


Web Journal Saturday 25th November 2006

1. The truth is determined by those who yell the loudest, most often and with the largest number of people. Witches were broken down in this country by putting them into a room then stomping on the floor above continuously 24/7. Pursuit of witches is alive and well in the UK under the guise of modern accountrements.

Instead of shouting "witch," "potty" is used. Instead of the clergy and its ecclesiastical court, the psychiatrists have replaced them with surveillance technology and tribunals used to determine guilt aka diagnosis.

"Prickers"(1) are no longer used. They have been replaced by surveillance technology users comprising an orchestrated assortment of authority figures from various backgrounds who change from time to time to hide themselves and duck responsibility for this outlawed practise. Howewer, they are grouped around a core of hard core obsessives who remain 24/7 without ever leaving.

I can attest to this witch hunt and persecution mentality since it has been used against me for eight and 1/4 years 24/7. The Email below shows just one hour out of 24 when this has been in effect. Appealing to tenant management and the police is quite useless since they are participants, but it makes for a good record. Those carrying out the surveillance technology torture demand a confession under penalty of death.

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Subject: Surveillance technology driven continuous thuds, thumps, hits, stomping from below the bedroom for over an hour
Date: Saturday 25 November 2006 09:01
From: Gary D Chance
To: "Damian Donnelly", "Alan Hunter", ************

Damian Donnelly, Area Manager TMO/EMB, Lancaster West Estate, Grenfell Tower
Alan Hunter, Estate Officer, Lancaster West Estate, Grenfell Tower
Inspector ******************, Metropolitan Police, Notting Hill Station, Ladbroke Grove


There was an unbelievable series of loud and continuous noises from below my bedroom this morning starting shortly after 0700 which went on for an hour or more. Toward the end there were some noises which appeared to be coming from above my bedroom around 0800 and thereafter.

This was accompanied by verbal abuse and false allegations from those using the surveillance technology and also the same from a nearby female voice coming in through the bedroom window.

I can prove conclusively that I had nothing whatsoever to do with any of these continuously disturbing noises and spent the entire time motionless on my bed trying to get to sleep. There were explicit false allegations from those described that I was the source of this noise. This is totally false.

Given these false allegations in this instance it is conclusive that this was a set up attempt by those involved accompanied by every effort to be as provocative as possible.

BS, Lt Harry Bird and others using the surveillance technology were directly involved in the false allegations and continuously provocative verbal abuse all of which has been documented. BS went so far as to deny that these continuous noises were coming from below my bedroom and claimed "I know" as "proof/evidence." She made such denials several times.

0844: "Pull him out," said BS just as I finished this Email using the surveillance technology to enable her and others to know all that I am doing.

This amount of attempt at overwhelming abuse which has occurred this morning is part of a pattern of such attempt at overwhelming abuse repeated frequently involving the use of surveillance technology intended to cause others to act precipitously upon such incitement to carry out this crime.

There is a hope that such precipitous action would further obscure the reality of what is actually happening so that those who are causing the mayhem can get away with falsely attributing it to me. It sounds very much like there are children involved in this activity from the flat below my bedroom who might be running and stomping as well as hitting and creating the thuds and thumping.

Such incitement as was made by BS is an offence, but is one that is often made by Linda and/or Lt Harry Bird. The mayhem and the incitement along with the other verbal abuses are also intended to criminally harass me hoping to intimidate me into not sending this or other communications. That is why these false allegations of various kinds continue nonstop but are accelerated at times when I document and communicate this criminal activity.

*****End of the Email*****

(1)R D Laing describes prickers in the third paragraph quoted below:

". . . [Schizophrenia] demonstrates a disorder, generally found all over society, to which some people are subject, many of whom have managed to reinforce their disorder in a socially acceptable way by becoming psychiatrists." (pps 25-6)

"A great degree of psychopathology and psychiatric theory is an institutionalised, reciprocally reinforced projection system applied by people to people, and that says, in many cases, more about the psychiatrist than it does about the patient." (pps 26)

"There was an institution during the Inquistion a few hundred years ago--a very highly regarded group of men who were called prickers. They carried around pricks--needles of different calibers--that they used to stick through the skin and into the bone marrow of women who were thought to be witches. They listened to the screams. Did they scream or did they not? If they didn't scream, they were probably witches, able to counteract the exquisiteness of the pain. If they did scream, it had to be determined if the screaming were genuine or fake. This could be a witch who was inured to pain, who had taken some forbidden painkilling drug and who was not really feeling the pain, just pretending to scream, in order to get off. So the prickers became experts, technologists, who could find the most painful part of the body, apply pain, and observe the reaction. It's the same sort of mind, the same sorry thing today. It's evil." (pps 26-7)

"Once you have the backing of a professional stance by massive economic interests, then both theory and practice in that profession are in danger of serving the ends of the economic interests that are paying for it . . . All over the place individuals and clusters of individuals get so knotted up, so screwed up, so embroiled in very complex situations that no one in the situation knows what is going on. Someone must be brought in to intervene in the hope that intervention will in one way or another bring some clarity to the situation, so that the confusions of the people will be mitigated in some way." (pps 36-7) [This is why Lt Harry Bird et al deliberately create a mess.]

The quotes above come from:

"R D Laing: The Man and His Ideas", Richard I Evans, A Dutton Paperback, E P Dutton & Co, Inc, New York, 1976.

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