


Web Journal Sunday 28th October 2007

1. A programme on surveillance in the spy society of today on BBC News24 this afternoon is well worth watching although it is way behind the state-of-the-art technology which I've been experiencing for the past nine years and two months since August 1998 and especially during the past six years and eight months since February 2001 when US government agents/contractors and former US Marines Colonel Vine and Lt Harry Bird arrived with their state-of-the-art surveillance technology which was described by the latter as an "experiment." I saw this programme last night at 2130 and recommend it. You can see this worldwide on the Internet at the BBC News website whose URL is located to the right in the sidebar.

Our World: The Prying Game
Sunday 28 October
2:30pm - 3:00pm
BBC News 24

What is important is that this programme provides indications of not just detecting the presence of people inside a building through its walls, but also speculates about monitoring the brainwaves to determine if those people are the "good guys or the bad guys." This is a very primitive assessment of what is actually being done as I've been describing here. The ability to detect people's presence by such means as breathing and heartbeat has long been in use. This was used against me from mid-December 1999 to mid-December 2000 in a month long siege effort which was ostensibly underway to detect my presence in my flat and remove me by force. The police carried out this operation and stopped it after a month citing expense. This also coincided with efforts to drive me into the hands of the St Charles Hospital Acute Psychiatric Clinic which picked up from mid-January 2000 onwards. I don't "spook" at all.

Of equal importance is the statement that this technology is being developed for military usage in places such as Iraq. I have long maintained that Iraq will be the first nation on earth where massive population control will be carried out. Just a couple days ago, Lt Harry Bird responded to a question with "for the military" when he was asked by a male "What's the [ultimate] purpose of all this?" Of course, this confirmed my sense all along that this whole activity has been an R&D and medical experimentation programme for population control based upon neurological science technology development. The allegations against me are all total nonsense, and the circle of repetitive statements which serve to perpetuate this activity indefinitely have all indicated to me that this was being carried out to develop this surveillance technology.

There was also some speculative comment about the development usage of surveillance technology which originates from the military and ultimately finds itself being used in the private sector by contractors. The point was made that this technology developed by the US Department of Defense is being used overseas since it is illegal in the US where the public is protected by law and the US Constitution. However, the commentator went on to note that the surveillance technology would eventually find its way into widespread use in the US domestically as the general public is acclimated to ever increasing spying in the interest of security.

This can be see as a natural derivative from the parts of the programme which deal with such problems as airport security. The US population is being conditioned to accept more and more invasive techologies until such time when what I've been experiencing is brought along under this method to roll it out. At the moment the US is exploiting the rest-of-the-world as its laboratory for developing the most totally invasive and controlling surveillance technology ever known to human civilisation. George Washington the Father of the US and its first president is noted in the programme as the Father of spying in the US. What makes me think he is spinning in his grave?

Oh, yeah, and anyone who dares to tell it like it is as I am doing and have been doing from the very beginning can expect to be labeled as mentally ill with every effort made to snuff out the truth by this abuse of the "health" services just like the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany and other tyrannies of the recent and distant past have done. As with all despotic governments, their lackies use every brutal means to hide the truth of what they are doing. This is no exception. The Gulag being formed at present in the West is being created against those who are not liked for whatever reason by usage of this ultra sophisticated surveillance technology. This is not a Gulag network of concentration camps, but a Gulag network of those imprisoned, controlled and continuously abused by the use of this surveillance technology indefinitely.

n : a Russian prison camp for political prisoners

Gulag: from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Gulag (pronunciation (help·info), Russian: ГУЛАГ) was the government body responsible for administering prison camps across the former Soviet Union. The word is an acronym for Главное Управление Исправительно—Трудовых Лагерей и колоний, Glavnoye Upravleniye Ispravitelno-trudovykh Lagerey i kolonii, "The Chief Directorate [or Administration] of Corrective Labour Camps and Colonies" of the NKVD. Anne Applebaum, in her book Gulag: A History, explains:

“It was the branch of the State Security that operated the penal system of forced labour camps and associated detention and transit camps and prisons. While these camps housed criminals of all types, the Gulag system has become primarily known as a place for political prisoners and as a mechanism for repressing political opposition to the Soviet state. Though it imprisoned millions, the name became familiar in the West only with the publication of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's 1973 The Gulag Archipelago, which likened the scattered camps to a chain of islands.”

The word "Gulag" has also come to signify not only the administration of the concentration camps but also the system of Soviet slave labor itself, in all its forms and varieties: labor camps, punishment camps, criminal and political camps, women's camps, children's camps, transit camps., Even more broadly, "Gulag" has come to mean the Soviet repressive system itself, the set of procedures that prisoners once called the "meat-grinder": the arrests, the interrogations, the transport in unheated cattle cars, the forced labor, the destruction of families, the years spent in exile, the early and unnecessary deaths.

2. Humphrey Hawksley presented the above programme. A search turned up his web site and blog along with a reference link to the following BBC News article by him which reflects some of the content of The Prying Game. This is valuable information, but the public deserves to know everything that is taking place with respect to surveillance technology development since it will undermine and destroy democracy as we know it unless it is properly and democratically controlled.

BBC News Saturday, 15 September 2007, 10:38 GMT 11:38 UK

Big Brother is watching us all

By Humphrey Hawksley, BBC News, Washington

The US and UK governments are developing increasingly sophisticated gadgets to keep individuals under their surveillance. When it comes to technology, the US is determined to stay ahead of the game.

Big Brother is watching us all

I posted the following comment on Humphrey Hawksley's blog:

Gary D Chance Says:
October 28th, 2007 at 5:38 pm

If this book is reflected on the programme just broadcast (28.10.2007) on BBC News24: “Our World: The Prying Game,” it is nowhere near what is actually being done and has been carried out for years with respect to surveillance technology.

This is not a negative criticism of you, it’s a reflection on the fact that those developing Big Brother surveillance technology have done an excellent job so far of suppressing the truth about what most people do not want to believe actually exists and would rather shoot the messenger instead.

By the time the truth reaches the general media, it will be too late. Please see:

BBC News24: Our World: The Prying Game [This is a link to this page]

However, I am glad to see what was described getting out. It’s just a shame that you are not reporting all of it. As Noam Chomsky describes in his “Understanding Power:” those in authority are interviewed, but the obscure people who know the truth are not. This means an abuse of power is quite easy to accomplish.

That’s a sad statement about the media as it exists and not yourself. You probably cannot do otherwise if you want to earn a living as you do. Sticking one’s neck out too far has professional risks.

3. Seven incredibly loud, hard door slams from below at 2304 tonight. This reflects a serious emotional disturbance that is quite alarming. It's a defiance and a threat among other expressions. It's like a child throwing a tantrum. In adult, however, it is far worse and goes beyond a child like tantrum. This kind of behaviour needs to be addressed at this point. By allowing it to go on like this as has been occurring during the past 18 months since after Easter of last year there remains the very real possibility that it will explode into violence of a far more destructive kind.

Seven extraordinarily hard, loud door slams from below (GARY0051B.wav) at 2304 tonight, Sunday, 28.10.2007. This is an expression of extraordinary violence and has great significance in the overall context of surveillance technology abuse. It has to be recognised that the ongoing surveillance technology abuse carried out for the past nine years and two months 24/7 is a major contributing factor to this kind of behaviour. People cannot express their rage against the surveillance technology because of its nature, so it erupts in this manner quite unconsciously of the real causative source that is complexly intertwined with other contributing factors.

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