


Web Journal Thursday 14th December 2006

A massive news day:

1. Former Met Police Commissioner Lord Stevens' Diana inquiry report comes out;

2. Prime Minister Tony Blair interviewed by police in Cash-for-Honours investigation;

3. Attorney General Lord Goldsmith announces in House of Lords the scuppering of corruption investigation in Saudi Arabia deal while the House of Commons is in recess with everyone gone home; and

4. Massive investigation continues to find killer of five women in Ipswich whose bodies have been found in the past couple weeks.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch . . .

1. Three star tenant management has been awarded this distinction without merit. They have quickly sunk back into the brutal ways of the pre-inspection days after the inspection was carried out last July, and the three stars subsequently awarded. Tenant management is fundamentally a fascist totalitarian regime which operates much like the Nazis did in Germany.

"We don't like him," a male let it be known one night not that long ago. This was followed later by "We're trying to force him out." Now they are using children to augment this "re-housing" programme for those who are supportive of the Labour Party and will vote Labour. This is a Labour Party controlled environment with three Labour Party Councillors and a Labour Party MP. They have done nothing in response to my Emailed information sent out over the years to stop this extreme torture abuse from surveillance technology 24/7. In fact, some of these elected officials have participated in the surveillance activity.

"Where will we live?" asked a child recently at the same time he or a friend were carry out the verbal abuse coming in my kitchen window from outside. A woman said "He you want me to help you, come to me." This child's mother has been claiming my flat as her "house" for over five years and demanding "Get him out. It's my house." This demand is made after false allegations are created by these vigilantes using the surveillance technology. Now, they got the children doing it in a big way as of 1st December 2006.

When the Nazis wanted housing for their own people during the housing shortage in Germany, they moved out the Jews, shipped them off to concentration camps and gave their homes to those they favoured. This is what is happening here. It's rather sad to see that the children are being raised like this to be good fascist bullies, but that is the way it is. I'm currently reading Alan Furst's latest novel The Foreign Correspondent (Weidenfield & Nicholson, London, 2006) where a character states "In Italy, they go down to the six-year-olds, make fascists of the children, get them while they're young. It's awful." (p 79) It's the same thing here.

This child said a week or so ago "It's lying. I won't do it." But, he has done it anyway. This sets up an incredible conflict inside himself that is impossible to resolve when heis being compelled by adults to carry out abuse he knows is wrong. The question emerges as to how much damage this will continue to cause him after all the abuse he has suffered? Today I sent the following Email to tenant management:

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Subject: Daily Nuisance Noises From The Adjacent Flat For Last Three Days Between 0700 and 0800
Date: Thursday 14 December 2006 14:25
From: Gary D Chance
To: "Damian Donnelly"

Damian Donnelly
Area Manager TMO/EMB
Lancaster West Estate
Grenfell Tower

Dear Mr Donnelly

1. I don't ever want to deal with Alan Hunter again.

2. For the past three mornings between about 0700 and about 0800 excessive and deliberate noises have originated from the adjacent flat consistent with such noises that have been occurring at various times and addressed for many months. Deliberate door slamming, hitting/stomping and furniture scraping from there have been recorded and documented on each of these mornings. The 14 consecutive hit/thuds that occurred this morning were deliberately intended to disturb in my opinion and/or done to attribute them to me while I was trying to sleep.

3. After 0100 early yesterday on Wednesday morning there was thumping bass music coming from there while I was going to bed. Had I been asleep I would have been woken. This is why it is futile for me to go to sleep earlier, and then I am subjected to excessively deliberate noise nuisance from there starting at 0700. I never know when this music will be turned on like this. Although the digital audio recorder was recording in the bedroom at that time while I prepared for bed but was occupied in the living room, it did not record this thumping bass music. However, some apparently related noises were captured.

4. On Tuesday and Wednesday last I was woken from a sound sleep by these excessively loud noises from there. On Tuesday morning I managed to get back to sleep but was woken after only 15 minutes shortly before the excessively loud door slamming began from there. On Wednesday morning I was woken from a sound sleep at 0730.

I have just reviewed the continuous digital sound recording for this latter experience and have verified the noises in conjunction with my verbal notes about them including my waking at 0730. I have not reviewed the video as yet since this is time consuming as you might well understand with one hour per day from three separate sources which have to be carefully and repeatedly coordinated. I am in the process of thoroughly documenting all three of these mornings from the three sources of media recordings.

I am also subjected to continuous abuse from those using the surveillance technology while I accomplish, prepare and review this documented noise nuisance activity.

This noise nuisance at this point is hardly a matter for the police or mediation. The police do not want to know about noise nuisance, and it is totally one sided. I am doing nothing and never have done anything except to try to sleep which the video clearly reveals. It's a deliberate noise nuisance disturbance intended to disturb which has to be stopped that has started shortly after Easter and has continued ever since as has been documented and reported.

****End of the Email*****

2. The leader of the totalitarian Labour Party and the control freak Prime Minister of the UK was questioned today in regard to the "Cash for Honours" investigation by the police. This is the first time ever that a UK Prime Minister has been questioned while in office by the police. This could be the first in a series of such interviews with the Prime Minister.

BBC News Thursday, 14 December 2006, 23:22 GMT

Blair questioned in honours probe

Prime Minister Tony Blair
Mr Blair was questioned for almost two hours by police

Police have asked Tony Blair about notes of conversations between his chief fundraiser Lord Levy and a major Labour donor, the BBC has learned.

Notes made by Sir Christopher Evans, who loaned the party £1m, have been seized by officers. They allegedly include references to honours.

But a spokesman for Sir Christopher, a businessman, said there was no record of promises of peerages.

Mr Blair's questioning was not under caution, meaning he is not a suspect.

3. This blockbusting stunner was slipped into the House of Lords today by the Attorney General Lord Goldsmith so reported Nick Robinson on BBC News24 on a day when there were major overwhelming stories which this Labour government most likely hoped would smother this extraordinary decision that was attributed directly to Tony Blair. Is he interfering in the prosecution of serious fraud? Lord Goldsmith's role in the "Cash for Honours" debacle is complicated at best and suspicious in the extreme at worst. He's going to wear two hats in that one in a situation which is out of the news at the moment with regard to his role but could be another blockbusting stunner. Stay tuned. I'm still waiting for publication of his full advice on the invasion of Iraq.

BBC News Thursday, 14 December 2006, 22:35 GMT

Saudi defence deal probe ditched

Image of Eurofighter seen from the front
Arms deals with Saudi Arabia have been worth billions to the UK

The Serious Fraud Office has dropped a corruption probe into a £6bn defence deal with Saudi Arabia, after warnings it could damage national security.

Attorney General Lord Goldsmith said the SFO was "discontinuing" its investigation into Britain's biggest defence company, BAE Systems.

The reversal follows reports that Saudi Arabia was considering pulling out of a deal to buy Eurofighter jets from BAE.

Lord Goldsmith said he thought that a prosecution "could not be brought".

He said the decision had been made in the wider public interest, which had to be balanced against the rule of law.

No weight has been given to commercial interests or to the national economic interest
Serious Fraud Office statement

Lord Goldsmith also told peers that Prime Minister Tony Blair had agreed that the continuation of the investigation would cause "serious damage" to relations between the UK and Saudi Arabia.

The probe had related to the Al Yamamah arms deal with Saudi Arabia. BAE has denied any wrongdoing.

4. The fly tipped black bags mutliply. They now appear on top as well as on the ground. Are these leaf bags placed here? Whatever they will certanly attract more fly tipping. It's like priming the well to get the water flowing.

Recycle Bin Fly Tipping 061214 at 0837 Recycle Bins Fly Tipping Multiple Black Bags Remain 061214 0837

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