


Web Journal Wednesday 27th February 2008

1. How is it possible to manage without information? It is quite beyond belief that an organisation charged with managing some 10,000 multiple dwelling units in the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea have started blocking my Emails which contain hard evidence of this behaviour. It is further unbelievable when just a couple months ago tenant management issued a policy guideline that complaints would not be considered unless they were supported by hard evidence. That policy reeked of deliberate evasion for dealing with tough problems. Having failed that, tenant management now just blocks Emails it does not want as started today despite these not being blocked in the past.

Due to the fact that I am subject to 24/7 totally invasive surveillance technology abuse and have been for 9.5 years with hundreds of people looking in and watching all my activity continuously including reading all my correspondence sent and received, I have no confidentiality. For any organisation participating in this surveillance technology intrusion of my privacy continuously and totally for all these years to make a claim about confidentiality of correspondence is ludicrous.

Just before I wrote the above paragraph one of those using the surveillance watching me prepare this Web Journal entry said "It violates his human rights." I believe he was referring to the fact of blocking my correspondence about antisocial and criminal activity as I am describing here.

Thu Feb 28 18:14:59 GMT 2008: "Your own show," said a male. I took this to be referring to Lt Harry Bird and BS who can do as they please 24/7 with the abusive use of the surveillance technology. "Behave yourself," said the same male right afterwards.

This is attempted control by totally invasive surveillance technololgy carried out 24/7 in a completely arbitrary and capricious manner for the sake of abuse and abuse alone with no other objective. It's ultimate objective after much sadistic pleasure for those using the surveillance technology is to destroy human activity and life. This is an experiment in torture which seeks information about how to control human beings under these circumstances.

Reference to "obedience" and "learning a lesson" comes up frequently used in a manner that is more appropriate to the services provided by a dominatrix in an S&M brothel against a client who pays for abuse. "He asks for it" and "He deserves it" are favourite phrases of Lt Harry Bird. The point is to carry on with continuous abuse and humiliation which results from being subjected to continuous, nonstop observation about all that I do accompanied with cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.

Thu Feb 28 18:19:54 GMT 2008: "It's my job," said BS just now while I was writing the above about the "dominatrix" S&M activity. Spoken as always like a good Nazi.

They are constantly trying to interfere in everyway with my reporting of what they are doing. Thu Feb 28 18:25:21 GMT 2008: "Pull him out," Lt Harry Bird just demanded, commanded, ordered, incited. This is what he wants to ultimately do, but first he must silence me so that I cannot describe accurately what is actually happening. That way he can say whatever he wants manufacturing allegations and false negative characterisations with the use of the surveillance technology that will go unchallenged.

As can be seen in the Email below, tenant management has happily obliged him by denying me Email communication with its arbitrary blockage of my Emails describing what those with the surveillance technology are doing in and to this environment by inciting others based upon their false allegations and false negative characterisations.

NB I added the above comments on the following day as I prepared this web journal based upon what happened yesterday so that the date and time for the quotes from those using the surveillance technology reflect Thursday afternoon's times.

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Subject: Blocking Emails of Utmost Importance
Date: Wednesday 27 February 2008 17:49
From: Gary D Chance
To: *********

H Evans
Chief Executive

Dear Ms Evans

I am dealing with a situation of extreme criminal activity including attempted murder.

I am sending hard evidence as has been required of late by those connected with the Lancaster West Estate in order to provide a solid evidential base for handling this situation properly.

Blocking such an Email without providing any explanation is outrageous and constitutes a criminal act under these circumstances.

This situation has been in existence for 9.5 years 24/7 with surveillance technology under the operational control of those for whom I reported their criminal violence in August 1997 and May 1998.

This situation in its cover up that sustains institutionalised child abuse has a dramatic parallel with the events which are unfolding on Jersey at the moment.

I suggest that you pay very close attention to what is happening on Jersey as the news reports unfold. This will be similar to the news reports which will unfold about the Royal Borough and its tenant management during the past decade with regard to this situation.

Blocking such Email correspondence as I sent today is part of an effort to cover up and stop the transmission of the facts about extreme abuse which is intended to destroy human life.

I do not overstate this situation.

If you block any more of my Email correspondence in anyway in the future, I will make everything public in order to effect that communication.

Please ensure that this Email has been delivered with attachments to its recipient and confirm this to me.

In light of my experience I would recommend that you consider your position and your legal liability for what continues to happen at the Lancaster West Estate especially in light of the fact that my communication has been blocked.

Yours sincerely

Gary D Chance

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Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
Date: Wednesday 27 February 2008 17:23
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Subject: MailMarshal Notification
Date: Wednesday 27 February 2008 16:00
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MailMarshal (an automated content monitoring gateway) has stopped the following message:

Message: B47c5880e0000.000000000001.0001.mml
From: [Gary D Chance]
To: [Damian Donnelly]
Subject: Wed 27.02.2008 excessive disturbances at 0200, 0700, 0750 and 0800 reflecting direct and deliberate harassment coming from the flats above and below.

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