


Web Journal Thursday 19th October 2006

1. In light of the below report from BBC News it beggars belief that abuse of the surveillance process has been allowed to continue carried out against me a totally innocent person for eight yeas and two months 24/7 which goes on as of this writing.

If this report is accurate, and the seriousness of the threat from terrorism is as described, there is an absence of evidence that such a threat is being taken seriously. Given the cell structure described below, the surveillance technology used against me is the means to identify the terrorist threat down to the single individual to fully monitor and track each and every individual involved for all activity and associations at minimal expense and manpower needs.

Until this corruption that I witness continuously is stopped, the interest of the terrorist is being served by 1) destroying the democratic rule of law and its institutions; and 2) diverting resources so that terrorists go undetected and can succeed in killing and maiming innocent people. With North Korea producing nuclear weapons, it is reasonable to expect that terrorists will now have access to nuclear bombs. The situation is far more critical than most can even begin to imagine, yet the abuses to which I am subjected reveal that the seriousness of the terrorist threat is being officially and deliberately ignored.

BBC News Thursday, 19 October 2006, 10:07 GMT 11:07 UK

UK 'number one al-Qaeda target'

Scene of London bus bombing
The bombings on 7 July last year killed 52 people

Al-Qaeda has become more organised and sophisticated and has made Britain its top target, counter-terrorism officials have told the BBC.

Security sources say the situation has never been so grim, said BBC home affairs correspondent Margaret Gilmore.

They believe the network is now operating a cell structure in the UK - like the IRA did - and sees the 7 July bomb attacks "as just the beginning".

Each cell has a leader, a quartermaster dealing with weapons, and volunteers.

University worry

According to our correspondent, each cell works on separate, different plots, with masterminds controlling several different cells.

Training is taking place in the UK and Pakistan.

It was thought that five years ago al-Qaeda was a number of "loosely-connected organisations" with common aims, but it is now more organised, she said.

Security officials are concerned the group is targeting universities and the community, and are "less worried" about mosques, she added.

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