 2007, 10:15 GMT 11:15 UK

'More inquiries' in honours probe

Scotland Yard's Assistant Commissioner John Yates
Assistant Commissioner John Yates has been heading up the inquiry

The Crown Prosecution Service has asked cash-for-honours probe police to "undertake further inquiries".

Scotland Yard handed over its main file in April to the CPS, which will decide whether any charges will be brought.

Police interviewed 136 people while probing whether honours were given to people in return for money.

Four people were questioned under caution, including members of Tony Blair's inner circle. All deny wrong-doing. No-one has been charged.

The investigation began a year ago, after it emerged that secret loans had been made to Labour before the 2005 general election, and that some lenders had subsequently been nominated for peerages.

'More inquiries' in honours probe

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