


Web Journal Wednesday 22nd November 2006

COINTELPRO has moved to the UK a half a century after its origin in the US. The British evidently think that this is a stupendous idea for increasing promotion opportunities, making more money and increasing one's power so much so that they have embraced its principles in my direct experience with a zeal that cannot be overstated. The following is from Paul Wolf's description of COINTELPRO's techniques which match my experience. The British are evidently considered so backwardly ignorant that the introduction of COINTELPRO techniques into the UK is left to US Marine Corps dolts who are without any redeeming social value whatsoever and only know how to "break things and kill." There's nothing like rolling out outdated claptrap from the US to sell to the backwater regions of the world. Apparently, there's still mileage in COINTELPRO yet.

"Although covert operations have been employed throughout FBI history, the formal COunter INTELligence PROgrams (COINTELPRO's) of the period 1956-1971 were the first to be both broadly targeted and centrally directed."

COINTELPRO Techniques are quoted herein from this URL.

"From its inception, the FBI has operated on the doctrine that the "preliminary stages of organization and preparation" must be frustrated, well before there is any clear and present danger of "revolutionary radicalism."

"At its most extreme dimension, political dissidents have been eliminated outright or sent to prison for the rest of their lives. There are quite a number of individuals who have been handled in that fashion.

"Many more, however, were "neutralized" by intimidation, harassment, discrediting, snitch jacketing, a whole assortment of authoritarian and illegal tactics.

"Neutralization, as explained on record by the FBI, doesn't necessarily pertain to the apprehension of parties in the commission of a crime, the preparation of evidence against them, and securing of a judicial conviction, but rather to simply making them incapable of engaging in political activity by whatever means.

"For those not assessed as being in themselves, necessarily a security risk, but engaged in what the Bureau views to be politically objectionable activity, those techniques might consist of disseminating derogatory information to the target's family, friends and associates, visiting and questioning them, basically, making it clear that the FBI are paying attention to them, to try to intimidate them.

"If the subject continues their activities, and particularly if they respond by escalating them, the FBI will escalate its tactics as well. Maybe they'll be arrested and prosecuted for spurious reasons. Maybe there will be more vicious rumors circulated about them. False information may be planted in the press. The targets' efforts to speak in public are frustrated, employers may be contacted to try to get them fired. Anonymous letters have been sent by the FBI to targets' spouses, accusing them of infidelity. Others have contained death threats.

"And if the subject persists then there will be a further escalation.

"According to FBI memoranda of the 1960s, "Key black activists" were repeatedly arrested "on any excuse" until "they could no longer make bail." The FBI made use of informants, often quite violent and emotionally disturbed individuals, to present false testimony to the courts, to frame COINTELPRO targets for crimes they knew they did not commit. In some cases the charges were quite serious, including murder.

"Another option is "snitch jacketing" - making the target look like a police informant or a CIA agent. This serves the dual purposes of isolating and alienating important leaders, and increasing the general level of fear and factionalism in the group."

1. The intense abuse against me continues as I try to solve problems the proper way by documenting them and communicating them to the appropriate authority as I have been doing for decades. By way of reply I am subjected to more lethal abuse from the use of the surveillance technology as those in power fear for their loss of it because they have lost control by going down the criminal path trying to destroy the messenger instead of working hard to get a job done properly. As a result, I sent the following two Emails (first has an Email enclosure) today about these problems since they continue.

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Subject: Tenant Management's Deliberate Disregard for Health and Safety Continues Despite Extensive Communication
Date: Wednesday 22 November 2006 09:45
From: Gary D Chance

Councillor Merrick Cockell
Leader of the Council

Dear Councillor Cockell

1. Further to my Email of 11th September 2006 (see enclosed) and earlier communications, the failure to properly manage the waste disposal at the Lancaster West Estate at the recycle Blue Bins alongside Whitchurch Road persists. Please see

Web Journal Entry For 21st November 2006

for full details and photographs. This problem persists this morning the last time I looked out the window.

2. There was also a serious safety threat yesterday created by leaf pickup activity which completely blocked the narrow entrance to the Lancaster West Estate at Whitchurch and Bramley Roads which would have interfered with an emergency response requiring access at that point putting life and property at risk. This was an unconscionable activity.

These failures in tenant management constitute an ongoing deliberate disregard for tenant health and safety which I've been addressing for years. I've sent a copy of this to Waste Management but have no idea who would be ultimately responsible for the leaf pickup activity. Tenant management was notified yesterday as described in the URL above twice by Email with photos with no effective results during the day. Therefore, I've made this public on my web journal and seek to inform you about these failures once again.

Sometimes a minute or two can mean the difference between life and death when the emergency services respond. I do not believe that you or anyone would want to see death result from activity like the leaf pickup entrance blockage causing such a tragedy, but the only way to prevent this is to make certain that the safety and health of the tenants is respected in advance which tenant management does not do and has not done for years.

I also want to point out that the continuing concentration of totally invasive surveillance technology carried out against me 24/7 now for eight and 1/4 years intended to destroy human activity and life itself is a major contributing factor to the fact that standards in this environment have been inverted with antisocial and criminal activity elevated to the existing acceptable standard of behaviour. This is also being described on my web journal on an ongoing basis and has a direct relevance to the two issues raised herein as described above.

Yours sincerely

Gary D Chance

cc BBC News24
RBK&C Waste and Recycling Management


---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Subject: Council Fly Tipping Persists Over a Year After Comprehensive Correspondence
Date: Monday 11 September 2006 15:50
From: Gary D Chance

Councillor Merrick Cockell
Leader of the Council

Dear Councillor Cockell

A letter I sent to you and others over 13 months ago about fly tipping by the Council itself associated with recycling did not do much good. The letter followed on after an Email a week earlier that had not worked either.

Having given you and others sufficient written and video clip communication without success, I have now made this persistent problem public at:

Web Journal Entry For 10th September 2006

This problem can be solved quite easily at the Council management level as I describe.

You can look for updates on my web journal about this problem if it persists.

The extensive abuse carried out by those using the surveillance technology to stop me from addressing these safety and health problems has failed as well.

Yours sincerely

Gary D Chance

cc BBC News24
RBK&C Waste and Recycling Management

*****End of the First Email*****

****Second Email*****

Subject: Music Thumping Away From Below Sat & Sun Last; Stomping on Ceiling Above Living Room Sun Last
From: "Gary D Chance"
To: "Damian Donnelly", "Alan Hunter"
Date: Today 15:58:22

Damian Donnelly, Area Manger TMO/EMB Lancaster West Estate Alan Hunter, Estate Officer Lancaster West Estate


On Saturday evening (18.11.2006) and Sunday afternoon (19.11.2006) last there was loud thumping music from below for about 45 minutes to one hour. This thumping bass music permeated all areas of my flat. I made sample recordings of this as follows:

1. Thumping Bass Music Saturday, 18th November 2006, at 1937 1 of 2

This used a more sensitive microphone setting called "conference" on Saturday evening, 18th November 2006, at 19:37:35 for about 1 min and 33 secs of recorded sound on the digital recorder in the bedroom then placed in the window sill. The music was coming from below. This recording was stopped at about 19:38:57. I note that Lt Harry Bird said something like "Endless" while I was making this recording. This is a negative characterisation of my activity which he uses for abusive purposes in an indeterminant way so that it can have multiple meanings. It is used here in a nonspecific but always negative manner.

2. Thumping Bass Music Saturday, 18th November, 2006 at 1939 2 of 2

Saturday evening, 18th November 2006, at 19:39:20 until about 19:40:41 for about 1 min and 27 secs of recorded sound through the sound level meter to the digital recorder. This microphone is much more sensitive. The sound level meter is on a tripod on the floor between the head of the bed and the window. The static heard is the pulsing DC current which transmits the actual sound level meter readings as well as the analogue voice signal.

You can tell how sensitive the microphone is when I speak since it is quite loud although I am standing some distance away. The point of this is to gain a closer approximation to the sound as it is actually heard as if I was trying to sleep on my bed. This was the same sound which was heard after 0100 this Saturday morning, but it was lower at that time. Nonetheless, it was still disturbing.

There is a pause between songs in the middle of this recording to provide a contrast between its absence and present as it happened to occur here. You will hear me note what Lt Harry Bird said about this activity as I was doing it. "I can't believe it," he said which is one of his stock phrases to cause alarm in others and intimidate me if he can. He is always attacking me no matter what I am doing especially if I am collecting evidence.

3. Thumping Bass Music Sunday, 19th November 2006, at 1330

Sunday, 19th November 2006, at 13:30:53. I walked from the living room where the sound could be heard into the bedroom to make this recording. 13:31:42 into the bedroom I noted as the time I entered the bedroom. The thumping bass is quite loud. The sound of voices can also be heard coming in the bedroom window along with the thumping bass. A male can be clearly heard saying "No, you really can't do that." I note what I heard which is verified on the recording. Toward the end of this short sample I noted the time as 13:33:25. The total elapsed time is about 2 mins 59 secs.

I never know when these people will blast away with this thumping music be it day or night. Since they disturb and deprive me of sleep, playing this during the daytime also keeps me from resting and catching up on my lost sleep if I attempted had to do so.

There is clearly a disregard for others with respect to this thumping bass music which has been going on since about Easter last and continues despite my repeated correspondence to you about it. They might slack off for a bit, but they crank it up all over again eventually.

4. Sometime between 1600 and 1700 on Sunday, 19th November 2006, someone was deliberately stomping quite hard from time to time on the ceiling above the living room and where I sat at the computer writing an Email. I had the video recorder on and captured my silent activity. I wear headsets for sound from music, TV, radio or whatever source, so that there is no sound from my activity. The sound of the stomps and hits on the floor above came in clearly on the video's sound recording while showing me silently typing away with only the wee bit of noise from the keyboard. This kind of stomping is a frequent occurrence happening from time to time as I move from room to room.

Yours sincerely

Gary D Chance

*****End of the Second Email*****

2. This is the Tory response to the hobnail boot stomping noises from New Labour the party of Big Brother and COINTELPRO. It's necessary to be smart in this world and use brainpower. Macho creeps don't hack it. Look what happened on 9/11, 7/7, 7/21 and other places in the world at various times. These terrorists went undetected. Well, not exactly. Some were detected but not followed due to lack of resources. The creeps like Lt Harry Bird and BS use up these resources faking it against innocents like me who could do an excellent job against terrorism, but these perverted types would rather satisfy their own corrupt self interest with terrorist attacks the result. The consequence of this then is the bully strut from the likes of Gordon Brown and John Reid for image management becauee there is no substance.

The Guardian Wednesday, 22nd November 2006

Cameron attacks Labour's 'tough-guy posturing'

Matthew Tempest, political correspondent

A CCTV image of the London bombers at Luton station on July 7.
A CCTV image of the London bombers at Luton station on July 7 2005. Photograph: Getty.
David Cameron tonight launched a scathing attack on the chancellor and home secretary, accusing them of "tough-guy posturing" on national security to promote their leadership ambitions rather than the interests of the country.

In a speech on terrorism and security at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, the Conservative leader said: "The two main contenders for the Labour leadership are vying to outdo each other on how 'tough' they can sound on security.

"And today I want to say something directly to Gordon Brown and John Reid: everyone can see what you're up to."

Mr Cameron said: "There is no shame in seeking the leadership of your party, but to use national security for political ends, that is not leadership.,,1954519,00.html

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