


Web Jourrnal Monday 20th November 2006

Mon Nov 20 08:57:30 GMT 2006: "A kind of hit job," said Lt Harry Bird which is what he has been saying for years more explicitly and backed it with continuous actions intended to kill with the use of the surveillance technology. However, he uses this now in light of yesterday's web journal entry to play upon the reality of his threats and actions further. This is what greets me after a night and eaarly morning of abuse and extreme lethal surveillance technololgy usage. There are no restraints on the extreme R&D experimentation, medical experimentation and torture interrogation activity from the use of the surveillance technology. After eight years and three months of totally invasive surveillance technology abuse carried out 24/7 by large numbers of people, it can be nothing other than a "hit job" to destroy exposure about the truth of this activity. Years ago Lt Harry Bird aka SODM ROCKET had this ditty dedicated to him "SODM is a hit man/A really big hit man."

Welcome to the North Kensington Killing Fields an assassination centre of London where the lethal use of surveillance technology has been carried out for eight and 1/4 years 24/7 against me including the production of a government sponsored snuff film. Thousands of photos and an unkown amount of video footage has been taken of me inside my home while being subjected to 24/7 torture with the intent to destroy human activity and human life.

In the photo below you see the point where St Anns Road becomes Bramley Road. At this point of road transition off to the left where that auto is turning is a wee bit more of Bramley Road which terminates very quickly into Freston Road. At that corner is the fabled and once renowned gangster hangout location of the Bramely Arms now a media business of some sort. Across Freston Road there used to exist vehicle wrecking yards or so it used to appear to me. Veritable "Chop Shops" I would say and a tradition that has not been lost as my experience proves. Just at the point where that auto is turning is the Chrysalis Building off to the left where Heart FM is located, and according to a sign on the building something of LBO. Could this be its broadcast home too? The scene shows a Monday morning after an all night storm with rain and high winds as it is clearing.

To travel this scenic route in historic North Kensington take the 295 bus north from any point up to Shepherd's Bush Green and ride on as far as you like. Sit up on the upper deck on the front seat and watch this intriguing area of London unfold directly in front of you. The 295 bus will terminate at the Sainsbury's at Ladbroke Grove where some 38 people were killed several years ago on the tracks below Ladbroke Grove due to a trains's failure to stop for a signal. There is a memorial to this train disaster near the entrance to Sainsbury's over by the railroad tracks. Just beyond the area shown in this photo below heading further north is the Station Restaurant near the Latimer Road tube station which, as the former Station Tavern, used to be one of the best places for Blues in London. If you fancy a real home cooked meal especially a genuine English breakfast served in a rustic setting, there is the Embassy Cafe (with map) located to the south of the location of this photo at the corner of St Anns Road and Mortimer Square the bane of every aspirant who seeks to complete the Knowledge.

Can you Spot the Spook here?

St Anns Bramley Roads at Heart FM

This is Anti-Bullying Week in the United Kingdom, but you wouldn't know it in North Kensington.

I will emphasise the fact that the source of bullying (Bullying des Sources) originates from the government and invite everyone to come here to watch the government's bullying programme in action first hand. Just roam the neighbourhood asking for Lt Harry Bird. You will see why kids go to school in a bullying mood having learned how to pick on the weak and vulnerable because they watched the government disable and make vulnerable an adult with surveillance technology. Some children have directly participated and provide shining examples in schools about how to best carry out bullying most effectively. Child abusers make the best candidates for the government's surveillance technology abuse against a human being for extented periods of time like my eight and 1/4 years. Actually this activity is fundamentally a School for Bullies.

Mon Nov 20 14:29:02 GMT 2006: a couple minutes ago a male said "He's ill" after I wrote the last sentence in the paragraph above proving my point made therein. He is bullying me with the use of surveillance technology by totally invading my personal privacy inside my home and forcing me through its use to listen to his verbal abuse. This is bullying. It is carried out by a group of people and has been going on for hours as part of its nonstop 24/7 bullying and torture campaign. How would you like to live this way? It will be the future unless you act to stop it now by raising this issue in everyway you can with everyone you can.

I've just finished preparing lunch. Throughout the process as occurs each and every time I prepare food for these many years with thousands and thousands of just this one example of these bullying sessions, I was subjected to continuous verbal abuse being forced to listen to the intense verbal abuse which constitutes unlawful and criminal harassment as well as torture. I note this frequently along with the bullying. I made complete audio and video recordings of this bullying all the while I prepared food. This male is now trying to discredit what I wrote by attacking me with a false negative characterisation that constitutes bullying when I accurately describe what is taking place. It is a veritable School for Bullies. He hoppes to carry the day with his verbal violence against me by justifying it in this bullying manner.

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