


Web Journal Saturday 8th July 2006

BBC News Saturday, 8 July 2006, 19:28 GMT 20:28 UK

Enron trial decision under fire

(L-R) Giles Darby, David Bermingham and Gary Mulgrew
The men say they are innocent and should be tried in the UK

Opposition leaders have criticised the attorney general's decision to refuse a UK trial for three British bankers wanted in the US over Enron's collapse.

Lord Goldsmith said he saw no basis for the Serious Fraud Office to change its decision to leave the case with the US.

But Liberal Democrat leader Sir Menzies Campbell said it was a "dereliction of duty" by the government.

Shadow home secretary David Davis added that it showed extradition laws between the US and the UK were "one-sided".

David Bermingham, Gary Mulgrew and Giles Darby are accused of, in 2000, advising NatWest to sell part of an Enron company for less than it was worth.

Prosecutors say the trio then left NatWest, bought into the firm themselves and sold it off for a much higher fee, pocketing about £1.5m ($2.7m) each in the process.

The fact that the UK has suceeded its sovereignty to the US is no secret to me. In February 2001 US Government agents Lt Harry Bird and Colonel Vine, former US Marines, arrived bearing surveillance technology and started using it against me an Irish citizen. The commenced to "break every law in the book" said Lt Harry Bird describing his imprisonment, terror torture campaign and R&D surveillance technology research along with medical experimentation carried out on a nonconsenting human guinea pig.

They have been using the most sophisticated surveillance technology known to the civilised world to carry out 24/7 torture interrogation to "shut him down" in order to "break him down" as stated often by Lt Harry Bird. They have deliberately refused to recognise any "policy" and have explicitly stated this as expressed by Lt Harry Bird's words that he "did not care what the policy was."

These US Government agents claiming among others that Bush, the White House and other US Government personnel and departments are responsible for their activity whenver anyone asked. They are carrying out an assassination programme with the lethal use of the surveillance technology reinforced with many threats to kill including Lt Harrry Bird saying "You will die fiirst before I stop" using the surveillance technology in this manner.

I have said frequently throughout these five years and five months that these two have usurped the sovereignty of this UK and even sent letters to the Queen, the Prime Minister and others to this effect. "I'll kill him," said Lt Harry Bird at this moment while I was writing this at 00:28:00 (BST) early on Sunday morning. These death theats along with threats of violence are frequent. They have taken the law into their own hands and have been carrying out punishment torture based upon a presumption of guilt with the ultimate intention to murder. No one can control them although many have tried.

They have destroyed the democratic rule of law in the UK along with its law enforcement and legal justice system in favour of US Government agent vigilante behaviour in the UK. They don't need rendition flights. This is an in situ prison, torture chamber and medical experimenation portable unit focussed on one person with the benefit of unheard of and largely unbelievable surveillance technology. It will be believed as the truth of this sinks in from myself and other such targets who continue to spread the word.

If you think Jonathan Kent Idema was a "case" in Kabul and is now serving a ten year prison sentence for his physical imprisonment and torture, you have not heard the likes of Lt Harry Bird and Colonel Vine who make Oedema look like a choir boy. You will have to realise that fundamentally the US is a military dictatorship which is destroying the sovereignty of other countries around the world including the UK. Other member states of the European Union have not negotiated such an imbalanced extradiction treaty with the US.

The fact that the UK recently negotiated a new extradiction treaty with the US which creates a one way street of extradiction to the US on suspicion alone was not surprising to me given my experience since February 2001. The UK is a colony of the US in my direct experience. Now this new and one-sided relationship between the US and the UK has surfaced dramatically demonstrating that legally the UK has surrendered its sovereignty as a nation state to the US. How Parliament did this will forever be a blight upon it and a risk to the British people from the arbitrary and capricious use to which this extradiction treaty can now used by the US but not by the UK.

The silver lining to this is that Lt Harry Bird, Colonel Vine and others are subject to US Federal Court jurisdiction for their unlawful and criminnal acts as well as being subject to UK and European law. They are trying to use the surveillance technology to manufacture allegations which will allow them to manipulate this extradiction treaty for their own advantage against me to escape their own legal accountabilty and responsibilty. While they try to usurp the democratic rule of law and its institutions, it might very well it against them to bring them under its jurisdiction and adjutication for they have engaged in extensive unlawful and criminal acts in the UK againt me.

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